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Anonymous 04/22/2023 (Sat) 16:20:05 No.2538
What went wrong? It had good games but it did so badly in the market.
>>2538 https://web.archive.org/web/20130819010845/http://www.notenoughshaders.com/2013/08/15/the-struggles-of-marketing-the-gamecube >"The "hardcore" Nintendo audience was equally cast aside. "Why bother? They're going to buy anything we put out anyway."
>>2541 >Social networks like MySpace, Facebook, or Twitter either didn’t exist The greatest time.
>>2538 PS2 was just unstoppable. N64 was already a flop, so they were coming from a weakened position. PS2 snatched every third party exclusive and made them its own. Gamecube also looked very childish and toy-like whereas PS2 was going for a mature Sony electronics look, which was in vogue with the rise of a new era of slick technology of DVDs and flat screened TVs. Your room was no longer a hodgepodge of bulky electronics, instead more devices were going for a complementary "office" multimedia look, and PS2 was playing right into that.
wasn't GC's controller notoriously shit? or am I thinking of the Dreamcast?
>>2550 I think it's the analog stick.
>the failure of Gamecube made Nintendo change their course and instead of pursuing powerful hardware switch to gimmick-based mid slop for normalfags A really sad turn of events. We should all have bought a Gamecube back in the day to prevent this.
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>>2550 Both the Gamecube and Dreamcast had amazing controllers. Are you thinking of the N64? >>2569 I bought the set with double dash - silver with 2 controllers for like 150 or 200 dollars. Wish I still had it.
>>2632 aren't both GC and N64 known for their faulty analog sticks?
>>2632 Shame that most people can only afford one console, and naturally went with the PS2.
>>2546 this was right at the start of the dudebro era too, so GC's toy-like look only made things worse
Comfy Cube
>>2611 take me back bros...
>>2538 Because it was just a games console, when this came out the convenience of a new format came along and it was a popular format that people still use to this day 20 years after. I am talking about the DVD player in PS2 and XBOX, when dvds and players came in the 96 and later, people kinda saw it as just a meme until the benefits of dvd became more clear like having the same quality as VHS/VCR but a new tape, and not loosing image quality on the films you bought, also at that time one would rent a movies and buy the films one really wanted to re-watch over and over again. So when PS2 came out, that was a legitimate reason to buy the console, for the stupid dvd player, the same was with xbox but the ps2 had one thing over the xbox, namely you didn't need to having to buy a remote controller to play dvds. Also, gamecube had another problem that was, no GTA games, or other edgy games that was a must have, they had gems but that was only for the people that knew about these games to begin with. But any so-called gamers either bought the gamecube or waited until the Wii came out and then bought gamecube games, so to play gamecube games on the wii when the wii market place was too dried up of memorable games, or games of interest.
>>4111 >that was a legitimate reason to buy the console, for the stupid dvd player a debunked meme
>>4115 no, a ps2 was 299 and a dvd player could be up to 399 during the launch. Also, don't forget that PS2 was marketed in electronics magazines and not just games magazines,so I remember the time of the magazines like magazines that was geared towards men, and these magazines would shill the PS2 console as a media-thing. Don't get me wrong people would've bought dvds players because they where really convenient compared to VHS, like I don't think you know or remember how inconvenient the VHS was, you had to re-wind the tape, and if you didn't rewind the tape allot of movie rental places would charge you extra for not rewinding the tape, so overall the dvd was really, really convenient and sized in a perfect way for the perfect time. How gamecube didn't explode when it was cheaper and in reality had great games at launch, but the gamecube felt like it had a limited number of games and not this wast sea of games like the PS2 or xbox.
>>4117 all this started and ended in the year 2000, PS2's sales were the biggest after the DVD craze ended
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>>4447 cute!
>>4447 Blanny Blanny B looks cute as fuck in her gamecube outfit.
I miss that era of console wars, like it was an actual war and all the consoles were wildly different with different approaches to controls, mediums, playback, visuals, etc. Now we have two consoles which are absolutely identical in every way and one underpowered garbage.
>>5047 I miss it when the fanboys were true autistic nerds as well, now they are jusy nu-male subhumans sucking off kiketendo.
>>5054 yeah I used to be a big Sony fanboy because Playstation had all the best games but why the fuck would you be a fanboy of anything now other than blind brand loyalty retardation
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>>2538 It might have something to do with how the games looked like chocolate chip cookies. >>5047 I had the Nintendo Shitcube back in elementary school and used to get in serious arguments with another kid who had an Xbox. It feels strange looking back. It was probably the last real console war.
>>5271 >how the games looked like chocolate chip cookies games looked great on Gamecube, what are you talking about
>>5272 It's in the video.
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>>2550 Ironically you could probably argue it was the best controller of the 6th generation. It had nice analog triggers for the time and its ergonomics were less clunky than its competitors. The d-pad could have been bigger, and having only a right bumper was an oddity, and the face button placement wasn't good for fighting games, but otherwise it was functionally really solid. The fuckup is how the controller LOOKED. The massive A button made it look like a fisher price toy. Nintendo controllers mostly aren't styled to look cool but none of them ever looked like as much of a TOY as the Gamecube's controller did. To me that's what cemented it as the "kids console" even more than its kids game game lineup. Think about the average teen kid and how they don't want to be picked on for having the gay console. You could buy RE:Zero and other games with blood in them but that wouldn't change that you're holding a gamepad that looked like it was designed for babies and the XBox and PS2 kids are gonna laugh at you about it.
>>5319 >but none of them ever looked like as much of a TOY as the Gamecube's controller did. To me that's what cemented it as the "kids console" Very true and that applies to the Gamecube itself, a small purple cube paired with that multicolored playdoh controller doesn't exactly impress anyone above the age of 10. That was specifically the era when home electronics were going the slick multimedia route with everything looking slick, professional and complementing one another, PS2 was playing right into that with its tasteful shapes, black matte finish and no excessive colors anywhere; you could put it in an office and it wouldn't stand out whereas Gamecube looked like the biggest children's toy on the market. >Ironically you could probably argue it was the best controller of the 6th generation Nah, that would be PS2. Specifically because they didn't try to reinvent the wheel and stuck to the tried and true perfection while every other 6th gen gamepad was actively trying not to be the Dualshock, going to great lengths to create all these wacky designs to be different.
>>5321 >Nah, that would be PS2 I won't disagree a case can be made, especially for at the time. I just know that when I hold a PS2 or a PS3 controller now it feels more unrefined to me than a GC controller does. The smooth dome top sticks, the shitty d-pad, the ergonomics of a SNES controller with grips added to it. For me the quirks of the GC pad aren't as offputting as all that, at least when it comes to games that are designed with it in mind.
>>5323 >especially for at the time it was all downhill from there
>>5313 The one I posted.
>>5364 Are you playing dumb? >>5271
>>5365 Are you playing dumb? >>5272
>>2550 No way man, there's a lot of shit to be talked about the Gamecube but the controller was at least on par with the Dualshock (I liked the GC controller better personally) and it absolutely btfo the Xbox controller which was a fat clunky piece of shit with awkward button placement and felt like you were holding one of those gigantic RC car controllers from the 90s that never fit right in your hands.
>>2633 The N64 for sure, you'd be lucky to play a single round of Mario Party without ruining it, but Gamecube analog sticks would last forever. I still have the controller I got with the console all the way back in like 2002 and the sticks still work just fine.
>>5383 >and it absolutely btfo the Xbox controller Well, everything did. >>5384 Yeah gamepads were made to withstand getting thrown across the room. Nowadays they're a sensitive piece of equipment stuffed with useless gimmicks, can't even breathe on them.
last good nintendo console
>>5387 You're right about both those points. Other than the analog sticks N64 controllers were even tankier than Gamecube controllers, when I was a little elementary school tardlet I'd drop and throw them hard as fuck or stomp on them and they'd still work just fine afterwards (besides the god damn joystick of course). Why was the OG Xbox controller made so fucking fat and weird anyway? I found an old one while going through boxes in my house recently and it still felt retarded huge and awkward even though my hands are twice the size they were when I got it as a kid. It seems like Microsoft deliberately made it stupid.
>>5455 >Why was the OG Xbox controller made so fucking fat and weird anyway? I found an old one while going through boxes in my house recently and it still felt retarded huge and awkward even though my hands are twice the size they were when I got it as a kid. It seems like Microsoft deliberately made it stupid. I remember there being a writer for GameNOW who referred to it as "the hamburger," and that's always felt apt to me. I remember it feeling like a big, sloppy burger that's about to start spilling its contents all over the place because you can't get a good enough grip on it.
>>5455 >Why was the OG Xbox controller made so fucking fat and weird anyway? Microsoft had no idea what they were doing. The infamous black and white buttons are laughed at to this day.
>>2538 imagine making a purple cube in the dudebro era
>>5455 >Why was the OG Xbox controller made so fucking fat and weird anyway? Xbox was initially a Dreamcast/Sega + Dudebro console, it took many elements from both to compete against the juvenile Gamecube and the Knower/Weeb userbase of the PS2. And so they took some elements from them, including the controllers minus interactive memory cards with gamepad; the Duke is similar to the Dreamcast controller with its forms inverted. The main problem with the Duke is not really the black and white buttons like anon said (and many small-handed people too) because in the reformed good version they are as retarded in terms of positioning, the real problem is the actual size of the logo which has no reason to be, it exists as a central axis for designing the rest of the elements but internally the memory card docks do not take that much space and slimming the sides meant an awkward position for the index fingers, it doesn't have the excuse the DC one had. Duke was made for big hands and/or resting it on the legs, it is one of the best pads for driving and the right thumbstick had that special rubber to aim more precisely with the tip of the thumb, the D-Pad decision i understand it but it was still dumb, because they thought not many 2D games would be around they made perhaps one of the most comfortable D-Pads ever IF you were using it only to rest your thumb or scroll linear menus, for actual gameplay it was merely okay for scrollers but for fighting games, which were some in the console, it was hell on earth. >>5470 >Microsoft had no idea what they were doing Wrong, they had but didn't know which one would stick with the public that weren't Nintendo or Sony
>>6239 >they had but didn't know which one would stick with the public that weren't Nintendo or Sony That's called not knowing what you're doing.
>>6240 Fair enough, at least they tried but Sega quickly went with selling more after Xbox had a relatively calm start. If they had consolidated all the Sega exclusives i think Japan would've adopted the console better, PS2 grabbed the rest of the games after 2004 or so and we didn't even have all of them in NTSC, Space Channel 5 part 2 for example which i didn't even know existed until someone mentioned it in /vg/. Also Microsoft penchant of always buying the wrong studios, Rare was an excellent choice but didn't give them total freedom that Nintendo otherwise did and later on those guys went to other routes. Xbox is filled with good intentions gone wrong and ironically their economically good days are when they started doing inane shit like forcing online-focused multiplayer shit in single player games, the Xbucks point system and the Xbone. Kinect was a piece of shit all the way and made Xbox lose a couple of years in the final stage of the Gen 7 but at least it works well with some modded PCs.
>>6342 >Xbox is filled with good intentions lol, Xbox is filled with corporate greed since day one, MS saw the insane success of PSX and wanted in on all that gamingbux. That being said, I like the era of early OG Xbox where they tried to get into the jap market (since all the consoles were japanese) and so there's that slew of Xbox-only japanese games/ports that are pretty interesting.
>>6347 >That being said, I like the era of early OG Xbox where they tried to get into the jap market and so there's that slew of games that are pretty interesting. That's called good intentions in terms of making games.
>>6350 No that's called good fortune that you got a bunch of jap devs to make games for you.
Everything went right.
>>6347 kino games
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Was Super Smash Bros. Melee a commercial failure? I ask this, because the GameCube was a Commercial Failure (It even lost to the Xbox, which was a newcomer)
>>7486 It sold like 7 million copies so no I don't think it was a failure that's a shitload of copies. >GameCube was a commercial failure It was? I thought it wound up outselling the Xbox towards the end of that gen. The PS2 beat the absolute shit out of both of them though.
>>7509 >I thought it wound up outselling the Xbox towards the end of that gen xbox sold 24 million and gamecube sold 21.
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>>7511 So they sold close to the same amount. How are you quantifying commercial failure though? I thought GC Xbox and PS2 all made profits (immense in PS2's case) while the Dreamcast was an actual commercial failure.
>>7617 Xbox was a newcomer, Gamecube was Nintendo who were the industry masters just a few years prior. Even N64 sold 10 more million than Gamecube and that was considered a failure.
>>7598 inderesting, though I wonder what application you'd get for a horizontal scroll wheel in games
>>7619 It says examples in the image. Menu scrolling or camera movement. It would be nice for menu scrolling. I don't know why any controllers don't replace one of the sticks with a good quality trackball.
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>>7635 >I don't know why any controllers don't replace one of the sticks with a good quality trackball. People experimented with such. http://xahlee.info/kbd/trackball_controller_index.html I don't know if it actually would be a good idea outside of a gimmick tho.
>>7642 Interesting. It probably is hard to control it there because you would have to use your thumb. Most people tend to use trackballs with their fingers. Maybe if they placed it on the top right or behind the controller. It probably wouldn't work though. But yeah, probably doesn't work for much more than a gimmick. It maybe could replace the touch pad on modern controllers effectively though. Or something like the thinkpad keybaord nub instead. I have a thinkpad and I use the nub on the keyboard to control the mouse instead of touchpad as it's a lot better. Almost anything's better than a touchpad for mouse control.
>>7649 You would pretty much have to develop games specifically for it like for DS for a trackball or a scroll wheel to be anything other than a needless alternative for an already simple action.
>>7652 Now this is pretty much impossible. But back when there was a thriving console market with large differences between consoles and a lot of exclusives, it wouldn't have been beyond the realm of possibility. But even for controllers like ps4/5, a trackball or thinkpad type nub control stick could easily replace the trackpad for using it as a mouse.
>>7654 The thing is, the bog standard Dualshock 1 design was already perfect and literally doesn't need anything added to it. Whenever I play games, especially complex ones, I always catch myself thinking how this is just perfect. So anything any mechanic added to a gamepad would just be a gimmick nobody uses or develops for, like Sixaxis. Remember Sixaxis?
>terrible launch games with too much sportsball >normalfags hated it because of the c stick >zelda fans seethed over wind waker >mario fans seethed over sunshine & shiggy scamming them with no mario 128 >a lot of darker (for nintendo) / weirder games like Pikmin & Luigi's mansion, which turned off normalfag nintendo fans The gamecube was just odd and took a few years to get going, despite being nintendo's most conventional and (on paper/ in theory) best console.
>>7949 >mario fans seethed over sunshine Why? It's a good [Mario] game.
>>7949 >best console That's SNES
>>7957 That first S is unnessesasry.
>>7949 >>terrible launch games with too much sportsball What? I don't remember any sports gamesfor the GC. >>normalfags hated it because of the c stick What again? I don't remember that at all. >>zelda fans seethed over wind waker Yes. Outside of the obnoxious amounts of sailing it was a pretty good game though and the art style was fine. Zelda fans are just slightly less autistic Sonic niggers and should never have been acknowledged. >>mario fans seethed over sunshine I still don't get the hate for Sunshine. Yeah it's clearly unfinished in some spots but overall it's a very entertaining game, if a little too easy. >> & shiggy scamming them with no mario 128 People actually took those "my uncle works at Nintendo" rumors seriously? I wonder how many kids I fooled into believing stupid shit like that, I was a lying little bastard. >>a lot of darker (for nintendo) / weirder games like Pikmin & Luigi's mansion, which turned off normalfag nintendo fans Those games were wildly popular though.
>>7986 >What? I don't remember any sports gamesfor the GC. https://www.estarland.com/platforms/GameCube/31?category=SP
>>7994 Holy shit that is a lot. I thought all of that sports shovelware was mostly a Playstation thing. I never paid much attention to sports games anyway so I probably was overlooking all of that shit in the rental stores at the time.
>>8008 Sports slop littered absolutely every console. It's the first games to be made and last games to be made for any console.
>>8010 I genuinely had no idea it was like that for the GC. I never really associated Nintendo with sports games because they never advertised them, or at least nowhere near as much as Sony, Sega, and the Xbox. Every time I'd go to a game store or rental place they'd have posters of shit like FIFA or Madden with the Playstation or Sega logos all over them, but Nintendo ads always showed off things like Luigi's Mansion or Zelda games.
>>8019 In a way you don't need to advertise sportslop because it's basically made for one specific audience that only really plays it and so will find it itself.
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>>8066 If Gemecube was silver by default would it have done better?
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>>8510 Damn, that is one Gamecubefag.
Gamecube barely had any good games.
>>8563 >t.someone who never owned it
>>8565 >Sunshine is garbage >Melee is HOT garbage >Rest of library is shovelware It's no wonder it flopped.
>>8566 >Sunshine is garbage stopped reading
>>8569 Yes but we can all agree melee is dogshit and not a fighting game, yeah?
>>8576 >>8563 >>8566 Ehhhh weeeehhhh ehhhhhh ehhhhhh weeeehhhhhhhh gimme weeehhhhh
>>8578 what
>>8658 Ehhhhh wwwwwweeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>8668 Do I need to perform CPR? Are you choking sir?
I like Gamecube.
>>8670 me too, it's a nice shape
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>>9746 Sovl.
>>8670 >>9661 Agreed.
>>2538 *smashes it with a upholsterer hammer*
>>9930 A truly classic console for a classic character, in a classical time.

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