Thanksgiving. A time for togetherness. A time for family. A time for eating. It is a time when families come together and have a feast, all the while being thankful for what life has brought onto them and for the years to come. Such a feast is happening today.
We start at the home of Anthony LoGatto, who is currently indulged in a Thanksgiving dinner alongside his lover and secretary Callie Briggs and three other people. All three are female mice of varying age. The one at the head of the table has glasses, short, shoulder length hair, and wears a purple turtleneck blouse and pants; the other has long black hair, medium body size, black sleeveless blouse and gray pants; the final guest has long brown hair in a downytail, regular body size, a New York Mets sports jacket and jeans. They are Margo, Angela and Elena, his mother and sisters, respectively. They've come over to visit Anthony for Thanksgiving dinner.
“So guys,” begins A-Log. “How have you been doing lately?”
“Well, I've been doing well as a paralegal. I've been helping others on a recent case,” said Angela, as she eats the turkey.
“I've been doing well in the art realm as well as being a court stenographer,” says Elena. “You couldn't believe how many cases I've been in from time to time.”
“Agreed,” said his mother. “And I supposed you have done well with your comedy career?” she asked her son. “I recall your father wasn't very pleased with your choice.”
“Pfft, please!” he said as he eats, being careful not to talk with his mouth full, “I'm sure the ol' man is delusional as always.”
“Not to mention bitter,” Elena says.
“Can we at least skip talking about dad for once?” says Angela. “Besides, the food's getting cold.”
And with that, Anthony and the others resume eating.
“Miss Briggs,” says Margo, “I'm still fortunate that you're keeping my son under control?”
“Don't worry, Margo,” Callie says with reassurance. “I've known Anthony since high school, and I'm sure he's doing well under my watch.”
“Despite hanging out with Enchantra, which started this whole mess,” she said under her breath, making sure the rest of the family, including Callie, heard her remark. She is worried about her son's actions since Enchantra came into his life, but she still has some comfort knowing that she hasn't done any harm to her son, and Anthony has never done likewise to another woman.
“So how are you doing in Manhattan, Callie?” says Elena, with a hint of inquisition. “I'm sure your company is doing fine.”
Callie, with baited breath, says, “It's been difficult since the economy has been going up a roller coaster these days.”
“I know how you mean,” said Angela. “A few months ago, I've seen several people getting laid off from the law firm bickers of budget cuts.”
“I've been trying to get at least another stable job since I got laid off from the driving school down the road,” says Margo, with regret.
“Well,” says Anthony, her son, “At least we can not blame this on just Obama. Mom, you know how much Bush did for eight years, right?
“Yes. We got out of the bushes, but we still can't get out.” she said with a chuckle.
“You're just glad Dad isn't here right now,” Elena said. “You two would blow the roof off.”
Immediately, everyone shares a laugh over the only political difference amongst family; but he isn't here at this moment. As they laugh, Anthony then takes a look into his watch and sees what time it is.
“Oh crap,” he said. “I really hate to skip a meal with you guys, but I gotta get going!”
“Go?” asked Angela. “Go where?”
“Oh,” he said as he walks away from the table and grabs his jacket. “To the city. I have a little Thanksgiving tradition of my own.” He walks back and kisses Callie on the cheek and says, “I'll be back home tomorrow. Keep an eye on the house for me.”
“I will,” she says. “If there's any leftovers, we'll save them for you.”
He nods and waves to his family as he exits the house and drives off. Soon afterward, Margo asks, “It's a little strange for him to go to Manhattan at this time of day.
24 posts and 5 images omitted.