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JewTube Rational Skeptics Thread #9 - The Final Edition Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 07:06:12 No.2
INTERNET BLOODSPORTS SEMI-PERMANENT MEGATHREAD! LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Alternate names include: Jewtube™ Rationalist™ Skeptic™ Thread™ #∞ Internet Bloodsports Megathread Endless Thread 9 Gunt Thread Based Isabella Worship Thread We've had about a gajillion "Jewtube Skeptic Thread #9" threads at this point that all appear and disappear at the speed of light and nobody really gives a shit about delicately archiving the posts in them or anything, and they're beginning to clutter up the board pretty bad, so this is a compromise everyone can be happy with for the time being. Discuss all things "Internet Bloodsports" that don't necessitate their own thread here. Krautgate, skeptic drama, all the shit that fall under that umbrella. Get your raincoats on, kids! Because we're about to see some guts go flying! This thread will be cycled. Links, Information and Lore: Full Timeline https://pastebin.com/1yjbjeaT http://archive.is/dM1kQ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) Archived Threads: https://pastebin.com/Hrtcp4QR http://archive.is/MtOiZ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) H8chan Archives: https://archive.is/https://8ch.net/cow/res/390723.html Julay.world Archives: https://archive.ph/http://julay.world/cow/res/2.html AlogSpace Archives: https://archive.is/https://alogs.theguntretort.com/cow/res/2.html Alogs.Space Archives: https://archive.fo/https://alogs.space/cow/res/2.html Gunt Subscriber Doxxx List: https://files.catbox.moe/7m2jsx.csv Joshua Clayton Connor Pedophile Archives: https://scream.alogs.space/archives/Flamenco/ Gym Swatting: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/s04d5y0s.opus https://files.catbox.moe/18u3wz.opus Vickers Swatting Recording: https://files.catbox.moe/9rnho8.wav https://pomf2.lain.la/f/s9gqo1ii.wav
Edited last time by oldestfag on 08/23/2022 (Tue) 18:45:41.
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>money saving H1B shitters helped ruin Silicon Valley
>>249373 https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/ Fucking n​​ig​​​​​​ger can't even post the link for context
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>>249344 mra's mgtows, redpills are all blacks and repressed homos
>>249332 dax has an audience of actual losers like piggertits and vito two disgusting fat retards who should be sterilized or just not allowed to exist
>>249354 lol the rent a girl is a 2 at best, really quite ugly how much does she charge 500 per night, did piggertits have to pay 2k, what a gross Гунтed mess
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jewsh has joined team anita
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>>249373 why hasnt this fucking fat retard killed himself yet
>>249381 Which one?
>just grift morons like I did
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>>249383 >file a class action >your feelings don't factor into business decisions until you have a lawyer In terms of video games? Of course it does. It's an industry built on impulse and manchild feefees. It's like z-celeb popularity. Lowest common denominator. You can get offended if someone groups you in with said lemmings, but don't pretend that not how the game is played.
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https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/144790.html speaking of tvtroons and gayhole
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>>249385 Shouldn't supreme pick-me Melonie Mac sign this petition? And provide some support for these losers? After all, I'm sure she would like to see some Korean ass in fetish clothing like everybody else, being a totally-straight, gamer-girl. 😉 >>249383 Jewsh looks no better than the losers that signed this petition. Gaytor should make a video too. He'd fit it well. >>249378 >jcaesar187: I hate whores and sluts. Women have ruined society. Trust no bitch. <Buys prostitutes regularly and married slut Pantsu. Can't keep away from sluts. >>249324 >>249373 >Jewsh: Google search sucks bc they won't show foxdick farms. Lol.
is anyone still watching piggertits? is this his only purpose to stream in front of 200 idiots for 100 dollars a day if that, he has nothing to offer as a streamer, is low energy is not entertaining
>>249388 aduwolf 1 dollar superchats being spent on mexican shit skins
>>249388 >After all, I'm sure she would like to see some Korean ass in fetish clothing like everybody else, being a totally-straight, gamer-girl. Her Laura Croft obsession does seem a little lesbo. >>249389 Until he fights someone interesting or has some Jerry Springer drama, he will be slow going for a while.
>>249389 he stills makes more than rekieta does per stream and streams more than 6 days a month
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>>249393 Only donates $1 every time the jcaesar187amale streams PATHETIC
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Jackson (possible Feaser alt) continues to war with KillAllPedos (creepy Metocare fanboy). KAP has now changed his Jade profile pic from her look 20 years ago, to Feaser's Mom. I guess he's gotten tired of getting flack for trooning out uh I mean, being a creep that wants to become Jade and get fucked by daddy Metocare. So I guess he's now self-inserting as Feaser's Mom? Weird. Also, doxing Feaser's entire family to own him. KAP is even digging up info about Feaser's great grandmother being in a circus in the early 1900's.
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A lot of Kino Casino simps got mad when Elaine said she "would" about Feaser. Doesn't Elaine know Feaser has to be mocked as a lolcow and attacked all day long?
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>>249395 >>249396 >doxing Feaser's entire family UH MEGABASED
>>249396 why is andy still around, makes no money still lives at home, no prospects, no future, lol what a fucking loser
>>249393 disability money is the backbone of the killstream, audience and support ironic since piggertits has never work a job in his fat disgusting life like both his parents and retard brother, its like inter-generational welfare dependency
>>249400 Very good this is a great video! :) Wow who made this? I am totally going to sub.
>>249400 Jaiden Gang, its over
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>>249383 Something tells me Jewshie wouldn't be this cool with censorship if this was related to foxdick farms. He is full of hubris with his warchest of 160K.
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>>249404 >there is no inherent problem with localization. it is very normal Is it just me or is he trying to assert that he has a normal mindset a lot more recently? A normal modern man in a modern world looking for a normal boyfriend-free girl. Onto the point, if you exclude 3rd party licensing for children cartoons, the amount of changes due to differences in customs diminishes substantially. That's when you get to start calling them foreign media as part of promotion. >if you want meaningful change, start a class action suit Say you want some nice swiss cheese. You ask the guy at the shop to order them in stock. The cheese arrives but doesn't have enough holes in it. Your lack of adequate cheese makes your blood boil over. You burn the guy's shop down. You still don't have the cheese you want. Maybe the next shop will comply. >i struggle to think of a meritorious defence for pornography Mana transfers.
>>249405 I tire of wannabe-innanet-lawyers like Moonpie that watch Rekieta Law and think they know what they are talking about bc they read the DnD rulebook of some case law. Or bc they talk to a lawyer they have retained.
>>249400 Nice. I liked the School Days one too. If you play the game and stay true to Christ, you get nice vanilla endings. Sekai's burning either way though. Literally the worst girl and a harlot.
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>>249406 >that watch Rekieta Law Past tense. Jewsh is the captain now.
>>249385 nice >>249388 sup pedo, kys.
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>>249404 He's wasting his donor money on vexatious litigants that spend only basic filing fees to tangle him up in court for months. The money he got will be burned paying his lawyers and his hard in-law. A similar forum onaforums.net has managed to win against a vexatious litigant and actually got them to pay the lawyers fees (plus interest), and the owner of the forum was able to stay anonymous during this. As far as I know, this has not happened in any of the lawsuits Jew has won. He's also is in the process of getting another basic apology letter from a tranny; that doesn't mean shit when financial harm might've been inflicted. His site will most likely never turn profitable, he's way too bitter and would rather live on the fringes than make the money required to operate a forum of his size (lowest user count online in recent memory is large!! okay??). >>249406 His plan when he abandoned foxdick in 2017 for around 2 weeks was to get a law degree and become a lawyer. Very gay
>>249388 lol pigtits who looks like a pig giving woman advice holy shit, are all of this audience disabled liek actually on disability like ppp lol
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>>249412 >His site will most likely never turn profitable It has been highly profitable for a long time. Remember that Jawsh hasn't worked in a decade, and the kiwi paypigs just keep giving him more and more money every year. The amount of money he got from his "muh legal bills" scam was extraordinary. And it was right out front that it was no refunds and that he didn't even have to spend a cent of the money he raised under false pretenses on legal bills. Jawsh is going to be rolling in clover until the day he dies. The piggies will keep him fat forever.
>>249388 That Гунт tweet is so shit its unreal. Based Sargon just did a video on this subject of women and right wing men. jcaesar187 being a sack of shit to everything that moves seems to not be a factor in his mind. https://youtu.be/fDdYBQKHN_U?si=mzG_e-RTA7-3vJds
>>249421 as his native brits would say, soygoy is kharouf, youre so naive
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>>249421 It's like 2018 never ended. Same old boring shit from Sargone. Even checked date of upload and still believe it's a reupload.
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>>249421 >be nice to wahmen >wahmen should vote <feminisms destroyed wahmen brain Same contradictory talking out of both sides of his ass Sargon stuff. Brilliant!
>>249427 >>249425 *smuckles* GYM PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD a philosophy degree ahahahahahhahhaaaaaa
>>249421 piggertits wants you to think hes fucking ric flair who also pays prostitutes, but in reality doesnt get shit, everybody is repulsed by this fat cunt
>>249428 TheTheGatorGamerGamer literally will never even mention Sargons name anymore how fucking devastated he is by the sheer volume of success, defication and WHITE children Carl has brought to the table. TheTheGatorGamerGamer shiuld just make a public apology and facedox to Carl in shame while westing an Applebee’s suit in hopes God spares him from his unhinged overwhelming failure as a human bein.g. Id refer to TheTheGatorGamerGamer Metokur as a man but everyone knows Jade is getting fucked by a real Bull while TheTheGatorGamerGamer sobs into his underage anime pillow in a seperate room due to him not being able to actually fuck his own wife with the amount of backbreaking suffering he has. SAD! PATHETIC JIM!
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piggertits christian larp round 2 not going so well, it got 4 fucking views hahahaha kill your self pig
>>249430 sargoy doesnt have any children their lucys children to her dead husbands, who carl lusted after for years after he was rejected during high school, he just had to wait long enough for her to be a fat whale to be interested in corl, lol carl got a bullshit degree in night school from a community collage and not even getting a first class degree, also corl super gay made tranny porn sucked dankulas dick and is a quadroon
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>>249432 Only one of carl's kids isn't his, Andrew wilson is raising more stepchildren than him.
>>249428 >backwards letters look at this fucking inept fat loser, he put the tassel on the wrong side so he mirrored the image, pathetic
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>>249431 pigtits is posting the rumble link bickers of the low view count haha no audience but bots and disabled wiggers like adowulf
>>249428 sargn went to night school at 40 omfg
>>249429 levels of pussy, why does this piggermale lie about everything
>>249428 carl graduated with a paper degree in bullshit, hes doing one better that piggertits who has no certificate,diploma,any proof or any single friend who went to college with him to corroborate his college education hmmmmmm
>all these collectivists seething about carl's achievements
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>>249439 Exactly >AUUUGGH DEY DINT GIBS ME MUH DEGREE CUZ AYE DINT PAY MUH STUDENT LOANS If that were the case, no one would get a degree for years after the fact
pigtits is losing the will to live, low energy, no topics, no guests, no superchats, no audience
>>249431 thats a really nice church, its a nice place to kill yourself, isnt it piggertits
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>>249444 (checked) TRIPS CONFIRMED
>>249444 He's too much of a coward to do anything nearly that interesting. I think the two consecutive beatings he got in Portugal just took what little actual fight was left out of the pig. It's why he's an internet tough guy hiding behind his computer screen screaming at people laughing at him. It's why that computer screen is tucked away in a tin shed in Mexico away from all the people that laugh at him. And it's why he's so fucking boring these days. I miss the days when the Гунт had the self-delusion of not being the biggest pussy in the sektur. He'd actually go out and do things usually to disastrous yet hilarious results. Now even if he steps foot out of his cuckshed it's only in very safe conditions where he won't run into any cyberbullies or harassers. Into safe spaces if you will.
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>mention foxdickfarms >I laik
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>>249444 thnc, its judeo-christian
>>249442 >>249439 I believe jcaesar187's excuse for his lack of degree is that he didn't pay some bullshit fee at the end to actually receive the degree, so they never physically sent him his degree. I don't think it was about the student loans. As if anyone would spend 4 years in school, do tons of coursework, and then check out at the tail end bc you won't pay the fee to get the degree. It reeks of lies, like everything he does. Also, he had at least 70K in school loans many years ago, yet never paid it off when he actually made money from idiots like Metocare pumping him up, and making Keelstream financially successful. Now, Keelstream is dead and he cannot pay it. Let alone the baby mamas' child support. The loans have grown and this wigger is still waiting on someone in government to cancel all student loan debt and bail him out. He thinks US taxpayers should have to pay for the enormous fees he racked up, playing around in college. >>249442 Colleges don't have a problem giving you a piece of paper to make you feel special at the end; they want you to have it then go get a job, and pay off those loans. >>249447 >Jewsh: Waaaaa. No one credits the foxdick farms but everyone steals kontent from it. Yes Jewsh. Just like you steal all the kontent of the posters there for your streams, like when someone writes a thread for you and you read it on stream for cheesechats, or upload some clip they rendered and you play it on stream. You take credit for everything on the Farms but wrote <1% of it.
>>249450 I thought the Гунт actually had a bullshit degree in political science from some toilet tier school though
>>249451 I think he goes back and forth between saying he has a college degree and "actually, I never got my degree."
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>>249450 Everything I remember, he claimed "student loans," which is bullshit that indicates he never went to school. But if it was fees, that would explain why they withheld the degree, although it's still stupid not to pay bickers a degree is a degree, however worthless it might be. It would suck if it was a junior college degree
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>>249450 >Yes Jewsh. Just like you steal all the kontent of the posters there for your streams, like when someone writes a thread for you and you read it on stream for cheesechats, or upload some clip they rendered and you play it on stream. You take credit for everything on the Farms but wrote <1% of it. Exactly. Liburty n fweedumb fur mee. Serfdumb fur the paypigs. N abolish awl (other) copyrights. But don't defame the website cuz dats synonymous with meeeeee
>>249362 then his mom is gonna say 'shut up brian, this is my house. Let tyrone smoke he pays for all your anime dolls' and TheGatorGamer stomps back down to the basement and writes a scathing post in his diary.
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>>249454 find the jewsh kill the jewsh
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>>249458 >jewsh seething about coomer blade
>>249458 >coomer game loli anime vtuber pedo BAD AND IT MAKES ME MAD!!!!!! There, I saved you three hours.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrxi6MxL2yU speaking of coomers ADDRESSING DRAMA?! 1,000+ BODY COUNT?! E-GIRLS! MAKEUP DEBATE?! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | Dating Talk #157
>>249458 >DSP segment
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>>249469 >Lauren and my jewish motherers are back
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Fishtank restreamer is losing his mind after some cop that pulled him over and planted drugs on him dies. Now screaming "Death to America," talking about mass shooters and praising communism for some reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9A-kdcW-Us Guy has a screw loose.
>>249481 kek now he's reading the communist manifesto.
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>>249482 eh bourgeoisie/jew same thing al mawt li america
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lol is this true >accidentally admitted that he was still a virgin in his 30's before he met Nora
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One last skibidi toilet meme. Thank God it's over
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>>249488 skibidi boom boom
>>249485 daily constant embarrassment pigtits keeps coming back for more
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didnt pigtits get an underage 13 year old mexican to fuck amanda the troon in his ass and later scream argh nut ahh cuck, nice fake marriage
>>249480 >I wasn't a whiney compliant faggot at Charlottesville
>>249485 lol ahhh like rich flair, gets no action, embarrassing
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pigtits with a dogshit show, killing himself would be better, hes pretending to listen to these random larpers for 10 hours
>>249503 >>249505 hi godwinson, your streams are shit, stop self promoting
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>>249506 hi Elaine, stay mad in your bedsit
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>>249485 Projection from the gaylogs isn't surprising. If he's 38 now and was banging underage Nora 10 years ago, I think you'll find you're factually incorrect.
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>>249503 >he honoured not doing the GGs unless we were both present If a bear shits in the woods and the guy watching memoryholes it. Twice.
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>>249509 Meanwhile, Fatman and Retard are doing their own version of This Week in Cuckada
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Gaytorbro, you're just going to leave >us hanging with the MGS playthrough? You can't just be laying pipes on those v-thots every day. You gotta pace yourself.
>>249508 >he's 38 now Really? I figured he was older. He looks like he's in his 50s.
>>249513 Gaytor took 20 years off him along with the rent money. It's the only way you can look at the disparity and have it make sense.
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>>249516 FACTS
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>>249509 He also gave TWIN away to Rudy Cuckcage Coleman, but that was memoryholed too.
>>249518 >Rudy Cuckcage Coleman Now that is a character I haven't heard about in a while
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>>249503 ADAM EDGE OF WEST LONDON FACTS >Adam Edge still seething about his gayops on Bryan Dunn when he was right about everything >Adam Edge was confirmed cheating on his fiancée with Elaine >Adam Edge was confirmed abandoning his father duties to his unborn child >Adam Edge was confirmed by Elaine and jcaesar187 that he did not even get to fuck elaine while he cheated > Adam Edge was confirmed in Rehab due to his heavy drug habits >Adam Edge blocked the word Elaine Miller in everything he does online and still has not explain why she scared him >Adam Edge was disowned by his own family for larping as a Club Owner >Adam Edge is scared to stream anymore due to his lusting of pissminge cuckoldry >Adam Edge still is not allowed to see his Child > Everything Bryan Dunn and Elaine and jcaesar187 said about Adam Edge was the truth >Adam Edge was in a gay romantic relationship with otter boy Perspic >Adam Edge sucked off jcaesar187 and catboy and Ali Alexander for a spot on Cozy.tv >Adam Edge knew that Elaine Miller was involved in Cheesepizza events of 764 as well as the Ali Alexander grooming scandal yet said NOTHING >Adam Edge is a turbo Degenerate who worked with Platspics to kill the sektur and kill IBS streams out of drug fueled pettiness alone >Adam Edge cried about TheTheGatorGamerGamer and cokeski doxing his job and paypal but openly did it to others without a shred of hypocrisy >Adam Edge ran gayops on Discords while pretending hes “offline” confirmed >Adam Edge stalked Based Sargon around a bar for hours to try to get clout off the Kumite and was promptly PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD into shame for it >Adam Edge tried to run ops with the Vickers back in the day but was bullied so turned on the Vickers after he interviewed them >Adam Edge falls asleep on homosexual shit streams now bickers he is forced on anti-psychotic medication to deal with his terminal faggotry Kys Adam Edge. For real.
>>249522 truly subhuman
>>249522 earwinson's streams are better bickers they're completely off the cuff and not hastily running through the weekly news, reddit posts, whatever rundown he gets in the mati thread like jewsh does
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>>249522 >Bryan Dunce
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>>249523 ADAM EDGE FACTS PART 2 >Adam Edge tried to bribe P P P to fire Cokeski in order to steal the chair of the Kino Casino >Adam Edge lied about Gaytor in order to produce cocks and help Zoom try to swat him >Adam Edge faked information on Bryan Dunn for not helping him do gay ops >Adam Edge tried to alog Jahans for clout but failed >Adam Edge worked for a hardcore leftist and paint smiles on kids with cancer to win votes >Adam Edge tried to grift off of Kraut and Tea cocks as a secret Leftist but was dismissed immediately by Kraut after his last stream with them watching jcaesar187s sex tape >Adam Edge tried to kill himself on Stream with K bickers he wasnt allowed to see his kid >Adam Edge privately told jcaesar187 he was his hero >Adam Edge owns a Final Fantasy Tifa body pillow to cope about his loneliness > Adam Edge cannot ever pass the Green Line Test >Adam Edge failed out of college 5 times and attempted bribery with his Daddy’s money to Graduate but failed again >Adam Edge tried to be a TheTheGatorGamerGamer walker back in the day but got bullied for it so now seethes at TheTheGatorGamerGamer Walkers > Adam Edge is literally 5 foot 1 inch LOL
>>249529 >DSP won
>>249461 Jewsh is a fucking retard
>>249530 hi dunce, still hiding in pedocord you fag ?
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>>249533 ADAM EDGE FACTS PART 3 >Adam Edge confided to Perspic and Asston that he was bisexual >Adam Edge has no real life friends >Adam Edge one time wet his bed due to being on too many Percocets >Adam Edge tricked Asalerai into attacking Asston fully aware that P P P would try to ruin his life >Adam Edge was arrested for public indecency due to him being wasted in the street with no pants on >Adam Edge told jcaesar187 that he would give the dox of Platespics to him for a chance to be his Cohost >Adam Edge flagged down MisterInternetAristocrat, Gaytor, Toad McKinley, Kino Casino, his own channel and P P P to gaslight the chat into gayops on his behalf >Perspic Bryan Trelane Asston and Adam all socked on foxdickfarms in Both Adam and P P Ps thread in an attempt to derail it > Adam Edge reads his foxdickfarms thread 24/7 and seethes uncontrollably in the Writers Room over it >Adam Edge posts on Cow daily >Adam Edge tried to get CoachRedPill to do an interview but was told to fuck off so Adam offered him $1000 for a chance to have Coach be apart of TWIN > Adam Edge had gay anal sex with P P P during his visit to Canada. It was his entire reason for going >Adam Edge tried to get Elaine Miller to pit a butt plug up his ass but she decided against this Confirmed on the Killstream >Elaine Miller made Adam pay her for visiting every time and would stare at the floor whenever she talked to him >Adam Edge is into poppers hardcore >Adam Edge snaked Leopirate bickers Leo found out he was a himosexual degenerate >Adam Edge has failed at life at everything he has ever done > Adam Edge regularly walks and stands on his tiptoes to seem taller than he is LOL
>>249538 ADAM EDGE FACTS PART 4 >Adam Edge had a drunken night in the discord calls ranting about trying to hook up with underage girls on Tinder by pretending he was 18 >Adam Edge was thrown out of the Hospital when his kid was born due to being high and drunk > Adam Edge still has not signed the birth certificate to his own child >Adam Edge would buy cocaine off of Elaine and try to sell it for higher price to his club crew but was beaten up instead with the drugs stolen > Adam Edge recorded P P P admitting to having gay anal sex with both him and surfer then drunkenly gave it to Squire aka Trelane in chat who offered Grossly Offensive the audio for $10,000 CONFIRMED REAL >Bryan Dunn is allowed around his child unlike Adam Edge and no evidence has ever been presented to suggest Bryan trafficks his child to discord users >Toad McKinley put his baby in a blender and Adam called him a based chad man in voice calls for doing so > Adam Edge is and has always bn a LGTBQ+ Advocate who assisted trannies like Maddiecat into gayops under the promise of clout or gay sexting chats with him and P P P
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>>249536 >>249539 >I give handjobs with my mouth
>>249540 You seem upset Adam. You should take care of your kid!
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>>249528 even gayhole has a better hairline
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0C3S748GR0 I'd fuck the new spic(?) cohost on poop coomer crisis
>>249507 nice gay bar Coyote Ugly Saloon Piccadilly ? https://www.coyoteuglysaloonuk.com/piccadilly
>>249539 well dont stop now, the coom flares are being pulled out
>>249508 pigtits gets no action so seems probable, the cope of this pig of having a 1 inch baby cock
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>>249546 You would know of course, Elaine.
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>>249542 >You should take care of your kid! says the guy who spend 12 hours a day in discord calls with tranny
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House of Misrepresentatives passed this. Apparently telling the truth is against the federal government guidelines
>>249545 Sure, but she wouldn't fuck you, and therein lies the difference.
>>249556 shes already fucking this king
>>249555 (checked) Fucking crazy how it was perfectly fine for all these college kids to support BLM and loot burn cities down over some some nig​ger that overdosed but god forbid they criticize/protest God's Chosen Lunatics, thats it shut down time for us to take away your freedom of speech.
>>249555 deus vult uhuhuh speramus descedit et gentilos nos necabit omnae genua flectunt, iudaei rex est uhuhuhuhuh
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>>249559 The point isn't Christianity itself but allowing the freedom of speech especially in regards to religion and especially the religion of the writers of the Constitution, and not limiting it bickers "Christ is King" bruises Ben Shapiro buttcheeks.
>>249369 >>249370 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI-EH1l2xzs Cuckstiny and company are shilling for Bidup
>>249564 I wonder why...
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Bad news gaytorbros.
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>>249569 The incarnation of the sektur's death, fucking skeletor with a wig. What in the fuck is this bitch even talking about???
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>>249569 Stop giving this whore attention
>>249494 amanda got fucked in the ass by a 13 year old mexican Juggalo and pigtits watched cuckold confirmed
>>249448 sounds defeated suicide incoming
>>249400 Who is this?
>>249576 RAWDAWGED IN HER ASS and she loved it
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does he beg and cry in front of paid bitches like demi and make them feel sorry for him haha pity
>>249581 jcaesar187 fucked prostitutes and so did the horse
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>>249584 >jcaesar187 fucked prostitutes and so did the horse and what have you ever fucked bish? at least my feet are god tier!
>>249585 the point is gaylogs try to pretend Гунтy is some cuckold when the both of them fucked other people and sometimes together in a threesome. it's disingenuous. people do this to streamer destiny as well. both him and his ex fucked other people but the onus is only on the man bickers everyone likes to larp as a feminist when it's convenient.
>>249587 The onus is on the man bickers the man SHOULD care about other dudes fucking his wife, by the nature of the sexes women can get pregnant, easily catch stds especially from a mexican male prostitute you explicitly made fuck her in the ass without any form of protection and just get all emotionally fucked up by having other men service their assfucking needs. Finding a woman who lets you fuck other women is cool, but when you start letting her fuck other dudes as well you are a certified cuckold who needs paternity tests to prove any of his kids is actually his.
>>249584 >>249585 pigtits does date a number or dykes, amanda, adezero, nora, faith, remeber the texts where pig was fine with faith seeing some other guy and the texts between amanda and faith eating each other out >>249587 >>249589 he definitely watched amanda getting fucked in the ass by a 13 year old
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>>249589 a girl who let's his guy sleep around isn't cool and a girl who sleeps around with others while having a guy should rightly be called a whore or a slut. you'll never hear jewsh berate destiny's ex bickers he's a cringe fake feminist.
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>>249587 >Гунт isn't a cuckold that's about as believable as Гунт not lusting after soph while high on xanax
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>>249592 >men get chided for not acting like men >womens failures are seen as failures on the part of her man not being a man >feminism were back, reset the calendar to year 0
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>>249570 >What in the fuck is this bitch even talking about??? No one knows. No one listens. Turned that shit off 10 seconds in. >>249571 Is it even possibe? I genuinely think listening to her rambling gives you brain cancer.
>>249587 Fuck off Adam Edge. jcaesar187 disavowed you. Just bickers Elaine cucked you doesnt mean you get to larp like cuckoldry is based faggot.
>>249583 for some fat disgusting pig looking retard to try and run a bullying and harrasment channel, i dont know, imagine waking up in the morning and looking like this, no wonder hes a junkie, imagine looking like this pig animal, just end it already pigboy, youve lost, completly lost
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>>249592 >this is the faggot who threw an online shitfit when some teenage girl wouldn't e-date him Alawgfarms remembers
>>249583 >AUUUUUUU I'M NOT NICE TO WOMEN What was the name of the e-whore that he simped for and wanted to buy her everything off her (((amazon))) whish list again?
>>249610 Wasn't it alice?
>>249611 Alice. Although tbf, he had Mai_Mai procure her
>>249610 he pays mexicans to be nice to women and to RAWDAWG THEM IN THEIR ASS and she loved it
>>249611 im sure the fucking pig was really nice to alice, before raping her mouth after getting her pig stinking drunk oink
GYM ON LIFE SUPPORT Гунт ON IRON LUNG ASSTON ON 600 ILB LIFE WARTSKI ON TRANNY DICK just in time for more election year psyops
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>>249611 Rock bottom to that point in time.
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pigtits back again rattling his begging tin cup
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Is this what Muttni thinks she looks like?
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>>249617 Гунт keeps saying the lobby is open, but what does it even mean? He doesn't take callers unless they're screened first, so the only people ever calling in are the same nobody guests and a few cringeworthy paypigs. Maybe it's just an empty slogan to him now, like christianity and most of his espoused beliefs.
>>249592 Jewsh Moonpie is one of those men that is falling into the "sneaky fucker" strategy like a lot of soyboy leftist men. He pretends to be a feminist, pandering to the women in his audience and blaming men for everything on every issue. He hopes women will think, "Ah, he's one of the good ones." And then women will magically fuck him. But the truth is, men doing this strategy end up being bad people trying to camoflage themselves into a female safe space, where their true sex predator nature comes out and they get arrested for rape and other sex crimes. >>249591 Why do you keep saying a 13 year old fucked Amanda Morris in her ass? I've never heard this bit of lore about the age of the male hooker. It's bad enough without having to invent new details into it. >>249596 The funny bit in that video is she revealed she has a habit of ripping wallpaper off the wall to see if there is black mold everywhere she lives. Definitely doesn't sound like a crazy person who's hearing voices in the walls (sarcasm). >>249599 Yeah, what I hate about Earwinson is that he pushed Elaine in all our faces for months. Now he wants to bury her bc they had a fallout. No retard. You were the idiot giving her so much attention and declaring her the queen of the sector just 'cause you wanted to hit it. Anons were telling you it was cringe then and it's still cringe now, not just bc you got your heart broken by the witch. >>249609 Exactly. And he fantasized openly about wanting to go on a rampage killing women until he got gunned down by a swat team. The Jewsh Moon stances come from overcorrecting on past lore about himself. He pretends to hate anime bc of his neko shota stuff in the past and how trannies larp using anime pfps. He larps as a feminist to try to correct the insane misogyny of hating all women and wanting to kill his Mom.
>>249623 Yep. Hence >just in time for more election year psyops
>>249623 Also talk on parts of Twitter have speculated the Antisemitism bill as a way to shut down Twitter or at least control it more, after fucking with TikTok, which might be the case. The amount of "antisemtitism" I've seen on twitter especially in the last view days has been remarkable, but makes you wonder why it is so unchecked on such a big platform as Twitter.
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>>249628 the anti-jew bill is probably unconstitutional and will get shot down but I thought it only applied to public gatherings?
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>>249615 Watch him blocking every hater the second he gets reinstated. Like little faggot he is.
>>249623 >>249627 Sounds like y'all are jealous that Fuentes is the GOAT and is getting his X account back. Return of the king.
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>>249621 >can we bully him into getting x to host foxdick idk dude, why not just sue him? It's your golden bullet.
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>>249628 yeah get a clue thats the whole point of the sudden flood of 'christ, the king of the jews, is king' posting since this is literally the kikes go to strawman to delegitimise any criticism on jews, 'uh see its just pathological antisemitism' who the fuck even takes anything you fucking say about the kikes seriously when you espouse this crap that is exactly what the kikes always pretend antisemitism is , ie. idiotic irrational religious zealotry based on literally nothing more than a jewish fairytale and having nothing to do with anything with actual jews or reality, like holy fucking shit this is the best argument people have against the kikes 'they killed jeesoos' fucking qtard kike pantomime
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Jush is a reetard but comments section is on point.
>>249633 That's probably the mindset, although I think there is a lot of truth to it even it alienates a lot of atheist normalfags >>249634 Yeah no shit. Meanwhile Jewsh is all >mememememememeeeeee
>>249629 Yeah but the language in parts is vague and it mentions "jews killed Jesus" which can be used against Christians
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>>249615 >>249621 >>249623 >>249634 Glowbois Are Back In Town
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X and Elon really want you to believe that Nicholas J. Fuentes is more popular than the the most popular and best-selling video game of all time? Astro-turfed fed.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVaSN4Cqo-I Carl on The Critical Drinker stream now
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GAYTORBROS WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMrVQBiyZ4E
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CORRECTION NEEDED: Let's Talk NEXAS & AniLive. Where People Got it Right or Wrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMrVQBiyZ4E
>>249642 fuck off idiot im not reading this shit if jesus was not a jew he is not from the tribe of juda and not from the davidic blood line and hence not messiah and did not fullfill the mesianic prophecy you fucking clueless peabrain dont even try
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>>249645 >tribe of Judah= modern Jews Yeah, and Nora is of the same tribe as Geronimo bickers both are called "Indians"
>>249634 >ashley st clair that jewess whore literally sent n iggers her underage nudes a decade ago
>>249647 >we wuz jews cope harder you strange alien, jew literally means people from judea who speak a semetic language that has no relation to any indo-european language, these fucking desert cults were not hwite or black or european or whatever stupid tard cope you have that no one but you believes and only do so bickers you dont know shit
>>249642 >>249645 >>249647 >>249650 y'all john lennon DID NOT die for this 😂😂😂
>>249650 >cope harder you strange alien, Not coping. Just questioning. But apparently I hit a defensive nerve with you >jew literally means people from judea who speak a semetic language that has no relation to any indo-european language, Yeah, and the "jews" are descended from the Pharisees who brought their religion back from Babylon with them. >these fucking desert cults were not hwite or black or european or whatever stupid tard cope you have that no one but you believes and only do so bickers you dont know shit And how do you know what you claim to know? Also white black or european cover a number of different groups themselves. So call these desert cults whatever you want but that doesn't mean all these centuries "exiled" diaspora currently occupying Palestine are Judeans or Judahites
>>249655 jesus was a follower of judaism which is now talmudic judaism after the destruction of their stupid temple and the temple cult, and was ethnically part of a nation that only existed in what is today known as the levant and are desert wanders that had the custom of wiping their ass using three stones/shells hows that
>>249643 >>249644 Fuck off Brian Holloman
[10:44] <~robi> server fees paid for may [10:44] <~robi> canary update on the 5th [10:44] <~robi> bit busy this week as well, moving GET READY /cow/BOYS
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>>249626 >The funny bit in that video is she revealed she has a habit of ripping wallpaper off the wall to see if there is black mold everywhere she lives. Definitely doesn't sound like a crazy person who's hearing voices in the walls (sarcasm). Also confirmed she lives in a shithole if she is worried about black mold. Or she's covering for being a flophouse
>>249644 >30 people watching that garbage Even Persnake gets better numbers than that
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>>249658 2 canaries in a row? What is this, an aviary?
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>>249664 Look at the economic efficiency though. Even daddy gym couldn't monetise near 20% of his audience. Gaytor's making it rain.
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>>249668 File 2 didn't upload.
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Happy Constitution Day Polandbros
>>249485 lol pigtits sure does love being humiliated, i cant believe piggermale hasnt killed himself, piggertits has fuck all to live for haha
>>249620 piggertits should have his jaw broke and teeth smashed for face raping this girl
*woosh* maga is king
>>249694 >Christian charity applies to the animal kingdom too
>>249690 >i'm off most social media, have been for like forever bickers it sucks and i prefer cats >btw here's my new twatter Mayte
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ahhhh stuck in helllllll fuck you piggertits
>>249698 Wtf is this fat fuck trying to do?
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Sony Burns Down Everything They Touch. Square-Enix Ls Collection. FalseEyeD vs Nijisanji. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyZ3gJdwIpE TheGatorGamerbro smashing viewer numbers left and right.
Words of wisdom: No one will love Styx as much as he does.
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>>249707 amazing wisdom
>>249707 Good to know that Styx has no one in his life that is looking out for him and truly has his back. This is the fate of morally bad people. But tbf, he is currently sitting in his parent's home in Rutland, Vermont. So perhaps this narcissist underestimates the level of support his parents are giving him as he thinks he's all alone in the world. Also, funny that his moral code is Crowley's "Do as thou wilt." How's that workin' out for you buddy? Still worshipping Stolas, the owl demon? I need Styx to become a relevant character again. He's vastly underappreciated in the sphere.
LETS GOOOOOOOOOO NEW KINO BOYS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoupz68ar9o BAPCELS ON SUICIDE WATCH
>>249710 Really good video, fuck BAP
>>249709 Styx makes 2 10 minute videos and then streams to 3000 dupper puppers for an hour, selling them vague copium and in 1 hour rakes in what rekieta makes in a month. He's got his grift figured out at least.
>>249710 A gem reminiscent of old internet blood sports.
>>249710 Who made this its funny.
>>249710 >>249711 >>249715 >>249716 So this channel is a Groyper channel. He attacked Gayden McNeil, which was cool. Now he's attacking BAP, whom Fuentes hates. Ok, I don't really care but stop changing VPN's and building a false consensus. If people want to check it out, they will.
>>249717 Isn't it Ali Jamal?
>>249719 Yeah, it is. I forgot somebody linked it here once. Then I just forgot about it and wondered why it was being shilled here and was so autistic.
>>249710 >>249715 >>249716 Ali stop wasting your parents money on VPNs to shill your youtube channel and get a real job
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>>249719 Or someone borrowing his channel like with surfer. Coin flip. He could just be schizo with his off camera persona like half the sektur.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFSTRPllJ_M Cuckieta's 4D lawfare chess move
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Anyone remember a Virtual Holocaust from 2008 he was an amazing atheist orbiter. https://encyclopediadramatica.online/Saturnine_Films He was mentioned in this article.
>>249726 >hes already wasted
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Jewsh Moonpie subs to the Kino Casino.
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lol arghhh lub muh saahn reminder both his retard children on special needs and on welfare, one being raised by amanda the tranny and her negro boyfriend and the other faith the dyke raised by her mexican boyfriend, comical how white nationalists talk to this piggermale, yes the white nationalist movement want this piggertits betamale on their team, if you look like pigtits you should be replaced
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lol dax the child molester if giving piggertits advice on how to proceed with pigs disabled child, 200k argh million dollars haha pigs tits life if a complete fucking disaster end it now will a little dignity just kidding pigtits has none not a single shred of dignity
>>249730 one child raised by a mexican one child raised by a african there's your white nationalist fucking larping blacked porn lover, 2 time obama voter
>>249731 Who is paying Viggers legal bills now?
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>>249730 >>249731 >>249732 utter humiliation, expect a Saturday show begging for more money, he cant even afford that mexican rent a girl anymore
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>>249732 Gonna need to see some proof of Horse hooking up with a groid, or is this just some more pedochet lies?
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pigtits is trying to hide behind another group of retards again, but its the same retards as before, hes ran out of groups to parasite and leech off back to sucking beaner cock just like old times pigboy
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>>249739 >abusers For a girl who raped x times, she sure can pick them >>249732 Wutta chad. He's not raising their kids
>>249743 a fat disgusting retard who offers absolutely fuck all wants to join your political movement, what do you do?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqBFYmimmjU Sargon answers the bear question
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>a week without twatting HE'S FUCKING DEAD (AGAIN)
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>>249758 Is Metocare a Sonic furfag now? Dying funny man has turned cringe during his "last days"
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In a desperation to grift Гунт is trying to suck back up Faguentes
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>>249752 >You will never become William Birkin from Resident Evil 2. But tbf, William was an Umbrella scientist who got betrayed by Umbrella corporation. He got shot and was dying so he took the T--virus as a last resort and mutated into a monster. He did not willingly take the vax for fun. Oh yeah, fake post. >>249757 Why is Sargon posting videos on his dead channel now? Is he tired of pretending to run Lotus Eaters? >>249758 It's over Sweaty-Squirters. Metocare cowers offline now after Elaine and the Feaser gang beat him into the dirt. But it's good for his heart to avoid online stress. >>249730 >>249731 So Vickers is getting the Mexican boyfriend to adopt Xander, jcaesar187's son. And is strong-arming jcaesar187 by slapping him with lawsuits to force him to cooperate. Vickers is a one-trick downyy; he can only sue and use lawfare. Also, imagine being that Mexican cuck.
>>249762 How does this fat fuck not blow his brains out? Imagine weiting this about the reality of never ever being able to see or raise your own child, let alone a son. Fuck me, even Bryan Dunn is able to sustain a real career and be in his kids life everyday somehow. E.than R.alph you will always be the biggest loser on the internet. Facts.
>>249747 Fuck off Adam Edge/Perspic. Look at your post count LOL. What a losssseeerrrrr
>>249762 ive heard holocaust survivor stories more believable than a man being given a diamond ring from his wife on an exact date which is not their marriage cuz how could it be the man is bride lmao
>>249764 hey pedo kys
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The gaypers are not ready to forgive Гунт
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>>249765 >>249766 Stay mad, alawgs. I'm doing my part.
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>>249743 >a rough time of Гунт's life is the only time he has been sober since he got out of prison
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>>249780 Who are the 50 anons being sued by Vickers? Do they even know? I assume they are Twitterfags.
>>249781 Good question, If I had to guess the list should contain: Perspicacity Squire KoP Randy Willians Saniberries Elaine Mormon Shaggy Axle Alyster? Gaytor? Jewsh?
>>249772 Why do you post so much Adam? Log off and raise your kid you balding faggot
oioi! oim troyin to be stronk wit me tits oight me fookin tits exploded m8
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>>249787 what the ever living hell
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>>249792 >>249793 what's the viggers endgame?
>>249794 An attempt of a humiliation ritual for the Гунт but it just doesn't work since Гунт already sits at the bottom of a pig stye rolling in pig shit waiting to drag others down into it with him
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calculator coom on suicidewatch
>>249780 lol still wearing those silly glasses, he just looks stupid wearing them and shows his lack of confidence over his pigish appearance and gimp eye >>249794 suicide do it piggermale
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Feaser is really excited to have Fedeuntes back
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>>249725 If Гунт had just bent the knee he could have been on one of these panels.
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>>249796 >hanging out with this homo I doubt she did anything with him >>249801 He's back pedaling faster than a bear on a unicycle
>>249799 >22 and already hitting the wall its either that or botulism cheeks
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>thirst posting intensifies
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>>249806 >heckin' reddit steampunk chic when is elaine going on whatever. Would she be on the side of the table opposite of brian bickers she probably has some nutty radfem beliefs?
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>>249797 ahhhhh look kool in muuugh cheep sunglasses
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Man vs. Bear DEBATE! Andrew Wilson! Tattoo On Her WHAT?! E-GIRLS! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | Dating Talk #158 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZwZELDuVMI
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>>249816 >Minnie Mouse is back
>>249811 >>249816 >>249815 I see Andrew Wilson is back to bullying 20 year old bimbo whores who know nothing. Back to the same old low-hanging fruit. This guy is middle-aged picking on early 20's bimbos half his age. When he does step out of his lane, he get his ass handed to him like on that Fresh N Fit panel with the bald prisoner who owned him. It's tough, BPF-bros. Get back to your safe space and keep pretending your fat wife is hot and raising all her bastard kids, cuckold. Andrew got too big for his little britches in his Whatever safe space and got smacked back down to Earth. Also, Whatever desperately latching onto the bear-man feminist drama. Pathetic. This sort of anti-sjw, anti-feminist kontent has already been done a million times literally 10-15 years ago back in 2014 by shmucks like Sargon, Vee and others. And even he moved on (mostly) from stupid shit like that.
>>249818 who cares, its jerry springer tier entertainment
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>>249819 You do apparently. 'Cause you watch that shit for 8 hours straight every night like a bitch.
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>>249821 >going to Mar-a-Lago >going to me Trump >put on a suit >wear a beanie bro everyone knows your bald just take of the stupid beanie
>>249822 you think this is ajoke?! i wear the beanie so leftists and antifa cant identify me! this is serious its to protect my identity as a journalist this is serious do you not know how many death threats i get from marxists, maga, you think this is a joke?!
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>>249823 >you think this is a joke yeah its a joke/cope while hiding being bald, your chrome dome has already been exposed so just own it dim fool
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Just one of the many side effects of gluttony. Sugar rotting those teeth out from all the crap he shovels down his gullet.
>>249822 I think he showers with it on
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>>249825 He's had that for 3 or 4 years now, hasn't he?
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>>249818 He's taking on Lauren Chen this morning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xEhg2be_5s
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>>249837 another W for the king
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>>249836 >Lauren is already dead
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It has now been days since Metocare tweeted. Before this tweet, he was on another 10 day hiatus and only broke it probably bc he was tired of getting DM's from sycophants asking, "Are you ok, Gym?" Metocare got used to his Poast safe space where only his sycophants kissed his ass. Real Twitter/X is not quite as fun, especially when you go out of your way to make a lot of enemies. Feasergang and Elaine beat him into the dirt to the point that he doesn't wanna play anymore.
>>249847 *It has now been 9 days
>>249847 *it has now bean
>>249806 I need to fuck her.
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>>249847 Jayyyyed. Tell 'em Tiny gives better head Jayyyed.
>>249758 It's probably been five years since I laughed at anything this guy has posted/said. It's like if Spoony was still somehow able to retain an audience despite losing the ability that made him known in the first place.
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AFPAC IV is being held on 6/6/24, ie 666 date.
>>249858 *Meant to write 6/15/24 but 1+5=6, 2+4=6
>>249853 >June 15th So that would be 616 if you use american notation and Israeli timezone.
>>249860 No, June = 6, 15 is 6 bickers 1+5=6, 24 is 6 bickers 2+4=6.
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>>249859 4=2*2 = 2=1+1 2+1=3 6=1+2+3 3*2=6 66=6+6 666
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>>248789 That ball needs a star
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>>249866 10 DAYS It's ogre.
>>249865 >third image fucking destroyed
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pigtits back to watching negros, im convinced this pig is a psyops to just discredit right wing idiots who are desperate enough to go on his dogshit show, why is he still streaming, for whom? >>249865 >>249866 pigtits was getting RAWDAWGED BY MATTHEW VICKERS ALL WEEKEND AND HE LOVED IT like all weekend, enjoy court again piggermale
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Based Teddy Feaser is flagging down all kontent on Jewtube from gaylogs making fun of him. And it makes fags like Kinochet, KillAllPedos, and Asston Parks fume in rage. 😁😁😁
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>>249870 not like this chemokasinobros...
>>249869 piggertits is now watch fuentes >im gonna destroy amercai first a swear on much shaans life
>>249874 MAH SAAHNN
>>249869 I tried to watch thanks to your promotion. I couldn't take listening to Destiny for more than a few minutes and tapped out. Even worse than listening to Fuentes.
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Well who needs sleep anyway.
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She DISAGREES With EVERYTHING?! Trad Feminist? VlRGlN GIGACHAD! College Girls! | Dating Talk #159 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMOILjdbYvs
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Mantsu has completely moved on in life from the pig, looks like she is getting a new job maybe even moving in with her black bull.
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>>249882 prime slampig on the left
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>>249881 she's completely "moved on" by taunting Гунтy with pics on instagram? she's been Гунтed and raising Гунтs kid. there's no moving on from that
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Earwinson just woke up from drugs induced weekend coma. It's another AMA.
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>>249893 >ancient value >br'ish caeser almost called off his campaign cuz he couldnt land siege weapons on the blueniger island, he was used to fighting real people but with these br'ish he found out he didnt need shit cuz they were the equivalent of nigers in africa, a single standard bearer was able to slaughter a whole group of these naked blue insects, what a worthless and pathetic peoples, they didnt even take them as slaves they were that useless, they just imposed a tax which the romans just forgot about and stopped collecting cuz its like charging an ant rent in your home, fookin br'ish m8, so fucking worthless and insignificant
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>>249895 <my life as an owl turned into a nightmare
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>>249893 >fighting over an overcrowded rainy shithole where all the natural resources were stripped long ago that has nothing but inbred brits that never fled to the rest of the anglosphere due to being poor or retarded and inbred pajeets + ahmeds
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>i'm fine on rumble
>>249901 Jersh scamming his followers out of 100+ thousand dollars isn't notable though.
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>>249901 if the Гунт could get 500-1000 viewers on youtube on the condition he'd abandon rumble he'd make the switch immediately
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>>249891 Gaytor deflecting his dox to zoom. It had the knock on effect of making jewsh rage that he slept through it and foxdicks are still seething over it as a whole. One tweet and the gaytorbro had them at his beck and call. Adam only wishes he had that kind of power.
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>>249904 He who travels fastest travels alone, Gayopwinson
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Kike Space Jam producer Herschel Weingrod outed as sweaty gamer by kino kick streamers
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>>249908 god said its ok goy you antisemite nazi!
piggertits doing a late stream, is pig losing the will to stream, piggertits has been doing lots of missed days/late starts, it must be hard to wake up and be a fat retard called piggertits with nothing to do all day but stream watching other more successful podcasts and cnn for 10 hours a day until 100 bucks of superchats from disabled neets like analwolf come in. piggertits is still doing shit political debates bickers hes an antizionist, i bet their happy adding piggertits to their movement with adam green lol, nothing screams a successful political movement with a fat disgusting pig looking retard with no skills, ugly as fuck and no energy, hows your white children both disabled and on welfare while your about to get rawdawged in your ass by vickers again
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>>249904 <Gaytor: I've only ever been x, y, and z. What about Captain Steelbeard? Gaytor lying yet again. >May 8, 2024 Oh this is recent. Damn, he's even lying through his teeth as of today. >>249906 Lauren Chen is going to debate Lauren Southern. Hmm, might be interesting. Although I wouldn't expect Lauren Chen to get dirty with Southern enough to destroy her. She will be polite.
>>249915 back to reddit farms. piggertits was never a thing here. it was always Гунт
>>249916 hello piggertits, you are fat and poor, consider ending it
>>249916 >it was always Гунт Sorry bud, but I've held from day one to distinguish between the blob that is jcaesar187 and the individual known as the Гунт. No one really got the memo since like 2020. It's like the way slowpoke and shellder make slowbro that distinguishes a collective from a gathering of individualists.
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>>249918 i just don't see anyone but a mr redditkur fan thinking "piggertits" is a good insult
>>249920 It's not, but it's whatever he wants to use to identify himself while switching ids. Weakload jizzed on his cat, he has this thing.
Why is jcaesar187 making his audience watch some whatever podcast egirl troll for hours? It's like he enjoys torturing his audience. Yesterday it was hours of destiny. The weeks before it was cooking videos. Now whatever podcast (which I hate). I try to watch but he does his best to make it unwatchable.
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>>249895 I'm gonna have to listen to Rollo debunk this this week. Should be red meat for him since Southern tried to destroy his repuptation with Destiny and Muttni with forged medical documents. >>249901 >I couldn't pay for a podcast where the speaker can't squat 135 lbs based on principle. I wouldn't pay for any podcast in general but this principle I can relate to. I'm getting to the point where I'm just going to discard people's opinions on how they look, even though technically it's a fallacy. A fat dude can still be correct by stating the sky is blue. If you're obese, I don't really care about your opinion on many things. I guess a fat clown can still entertain me. But when someone like Asston Parks is moralizing and giving his opinion on Christian morality and others being losers, I can't take it seriously. Or Jewsh Moonpie larping as a male feminist when he has limited experience with women and is pandering to his audience to get female support. All these people are very fat and lack the discipline required to stop eating themselves to death. How about you get a six pack and then I will take you seriously. Or do 10-15 pullups. Someone like Sargon can't be talking about saving the West and British people being so great when they're fat and can't pullup their own body weight 5 times. I know he lost some weight but still. All you influencers are fat or have skeletal pipe-cleaner arms like Styx and you want to tell me how society should be laid out and how politics should work. And who I should vote for. Fuck off. Like Gvnt right now is bragging about his game with women and stupid shit like that. And Rollo Tomassi brags about his 50+ body count and how he used to larp as a rock star and women wanted to fuck him when he was in his 20's on stage. Everything is so fake and gay. Most of the fitness influencers are on steroids and present a fake world where they use downward lighting and take pics full flex, after a big workout so they get the best pump. I guess I'm just getting tired of e-grifters and how one can present a fake hyperreality version of life to an audience from a bedroom and think that means anything. It's all fake people trying to earn money online so they don't have to work a real job and grifters fellating their egos all day long. New rule: If you can't do a muscle up or head bangers pullups, then I don't have to listen to you or respect you. Bc you're not on my level. I don't use weights as a rule like (you must benchpress 300 lbs plates or squat 250 lbs) bc big fat dudes can have some basic fat strength, but then they can't do a pullup or many pushups. You must have the discipline to control your diet too and reduce your body fat percentage. >>249922 Yuck. Yet another reason to tune out of the gvnt.
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Cozy Rozy soon gonna have a black brotha for a father.
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>>249921 >Weakload jizzed on his cat, he has this thing. I thought he jizzed on Melonie Pires' cat
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>>249895 >>249919 VEE WEIGHS IN TOO
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>>249922 Гунт mama #3
>>249898 Gayhoolio.
>>249928 >boomer gym <check >groomer gym <check >gym dox <check, even surrendered the anime dungeon >sleep <triple check >nogs <check >jogs <check >gategame 2 <blown wide open, praise be to ethics >rat jcaesar187 to the wsj <banger >blame it on the sjws <chuckles Year 6 right on schedule.
>>249929 He really did seem to be simping for her really hard to the point of being willing to derail his show.
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>>249929 https://twitter.com/megantheevalium Гунт likes this spic's leche bickers she follows him on twatter
>>249933 Who is this bitch?
>>249935 some right wing hipster troll on twatter, the kind of person that dick molesterson and Гунт lust after
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>>249933 >>249935 >>249936 She looks mostly spanish rather than aztec. White enough to bleach and have the kids come out white
>>249937 MUGH SAUUHN Isnt that mexican guy raising your SUHAAHN
>>249933 warn this random woman who would be naturally repulsed by pigtits that shes in danger of getting raped by a fat piggermale
>>249935 She got kicked off Whatever the other night for wearing her sunglasses when she was told not to and swung at Nick. She was an annoyingly wacky troll on the show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMOILjdbYvs >>249941 She's a NEET who was dating a Jewish dermatologist. She's frum Shhhhcawgoooo, which is an automatic warning sign. Every woman from Shhhhhcawgoo is an obnoxious, aggressive, overbearing loudmouth. So she's perfect for jcaesar187.
>>249942 lol is pigtits going to pay her, his ronnie ending is near
>>249943 Yeah, he hasn't got the money anymore to afford her
>>249936 It's a hipster troll, yes. "Right wing", no. Well, maybe just as much as everyone that has flooded to identify as "right wing" bickers it's seen as counterculture. >>249942 Imagine believing her stories. But I couldn't imagine liking whatever podcast or bpf either.
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Gaytor caught the cancer aids from an enemy stand. He's been chatting to a drunk and a sexpat for representation in the anime courts.
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>>249948 argh not the fatty, ppps the fatty, what a low energy stream, still streaming watching other podcasts for free 10 hours per day, i cant believe hes not killed himself yet
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>>249950 Self-centered people never off themselves. Alas.
piggertits watching negros again, does he have some sort or negro genetics or ad-mixture this guy is a fucking disaster
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJGOx5rzbkA WE ARE SO BACK! New LOTR Movie, Disney CANCELS Tinker Bell, Gina Carano Shows RECEIPTS | Ep. 608 deploy the coom signal
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>>249953 >bringing librarian chic back singlehandedly
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dis bish gets dicked down more than the average whatever thot
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>>249955 >dicked down By a bunch of faggots? X
>>249908 Vitaly was a prank video youtuber. I guess he has moved on from that. He also did a pron video and apparently couldn't get hard. Tbf though, the daughter looks 25-30 with an orange Trump tan and heavy makeup. Although the kike got baited by the 15 yo age. But that isn't really a pedo though right? It's attraction to teens. Still illegal depending on the state. A child is prepuberty. Below 13. Although legally, a child is anything under 16-18. Another fucked up thing is why is this guy using his daughter as bait for peedos? >>249955 Yeah, you can tell she is passed around right wing circles, like the new Lauren Southern. Whoever can give her some clout. Her platinum blonde, dyed hair is a massive red flag so you know she's some fake poser and wants to be something she's not. Now she's dressing up as a Japanese schoolgirl for attention. Every right wing grifter is hitting that at the same time. >>249946 It's funny that Gaytor larped as some badass on X about the smoker in his apartment and how he was gonna complain like a Karen to the manager. Yet he was totally ignored. Now he's being driven out totally by the smoker and having to complain again. I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, it's funny that Gaytor is impotent and no one cares about his plight, even as he's nearly hospitalized by a respiratory infection. On the other hand, fuck smokers. And fuck indoor smokers harder.
>>249959 still larping as a free-speech white nationalist, despite being a 2 time obama voter, white trash, wigger and blacked porn watcher and getting rejected by little nicky and every other group he tries to latch onto
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It has now been 12 days since Metocare posted. I guess he's MoshiMoshi Moaning in pain as he dies.
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>>249963 >metokur died in a blaze of coom
>>249948 Apparently, when you have a rotting tooth, the infection in the tooth can enter the bloodstream, which leads to septic shock/sepsis. And can lead to heart failure, kidney failure, and death. This UFC fighter almost died from neglecting his cavity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaPB-_hd1SQ @14:22-end.
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>>249965 I still say he got sepsis in the bathhouse from being fucked in the ass too hard and tearing his insides. It's what supposedly killed the little girl from Poltergeist
>>249965 i know someone that died from popping a pimple the pus apparently entered the bloodstream, which leads to septic shock/sepsis. And can lead to heart failure, kidney failure, and death
>>249966 That would explain why Asston is ashamed to talk about his health scares. It's not too embarrassing to say "My tooth rotted out and gave me sepsis and I had to go to the hospital." While saying "I got sepsis from gay anal sex" is quite embarrassing. Anal abscesses don't always come from anal sex but pretty funny anyway. https://www.healthline.com/health/anorectal-abscess#causes-and-risk-factors
>>249959 who has a worse gimp eye. this guy or piggertits, nick is a police officer like mark collett
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>>249969 >Anal abscesses don't always come from anal sex but pretty funny anyway. Troo, but he being a fat homo suggests it very well could be from getting his hairless anus wrecked in a bathhouse.
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https://kick.com/violetbrandani >this is what weakload goons to now
>>249970 nah they're both based
>>249975 >The new thotcast 304 She's hot but I prefer Leonarda Jonie
>>249978 >new Violet Summers has been a hoe online for years. Just bickers she entered your awareness on the gaycast doesn't make her new or fresh.
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>>249979 Yes the new to the thotcast 304. As in Chrissie Mayr's livestream. She has been newly added recently to the hoe rotation
Гунт still trying to squash the beef so he can go back to ballwashing faguentes for a crumb of of superberries.
>>249981 This kind of stuff is why I stopped watching jcaesar187. He was right about Fuentes when he opposed him. He even called him out for playing the role of controlled op my loose butthole.
>>249982 *controlled op b.o.o.g.e.y.m.a.n
>>249975 she looks familiar, was she on the roastie podcast?
>>249980 Oh, my bad. Damn, Violet must be desperate if she's joining that podcast fulltime. >>249981 <you're going to get me in trouble With who? Your boss, Nichlas J. Fuentes? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Crawling back again like a bitch, huh Gvnt? >We never settled our fued. Yeah, Fuentes totally ignored your loser ass as you raged in your gamer chair squealing about how you were going to destoy him. He never gave you a molecule of oxygen bc you betrayed him, thinking the cash would flow in from your heelturn. >Fighting zionists is more important than our little tiff. LMAO. You are not fighting or having any effect on Zionism. You talking in a tin shack in Mexico to 300 drug and alcohol addicts has 0 effect on Jewish billionaires and the state of Israel. >>249982 Ultimately, you can't trust any of these faggot grifters. They only want money; they are candles in the wind. Even the ones that arrive at the correct conclusion get there for the wrong reasons. Such as when Gayden McNeil snaked Fuentes, and streamed all the attacks he could muster onto Fuentes for years at night. Not bc it was right. But bc Fuentes had personally spurned him and they fell out. So Gayden was like a gay lover trying to get revenge on an ex.
>>249986 >>249985 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qx01Rb6VEA They're streaming with Cecil right now
>>249971 this fucking pig will be the very first to say hes not a white nationalist, loves to larp as one to hide his blacked porn fetish and 2 time obama voter, what even is that
>>249961 >15 is not pedo >>>/hebe/
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>>249991 no one likes this fat worthless retard every groups default response is get this fucking loser off the stream, has complete fuck off and go away energy buy has no where else to go, doesn't have a single friend and has to pay 3 dollar prostitutes to touch his 1 inch baby cock
>>249995 uh hes doing a double you, whatever that means
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>>249975 Great piece of meat. I would too.
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>>249999 (checked) NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN
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>>249904 Insane cope by Brian Holloman over his bored moltar alt, Gaytor pretended to countless people that it wasn't BoredMoltar and in the poast DMs admitted he would deny it. That has 0 to do with Esoshaggy who isn't even around. Gaytor would go around on his boredmoltar alt, attack his enemies, talk in the 3rd person about himself like Queen of Poz, accuse them of flagging him and then retreat
>>250003 Hey dude, that gremlin voice could be anyones. https://archive.is/9G50I
>>249995 hes gonna have to buy a plastic sex doll like the faggot mra and mgtows, demi isnt coming back
>>250005 >hes gonna have to buy a plastic sex doll It's the only way he'd ever get a woman that won't eventually sober up and realize she's with one of Dr. Moreau's failed experiments.
>>250006 he could always get rekieta's goblin when he divorces her
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>>249993 My post made it onto MATI. Thanks for lurking Moonpie.
>>250008 passed around in the timcast compound more than a porn star in california
>>250007 I wonder how much alcohol and xannies it would take for "her" to go from a lawyereven if he is a shitty and very gay one to a unemployed bipedal pig who lives in a tiny cuckshed in tacoG​AMERGATEland. Only one way to find out. Get on it Гунт. Get that hooknosed kike boozed and pilled up and be on the other side of the cuckfence for once.
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>>250010 Fuck yourself with a rusty spike, Jewsh
>>250010 If a clogged toilet could speak in a human voice it would sound just like Jewsh.
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>>250015 Whoa there, Calculator. Friendly fire, buddy. I just post Tate-hate.
>>250017 Not you, but I'm replying to your comment
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>>250018 Ah, now I understand. Let me ask a question. Why did you stop posting Muttni twitter stuff? Bored of her? Or was she too sickening trying to get outrage bait engagement? I'm not complaining or suggesting you start again. It's nice not to see her shit takes regardless. Just curious.
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>>250019 >Why did you stop posting Muttni twitter stuff? She privated her twitter from new subs and I was bored bickers she wasn't doing much posting, engagement farming or otherwise. She's laying low with her cuck fiancee who is making money off his artificially inflated channel, so she, being the lazy biish she is, was doing practically nothing to hold any more interest for now. I lurk her foxdick thread for any new developments, but nothing seems to be happening at least for now
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>>250021 Ok, fair enough.
>>250021 didn't some roidpiller threaten legal action?
>>250023 Against Muttni?
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>Gayden MacNeil is angry at Andrew Wilson for not hating Feduentes on his behalf Gabe Hoffman money ill spent
>>250026 About what exactly?
>>250027 entrapment by trying to bait someone into accepting underage nudes from her
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>>250028 They weren't actually underage though. And it was Rollo Tomassi bickers he brought up desTINY fucking Lauren Simonsen while she was still married. And Muttni is Lauren's pet negro. Same reason Muttni attacked the Wilson's bickers they also brought up desTINY fucking Lauren Simonsen. Rollo and Andrew are friendly with one another.
>>250029 >elaine the barnacle of the sektur is still lurking here gross, go away elaine
>>250029 >Ctrl+F So she's the new Failya? How long before the stripper and the pineapple re-enter the scene?
>>250025 gayden and his sugar daddy victor sharp
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>>250029 >muh 50 anons Classic dumbfuck Elaine incapable of understanding that the 50 anons is just Гунт misunderstanding that Vickers left 50 blank names on the charging files in case he needs to add someone to the lawsuit. Or maybe she's willfully playing along with his nonsense bickers she's a Гунтsucker now, hard to tell with bpd women.
>>250035 "vickers isn't planning on suing 50 anons! he's just leaving 50 blank names there in case he has to!" kike
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>>250037 ai was a mistake
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piggermale is afraid of master milo
>haven't been here in a year >last posts are from late April >jcaesar187 doesn't even come here to drop doxxx or illegal shit he can plausibly deny was him anymore AAAUAAGGHGHH ГунтLEMEN MY ABSENCE SEEMS TO HAVE UTTERLY KILLED THE CYCLICAL ANOTHER JEWSH W FOR THE FARMS
>>249981 are all of pigtits viewers all on welfare for disability, 5 of them >great way to discredit your own movement adam by interacting with this fat retard, what is the thought process of someone like adam green, theres no audience, no gain whatsoever
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>>249983 Lol no. You had it right the first time.
>>249983 >>250043 you dont want to be in the same serious movement as a fat disgusting pig, join mugh winnang team
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>>250035 Sure, they won't be anon when he doxes them. Bankrupt man suing for grand conspiracy to commit assault on his mental wellbeing.
>>250071 >spelt sure >pronounced shur engrish
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>>250081 he needs that cash for the dignitas appointment, piggermale is coping, he knows hes trash, crawling back to fuentes holy shit
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only 90 days for a murder
>>250086 jcaesar187 loved Ali Ackbar / Ali Alexander when he was on cozy.tv and Ali helped jcaesar187 get his Twitter back. Did Fuentes give him permission to hate Ali now? Does jcaesar187 think it's ok to attack Ali now bc that old clip of Fuentes trashing Ali was unearthed? Pathetic.
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>>250081 Ashley Gay Goyimberg is back gaelawgs!
>>250087 Гунт loved ali when he was with AF? no way! Гунтy has truly been PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD this time
>>250087 Well since this video surfaced of Faguentes back in 2020 admitting to knowing that Ali was a p​e​do and hasnt come out to walk it back since the reveal of this footage. The Гунт smells the change in the wind and is ready to turn on the p​e​do Ali. vids related
>>250081 its totally normal for someone sober to slur their words
>>250090 Yeah, Gvnty did get btf0ed, despite your gay sarcasm. Defending a brown faggot sweaty gamer that looks like a piranha who grooms white teen boys is generally a really, really, bad look. Doesn't matter that he got Gvnt's Twitter unbanned. It makes the Gvnt look like he supports homosexuality and excessive sweating so long as his back gets scratched. Same as when Nicolas J. Fuentes, his boss, shut his mouth for several years about Ali Ackbar bc Ackbar had fostered connections with Fuentes and they both thought they could use each other for political gain. Again, it makes Fuentes look like he supports homosexuality and excessive sweating. And jcaesar187 and Fuentes are complicit in feeding the gay sweaty gamer teen boys from their movement.
>>250086 >>250087 >>250093 YOU FAKE MARRIED A LOLI WATCHING sweaty gamer, PIGGERMALE
>>250094 imagine marrying a PDF like MANTSU how DESPERATE are you PIGTITS
>>250093 the number of homos pigtits is connected or interacted with that he denies, like he denies sucking some guys cock for 4 years and of course getting pegged in his fat ass by manda and the underage mexican rawdawg
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15 days
>>250102 4 comments, pussy in bio haha
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>>250108 Elaine scared him away
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>>250110 >>250111 (checked)
>>250110 water melonie
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DAISY CHEN?! Andrew Wilson! Are They VICTIMS?! E-GIRLS?! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | Dating Talk #160 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9lOqPiL854 the pug looking nig's (from fresh and fit) babytrap momma on the whatever podcast
>>250084 rule 1 for the roastme subreddit is don't be mean
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>>250114 >FnF aren't antagonistic/ afraid of Brian enough already
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>>249906 Lauren Chen and Lauren Southern need to make out on camera
>>250118 Is there a debate going on right now or something?
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>>250117 You nevah kno whats gunna happen on da whatevah podcast
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Metocare breaks his 16 day silent streak with this lame tweet.
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>>250104 Time to restart counter spedkun.
>>250109 tranny >>250120 andy dates trannies >>250124 rent free
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>>250124 ELAINE B T F O RPG B T F O BYRAN DUNN B T F O jcaesar187 B T F O
>>250127 >daddy TheTheGatorGamerGamer >vtuber sphere Gaythor sock spotted
>>1 downvoted
>>250120 lol has this stuttering retard not killed himself yet
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>>250134 >ashley the whore
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kitty's meds stopped working and he wants to kill jewsh the pedo we're so fucking back
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Metocare marvels at how much money Vtumors make in his latest tweets. And gives the vaguest health update imaginable.
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>>250134 cant even spell it what a 'colissal' pleb
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pigstits back again with no fucking cocks or guests, how lazy is this fat cunt, doesnt even have show titles, he gonna sit and beg for 1 dollars from his disabled audience >>250134 piggertits hides behind his blocklist lol and cant talk shit to save his meaningless life
>>250134 The spirit of Donga lives strong inside the Гунт
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>>250137 I remember someone sent him a grand or something like that in a single superchat to talk about pippa. It stood out. RESPECT THE GOOD TIMES RESPECT THE MONEY THEY MADE YOU JESUS CHRIST AM I WRONG? The amount of "i'm not mad, you're mad, report him for this libel" screeching is pretty funny. Just parallel it to leafy and the twitch thots.
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I know it's your favorite anime gaytorbro, and I've only read the manga, but I'm pretty sure the central theme is differences in perspectives in general. She wants to find out him in contrast to her memories of him and the impression of others and his legacy, but that does imply he had a solemn vow to wait for her and them being star crossed lovers. Don't expect a sappy Anohana ending. There's no point inserting your own interpretation into the 50 years span of the first chapter bickers it hasn't been told. For all you know the hero had a wife and family during that time, and the wife just died ahead of him. It was originally penned as a gag manga, so I can see it going that way.
>>250145 but does the protagonist get the star shaped croissant in the end or was that the twist, literally
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeP5qGLkKWU conspiracy mommy debanked by bank of israel
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>>250149 CHICK'S A MILF
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>>250149 >conspiracy mommy TIME TO COOM
jcaesar187 and Teddy Feaser celebrate getting notorious gaylog Kinochet banned on X for impersonation of Feaser.
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>>250154 Гунт should celebrate this occasion with a nice modelo to wash down a few xannyberries
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This is really funny to me catboy and Jackson Hinkle are accusing each other on X of being Zionists that support Israel.
>>250136 But what was the context that made Kitty so mad? >>250155 jcaesar187: Also, that was well before I knew any allegations (about Ali Alexander). That's def a lie. jcaesar187 knew Ali was a pedo. KinoCasino and Gayden covered it over and over and over for months. jcaesar187 went to stop the steal protests and marches with America First for a couple years. It was an open secret (oxymoron). This would be like being directly within America First and not knowing Gayden left the group.
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https://duoleak.acid.im/man/44663 which one of you is trying to recruit bpd 4chan femcels to the whatever podcast?
>>250158 Anybody that was close to Faguentes or had spent anytime time near Ali knew he was a pedo, Faguentes admitted this back in 2020, people just shut up about it since Ali had some connections they wanted to use like Гунт getting his twitter back.
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what did fagmenco mean by this?
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Mr. Metocare opines on some gaming news.
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>>250155 if pigtits lost his cashapp he would be completely fucked, you have to download the app to report
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>>250162 I would love to play Remake of Code Veronica and real Outbreak (not this RE:Verse dogshit). Meanwhile we gonna get I believe 3rd Remake of RE1. Get a grip Capcom.
>>250120 why is this guy still around isnt funny, isnt likeable, is the worst part of his dead show, consistently needs other retards to do the work, fucking worthless lazy cunt
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>>250167 He is the OBS monkey since there is a even bigger retard that can't do anything with out him
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piggermale is making alts and flagging twitter accounts, is this against twitter tos for arranging harassment?
>>250172 piggertits was the one who doxed teddybear lol, i hope pig loses his shitter account then kills himself
>>250162 The only RE remake I liked was the original GC REmake. And now they're making everything generic 3rd person over the shoulder slop like RE2 remake. Gaming is pretty much dead to me anyway. >>250165 >I would love to play Remake of Code Veronica In GC REmake style though, but that will never happen.
>>250142 Mori does not look like that anymore, also Kiara is just as fake irl as she is as a vtuber
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Once again KFers trying to play the oppression and team sports us vs them narrative. How in the world can people still not see through this? I don't like AF or Nick, but I dislike KF oppressed crybully grift and shilling far more, always trying to lump themselves in as being oppressed and speaking truth, like SJWs.
>>250178 One of the worst side effects of Nick being intentionally placed back in the spotlight is that it revitalizes the same brain dead groundhog day narrative that has kept KF/KC and orbiting edgelord reddit antiAF crusaders afloat for the past 4 years.
>>250172 this is piggertits meaningless life ITS NEVER GONNA END PIG UNLESS PEW PEW PEW
>>250178 Ralp Nick and Kinogay and Jewsh and KF are all Gutter levels of trash that any normal society would have dragged out and put them to the cross. KF especially should have been banned in a healthy society. However Гунт and his cronies doing all this huffing online is just the byproduct of trying to hide there very real dangerous antics to others. For jcaesar187, his antics must always been representative of who he is first and foremost. He represents everything wrong with american culture as well as what a Man should be and he should never have an opportunity to try to crawl away from it. Some lolcows deserve it but not him. Nothing he does is for the betterment of society or just the people who *used* to be around him especially children.
>>250177 I don't really follow it too much, so it's pretty out of date. >Mori does not look like that anymore I think I recall she had quite a few regular camera streams before with died hair. Still, would have been years ago. >>250178 Didn't kinochet act the exact same when jcaesar187 was banned by saying he was evading with the killstream account? It's less so much laughing at retards on the internet as it is having the last laugh while being retarded, which is fine and all, but it's too much of a wankfest. A least jcaesar187 has the lolcow oblige to it. He's the star, not those guys. >good faith >false flag >main platform It's a shame when free speech spirals into the same cluster of on-rails buzzwords.
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>>250137 Had a thought with this. >gym's the proto-Vtuber <the proto-friend sim <his fans adopt his traits and mannerisms from obsessively watching him on repeat That guy might have unearthed a sweetysquad to troon pipeline.
>>250187 It's weird how these influencers that are cowardly and ironic and don't show their face or are honest about themselves seem to end up having much more powerful of an impact on many people's lives. The also get far less flack and people are more trusting of them in general even though they have revealed less or lied about themselves and this trust is completely unreasonable. People literally take it as a personal insult if these influencers are slighted, as if part of their own identity and ego has been attacked. Clearly there's some sort of powerful self-identification and identity formation going on.
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>>250188 (checked) A little bit of mystery allows the listener to fill in the blanks as they see fit, reality be damned.
>>250190 >Гунт doxxxxxxxxxed feaser <feaser crawling back to the killstream after his eBay business failed
>>250174 >The only RE remake I liked was the original GC REmake. You can play it on Gamecube on a CRT, on emulator with higher resolutions, or the remastered re-releases on PC. We already have this masterpiece in a basically perfect form so it they must remake RE1, I would love it in RE2 remake over-the-shoulder style. >Code Veronica Even though that was one of my least favorite RE's (weird villains, spooky supernatural stuff instead of viruses, robot Wesker with glowing red eyes doing Matrix backflips), that would benefit most from a full 3D remake (1st or 3rd person view) bc its Dreamcast graphics were all 3D at the time. And pre-rendered 2D graphics age really well while 3D don't. >>250172 Is doxing on Twitter against TOS? I hope Feaser gets KillAllPedos banned too for doxing his entire family on there. >>250167 Wortski needs cash and retards give him that cash. >>250188 The more a streamer shows of their personal lives, the more the average user knows they are full of shit. So playing a character online like a Vtuber or not showing that you're fat and ugly, stops people from seeing through you. I remember MundaneMatt used to larp as some guy living in Hollywood involved in films. Then he face-revealed and was instantly discredited. All online nerds like Gaytor go through this. >>250190 Ok now I will watch.
>>250190 Man that conversation got boring quickly. Entertainment vacuum. Both of them.
>>250190 low energy pig, what else do you expect, pigtits is always needing other people to do his work, like his guests, pig is such a complete charisma vacuum with no cocks at all and theres a reason no one watched rpg
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She Came To Debate Andrew Wilson! EURO GIRLS! College Girls! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | Dating Talk #161 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FECwgJYodGA
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>>250204 weakload must be cooooooomin to that asian slut rn
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>>250200 Based.
>some faggot made an Apu coin
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>>250209 Cryptofags ruin everything, esp in the memecoins section. Just chasing memes, trying to catch something trending. 1000 dog variations all chasing the success of DOGE, then SHIB. There's PEPE, TRUMP, APU, BabyDoge, ELON, BABYBONK, JESUS, BABYTRUMP. Just to name a few of the really derivative lame ones.
>>250198 >Jewess who is new to Christianity is challenging Andrew on Christianity
>>250194 kys pedo
>>250214 I dipped out, the chinktalian in red is one of most insufferable girls I've ever seen on the podcast
>>250216 BBBBut she has homework and school tomorrow and it's late and she came to discuss dating.There's a reason she has been single for 4 years
>>250189 nuzach finally transitioned to a black women. Thought he'd look like this when he finally offed himself.
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this fat worthless fucking loser has to pay 3 dollar prostitutes to touch his 1 inch baby cock and IS CRYING AGAIN ABOUT THE TIME RAPED ALICE
>>250219 embarrassed and humiliated everyday of his fucking life, each time pig advances to a group or a woman, pig gets rejected every time YOURE A REJECT PIGGERTITS
>>250214 yes any random jew knows more about judaism and jew wizardry and the jewish final atonement sect of judaism than a neojew larper that married a prostitute and cant figure out why the tanak is stapled to his book
>tfw you use darker makeup
>>250222 >all else being equal
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>>250223 Thots have no conception of what that means. Similar to "per capita" or when they throw around how much bigger assault on women is from men compared to assault from bears
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>>250219 >raped >alice pathetic.
>>250219 horse assisted, got alice pig stinking drunk and pigtits shoved his baby cock in her mouth, pigtits gets no action and needs to rape, his retards like adowolf thinks this is fine
>>250226 is adowolf still around not seen this single 1 dollar superchats flying in, is he paypigging for another white trash wigger like mersh or baked
>>250225 looks like this >rapist >fat >no sexual or social market value checks out
>>250225 is a rapist, physically looks like a pig
>>250224 neither do you, does a bear not have a head idiot, say per homines then or just speak english instead of hiding behind latin phrases that dont even make sense without context
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>>250230 >neither do you, Do tell. >does a bear not have a head idiot, Relevance? >say per homines then or just speak english instead of hiding behind latin phrases that dont even make sense without context No, I meant per capita, which is a phrase used in English if not of English origin. I'm not hiding behind anything. Everything has a context, sorry you are to mentally broke to determine my context
>>250198 I'm surprised that no one picked up on the fact that the one in blue is Pey aka KillstreamPey but it's an easy thing to overlook as she has put on 100 pounds and looks like an obese goth now.
>>250231 no the englih phrase is literally just the translation 'per head' retard which is an antiquated way of saying per person retard, you stupid pseuds just say capita which literally just means heads and means nothing in english just so you can pretend like you had some sophisticated and educated point but just want to fall back on 'no youre wrong you dont know what the concept of [incorrect latin phrase that means something unbelievably trivial and stupid] means' when your argument was nothing more than a stupid and pretentious nonargument painfully evident when stripped of its pseudism
>>250233 Per capita is the equivalent term in statistics, numbnuts
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>>250232 https://www.instagram.com/peyisextinct >its true She was just as worthless on the podcast as she was in the past. Her being KillstreamPey completely blew past me given she said 3 things, has black hair now, and an extra 120lbs.
>>250232 >i weight 130 yeah, 130 kilos
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>>250232 >>250235 >>250236 >>250237 God damn she got fat as fuck
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>>250221 Christianity, not freemasonry
>>250242 piggermale craves external validation from his daddys and random people who hes never met, collett, rakedia, fuentes, metokur, pig is such a pathetic textbook loser, it makes sense since hes never had a single friend or family member who gave him any sort of positive attention, nobody likes pigtits
>the other half of the Cuckieta's foursome is getting a divorce All those nights out at the Gay 90s with the Cockietas really paid off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KEDvLm0g1w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=923A7Ul30dU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJWXSCBS2cI
>>250222 Look, I will keep it real. She is ageing well for her age. But putting an old pic next to a new pic to show comparison is stupid here. She didn't like her old hairstyle and now she does? She prefers the new angle of the new pics? Ageing is mostly about UV rays damaging your skin and stress. So yes, if you larp as a goth girl and avoid the sun, your skin will fare better over time. Rather than jumping into tanning beds like your typical whore white girl that thinks she needs bronze skin to look good. But let's not pretend that a guy would prefer 36 yo Mac to 20 yo Mac. Either way, she's caked in makeup regardless. Even changing her makeup routine will affect whatever comparison she's trying to make about how well she's ageing.
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>>250249 what a lying bish
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>>250250 She said >any more makeup, which means she just got a different shade of makeup
lol is piggertits still trying to do political streams and be taken serious? you have to be shitting me, outstanding that adam green goes on his dead show, its one way to completely discredit your own message adam, what a fucking loser
does this fat retard wear the stupid glasses everyday haha super cool guy hide that gimp eye oink oink
>>250253 At this point, I get the feeling that the only reason some of these guests like Adam Green go on his show regularly, is bc they're Twitter friends. As in the Gvnt sweetalks them in private and they sort of feel obligated to jump on his show.
hes just stilling there not even participating in the conversation what a fat red faced pig
>>250255 he must be paying them or have catfished them with cp or something, adam loves the cp
sit in silence pig, hte sight of this red faced pig makes me fucking sick
man this conversation is shit, all the guest on the panel shitting on fuentes lol, there all jews too
we aint gonna hit da streak today, where the fuck is adowolf
4 hours of streaming 40 bucks
10 bucks per hour only shit pig, you couldn't even afford bullets to put in your head never mind a gun
plays G​AMERGATE music, i hate this fucking cunt
ive spent 10 minutes watching this shit, piggertits really is completely unwatchable i dont know how suverok and cog watch this pig daily
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Loot boxes exist gaytorbro. Sticking a nippon label on it doesn't automatically make it a different entity.
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>Yes chad? More like an overweight manchild.
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>>250265 I LUB MAH SAHN
>>250264 calm down Gabe, you'll die of an aneurysm seeing mini Jcaesars flying around your head.
>>250255 they weren't guests pigtits lied about guests appearing, pigtits just joined a live twitter stream, no one knew who the fuck he was and didnt say anything so i think they never noticed he was there just hanging around
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>>250278 >you can't sue people who come on to your podcast and assault your staff using that rekieta law retainer well I see
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>>250281 Oh duh now I get his cryptic teenage girl shit. What a fucking simp. AUGHH UHH LUBS YOOO BLASSIE! LEH ME BUYS YOOO YER AMUHZAHN WIIISH LIISSST
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>>250278 What is he referencing? I hate this vague posting style Гунт always does.
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>>250285 He's talking about his new schoolboy crush, Blassie who got kicked off Whatever the other night and hit Nick the producer. jcaesar187 has goblina fever
>>250278 lol is this mongoloid getting sued again, what a fucking red faced pig, no body likes this cunt, the default response if disgust, thats why pigtits gets rejected so often
>>250286 He needs to stop simping. Especially over a hipster bickers you never know what they really think as they seem to be allergic to telling the truth about anything and love "irony".
>>250292 He's right about the whatever podcast being unwatchable trash and the host having 0 charisma though.
>>250293 t. Гунт, brian atlas makes more money in the first 5 minutes from a stray paypig donating $200 than Гунт does in 2 streams
>>250294 cope trash enjoyer
>>250294 And what does him making money have to do with the show being trash or him having no charisma. Leafy was popular. People have shit taste.
>>250296 The grift justifies the means became a mantra of sektur. It kind of creeped in as irony bait, to the effect of "this is gross to say but jcaesar187 cares about it and embracing it will make him totes triggered" and then became the norm after continued use bickers paypigs love the validation.
>>250293 I don't need the host to have charisma. He just needs to ring lead to some degree
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>>250294 <my e-daddy makes more money than yours. Cringe. You talk like you get a deep cut of Brian Atlas's money when you get jack-shit. >>250297 Yes. Metocare was the first one to start doing the "ironic grift" thing of saying "I'm a whore sellout, buy my hats." Then Kino Casino picked it up and took it further, grifting the paypigs with stupid challenges, like pay 50 subs to turn off the Spongebob music or to retire "What about the child pron.mp3" that Wortski spams. The end result is still the same. You're sellouts and you're grifting hard for cash. They only use irony to soften the blow and normalize it.
>>250222 >real men coom and simp Shit's heating up.
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>>250327 >Гунт and Gaytor on the same side Kino reunion when?
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>>250328 The tweet that started it all
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>>250327 >brian using his film school autism to PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD melonie braaps
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>Be Gaytor and suck off new lawyer e-daddy LegalMindset for months. >Finally pop the question and ask him to come on your shitty podcast with no viewers. >Finally get beyond 24 viewers. Out of 140,000 subs, 350 decide to come listen live. 0.25% of Legal Mindset's audience. Or 1/4th of 1%. And even these new viewers will realize Gaytor's steam sucks and never come back. 😂😂😂
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>>250331 >Aquaman finally beat jcaesar187
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>>250278 piggertits simping again lol >>250293 >>250296 > 0 charisma, have you met pigtits >>250331 gaytor getting more views that pigtits, you need to stop streaming and do something else, your a dogshit streamer piggermale
>>250329 She looked older 10 years ago aka milfier aka sexier. Now she looks like a younger, self-conscious, fugly 20 something. It's all about confidence, even for the hoes.
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>>250338 She looks just as good to me. She just feels better bickers of her diet and Buddy Christ
>>250331 >>250332 >>250335 pathetic imagine still watching this fat retard with his political larp being a fake white nationalist while secretly watching blacked porn and voting for boama twice
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>I'm all about snorting mountains of cocaine
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>>250345 Oi vey.
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vague impotent threat, what a total fucking loser, crying that he has less viewers than gaytor, aarhm gonna stream until uhm ded, lets get that process sped up pig
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>>250331 I sold my gaitorcoins years ago what the fuck bros I will never recover from this.
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Hey fuck you gaytorbro. Don't you start alogging Key bickers you have no feels. >>250267
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRmaMZai7Pc THOSE DARNED KIDS AT THE GYM
Supposedly Cozy got hacked yesterday. A group of Israelis paid off an AF intern to stream gay porn at the end of Fuentes stream. https://files.catbox.moe/d7ysl5.mp4 LMAO
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>>250354 >israeli hackers the faggot "accidentally" streamed that himself
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>>250355 Our phones were hacked too
>>250356 He can't keep getting away with it.
>>250356 yeah hacked...still no ebidence from these two retards, not a single screenshot, all complete lies
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>>250360 They were hacked by their alcohol induced alter-egos
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MADYSEN DRAMA TEST STREAM, NICK LOST HIS V CARD?! 🚨🚨🚨 https://www.youtube.com/live/swL9Ms0hfBE?si=nm1Q3cr5mBHGdH1Y
>>250356 look at this pig, i want my political information from some fat dysgenic retard who physically looks like a pig, imagine waking up each day and looking like that, no wonder he has to pay prostitutes to touch his small baby cock
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>>250349 pigtits lost and is losing to gaytor, just quit already is completely over pig >>250356 ugly oink what a fucking face oink
>>250331 Legal Mindset rare Gaytor when?
>>250331 Fuck Gaytor sisters, he barely pulled more than one finana
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>>250364 >>250371 is this gook 1/4th white? She looks too chinky to be a hapa but her nose and eyes (more so the size than the shape) look more white
>>250376 Might be. I hesitate to say yes bickers I could be misremembering. I've known of a lot of hapa women who pass as asian. Lauren Chen is the primary example I can remember right now
>>25037 3/4 gookie 1/4 suckie
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>starting fights with lawyers
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>>250381 >admitting that the last 2 and a half years of beating a dead horse wasn't funny You know what they say about a bad workman blaming his tools.
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>pot meets kettle lmao
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How low Metocare has fallen, following the same script of all the other parasites like Gaytor and Xaniberries... >Time to quit the sektur to grift from something else No Metocare, you cannot jut quit the sektur. You will die with it! Only after you are a rotting corpse the sektur will die. Only after your death a new golden era will start. So hurry up and die already from your 100 different illnesses, you pathetic excuse of a scammer.
>>250388 >sourced all his info on LEGAL MINDSET LEGAL MINDSET from foxdicks
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>diy incubator
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>>250389 Yeah, you can tell Metocare is super-butthurt about the state of the sector. That's usually the translation of what it means when someone in the sector says "The sector is dead." They don't have the balls to just state what they really mean: "That I hate x person or hate x thing that happened." So they vaguepost. Metocare even adds in some extra descriptive language to make it clear he's upset. >the sectur is dead and dust so the corpses of it can rot in the gutter Something tells me he is upset that Ted Feaser formed an alliance with jcaesar187 and they talked a little about him on their stream. With Feaser saying he's doesn't care about Metocare attacking him bc Metocare is dying of cancer and will be dead soon. Also, months ago, Metocare was talking about how Kino Casino was the top of the sector, getting all the money. Then people on a tier below them were seething and trying to topple them like Cog and jcaesar187. And how a hierarchy is formed and that it's ostensibly a good thing how the sector shakes out. He was fine with it back then, so now that he's declaring it all dead, it must mean something has gone terribly wrong from his vantage point. He might also be fuming that Nicholas J. Fuentes has returned to Twitter since they feuded in the past. One more thing. Usually when people say the sector is gay or dying, or cringe, they omit themselves from the equation. Now, yes, the sphere is gay and cringe. And you can blame yourself for that as well. A lot of the faggots in the sphere learned from the best. People like Asston, Wortski, Xannyberries, Kinochet, Gaytor, or KillAllPedos are direct descendants of Metocare. They were created in Metocare's image, either trying to become their daddy Metocare or adopting his trolling persona and taking it to the next level with gayops and life ruination, and witchunting mob mentality harassment. So basically if anyone hates the sector, blame yourself. You are a big part of it as well, especially if you are an eceleb like Metocare. >>250391 Fuzzman talks just like a jcaesar187 sock account. Jackson is almost certainly Feaser, no matter how much he claims he's not. On the jcaesar187-Feaser interview, Feaser said he never directly spoke about Metocare. This is quite lawyerly. Feaser retreated to anonymous sock accounts like Jackson to trash Metocare instead. Feaser learned from the Kino Casino witchunt on him to just do the dirty stuff anonymously and you can get away with it. And from people like Podawful socking under accounts like Xannyberries. And you can have plausible deniability if anyone calls you out on it.
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>>250391 "why hasn't he killed him self yet" >guests, literal whos your views are lower that gaytors
>>250395 piggertits is too poor to buy any pills at this point KHAUZE AHHM BETTA DHAN YOO, DHATS OHW >what a loser lol
>>250379 Fucking freak
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>>250394 It's entirely possible that Elaine gave him an aneurysm. He started getting flustered over Jayde getting mentioned, calling people trash and scum, took 2 weeks off to "read" and ignore the sektur. That or else Jayde had to install a parent filter on him. Either way look forward to seeing the doctor's note.
>>250395 arghm betta than joo lol pigtits you need to pay and beg prostitutes to touch your micro cock, each day you wake up you have to look like a pig, your name is literally piggertits, your not winning anything
>>250389 >"the sektur is dead" (please ignore me covering it for years)
>>250394 metocuck tried to bury Гунтy with his last stream but it completely failed and it made him look like a whiny bitch
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>>250394 Like with #GG 1.0, he's a big part of the sektur and he's crying that others didn't perform how he wanted, so he's stomping off and taking his ball with him, metaphorically speaking. Although the only thing gayer than his over attachment to that hashtag ("don't grift it") is his farewell to that hashtag. >>250402 >covering it He basically started it.
>umma goin tah chuuurch lookin laik this
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>Jewsh on 41% watch
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>>250408 That's weird bandage wrapping, right? Not webbed fingers?
>>250409 its the foot of the second midget operating the pedals
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>>250409 Ill-fitting. non-fingertipped gloves I imagine. Unless she is a Kafkaesque creation
>>250409 >>250411 It's a ring on her index finger.
>>25039 pig gets no guests who hte fuck is larry shitway anyway >>250407 piggertits think hes human but hes a gimp eyed-small dicked rapist red faced pig >>250408 woman larping transexual, josh's type
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>>250408 Wow. From these staged photos, one can clearly see that Elaine is extremely wealthy and high class. She is definitely not just sitting in someone's rented Ferrari for 30 seconds to take some photos, to project a fake hyperreality onto social media.
>>250417 gabe hoffman became her sugar daddy
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Andrew Wilson vs. FAKE VlRGlN?! DEGEN PANEL?! E-GIRLS! TWITCH GIRLS! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | Dating Talk #162 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPrx2Ow6db4
>>250389 >guy who did a year of coof streams, some seething about JCaesar streams, a pillstream where he almost cried and had a heart attack over Mersh and is now about to start covering Patrick Tomlinson declares things 'are not entertaining' from his hallowed wheelchair.
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>>250394 Why does nigga post lolicon every time he comments? Is he trying to be gangsta? "I liek lolis and normies can't stop me" Plz defend Israel's borders. If you are good goy they might give you 3 year old waifu.
>>250425 Its ai generated lolicon shit too, so he's carefully crafting the prompts to generate the pedo coomer shit
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