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Request thread Stormtrooper 01/01/2020 (Wed) 03:35:14 No.1487
What the title says. Request SW material you want like torrents, downloads, links or whatever of games, books, comics, etc.
>>2606 Why go back to 8kun when Jim didn't restore the old board, let alone 4cuck that never even had the old board to begin with? And I hope there weren't enough redditors here to make a difference.
>>2603 Thank you. That's a real treasure trove. >>2612 I don't know about here but that exactly what happened to other boards on the webring. I guess people are just so attached to branding.
>>2616 Those Federation hippies over at /strek/ got their board back. What gives?
>>2618 Their old BO requested his board back during the board reclamation period. That's how old boards came back.
>>2619 You'd think we would have done that, but I guess there was too much of a desire to move away from Jimchan. I understand that, but we now have the problem of getting this site some more users.
>>1932 That was a good read. Should I check out the sequels?
>>2694 No. Just stick with the first and maybe the second.
>>2622 8kun wouldn't give us a break. We couldn't go back to 8kun because the mods over at 8kun wouldn't let us since the jannies needed a special codeword. Its part of why so many boards are still missing from 8kun.
>>2698 Did Frank lose his touch after the first?
Anyone got the cross-section books? I only have episode I-III and Incredible Cross-Sections.
>>3243 If you can access exhentai, you might find em there. https://exhentai.org/?f_search=parody%3A%22star+wars%24%22+artbook%24
>>3244 Already looked in the panda, they didnt have the complete cross-section, only I-III and force aweken cross-section.
>>3243 I desperately need this version. I can't find it anywhere. Not even a hi-res version of the TIE Bomber cross section.
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>>3263 >TIE Bomber cross section This was the only thing I could find.
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Which comics are about the Reconquest of the Rim?
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>>3272 The Darth Vader miniseries (Ghost Prison, Lost Command, Ninth Assassin, and Cry of Shadows), Dark Times which has early bits of the period as backdrop. Those are the only ones I know of that take place during that time and its very early in the period.
>>3286 Thanks, I will give that a read. >pic is those ships from fractalsponge? I wish I could get my hand on those models.
>>3290 Most of them, yeah. Man deserves more recognition.
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Anyone have the concept art of Star wars battlegrounds? I only manage to find a few pics, I'm mostly looking for the concept art of the ships.
>>2070 Thanks, I think it was like a full page. It was a bit like that 3rd pic, the person (in POV) was on the ground, looking up.
Anyone got a book guide? Or should I just pick the oldest book and start from there? https://archive.md/094ld
Grabbed a couple of torrents and started to read Marvel 1977 weekle comics. I decided to read the digital version since it is in color, but I notice something off with the art, so I compared it with the black&white version of the comic and notice the some shadows and light sources are missing. Is there a color version that doesnt fuck up this badly?
Anyone know where I can download the star wars sound efects?
Requesting a link for 'The Prequels Strike Back! Start The Fan's Journey'
Does anyone have The Last Command? I can't find my copy of it for the life of me and I don't like not having a copy of it somewhere.
>>3632 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:F012B4B91E0CE438ECCF10D4E4FE5424669FC24D&dn=Star%20Wars%3A%20Thrawn%20Trilogy%20%5BRetail%20Edited%5D%20--%20VoV&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2F9.rarbg.me%3A2850%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2F9.rarbg.to%3A2920%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969%2Fannounce
>>1487 Not really a request (unless it's good), but is this any good? It's supposedly pro-Empire, but it was made post-buyout. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Lost_Stars
>>3790 It's a bit different from most Star Wars stuff, but it's alright. It's almost like a romance novel in certain parts, though there's also standard Star Wars stuff in there too
>>3790 >Claudia Gray >Young adult novel Both of these things should be setting off warning sirens in your head
Anyone got a mega with legends audiobooks?
>>2603 RIP Mega.
Anyone have the Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 22?
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Anyone knows where is pic related from, or at least have the full pic?
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>>4547 What the fuck happened?
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>>4547 It's back up. On a related note, the jkhub.net servers were destroyed.
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>>4557 A life for a life
>>4557 >The files and images that were hosted on the Hub were not backed up, although the code and database were.
>>4557 >It's back up. Is not working on my end.
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Posting this here since this is somewhat related to posting a source for sw comics. Maybe someone should make a comic discussion thread but I don't want to start one with a post-disney takeover comic. https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Star-Wars-Age-of-Republic I've bought the first volume of this a while ago (which contained the Qui-Gon and the Maul story) and recently re-read it. I guess it's mostly OK. My main complaint is that every story feels a bit rushed and unexciting. Still better than most other new comics and even some of the pre-disney ones I read. Also, I think this alien's design is kinda cute, for someone who doesn't look like a human with head tentacles and/or weirdly colored skin. No, she doesn't appear in any other story.
>>4831 >I've bought the first volume of this a while ago You bought it used, right? >I think this alien's design is kinda cute I don't like her stains that disappear from time to time, would rape if I have a couple of beers in me.
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Anyone have the Rogue Leaders: The Story of LucasArts book? I found a copy in archive.com, but it just photos of the book.
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>We're excited about the future. We can do things today that seemed impossible when LucasArts was born. And this is only the beginning.... -GL
>>4534 Got it from Starfall (40016) WEG.

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