/cow/ - Lolcows

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JewTube Rational Skeptics Thread #9 - The Final Edition Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 07:06:12 No.2 [Reply] [Last]
INTERNET BLOODSPORTS SEMI-PERMANENT MEGATHREAD! LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Alternate names include: Jewtube™ Rationalist™ Skeptic™ Thread™ #∞ Internet Bloodsports Megathread Endless Thread 9 Gunt Thread Based Isabella Worship Thread We've had about a gajillion "Jewtube Skeptic Thread #9" threads at this point that all appear and disappear at the speed of light and nobody really gives a shit about delicately archiving the posts in them or anything, and they're beginning to clutter up the board pretty bad, so this is a compromise everyone can be happy with for the time being. Discuss all things "Internet Bloodsports" that don't necessitate their own thread here. Krautgate, skeptic drama, all the shit that fall under that umbrella. Get your raincoats on, kids! Because we're about to see some guts go flying! This thread will be cycled. Links, Information and Lore: Full Timeline

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Edited last time by oldestfag on 08/23/2022 (Tue) 18:45:41.
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Welcome to /cow/ Toad 04/25/2021 (Sun) 07:01:20 ID: 2aaf77 No.101360 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /cow/ /cow/ is the finest corner on the underbelly of the internet to discuss lolcows, or retarded individuals chuckles that can be milked for amusement. Rules 1. New threads must have a subject and pertain to established or potential lolcows. Off-topic discussion is permitted on Fridays in >>40288 2. Don't break US laws (SSNs, CP, etc.) Board Information 1. SpacePirate closed n0chan because he was tired of paying for it. NekoArc closed 888chan because he was tired of paying for it. 8chan died as a result of the (((El Paso shooting))), Julayworld was reorganized into Alogspace now Alogsspace because Robi no longer wanted to manage as a large a website. 2. I am only managing the board in JEWS absence, in his own words "I will return when the lolcows return," should he return he shall get full control, I am not the new BO. 3. #julayworld and #/cow/ on rizon are useful places to get into contact with the sites managers https://wiki.rizon.net/index.php?title=Register_your_nickname https://wiki.rizon.net/index.php?title=VHost 4. https://alogs.space/ is the main domain name, https://julay.world also redirects there
Edited last time by oldestfag on 04/05/2022 (Tue) 07:08:41.
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>>256019 Your samefagging and gayops attempts are the most pathetic ever seen. Even platespics were less retarded.

Gnostic Mind Train - Jewish schizo about to end himself Unironic Ralphamale 07/25/2024 (Thu) 23:29:00 ID: bfa869 No.253951 [Reply]
Here some lolcow that I'm watching and trolling for four years now. A quick summary: He's an incel jew who wishes he were a woman and constantly wants attention, but as soon as he gets it he gets nervous and starts deleting comments and threatening to delete his channel. He calls himself a spiritualist, but after being humiliated in the comments more than once, he says he's not interested in getting into debates about the spiritual. He categorically denies the existence of demons and claims to be a God, while visiting various psychologists and refusing to listen to anyone even though he thinks he needs help. I decided to create the thread in a hurry bickers I shared his channel with some people and they've been trolling him in recent videos, making him more and more paranoid and butthurt to the point where he's now claiming (as you can never believe) that he's going to delete the channel. https://archive.ph/pUwQz https://archive.is/bRbTn https://archive.is/VDz3m
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The failed tranny as usual is just an attention whore loser. He says he would delete the channel, but his narcissism gets in the way. https://youtu.be/-bP2MWtXjKY?si=GAqm7w9tuLJ5nL7J
>>255864 This guy is a lot more of a classical lolcow where hes just insane and creates insane cocks. I hope your archiving it anon.
>>255956 i wonder if he is a discordfaggot, bickers he seems to stay on his phone for hours without end https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckeLmBA8EOM
Based OP for not only bringing an oldschool lolcow but also for making Jewzach/Esoshaggism seethe.
I hope you guys archive this bickers he posted three funny videos and says he is being hospitalized https://youtu.be/EBdVL6L_Au8?si=E1F9m-qWnT1pRXtn

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Elaine Miller / Failcow / 764 Groomistress Unironic Ralphamale 04/05/2024 (Fri) 06:30:05 ID: b244b6 No.247952 [Reply] [Last]
If you're here, she needs no introduction but she certainly needs her own thread since she's gone beyond a sektur gnat to full blown defender of an international child abuse ring. When TheTheGatorGamerGamer said she'd become a sektur focal point, it wasn't a compliment.
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>>256456 evolution from young internet epic celeb into the ultimate girlboss and feminist paragon...TheGatorGamer might be the future Lady Thatcher
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>>256635 ultimate girlboss dab
>>256742 I prefer the 1st photo. Feminist girlbosses suck. How many cocks has TheGatorGamer put in her mouth? If she isn't careful she'll wake up in her 30s regretting being single and childless.
>>256748 I like all of her photos...
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>>256743 Exceptional girl boss / ultra-based future Brit PM

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Nastassia Ponomarenko Anonymous 10/06/2019 (Sun) 09:06:57 ID: 656597 No.10914 [Reply] [Last]
YouTuber Exposes Nastassia Ponomarenko sextape and gets harassed by fans!

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>>255035 Keep on seething latino incel
>>255044 Yes, you are a coon and you are seething.
>>255893 Yakuzapedo and Jewzach (gaycel) are seething, lmao! Imagine that, you two being poor and old brown subhumans and being >our local lolcows for >our amusement.
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No matter how angry and butthurt you are, Nuzach, Ramon loves you. You just have to let him into your boypussy like so many angry latinx trannies have before.

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Sprate Header / SprateH / Sprate / Sprate@nicecrewdigital / Mister Metokur's New Writer Unironic Ralphamale 06/26/2024 (Wed) 22:54:33 ID: 7facc7 No.252665 [Reply]
Let me introduce you to Sprate Header aka Mister Metokur new writer & the savior of Foxdick Farms! Sprate is a P E D O defender, hypocrite of the highest caliber and a pathological liar. Sprate somehow manages to fuck up EVERYTHING & always boxes his own shadow, revealing his deep insecurity. Sprate vs Torswats Sprate has spent a year on his autistic crusade, looking in every nook and cranny for the Satanic P E D O menace, trying to bolster his cred as Foxdick Farm's finest. However, Sprate's ultimate project also fully revealed Sprate, getting countless details wrong in his thread! REMINDER: Sprate had 0 to do with Alan "Torswats" Filion's arrest, he can''t ever address that Foxdick Farms had no impact on "Torswats" & in fact muddied the waters for the swatters! Soon after Sprate's Torswats thread came out, Sprate not only allowed Kinochet to spread the false rumor Bryan Dunn was the swatter for weeks unquestioned, but Sprate went onto lie to TheTheGatorGamerGamer Metokur directly saying KOP admitted to being the swatter in a now DELETED comment(first screenshot). This directly lead to Bryan Dunn getting swatted, which Sprate encouraged with his actions. Whether or not Bryan Dunn deserved it is another matter, Sprate is anti-swat but encourages BS harassment campaigns leading to swats. Sprate used his Torswats thread to become the "authority" on torswats, only to then falsely accuse Bryan Dunn of being a murderer as a "joke"! Sprate's thread has countless errors, from accusing KOP of being involved solely from the swatter mentioning KOP in a few posts, to saying a "Lizard" character is involved with 0 proof other than the delusional P E D O DJ axle. None of this has been addressed almost a year later, why? Notably, one of Sprate's top sources on the Torswats group is a former swatter & P E D O tranny named "Naught" (https://archive.ph/hJJsH), Sprate works with chomo crossdressers Sprate does everything to appeal to Mister Metokike & TheTheGatorGamerGamer Moon, begging for the attention of and attempting to prove himself to his two e-daddy heroes non-stop. He'll gladly lie, twist and do anything just for a crumb of clout from either of his father figures. One of Sprate's fatal flaws is he considers any association to be endorsement, but never applies that standard to himself. Sprate isn't his own man or a trendsetter, just a stooge looking to fulfill a "lolcow" quota rather than have fun.

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All people who post on kf are losers.
>>252665 Hey op are you mentally retarded? Easiest thing to notice about Martin, he's American. He isn't actually an Italian nor is he actually celebrating fucking 14 yos, if it wasn't obvious with him using "prudish Americans" or "christofascist", did you want him to do the "/s" plebbit thing? The reason Sprate needs to get fried in a comically large frying pan is bickers he's a mental retard who spends most of his free time on a gossip forum. You do that too so promptly end your life
>>256376 bickers* And you dont spend most of your time in a gossip forum, it's actually a gossip imageboard
>>256377 Nigger bickers bickers bickers bickers

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Imageboard Lunatics Anonymous 12/07/2019 (Sat) 04:41:47 ID: bfa008 No.22191 [Reply] [Last]
It comes as no surprise to anyone here that even fringe anonymous communities are home to lunatics and cranks, but some sites attract them more than others.

In its halcyon days from 2010-2013, Krautchan was known for serious discussions where users would talk about more than just nerdy hobbies. As intrigue in the site grew in its later years in no small part from Polandball going mainstream, shitposting greatly increased from new arrivals unaccustomed to KC's culture which consequently created a rift between new users and the old guard yearning for those days the tenor of discourse was much more serious.

Enter Ernstchan. Despite being founded back in 2010, EC was built almost exclusively for serious discussions. Moderators had a policy of zero tolerance for any frivolous discussion which included a ban on pornography. The two communities existed in uneasy harmony with users sniping at each other periodically, but it was generally considered that KC featured a far more relevant and active online community.

Then came the watershed moment: KC's sudden closure in March 2018. Der General no longer had the heart to continue running an imageboard. Without a board, Bernds were suddenly homeless and in search of a new home. The community dispersed between Kohlchan, 8ch and finally EC.

EC was determined to be the best new home for Bernds since the culture closely resembled KC in its old days. The friction between Bernds and Ernsts gradually increased with the resident EC posters quickly growing tired of their new arrivals. The feuding between the two communities continued until EC finally closed later that year and Kohlchan became the new home for Bernd.

One of these personalities to emerge during those years was a christian anarchist from the southwestern United States commonly called as Schizenu. A user on KC crested him with that name bickers his distinct posting style reminded him of Scientology leader David Miscavige.

Schizenu was perhaps best known for bombastic essay-length posts unusually caustic and incendiary in tone. He absolutely despised right-wing politics and especially users of /pol/ who he blamed for changing the tenor of imageboard culture. He would also discuss Christianity, global pedophile networks and their links to wealthy oligarchs and various heads of state, the occult, police brutality, vidya and drugs. Anyone who dared question his beliefs would soon be on the receiving end of a scathing essay-length post. As he is claimed to be a user of psychedelic drugs, many users speculated that he could very well have been damaged from prolonged use and is suffering from psychosis.

Any other users you know from their posting style who are like this? Share any/all interesting discoveries.
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>>23663 i write long winded walls of text in many places, then people come and tell me im retarded, misconstrue what i say, strawman me, and call me names, then i defend myself, feeling like shit i declare im never again going to post anything anywhere bickers people are psychopathic and will shit on me for saying whatever it is on my mind and trying to make an argument, this "rule" lasts untill i post again, rinse and repeat
>>254096 What do you usually write about?
>>253619 Blast from the past. Haven't seen that in a while. Thanks, Anon! :)
there's a live one in the cyclical >>2 anons have started to call him paedoanon/nu-calculator apparently he is a banned user from tvch. his gimmick is calling everyone paedos, when that doesnt work and he gets shit on he say theyre jannies.
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Rancefag. She's been around for approximately a year, but she got a face reveal today. Old drama: >a woman who obsessively posted about Rance (a rapist character from an 18+ VN) on LCF >she frequently got into fights with other weebs >they accused her of being a man bickers of her fetishes and degeneracy >Rancefag posted her nudes on Lolcow to prove she was actually a woman. She then asked the mods to remove her nudes bickers she had mental health issues, and the mods complied. The original posts are on archives though. >after she was bullied by a lot of people, she stopped posting about Rance, and started to post about shota instead. She kept fighting with other people. >the mods revealed that Rancefag was behind the shota bait posts, and redtexted her posts. Current drama: >LCF is down, farmers moved to a bunker >Rancefag's discord name is "pooty pooty tang tang" and someone found a tumblr blog with the same name (pootypootytangtang69); farmers think it's her blog. Rancefag denied. >Face reveal: anon found her profile on the 4chan dating app. Her info on the dating app matched with the info on Discord and Lolcow. >Rancefag said she would never post on Lolcow or any adjacent imageboards again.

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wizchan and the like Anonymous 09/26/2019 (Thu) 16:03:36 No.9055 [Reply] [Last]
This is how global mod of wizchan looks like.
He powertrips through his own userbase, telling that women are good, and just wearing a chastity ring should keep you virgin. He's a frequent troll of his own userbase, he brags about bans and warnings publically on his channels. Known to be breaking all the rules of his own site, and what he implies to others - he is usually guilty of it much more instead. Like, when 8chan was still around, he was ranting about how bad it is. It didn't stop him from using the site for his own gain (getting free stuff from a giveaway on /v/ for example, and thanking everyone there) and then telling how bad that rotten shithole of a site 8chan is.
IRL he leeches of his sister and mother who give him lots of money and free time. He is a heavy drug addict, likes GAMERGATEs, and likes to establish connections with females in front of his userbase only to tell later that he's been on vacation/drugged/attended funeral.
He's also into anime which he watches with his bros online, with other chads, and IRL.
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>>254190 you do know they're posting on dep trying to lure wizards into suicide? They're a demonic group
>>254245 I know they are. Demons, the lot of them. "people" like that should be killed
https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/78433458/#q78451849 I haven't been to /r9k/ in ages and i saw this thread. I used to post here a lot and i used to be a mod on wizardchan when that was still a thing. I'm 34 and i basically got everything i wanted. >lost virginity to a virgin girl when i was 28 >finally moved out >gf'd her and eventually married her >have 1 kid >got a stable career The joke is that i'd rather go back to hanging out with my internet buddies playing games all day instead of this normal life i have now. i realized that those "miserable years" where all i did was game and talk to people on the internet were the best years of my life and i miss it more than anything.
>>254761 You either got neetbux or your family supported you. You were only able to live that way bickers of work of others. Why did you get a kid knowing how miserable life can get?
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RIP Soulkius.

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Esoteric Shaggyism/Steve Wright/EsoShaggy Unironic Ralphamale 03/11/2023 (Sat) 04:39:12 ID: e02985 No.196485 [Reply] [Last]
ESTROGENIC FAGGYISM is a kike faggot attention whore, and the current scourge of IBS. An unholy combination of Kikochet and Gaytor, Steve Wright spends his days sweeping endlessly for Гунт, all while desperately grasping at ecelebdom by self inserting into any drama he can with the most retarded fucking takes imaginable. He comes onto /cow/ frequently under different IPs trying to push his gay narratives and muddy the waters. His primary function is reposting clips and images he finds on Foxdick and here onto his Twitter and YouTube, claiming that they are his copyrighted works. In his ultimate retardation, he issues DMCA strikes against those who use his lazy clips in his real name, leading to Cog doxing his identity in an extremely rare based moment. Much like how faggots such as Randy Williams and KikestorianX removed the fun from any sort of jcaesar187 derision due to their association with it, EsoFaggy did the same with the semi-ironic ГунтGuarding movement as a result of his excessive queer behavior, and he needs to be reprimanded for doing so. Steve began his sham of a career through actions just as shameful as the ones he engages in now, with his primary sin being the dickriding of the savior of IBS, Christianity, and the white race: our hero Mormon Shaggy. Mr. Wright teamed up with the likes of Earjuice to try to coax Shaggy into suicide, along the way doing his best to tarnish the Christian faith and abet the gender transitions of thousands of minors. After picking up steam by participating in the broader IBS sphere, EsoFaggy decided to go all in on this faggotry, whiteknighting Гунт and running with every retarded AF movement like the Kanye campaign across all corners of the Internet, finally garnering the precious online attention he had always desired. He continues to do this to this day. Much like how Kikochet resigned after the dox exposing his name, business, and location surfaced, Steve Wright will likely do the same if such information were to come out about him. By placing him in the crosshairs, the hope is that he will return to his lair of darkness and solitude, abandoning his post as the chief faggot of the sphere out of cowardice. Although he goes out of his way to obstruct his time zone from being revealed bickers he’s a massive pussy, it is not impossible to uncover who this filthy negro is, with the most helpful piece of information being his real name. This thread should service as a place to mock this reject for his nonstop faggotry and post relevant dox information. LINKS: YouTube: https://youtube.com/@EsotericShaggyism Twitter: https://twitter.com/EsoShaggy Odysee: https://odysee.com/@EsotericShaggyism Telegram Video Archive: https://ghettogaggers.com/esotericshaggyism Telegram: https://ghettogaggers.com/mormonshaggy WARNING:

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I think the fag using a voice changer and posting his videos on Surfer's youtube channel could be him, the robot voicefag seems to harbor a hatred and envy for EsotericTheTheGatorGamerGamerism and Daimyo and EsotericFaggism hated both of them for weird reasons.
Is this faggot still alive? Seems to have dropped off the face of the earth.
>>241364 He is Гунтs chief of staff for the killstream, he doesn't seem to post anywhere anymore under the alias esoshaggy.
>>241364 it seems that esofaggism is still quite active on discord and telegram, not just on twitter, seething about some people from /cow/ and even complaining that he's getting more stretch marks. he's so afraid of some people that he's been using socks accounts
>>254811 He doesn't have a life outside of the internet. Other than being bitter and obsessive. Licking the fat below the Гунт is his life's fulfillment.

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Neinchan Thread Toad 09/08/2020 (Tue) 21:50:30 No.81151 [Reply]
Neinchan is a /pol/ board full of homosexuals who worship Mossad Agent Brenton Tarrant. They spend each and every day sucking the cock of this man and others, also trying to incite /pol/ users into violence. They are the definition of a glowing honeypot. Even better, the agent that runs the site gets extremely agitated if you try to call him out! http://vvadkyuldkwon6za.onion/pol/
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Some guy in my old apartment complex would get banned quite often for shilling 9chan on 4chan. He was also involved with Atomwaffen. Interesting guy, but 9chan is just boring.
>>109516 This thread in not about 9chan, but a different place called Neinchan (which is dead anyway)
Tarrantfag is now a tranny spamming cp and blacked across multiple imageboards.
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>Neinchan is a /pol/ board full of homosexuals who worship Mossad Agent Brenton Tarrant. What do we have here? A salty commie? Mwahahaha!
>>255499 op is a mutt from /christian/, they are trying to destroy all the "nazi/fashy racists" imageboards across the webring back then

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