Why it's so cherished? They sell it as a amazingopen world experience but is incredibly linear It's literally impossible to replay or even enjoy as an adult, not because hurr hurr kiddy shit bad but because the fun is figuring out for yourself where to go next, of course these kind of thing is great for kids with too much time but as an adult I might as well search it on the internet and when it comes to replaybilty is pointless because you already know what to do. It's not like the combat is amazing either or as if there is even a point to engage on it at all. Once you see and explore all areas that's it, it's a grest experience with the sense of wonder you only have as a kid, thinking over secrets that aren't even there but as a adult you see it for what it really is, a glorified point A to point B game, honestly I feel like this over the big majority of games, how do I enjoy it again?