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The Empire did nothing wrong

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Stormtrooper 12/23/2019 (Mon) 22:03:43 No.1238
This board is now under the control of the CIS.
>>1392 Disney canon has retarded space battles in general, you had Starkiller base in which the Resistance brought zero bombers, the Battle of Scariff from Rogue One which had a Hammerhead cruiser being able to push a Star Destroyer many times bigger than it's mass, TLJ had that stupid opening with the literal WW2 bombers getting wiped out when they could have just used proton torpedoes, and of course TRoS with muh Death Star Destroyers. It seems like the new crop of writer and director's, being so divorced from Lucas's inspirations (WW2 battles and Hollywood films depicting them) are just poorly mimicking what they've seen in previous films without understanding the underlying logic behind them.
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Not anymore
>>1398 they don't understand military strategy. TLJ was of course the worst offender in this regard. for example, the First Order could've just pulled back the dreadnaught and brought up a Star Destroyer for a turbolaser broadside, which would've torn through those bomber blimps. later, they could've used Star Destroyers to cut off access to the one planet within sublight range. even if the Resistance got through the blockade, they should've defended the battering ram/cannon with AT-STs, and there should've been Star Destroyers in orbit waiting to tractor-beam any fleeing ships. the battles only make sense if everyone involved is incompetent.
>>1402 >the battles only make sense if everyone involved is incompetent. Well, we are talking about Roundhead here, the moron who wants to "subvert expectations".
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>ywn her
>>2059 This post is garbage. Try to improve your posting habits.
>>2061 Yet you replied to it.
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>>1358 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN_CP4SuoTU I just realized something. This animation is very popular and after the nu films, it's full of normalfaggots making fun of Rey. While it isn't an actual mixed squadron it is still about focused on pilots of different aircrafts supporting each other in a battle. I might be reaching but I wouldn't be surprised if someone at cancerrat actually copied the concept of this short fan animation to squeeze a series out of it.
>>2071 They wouldn’t, the empire are white supremacists.
>>2073 Well yeah. That's why the alphabetsoup squadron makes it about rebels instead.
>>2071 Why are imperials so fucking cool holy shit. I wish The first order weren't a bunch of colossal retards and we got to see highly trained soldiers do guerilla tactics and surgical hit and run tactics.
>>2082 >Why are imperials so fucking cool holy shit Because nazi germany was pretty fucking cool. I'm relatively non-/pol/ and even I have to admit that they had they still hold the record as coolest military force since the roman empire. They really did a good job transporting that style into the empire.
>>2091 Even the average Johan Wehrmacht solider’s uniform was cool as fuck, late war just got better with smocks and arguably the best (looking and effective) camo patterns of the war. M43 field caps were absolute great lookers (though i like the Gebirgsjäger caps a bit more due to the stiffer material). American paratroopers had pretty good looking kit, but British and soviet kit just doesn’t really do it for me. Italian is fancy and styling but not really cool. Yet to me every single arm of the German army had great looking uniforms, with the SS summer tunic being my only exception as it was literally just the normal green undershirt. sage for uniform autism and wehrabooism
>>2082 It's because militarism has an inherent appeal. They fucked it up with the First Order because the huge nazi rally on the third Death Star was totally over the top and all the people running the show were laughable caricatures.
>>2103 They purposely made the order aka the Imperials "uncool™" and retarded to deconstruct their appeal because "oy vey muh nazis"& "toxic masculinity", the fact that in the OT the Imperials were all white men was probably not lost on them either. Also the "nazi™ parallels" are mainly projections of their twisted world view rather than what George intended.The Empire is a mix of several different things British/American empire, Japanese, USSR, and the Germans in particular in the PT (although its a normalfag understanding of what happened).
>>2112 >rather than what George intended.The Empire is a mix of several different things British/American empire, Japanese, USSR, and the Germans in particular in the PT (although its a normalfag understanding of what happened). Do you have any resource on the inspiration real militaries had on design, particularly uniforms? I'm aware only that the inspiration existed and a few details. I know actual examples of American, Japanese (such as the small and nimble TIE fighter standing for small and nimble Japanese craft against larger American bombers) and German influences but the Soviet ones elude me, I've read they exist but only that.
>>2112 It's fucking retarded because as much as the first order was shit I still wanted them to win.
>>2115 The Soviet military and the Russian military that succeeded it are most known for their tanks, but the Empire has far fewer tanks than the Rebels. If anything counts as a Soviet influence, it's probably the Star Destroyer. The Soviets were the pioneers of the aircraft cruiser ship class, which very few nations have used. Dedicated aircraft carriers and guided missile cruisers rule the day in Western navies. The aircraft cruiser was an attempt at combining them, but most aircraft cruiser models were unsuccessful. The Star Destroyer is the space-based version of an aircraft cruiser because it has both an extensive complement of starfighters and good armament, and it even carries a good supply of troops. This probably unintentionally ended up being extended to every faction but the CIS which actually seems to use the US naval classification system. The Lucrehulks are the only major ships in any faction that have comparatively little armament but loads and loads of fighters. The award for the most Russian-inspired vehicle actually goes to the Old Republic. The LAAT is both visually and tactically similar to the Hind helicopter with its distinctive bubble cockpit. The Hind is both an attack helicopter and a troop transport and is very successful in both roles, making it among the few vehicles to ever manage that.
>>2137 >are most known for their tanks The soviets were most known & feared for their post war navy due to its reach & nuclear capability obviously Star Destroyers are an easy comparison as is the death star for that matter. >>2115 During the cold war the soviets seemed invincible they gobbled up Europe, Asia, parts of Africa & Latin America set up hostile communist puppet regimes (infamous ex; cuba), they had doomsday weapons in the form of numerous and modern nuclear arsenal, a very long reach with their supersonic bombers & modern navy. & there was a real fear that they would "weaponize space". There was much weapons testing that went on post WWII in fact the most powerful nuclear bomb tested was the soviet Tsar Bomb (see pic). The soviets were the Empire in this sense (invincible military force) I imagine also in terms of scale since the soviets not only had a large population but very large manufacturing capabilities that were streamlined for war material.This is something hollywood forgets when they make their ill-convinced comparisons to ww2 Germany..... they did not have the manufacturing capability or the numbers of the Allies or the soviet union.
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>>2137 >If anything counts as a Soviet influence, it's probably the Star Destroyer. The Soviets were the pioneers of the aircraft cruiser ship class, which very few nations have used. Wasn't that class only at its beginning in the 70s? I guess George was enough of a nerd to know. >The LAAT is both visually and tactically similar to the Hind helicopter with its distinctive bubble cockpit Now that you say it I wonder how I never noticed this before. What were Imperial uniforms based on?
Weren't the Confederacy of Independent Systems completely within their rights to secede from the Galactic Republic? Like, they were primarily mid to outer-mid rim systems the Republic was barely supporting anyway.
>>2145 >navy due to its reach & nuclear capability This is true, but you could also say this about America. I was trying to focus on uniquely Soviet things and tanks were what I came up with. The Tsar Bomba is definitely Soviet though, and Russia now claims to have built even bigger nukes than that. >>2153 I think most people here would give a qualified yes to that. The Republic was obviously corrupt. But I don't think you could have picked a more politically imbecilic way of doing it than the CIS did, and maybe that was the point because we know the CIS and the Republic were run by the same guy. Having the guys who invaded a peaceful planet because they wanted more money talk about how they're taking a stand against corruption isn't going to go over well with the public. As far as the public knew, it was just the same corporate thieves experiencing severe buttrage because they failed at robbing somebody and wanted another go. It helped that the face of the Republic was the same "kindly old man" whose planet was invaded in their first attempt at robbery and became Chancellor because of it. If the CIS had been formed without the Trade Federation, it would have had a lot more support from within the Republic, but they may not have been able to represent a credible threat.
>>2152 >Wasn't that class only at its beginning in the 70s? I guess George was enough of a nerd to know. I heard he was a massive war autist. >What were Imperial uniforms based on? Bong Military Unironically.
>>2152 >What were Imperial uniforms based on? A Trooper did a write-up about this on the old board, but I don't recall much of it, except that they were using Wehrmacht colors like Feldgrau. Personally, I've always gotten a bit of a Soviet vibe from the uniforms.
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>>2164 There are similarities to soviet uniforms also while the soviets did not have "feldgrau™" or its variations on color (see pic) they did have greens, tans and certainly several shades of grey uniforms they also used the black leather boots. The black gloves Imperial officers sometimes wear strikes me as a British or German feature
>>2163 >I heard he was a massive war autist. Isn't everyone? I have HD full of data relating to WWII & its war material. I also collect WWII era optical devices. Well the model ship kits he used as well as the Tie fighter characterization, & use of WWII guns certainly helped build star wars too bad he knew nothing of strategy or warfare otherwise we might have has a more competent battles & better conclusion than RotJ's implication that once their leader is dead every imperial everywhere instantly disappears (?), immediately surrenders, or instantaneously hyper spaced back to their lair in the unknown region... although I suppose it doesn't matter now that "California type" Disney executives whom are completely removed from such "toxic-male™" interests will continue to ruin ,infantilize ,& diminish the war part of star wars (their attempt at bombers in TLJ was pathetically bad) don't worry though they will put in more so-called "marvel humor", a dance number & show tunes because why not? I'm sure several of their executives right at this moment are pointing out how star trek which is the same thing ( in their mind) had show tunes in it and how omg cool it is.
>>2187 Pre Disney lucas signed off on the Empire winning the galactic civil war in the end. Just saying
>>2192 How so? The ayylien invasion?
>>2194 Before and after. New Republic fucked up so bad that Empire just out administrated the shit of them that most people joined willingly
Does anyone have Star Wars Costumes: The Original Trilogy?
>>2194 >How so? Palpatine was the Emperor, but the Empire was actually directly run by the Imperial Ruling Council on a daily basis, who despite their "might makes right" attitude were competent government administrators. When the Rebels killed the Emperor, the majority of the Galaxy was still ruled by the Empire and had to be first conquered by the New Repbulic, which never managed to conquer all parts of the Galaxy from the Empire thanks to general incompetence of their leaders and that despite the fact that the Empire had a civil war going on. Then the Yuuzhan Vong invade, genocide wholes species, destroy planets and the incompetent New Republic gets its arse kicked so heavily that it has to ask the other space governments in the galaxy for help, including the leftovers of the Empire. The Empire comes to help the Galaxy and after the war is over it starts a Marshall Plan and its own Salvation Army to help devastated parts of the Galaxy. Meanwhile the New Republic tries to rehabilitate the Yuuzhan Vong, integrate them into the galaxy and gave amnesty to Yuuzhan Vong war criminals. This resulted in much of the Galaxy finally giving the finger to the New Republic.
>>2192 >the obvious evil empire in the heroic story was supposed to win in the end I don't believe it. That sounds like complete bullshit to me.
>>2205 The Empire kind of gets lead by a King Arthur type so make of that what you will
>>2205 To be fair they secede and form "The True Empire" once they find out they're about to be lead by Sith. If I remember correctly they've got Imperial Knights or something which are supposed to be anti sith force users.
>>2209 >>2204 Sounds like masturbation.
>>2214 That would be the Burlesque show. >>1546
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Why were CIS ships so smug?
>>2204 >Palpatine was the Emperor, but the Empire was actually directly run by the Imperial Ruling Council on a daily basis, who despite their "might makes right" attitude were competent government administrators. When the Rebels killed the Emperor, the majority of the Galaxy was still ruled by the Empire and had to be first conquered by the New Repbulic, which never managed to conquer all parts of the Galaxy from the Empire thanks to general incompetence of their leaders and that despite the fact that the Empire had a civil war going on. this is fine, naturally there'd be an Imperial Remnant. >Then the Yuuzhan Vong invade that never happened. don't get me wrong, even the Vong are much better than Disney, but they're still fake news. they're far too disruptive for me to accept into canon.
>>2230 Palpatine designed them personally, and he knew what was going to happen from the outset.
>>2261 Vong really ruined the EU. They were just so awfully written.
>>2269 Were they written badly or did they feel like something out of 40k? I haven't read their material yet.
>>2270 A mix of both. They were all of a sudden there and completely unstoppable until they could magically be defeated. Not much explanation was given to them and they felt rather bullshit. Plus they pretty much wiped out a good chunk of the galaxy yet it somehow magically managed to rebuild in less than a decade afterwards. Basically they were thrown in without any thought on the long term implications to the universe.
I heard that some EU had stories of packs of CIS droids that avoided the shutdown code roaming around the outer rim. Anyone care to shed any light on this?
>>2071 Just remembered how much piece of shit Star Destroyer is when playing as Rebellion in X-wing game. You have to pilot in Y-wing that's slow as fuck and it is the only craft that able to take down star Destroyer because Y-wing is a bomber class space craft. Imagine piloting a slow shit space craft and try your best to take down Star Destroyer with heavy bomber missiles and ion laser cannon. As you get closer to Star Destroyer, all the danmaku style green lasers coming towards you. Good luck dodging that shit with Y-wing. It's one of the hardest mission ever made. Oh another one is the escort mission in tie-fighter, god damn.
>>2278 That is what you get for playing as Rebel Scum
>>2276 Not stories, but a mission in Battlefront II had a Geonosian reactivate the droid army on Mustafar and the 501st had to clean house. The Essential Guide to Warfare goes into detail of the early campaigns of the Empire to clean up Separatist remnants, many of them using droids in their armies until they were all destroyed. Jan Dodonna and Terrinald Screed are know for these offensives. Some Separatist remnants managed to survive into the Rebellion era and while Mon Mothma didn't like them because "muh atrocities" they cooperated and one notable example got a letter of marque to become proper privateers. Also some ships like the Lucrehulk and Providence class were used by the Rebellion during it's early years.
>>2276 Scavengers Guide to Droids mentions V2 Commando droids "a larger percentage of V2 droids survived the Clone Wars, owing to their effectiveness as soldiers. The droids that survived were some of most skilled combatants in the conflict. and those that have fallen in with mercenary companies can command top rates for their services." and states they're most common in the outer rim. Rogue Squadron III features some rampaging droids on Geonosis.

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