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Star Wars IX Stormtrooper 12/13/2019 (Fri) 20:05:11 No.679
So it looks like the plot for IX was leaked on multiple sites and a lot of it was confirmed in recent trailers and a Burger King ad. There's currently a meltdown going on at Plebbit. There's a whole lot of negative reactions and social media insanity going on because of IX. I also just found out that even if the movie doesn't flop, Disney won't be able to recover their losses from this quarter which are currently near the bottom line. Discuss? How fucked is Disney's abomination?
>>887 Does La'qeefa Gibswalker serve any purpose in the movie besides being a diversity hire?
>>888 She's a defector who knew Finn , who lives on the wide grassy plains of Endor with her horses (Endor is just like that now). So far she's been utterly insignificant, so yes, diversity hire.
>>890 Maybe she serves the purpose of milking horsecock with her asshole.
So they land the dropship of horses on the surface of a fucking ISD. Holy fuck that's retarded 1) The gun turrets could still shoot their ship sitting on the hull 2) the captain could just order a roll and make them all fall off.
>>894 >90lbs niggress >using bow and arrow >in a galaxy where laser guns are everywhere >uses it to shoot down a fucking space ship Disney actually paid JewJew to write this. Let that sink in.
>>895 I think it was a jetpack trooper, but it's still fucking retarded considering she went through the Resistance base, and therefore would have had access to real guns.
I'm confused by all these people dying and resurrecting each other. Why do they sometimes die and other times not?
>These ending shots Wait, so Palpy's planetkillers were already out and about in the galaxy, and just fucking explode for no reason? That's some real convenience there.
>>894 I saw some sceenshot leak where there was niggers on horse charging at something on top of a star destroyer or something. My guess is that jew jew asked "What was a great moment you like in tv/movie", and some random cuck said "niggers charging on something like in game of thrones". And then they put this inside the movie.
>No ahsoka Fine >No Falcon exploding damn, I kinda wanted that.
The only good part was the Hux betrayal subplot. It made sense, which is more than most Disney Wars can say for itself.
>>898 >just fucking explode for no reason Don't you understand you shitlord man baby? It was the power of Mary SueRay! She's the most powerful Jedi ever because The Force is female and you need to just accept it.
>>890 >She's a defector who knew Finn So is JarJar saying that all niggers know each other?
>>877 >>879 >>880 >>887 >>894 You fucking hero.
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>>899 It was in a trailer
>>873 dont know if its just me but I've got no audio.
>>910 Forgot to mention, the first fan reviews are in and it looks like a lot of shill reviews are trying to offset the awful critic reviews
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Well that was faster than Solo. I'll go make a new thread and link it around the place when I'm done.
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https://julay.world/sw/res/913.html WATCH-ALONG THREAD COMPLETED!
>>929 Thank you anon for you service!
>>825 Was Snoke secretly Kaetlinn Janner totally not related to Bruce Jenner, before Luke told him to stop mohlesting Kylo or something??
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Bet you feel real stupid now.
>>948 >86% >Audience Score >Verified Ratings: 7,246 I want to see those verifications.
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>>949 Here's some snippits of strings of high reviews. Clearly the people have spoken.
>>949 Rt is owned by disney this is a scam to get more asses in seats , since manipulating the professional critics was to obvious they are manipulating the audience score this time. >>950 At least 9 of those look like 1 liner bot responses... we shall see how this is received at in the next day or so. Also hi zach.
>>948 Why do you take such great pride in being the mouse's cocksucker?
>>952 Because you don't have any concept of this thing called "a joke."
>>953 But neither does Ruin Johnson, Krazy Kath Kennedy, Iger and Jar Jar Abraham..
>>881 A New Hope was made for a wide audience, including kids. But just like any other Hollywood flick, it still sneaks in gore and profanity to make it more edgy while appeasing older viewers.
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>>953 >merely pretending Fellate a shotgun
>>1012 >being sarcastic is "merely pretending" Technically correct but are you retarded?
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Feels bad, but at least it's over
>>1015 That image makes me sad. Fuck these shitty movies.
>>950 >i loved it >it was perfect >i am a long time fan >anyone that disagrees is a hater Reword and mix and match these talking points and you have just about every 5 star review there. But I'm sure it's just a (((coincidence.)))
>>1018 >Reword and mix and match these talking points I'll try. >>me love you long time >>it was perfect? disagrees! >>i am time >>anyone that is a fan hater
>>950 Wow, just look at all those clearly real persons.
>>825 >>826 >>829 That's... a very, very stupid hat.
>>1040 >hat That's not his tranny wig?
>>1049 On closer inspection it does indeed appear to be a hat
Consensus among normalfags is that JJ fixed every problem left by TLJ. Even worse, they're now fighting da powa sticking it to reviewers.
>>1080 >consensus You better have some sauce on that, nigga.
>>1080 So I rewatched TLJ in preparation for TRoS as all the reviewers were saying how insulting it was to it. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I remember and it is better directed than the prequels, but there were significant plot holes and lapses in judgement that interfered with how immersed I was. The prequels also added a lot more to the universe than the sequels. Rian’s not to blame for all of the issues, like the terrible character that is Kylo Ren, but I would say the majority of them are because of his script.
>>1084 And I might offend some people by saying this, but I think should happen is that they continue with Rian’s setup with Kylo being the bad guy in the next film and Rey has to bring balance to the force by ending the Skywalker line as they are too OP. She wouldn’t necessarily have to be a Chosen One, but I like that whole plot about Anakin being a proportional response to Plagueis’ meddling and now that this threat has passed with the Emperor’s death in Episode VI, they are no longer needed. Kylo’s weakness could be explained by his emotions and Rey, who would be a powerful Gray Jedi but have no where near as much potential as Kylo, would have to stop him before he goes nuclear.
>>1084 >So I rewatched TLJ >It wasn’t nearly as bad as I remember Oh no, it's retarded.
>be me about 4 months ago >have a post typed in 8/sw/ TOR thread about some stuff >site goes down while attempting to post >doesn't come back up >no backup board, cytube won't load for me for some reason >go to vch >find out that the vch board was there after several weeks because it wasn't actually on the vch board list due to just up and deciding to go to the front page on a whim and finding recent /sw/ posts there when I usually skip directly to /v/ >by then I have lots of stuff to do at work and don't have enough hours in the day to post on imageboards >eventually go back and find that the vch board is gone >where the fuck am I supposed to go now >eventually hear about julay >come here >Disney's latest faggot abomination is out now >rofl if anybody is actually paying to see this crap >spoilers are even shittier than I thought they'd be >movie is basically Rey stealing the entire history of the franchise after it was previously burned down >Jim still can't manage to get his rickety pig farm stable enough to actually post on despite having ostensibly been up for over a month 'Tis the season for more EU ripoffs and independent womyn. But at least the board survived. Here's to another SJW shitfest in the books and another batch of fans ready for actual quality content.
>>1087 >refound /sw/ just in time to be exposed to the cancer in movie form that is the ruse of soywoker I'm so sorry anon.
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>>1027 Real persons can tell a good end to a saga when they see one, after all.
>>1084 >>1085 This is pretty transparent retardation, anon.
>>767 Too obvious.

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