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The Daiymo / Ethan Josiah Hatchett / EMagnusTV / Ishihara Musashi / TheLastDaimyo1 Toad 12/17/2021 (Fri) 05:43:07 ID: 4d39fd No.127617
Meet (((jcaesar187 Josiah Hatchett))) aka The Daiymo jcaesar187 is a 23yo low IQ, habitually lying retard coward originally from Griffin, Georgia. As a young boy, jcaesar187 was diagnosed with autis-I mean, OCD and "anxiety". jcaesar187 then used his newfound superpower to develop into the biggest faggot possible: an Asston Barks orbiter turned capo, a failed college artfag, and an unrepentant homosexual. jcaesar187 grew up fleecing retards for money, launching multiple projects that went nowhere, yet he pocketed the money regardless. jcaesar187 attended Southern Crescent Technical College for a dogshit tier art degree in film. jcaesar187 lives with his literally retarded, special olympian, weeaboo 25 year old brother John; who has chronic seizures, being kicked out of his parent's house with his brother and relying on his disability. At first some people liked The Daiymo bickers of his artistic videos, silly gimmick, and his ability to felt salty bitches like Asston Parks and Rudy Coleman. However, once his true nature of Гунтguarding the Canadian Гунт came to light, he turned from walking the path of kino to becoming the joke of the "Kino Community". jcaesar187 is best known for doxing himself on a livestream for no reason, constant alogging z-celeb Gahoole, and getting into bitter, super srs disputes with fellow z-celebs such as his e-daddy Asston or buckbreaker Dark Ninja, taking the internet way too seriously despite trying to act like a badass. After challenging people to dox him, acting like the smuggest faggot possible, using foxdick to spread leaked DMs with Asston to gayop, then getting owned repeatedly by Gahoole, Super Metokur, Mormon Shaggy, and the master shinobi himself, Dark Ninja, The Daiymo first announce he would leave January 1st 2022, but then when you didn't think things could get more bitchmade, he decided to run away after 24 hours and after making one finally video saying his channel would last only until midnight, he finally ran from the internet as a result of the 56% literal WHO, taking the L to a bearded nazi femboy Earwinson disciple from T O R O N T O. Earlier, femboy Rudy Coleman accused jcaesar187 of being a "sus imposter" who contacted his real life friends, but this ended up being a 4d gayop with the Daiymo's express approval. Worst of all, despite acting tough on camera, shitting on capos and claiming to cleanse the community, he was absorbed by the very blubber he wished to clean. Behind the scenes he was in contact with top Canadian Гунт capo, Perspicacity, a lispy jilted pothead and the devolution of Toad McKinley. For a man who made his career mocking Toad McKinley, his gay love was similar to Asston's for jcaesar187, degrading himself just to get a passing whiff of his starfish. jcaesar187 thinks he's above it all, but he's the bottom of the barrel and by running away proved himself to be the beta bitch in recent memory. Videos featuring jcaesar187 jcaesar187's videos shitting on Toad McKinley https://files.catbox.moe/9kq15y.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/iei14g.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/z75k6c.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/p4uj4v.mp4 Rudy getting felted by the daiymo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iYE113PKZ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XDpJ5j52Pk jcaesar187 getting destroyed by a cocksucking national socialist https://youtu.be/KZndzMV_7_k?t=88 https://youtu.be/z3ee8BM7o38 Daiymo runnning from a stream and seething over doxxxxing his parents https://youtu.be/rzNtZzyEi4E Rudy cucking the Daiymo and making him his bitch https://youtu.be/TGv30U3ErSQ jcaesar187 calling in with a homosexual voice to say he loves a man https://youtu.be/BFKCuIqXPYc?t=1460 Mormon Shaggy warning The Daiymo not to run after systematically destroying him (lost to time?) https://youtu.be/F25E6Kd7_Kk Gahooru owning jcaesar187 https://youtu.be/dpKHdjSTtJQ Daiymo getting owned by the undefeated Dark Ninja https://youtu.be/zyp8AKhhfkM https://youtu.be/nBDTqh9XMzc jcaesar187's art movies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BOlg6OLRM0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd07A-JLM5o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C_3HvQkGDs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKD3KtZ88X4 jcaesar187 vimeo archive https://files.catbox.moe/4nlnc6.zip Parent doxxxx Janice Purdy Hatchett Edward Mallory Hatchett (DOB July 31, 1964) John Mallory Hatchett 180 Anglin Rd Griffin, GA 30223 (770) 412-6919 social media Deleted FB https://www.facebook.com/jcaesar187jhatchett/ (https://archive.li/psWW2) Mom https://www.facebook.com/jan.hatchett (https://archive.li/h6MVZ) Dad https://www.facebook.com/eddie.hatchett (https://archive.li/DVnLg) Brother https://www.facebook.com/john.m.hatchett (https://archive.li/vIBul) His scam https://www.gofundme.com/f/jcaesar187striptoafrica (https://archive.li/XIw3c) Old Twitter https://twitter.com/EMagnusTV (https://archive.li/IMMl2) Vimeo https://vimeo.com/jcaesar187jhatchett Failed project https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/grandpa-a-short-film#/ (https://archive.li/zUYZd) LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jcaesar187-hatchett-98197b123 (https://archive.li/E8h2G) History on set (nothing) https://app.productionbeast.com/1103876-jcaesar187-hatchett (https://archive.li/JZk5B) Faggy podcast he appeared on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/taking-a-leap-of-faith-sftb4/id1447344421?i=1000434867438 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/expanding-our-crew-sftb3/id1447344421?i=1000426805573 His church (mentions his name) https://archive.li/nbgDY Amazon books he wrote with his mom https://www.amazon.com/Competition-Birding-jcaesar187-J-Hatchett-ebook/dp/B00UE8AMYM (https://archive.li/Zz4RF) https://www.amazon.com/Emerald-Desert-jcaesar187-J-Hatchett-ebook/dp/B01836GWJA/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1637044115&refinements=p_27%3Ajcaesar187+J.+Hatchett&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&text=jcaesar187+J.+Hatchett (https://archive.li/Hfnxa) 2018 voter record https://georgia-voters.com/by_number/1065/9190_jcaesar187_josiah_hatchett.html he's still on telegram as @thedaiymo
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>>157738 "Trad" Mare > Faith, the cow with bovine spongiform encephalopathy jcaesar187 keeps winning, like Surfer says! >>158148 The chat disagreem buddy. Daiymo and Gahoole are feared by fat retards like Mr Vickers and his whore of a daughter.
>>127617 I hope he fucks off for good now. His shtick was unfunny and he reeked of a wannabe /tv/ director who wasted his parents hard earned money on film school.
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Boring faggot, EarJuice and Grossly are right
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He humiliates himself for the subhuman trash and his discord trannies. I guess recording a 400 lb man vomit into a bucket and shit himself is worth the price of a soul. Rest in pieces sweaty gamer fan club.
>>127617 he looks exactly like cakejew in the first pic
>>164900 Wonder that Gayhoole love him so much
daiymo serfs stay winning
>>164971 birds of a feather
>>165654 Cakekike did a good promo in the past tho.
>>138874 hi daiymo, hows your new job writing blogposts at the state of Georgia's department of natural resources, going?
>>165715 based?
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Based Daiymo making plategang and boring zcelebs seethe
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>>166216 >t. Gaiymo Do not besmirch Lynch like this.
>>166216 Nobody respects you Hatchfag, kill yourself and unburden your parents you fucking parasite.
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>>166216 The sweaty gamer is laughing at you while you. humiliate yourself.
>>166681 You sure he's not just trying to converse with kiwis in their native tongue?
>>166611 >>166680 >>166681 >You're the daiymo No, I'm the Wrist.
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>>167751 >>167922 At least she's real, EarJuice.
>>168105 real, really fat
>>167922 short one is a prime slampig
The Daiymo can be fag from time to time, but at least he's better than Platefags/forgegang discordspics.
>>173053 Not a high bar but yes Diaymo clear it.
>>214904 Complete death of the council of evil, the in-fighting and spastic miserable streams that only get views if they dick-ride bigger names. Absolute shamefur, not even in their thirties and they're already all washed-up.
>>214911 Suicide arc when Gayholebros?
>>167751 she seems sweet
>>215301 Got a strong looking jaw, could probably take a couple of horse kicks to the head before those crossed eyes get fixed.
>>215360 Have you seen Bryan "wife" and Earwinson chav wife too? Both are ugly as fuck, one looks like a latinx tranny while the other is just an ugly Anglo woman with a massive jawline too. All three are fucked and locked in shitty relationships.
>>215384 post 'em
>>215384 100% Daiymo gets mommy dommy'd by his east german looking wife, he's a soft boy with gay face getting boners off homoerotic roleplay with axle and gahoole. On the other side though Lobeman is insufferably mid-witted while insisting he's the smartest man in the room, so I'm sure his marriage is nothing more than constant tension and passive aggressive sniping, if Lobeman was a truly happy man he wouldn't make seether videos for the sektour de france. Bryan gets his ass pegged. No doubt or question about it, just getting assfucked by his ugly demon whore every night until he shits blood and cries himself to sleep.
The Daiymo is delivering kino and making all spics and anglos seethe, truly amazing, I never imagined he would make anything good again. >>215384 Bryan got married with her to cope with his homosexuality, I guess her face makes the pegging look more natural to him.
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>>215396 NTA but here's the chav I think that anon is talking about, not sure if this is the girl he married though since it's a pretty old pic.
not even the best daiymo stream and yet he single handle b t f o'd the anglos and the homosexualspic https://youtu.be/5l9jDZD0eEc
>>216161 >slow homo talku >gay face still talking about other people >homoeroticu adventure-u with other men-u No Daiymo we don't want the full bathhouse experience thanks.
>>216513 Did...did *you* want the full bathhouse experience?
Daimyo, how's your big brained plan to bait TheTheGatorGamerGamer into doxing his address going? Maybe if you call him poor again he'll forget how to check his bank account and decide to give you a tour of his place. You'll see greater success with your ops if they aren't hinged on the target being retarded.
Where does he work? Does anyone know how he makes his money?
Does anyone have a clip of Daiymo saying nothing when DJ Axle talks about being a pedo?
If you're reading this thread, i must say, you're making some good vids and streams, Daiymo, at least you're funny and creative when compared to the braindead fags who fallow Earwinson and GrosslyPedo >>217607 >>217608 >Tordpedo >asking to be spoonfeeded yep, Daiymo is a GOD when compared to you faggots from discord.
Daiymo is streaming together with other of Gayhooe gay lovers [Wrist, which is a vol from tvch] All three are really butthurt and having some paranoid rants about boogeymen coming to bomb their houses. Daiymo for example is literally crying at night about DarkNinja afraid of being killed by the epic ninja.
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>>234866 The absolute state of the council of evil discord server, is a bunch of fat fuckers or skinny sickly dudes posting gay shit of themselves or crying about Warhammer
>>234866 Link? Does anyone have the council of evil leaked files and some old Daiymo videos? Like his first leaving videos were he is crying.
>>235538 Hi Perspic getting ready to do more gay ops against the Daiymo? Daiymo is based and epic and we support him. Fuck all the haters Daiymo is the future and the next Lord TheTheGatorGamerGamer.
>>234869 Lmfao nuzach's cunts are all gay.

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