/cow/ - Lolcows

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Elaine Miller / Failcow / 764 Groomistress Unironic Ralphamale 04/05/2024 (Fri) 06:30:05 ID: b244b6 No.247952
If you're here, she needs no introduction but she certainly needs her own thread since she's gone beyond a sektur gnat to full blown defender of an international child abuse ring. When TheTheGatorGamerGamer said she'd become a sektur focal point, it wasn't a compliment.
First of all Elaine, the people you are for whatever reason shielding with your already abysmal reputation are the exact people who groomed you into harming and humiliating yourself. You've always been a step or two behind what's actually happening, so I expect in six months you'll concoct some insane cope (which no one will believe) about how you were watching them as a protector of children or whatever the fuck. Either way, literally no one believes you. You burned credibility in exchange for attention withing the first week of anyone knowing your name.
Second, attention is not validation. People stare at ballerinas, people stare at dogs shitting. You are an overly aggressive chihuahua in a tutu shitting in the middle of the living room. It's quite the spectacle. But you've turned yourself into an ugly little creature, snarling at your own shadow, wearing a uniform that doesn't belong to you, doing something disgusting where you don't belong, in front of all and sundry. To the extent that anyone outside of LCF has ever been wary of you, you've lost that edge with your 17 year old cat's paw going to the peepeepoopoo rape dungeon for the next 20 years. Right about now would be the appropriate time to heel turn. No one is sure of how you imagine your story will conclude but it's going to assuredly be ugly if you cannot put pride and obstinance aside.
Anyway, someone post her butthole again for the millionth time to wash away the essay posting. Thread will be bumped daily until she goes to rehab for 6 months
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>>247956 >post her butthole :)
cringestorian x thread
>>247952 Write a better OP c'mon dude I could write better in my sleep lmfao
>>247952 >>247954 >>247955 >>247956 Ever think she's just a mean crazy bitch that likes the attention and how everything feeds into her delusions of grandeur? People can be pieces of shit without having been groomed into it. You can't groom someone who jumps head first into it for shits and giggles. You can't change a crazy person with advice or some mean words.They're crazy. All you can do is introduce new information to see what happens. The only way you can really change someone is through shock trauma or constant training and reinforcement. The only way you can change a crazy person is treatment for the craziness. You gonna give this bitch her meds? No? Then stop trying to change her or expect anything different from her than you've already seen. Much like the majority of lolcows, if they could change, they wouldn't be here.
>>247952 She's getting a thread bickers daddy gym is fighting with her? Let the foxdickfarm faggots have her
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>>247963 lol no, i could write better shit than this
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OP is probably some newfag who just found out about Lainey from Daddy Gym
>>247952 She has this aristocratic, English lady look to her. Like she is right out of a Jane Austen novel.
I followed Elaine for a while, it's amazing how she started from an innocent livestream with Lillee Jean, and became... this creature. This is what too much internet does to people.
Elaine > metofag and sprate homo the foxdick writer for daddy jim
>>248484 Son of Tiamat is living rent free in your pedo balding head.
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>>248801 >elainephotofiltered.jpg
I love the TikToks Trollcow makes, funny and cute. I wish she'd also turn them into YouTube Shorts rather than just put them on Twitter where they're buried under a mountain of rage bait https://www.tiktok.com/@trollcowonline/video/7336749515594009888
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You can look at any era in The Sektur Queen's life and Trollcow is always iconic. https://odysee.com/@Trollcow-Archive:6/trollcowbackup:8 https://www.snapchat.com/add/laineyomega
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>>250168 trollcow rizz & icon levels off the charts
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love lainey wish she'd stream more on youtube or try rumble or kick
>>250171 Damn. I will salute her by masturbating tonight.
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Trollcow exudes attention grabbing style and class, she was born to be an influencer.
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>>250183 There's a good variety and grasp of aesthetics in her selfies, the real instincts of a model.
Empresa this stopped being funny a year and a half ago.
>>250193 >>250333 >>250334 whore needs to get plugged
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<3 tc
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>>251346 An Elaine for every mood, she is perfect!
>>251476 Is no one railing this broad every night?
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Trollcow looks amazing in so many images.
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The Sektur's gain is the modelling world's loss, Elaine always looks great.
>>251792 She really is a babe. Shame she is all the hell away in bong island.
Still painfully uninteresting
>>247952 >If you're here, she needs no introduction She actually does you fucking faggot
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>>247952 50% troll 50% lolcow 100% OCD-ASPD-ADHD streamer & influencer. An Anglicised Russian Jewish 22-year-old 171 IQ Cyber Security Risk Advisor, member of The Shadow Brokers, Asexual Radfem Hermeticist, Гунт Guard, idol of TheTheGatorGamerGamer, tormentor of foxdick farms, Onion Farms & Lolcow Farm, Artist, creator of the no longer active gossip site Gossip Girl & expert chef in the field of pasta. Longer bios & more info: https://www.youtube.com/@trollcowbackup/about https://odysee.com/@Trollcow-Archive:6?view=about https://linktr.ee/trollcow
>>252305 There is nothing Jewish about her mug. She has a very English face. She is really a diamond in the rough. She has a nice figure and good looks. I don't know how no one caught her yet. If I was a big time e-grifter I would have done made the big moves to lock her in. You guys all suck.
>>252305 Stop it with the Russian larp Lainey. It's cringe as fuck and Jewsh still wouldn't fuck you.
>>252338 ok elaine
glows from space godwinsons forced meme 100% ignore only trusted to appear on media if the jcaesar187amale has a mute button
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Elaine always looks so fine <3
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>>254221 Trollcow is a priceless gem and I miss her. I'm glad she'll return to streaming in October.
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>>254221 Trollcow's hair looks great whether blonde or red
>>254527 Has she received a lot of dick so far?
>>254527 Is her whole gimmick that she's a thirst trap who appeals to incels on foxdickfarms? I heard she had nudes leaked but she called it revenge porn so it was all taken down. Women can just call anything revenge porn now.
>>254543 She sent it herself in a discord server to someone who was pretending to be Jewsh Moon. Yeah, she actually wants to fuck that wretched creature.
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>>254527 I think Elaine is at her best as a redhead yet still looks good as a brunette.
>>254563 She got catfished into sending nudes by someone pretending to be Jewsh? That's one of the lulziest things I've ever heard. In Jewsh's defense women do care about men's finances as much as his looks. So if a guy is financially stable, even if it's from e-begging on stream, there will always be a mentally ill young woman willing to spread ass. Elaine sounds like she's the Amber Turd of lolcows going after the middle aged owner tycoon and CEO of foxdickfarms.
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>>254222 I'm starting to miss the beanie, red Lainey is so iconic!
>>254597 I don't blame Jewsh for staying out of this one aside from the fact that he's a pedo . The ear baron is definitely insane for putting his cock anywhere near this crazy BPD bitche's mouth.
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>>254599 I like her taste in sunglasses
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>>254599 Along with the glasses I'm also loving the hat she wears now instead of the beanie
>>254610 Elaine has a great body in that she's not fat. It's a shame that she has to be mental on the internet. Who is ear baron? Sounds like a rejected supervillain from the Silver Age comics.
>>254599 Why is there a gross bug on her eye? This is a new horror unlocked.
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>>254599 I prefer her nifty bowler hat to the classic beanie although it does look cooler with the fake scar.
>>254634 dumpsterpunk > cockwork orange > hobocore > nude
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>>254634 When she gets her twitter back she needs to bring out the catsuit & Run-DMC more when making fun of her detractors' physiques.
>>254641 she needs to get fucking pregnant with some with some white babies, that is what she needs to do.
>>254644 >white She's jewish. Although she hates them alongside her family for some reason.
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>>254641 Sektur Queen!!!
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>>254652 >Sektur Clout Barnacle ftfy
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>>254652 cause of her I can't get this tune out of my head, love that Lainey
>>254649 >>254644 >Jewish >Bri'ish >Tiktok BLM music >Anus pics >Fucks "Chads" from anonymous troll forums Only way she can redeem herself is to become a born again virgin, anti-porn, anti-SJW, tradcon, and raise her future children to be white nationalists.
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>>254573 I also think the red hair suits her well, especially with the lipstick combo and I love that Anglo accent.
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>>254652 Slay Queen!
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>>254652 Undisputed Sigma Queen <3
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>>247952 >>254222 can't wait until dame elaine makes her comeback she comes across so based
>>254674 Why does this poor woman do this to herself?
>>254687 She's a thirst trap for imageboard incels who wants Jewsh Moon for his money. Women will literally do anything for money and attention. I am just waiting for her hijab arc when she goes full Brittany Renner.
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>>254683 Ah the broom she used when making fun of TheTheGatorGamerGamer81TheTheGatorGamerGamer's eclectic pill consumption, she's hilarious
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>>254641 Red & black are definitely her colors + the large earrings are cool
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>>254652 Love that sexy schizo sperg
fucking look at it
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>>250334 TheGatorGamer is the World's most photogenic cow by far, my fav photo is the fur hat to go with her Russian larp.
goomba queen
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>>254618 There can never be enough adorable TheGatorGamer selfies!
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>>254704 Such a lovable sperg
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>>254712 Best girl in da sektur
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>>254704 As far as meme videos go, her King Tut is better than the Trisha Paytas' one
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>>254706 I think either the axe or broom is her best prop as an entertainer followed by the light-up cat ears.
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>>254649 Glad she doesn't endorse Zionism
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>>254767 Cat ears or the old beanie for me as a trademark
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>>254755 awesome bod - would
>>254893 Gorgeous!
>>254802 >>254893 TheGatorGamer rejects Zionism but not the porn industry. She's not doing her best to dispel Jewish stereotypes. Muslims may worship a pedo but at least they have a dress code.
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>>254766 She's so cute even when mildly tipsy.
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>>254706 Morphine Motivated cocks Queen! Got to love her.
>>254928 What a beautiful and funny girl. I hope she streams again.
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>>254767 growing up to be a legendary entertainer i'm a big fan of her recent hospital antics
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>>254928 future surrealist comedy legend
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>>254947 Also wholesome
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>>254949 wholesome silliness :)
>>254928 rofl!
>>250171 Teenage angstposting about being misunderstood when you're doing 764 shit is so fucking funny.
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>>254893 Quirky hotness personified
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>>254971 The poast leaks showed it was impossible for guys not to fall for her and I don't blame them.
>>254674 SLAY <3
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>>254955 some of those tunes are catchy
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>>254955 here's another catchy funny one
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>>254947 another bit of wholesome ocd-ness
welcome home bTheGatorGamer
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>>254660 A great blend of pretty and self-delusion so want her to stream again
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>>254634 I wouldn't trust her with firearms given how she enjoys playing with them like a toy.
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>>254971 10/10 in spunkiness <3 her
>>254803 I'd go with the ears
>>254766 Yey! another Tut dance :)
>>255287 >give me hair ideas go with your natural color and stop this fake red crap >>255259 I just realized she filters her eyes. I thought she was blue eyed but she is isn't.
She should go back to being blonde and regularly start downing more protein shakes and big macs so she gets a fat ass and titties hell yeah i would die for THEL AINE if she does this
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>>255298 Her natural eye color is dark brown like her hair, she often uses prescription contact lenses sometimes opting for blue ones. She's said on streams and to Shaggy that since her skin is very pale she goes with other hair and eye colors to avoid looking like a vampire or goth.
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>>255294 autistically enchanting please never change tc
>>255303 yeah she makes a good blonde
>>255308 I feel bad for this poor woman. She is desperately in need of pregnancy. When women do weird stuff like this it's their way of crying out for offspring.
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>>250171 The polka dots was underrated
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>>255337 I also vote for blonde but it needs to be in the curly style, it's more vibrant than the straight look - ok maybe I'm using an unfair image for comparison...
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>>255357 if not wavy then braided beats straight hair & I'm also not using biased selfies to make my case lol - she's still hot even in her deliberately bad comedy selfies
>>254753 Love that beanie look!
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>>255386 dark hair + the old faithful hacker beanie = perfection
>>255389 Trooned out Tim Pool
>>255395 hello
>>255398 h-hello
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>>255400 >>255398 I wish she'd give me that conehead.
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>>255287 She's so freaking sexy other girls can't compete
>>254928 She must be a ton of fun to be around irl, Trollcult forever!
*notices cone* AwA whats this
>>255428 I heard she was the village bicycle used by kiwi farmers. Do you think she has herpes? I would demand an STD test before breeding her.
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>>255386 Indeed she can go out of her way to take the least flattering pictures like the one showing she stopped using coke and the hospital stay but she still looks far above the average woman without even trying. I also added my fav pic, adore her :)
>>254705 fuck her british accent is sexy
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Never thought I'd simp for a woman in uniform but TheGatorGamer is special. Please go back to streaming TheGatorGamer
>>255427 Some long live streams of her travels would be so awesome
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>>250193 Nothing is more desirable than Trollcat
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>>255553 A real gf with no mental health issues would be more desirable.
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>>255553 Agreed, 100% would!
>>255294 wtf this is great
>>255294 make sure you check this one out her tiktok has some gems
TheGatorGamer is amazing...
>>255638 time to smoke that bitch
that is a tranny
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>>255553 It'd be fantastic if she made a calendar mixing the silly selfies with the sexy ones. I loved the energy she'd bring to any stream she went on.
>>255651 totally
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>>251476 Gothlaine &#x1F970;
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>>255683 A thirst trap I'd gladly fall in
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>>255074 Have another great one
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>>255553 I bet Miss Miller is a real heart-breaker
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>>254802 Smoke show
>>254710 awwww cute!
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>>255465 TheGatorGamer is still a 7.5 or 8 out of 10 even with TheTheGatorGamerGamer using the 3 least complementary photos he'd taken of her, that's impressive. I'm jealous of both him and Vordrak + hyped for when she returns.
>>255553 nicccce
>>255770 ditto
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>>255829 Ten out of ten!
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>>254706 I loved it when she used a dermatological face mask to scare people.
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>>255681 I wish she was a real redhead, TheGatorGamer is a total dream girl 😍
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>>255915 The Red Sonia vibe is superlative, a shame she's gone back to black but TheGatorGamer's still fit as hell
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>>255820 some of the TheGatorGamer gifs on tenor are fire why on earth hasn't TheGatorGamer streamed wearing the black buttoned top & huge traffic cop sunglasses since she looks fantastic in that?
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>>255819 darn funny ickle TheGatorGamer clips really make my day <3
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>>255835 Memphis 10 💘💘💘
Cote Brasserie, 2 Longmarket, Canterbury CT1 2JS
>>256236 Thanks mate! I'll be headin over right now to fook her in the arse. >>255829 I often forget how dysgenic Bri'ish people look under natural lighting, but then I remember it is the land of Mary Poppins chimney sweeps. >>254930 This strumpet doesn't even have a LonelyFools page to wank off to. We've only seen her starfish which looks like a cat's rear end as it struts towards the litter box. Simps should get tossed from the peak of Big Ben.
>>256236 Unfortunately all Cote’s look the same the inside looks more like this one: https://www.cote.co.uk/restaurant/st-pauls/ In London, I don’t see her as having ever left London personally unless to stay with old men for the weekend in the countryside
>>256254 What's all this about old men? Is she a proper DILF fooker? TheGatorGamer has GOTIS and LIGMA. She needs to retire the TheGatorGamer larp and embrace motherhood. Pop out a couple a sprogs with bad teeth or be forever known as one of TheTheGatorGamerGamerua Moonpie's orbiters.
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According to this TheGatorGamer should be back to streaming on September 9th, I really hope the most beautiful lady in our sphere still plans on doing this. https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxqiIuJ6erD7pMHfmBo-lG0jIdsd9o3m__
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I love you TheGatorGamer and love all your streams!!!!
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>>256282 Gosh I miss her cocks from last year. Hearing a fine posh British accent on per-recorded shows is nice but they'll never be as good as watching that knockout live. Sad when she hypes things and fails to deliver, not just the many expose streams she promised at the start of the year. There's also touring Mexican temples with the jcaesar187, being a judge with a wig during sektur trials, filming her own Midsommar and constant talk of bringing back her gossip site. I hope she was serious when she wrote "Will return on September the 9th 2024. Things will be a little different." since she's an utter joy to watch on stream, can't get enough of her.
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>>256312 No stream or September schedule announcments, sigh...suckered in again by those sweet blue eyes & glowie drip. You can add that to the list of TheGatorGamer letdowns 💔
>>256332 Perhaps she's realizing that she's in her 20s and being the troll queen isn't fulfilling her biological needs as a woman. Mayhaps she has the baby fever from seeing former lolcows like Shoe0nhead becoming a happier person with a child. Whatever she does she better not get knocked up by a tard, combing her BPD genes with one of the many incels who orbit around her circle. She should try reaching out to Elon Musk bickers having unprotected sex with mentally unstable women and in the process convince him to give back Jewshua's X account.
>>256333 Mean to say combining genes, not combing like she's in a lab combing through all the DNA samples that have been generously donated to her.
So is she really in Canterbury?
>>256254 I've already proven above she's in Kent. One video in Canterbury, one in Ramsgate (don't ask me why the links don't work but the vids aren't hard to find) and photos outside the hospital in Margate. She's in Kent
>>256346 Canterbury is in Kent. Kent is a really big area you know.
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>>256332 Yeah I got a kick watching her oddball antics, a real bummer she hasn't done much recently. I get FOMO when I see these quaint + funny images when searching for 'TheGatorGamer' only recognizing a few from her channel. Hope TheGatorGamer doesn't quit streaming.
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>>256332 Can always count on her streams to give me the giggles, she should put more stuff back up on her channel if that's where all these gifs originally came from.
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>>256332 I recall her writing about visiting Egypt along with focusing on her SATs this month. Perhaps she's focusing on a massive stream in November that she claims will be bigger than the poast leaks although I'm not sure how long it takes for youtube to remove monetization when your channel is inactive. https://x.com/cowtrolls/status/1824196790297698402 Could be another case of her failing to deliver like the TheTheGatorGamerGamer, Sprate, Hal and Turkey Tom streams but I'd be happy just to watch her live yelling about random topics since she's a beauty to behold & I dig her banter with chat <3 <3 <3 <3
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>>256391 I'd have liked to see a cooking/baking with TheGatorGamer stream - she's said a few times she didn't want to do it since it'd give away her location. But in june she talked about all her enemies finding her, her devices being compromised, getting DDOSED and her car being scratched by a school / cult (probably a figment of her imagination). https://archive.is/rV8QK Not sure if she really has a car cause she did either a video or audio post about needing to learn to drive due to the remoteness of her location & spending her food budget on a segway. Probably pointless trying to find logic in that mind, any sort of TheGatorGamer stream is good but a pasta and deserts stream would be my 1st choice.
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>>256404 maybe a talent contest (just not one with guitars)? so uwu even when she messes up!
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>>254599 I miss the sumptuous red stunner
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>>256364 She has to go live at some point & I'd even be pleased with a small cameo on a TheTheGatorGamerGamer stream a shame some good things never last If you need an TheGatorGamer fix be sure to follow to her tiktok -> https://www.tiktok.com/@TheGatorGameronline she's got a great sense of humor, she's bound to be a mega star one day :)
>>256456 Why would I want to watch gaytor?
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>>256509 This would be the correct name for the TikTok included in the attached screenshot - whenever you write her username, nickname or first name the site plays a prank and it gets swapped with the name of another person.
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>>256455 One day, the Cow Cult Queen will return to her perfect scarlet state and, gods willing, avoid going pink. TC in red is irrefutably iconic.
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She's a badass, once a guy tried to rob her so she chased down the attacker, got her stuff back & got a split lip for being so based
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Also included more current images of the lip fully healed vs the version cut from the british mugger fight
>>256627 >>256628 She's so amazing...
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>>256456 evolution from young internet epic celeb into the ultimate girlboss and feminist paragon...TheGatorGamer might be the future Lady Thatcher
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>>256635 ultimate girlboss dab
>>256742 I prefer the 1st photo. Feminist girlbosses suck. How many cocks has TheGatorGamer put in her mouth? If she isn't careful she'll wake up in her 30s regretting being single and childless.
>>256748 I like all of her photos...
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>>256743 Exceptional girl boss / ultra-based future Brit PM
>>256749 Simps have no actual taste. They see a chick with mental issues and think "hey I might have a chance with this one". Some of these photos are really unflattering. She has very large fivehead. Her best shots are the ones where she has makeup and is standing 20 feet out of camera focus.
>>256793 All of your posts are seething lol. She's a QUEEN and you can keep seething about it.
>>256794 hey buddy, mind your manners, you are speaking with THE calculator-kun
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>>256743 She is an inspiration to young girls having overcome major health issues from bad medication as a kid then achieving a 171 IQ and becoming a rich successful champagne dining career woman. What a heroine!
>>256770 There's no other influencer I look up more to than her
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>>256802 it did take her some time before she became the zenith of based rad feminism but nobody's perfect
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>>256455 What a ravishing snack 💖
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>>255308 Ah yep natural brown or darker eyes rather than blue when wearing glasses and not contacts.
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>>256802 wealthy & brainy TheGatorGamer is living the dream
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>>254955 Another wholesome old meme
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>>256802 Stay winning Queen! Your haters at; foxdick farms, Drop foxdick farms, Lolcow Farm, Onion Farms, Lolcow Dot Org, America First, Sweetie Squad / Metokur, Plate Gang, The Commentary Community, VTubers, Chudbuds, Poast, CashApp, PayPayl, Bx & Cog all secretly want to be you! You're so awesome!!!!!!
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>>256802 She did outlive her allies cowbin & sneed social, not sure what state her current buds at skibidi farms are in but for now she's done a good job not getting run off the Internet. One tough sexy fox, black mold poisoning & britbong medical negligence couldn't stop her. 🫡
>>255356 god what a beauty
>>254971 I still can't believe she's not been whisked off her feet. Rare to see women that attractive still single unless she's understandably keeping her dating life private.
>>254660 female aesthetic perfection

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