/cow/ - Lolcows

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JewTube Rational Skeptics Thread #9 - The Final Edition Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 07:06:12 No.2 [Reply] [Last]
INTERNET BLOODSPORTS SEMI-PERMANENT MEGATHREAD! LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Alternate names include: Jewtube™ Rationalist™ Skeptic™ Thread™ #∞ Internet Bloodsports Megathread Endless Thread 9 Gunt Thread Based Isabella Worship Thread We've had about a gajillion "Jewtube Skeptic Thread #9" threads at this point that all appear and disappear at the speed of light and nobody really gives a shit about delicately archiving the posts in them or anything, and they're beginning to clutter up the board pretty bad, so this is a compromise everyone can be happy with for the time being. Discuss all things "Internet Bloodsports" that don't necessitate their own thread here. Krautgate, skeptic drama, all the shit that fall under that umbrella. Get your raincoats on, kids! Because we're about to see some guts go flying! This thread will be cycled. Links, Information and Lore: Full Timeline

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Edited last time by oldestfag on 08/23/2022 (Tue) 18:45:41.
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>>262480 You're not getting back into the DnD game, Dev.

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Welcome to /cow/ Toad 04/25/2021 (Sun) 07:01:20 ID: 2aaf77 No.101360 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /cow/ /cow/ is the finest corner on the underbelly of the internet to discuss lolcows, or retarded individuals chuckles that can be milked for amusement. Rules 1. New threads must have a subject and pertain to established or potential lolcows. Off-topic discussion is permitted on Fridays in >>40288 2. Don't break US laws (SSNs, CP, etc.) Board Information 1. SpacePirate closed n0chan because he was tired of paying for it. NekoArc closed 888chan because he was tired of paying for it. 8chan died as a result of the (((El Paso shooting))), Julayworld was reorganized into Alogspace now Alogsspace because Robi no longer wanted to manage as a large a website. 2. I am only managing the board in JEWS absence, in his own words "I will return when the lolcows return," should he return he shall get full control, I am not the new BO. 3. #julayworld and #/cow/ on rizon are useful places to get into contact with the sites managers https://wiki.rizon.net/index.php?title=Register_your_nickname https://wiki.rizon.net/index.php?title=VHost 4. https://alogs.space/ is the main domain name, https://julay.world also redirects there
Edited last time by oldestfag on 04/05/2022 (Tue) 07:08:41.
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Elaine Miller / Failcow / 764 Groomistress Unironic Ralphamale 04/05/2024 (Fri) 06:30:05 ID: b244b6 No.247952 [Reply] [Last]
If you're here, she needs no introduction but she certainly needs her own thread since she's gone beyond a sektur gnat to full blown defender of an international child abuse ring. When TheTheGatorGamerGamer said she'd become a sektur focal point, it wasn't a compliment.
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El-ai-ne is better looking and richer than BX, it's not even close and that's not just cause El-ai-ne is 22 while BX is ancient. I'm sorry but it's the truth.
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>>262378 its cruel to compare any girl let alone wrinkly boomer bx 2 to el @ine her attractiveness trumps all without el @ine there is 0 reason 2b in the sektor
>>262393 Countless men would give up their lives to be with our own Helen of Troy were she to stream again <3
>>262378 >>262393 >>262394 These, but unironically. I wish I could serve Queen...
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>>262333 TheGatorGamer deserves to live happily ever after 🥰 I wish she were given the love and respect she was due rather than constant derision. Thanks for bettering my life, TheGatorGamer 🥰

Unironic Ralphamale 04/28/2023 (Fri) 15:11:10 ID: 25859c No.204629 [Reply] [Last]
Emojitroon is very active on 4chan, beside being a gay in other boards he's shilling tvch while larping as Yakuza That fucking faggot has been shilling troons for like 5 years on /pol/ what the fuck is wrong with him
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The thread may have been archived, but I swear this is the second time Nuzach tried to get Emojitroon to post a cock pic. He's definitely not gay! It was just for shitposting that he wanted to see the emoji dick.
>>260466 >>260473 The seethe is going on strong tonight again, Nuzach.
>>260491 Funny how even emoji and yakuza are dabbing on him now, and yet he keeps spamming his gay screenshot ITT
Emoji's degeneration never ends, just as Cosmo emoji has a strange fixation with one of his cousins. He even invited her to threesomes.
>>262365 The video of him with a black guy and a girl is him with his cousin then?

Nuzach General #2 Unironic Ralphamale 09/26/2024 (Thu) 23:17:39 ID: da576d No.257369 [Reply] [Last]
Since the last thread Nuzach has practically made alogs his new home, dramatically increasing the amount of black dicks and cp that is posted on here bickers that's his only response when he gets assblasted on a daily basis. Old OP: Nuzach once enjoyed the prime-time bloodsports even before jcaesar187's downfall at the hands of the Гунт with by far the most stupid reasons to lose one's mind for; a good deal of 8ch veterans kept enjoying his seething about alogs until this day. But not nuzach, he was too much of a trailer trash white G​AMERGATE himself to laugh at a lolcow proper and enjoy the show. But most importantly, he was a ni/gg/er at heart. He didn't luck out with the /cow/ userbase that repeatedly mocked his inclinations to waste time playing cuckeogooms and to want to fuck children. Neither did he luck out with the administration, and his buddy John was ousted and the ni/gg/er-infested cancer known as /v/ removed from my jewish mother. As a result of my jewish mother cracking down on pedos, he lost 90% of his remaining sanity. To get told to "go and make your own site if you want to jack it to children" was the straw that broke this buck's back. As a result all his pedo buddies, those parasitic cliques that had already lost 60% of their numbers when TheTheGatorGamerGamer got rid of /hebe/ and other boards, were left without a host again. Some went to KC, others were scattered in the wind forever. Enter zzzchan, a pretty rulecucked site existing pretty much solely for the ni/gg/er pedos to play smash and jerk off to kids, where the mere suggestion that loli is pedophilic earns the poster a ban. Even the few boards that wanted none of that were eventually infested. Nuzach now spends his days seething on zzzchan about the alogs and tvch, sometimes going to those sites to seethe at the moderation and screech at "/cow/kikes" and Anita. Nuzach is definitely the main individual lolcow of the webring, the juciest one among the collective lolcow that the ni/gg/ers from zzzchan are. Banned from every board that isn't ran by pedos, he says the "/cow/kike moderation" and "feminists" are at fault for him getting banned from every place he goes to. No, it couldn't be the precious Eric, he's too good to be fairly banned.
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>>262198 Is this some esl thing or are you actually incapable of processing any kind of logic? If you accused me of posting Ramon, and my defense was a screenshot where I wasn't posting Ramon, would that be evidence that I never posted Ramon? If you still don't get it after that, I give up, I'm not qualified to teach brain damaged pajeets.
>he forgot to switch proxies before spamming lol
>>260733 Here bro i got accused of posting cp in this very specific post
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>nuzach still desperately trying to prove he's not a sweaty gamer but too stupid to form a coherent thought
What do we have here, buddy? Let me guess 1-He's going to deny it was him and make a fool of himself. 2-He will finally admit it and say he did it for shitposting and irony even though he claims to hate irony. https://archive.ph/ic3FM https://archive.ph/Z879D

Gnostic Mind Train - Jewish schizo about to end himself Unironic Ralphamale 07/25/2024 (Thu) 23:29:00 ID: bfa869 No.253951 [Reply]
Here some lolcow that I'm watching and trolling for four years now. A quick summary: He's an incel jew who wishes he were a woman and constantly wants attention, but as soon as he gets it he gets nervous and starts deleting comments and threatening to delete his channel. He calls himself a spiritualist, but after being humiliated in the comments more than once, he says he's not interested in getting into debates about the spiritual. He categorically denies the existence of demons and claims to be a God, while visiting various psychologists and refusing to listen to anyone even though he thinks he needs help. I decided to create the thread in a hurry bickers I shared his channel with some people and they've been trolling him in recent videos, making him more and more paranoid and butthurt to the point where he's now claiming (as you can never believe) that he's going to delete the channel. https://archive.ph/pUwQz https://archive.is/bRbTn https://archive.is/VDz3m
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he keeps posting more and more videos coping about being some weird loser with Low IQ
Dudes like this one are why incels have such a bad fame https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m51wpc6nXpw&ab_channel=GnosticMindTrain
He's leaving, this time believe him! He's super serious! Anyway a playlist of all the times he wanted attention and was unable to leave. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9rkW9boVNqJy3PlaO-K-Ezw0nlNnMdiQ&si=eSkTT0gXQAjw9GUk
He doesn't look or sound Jewish.
>>261708 Now that's pure cope, buddy.

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Kalea Summer Little / Lav / Lavlune / phemoid / Lavenderlunee / bratmitzvah / deeplyunpopularwoman / goatgirl666 Unironic Ralphamale 04/06/2023 (Thu) 05:16:54 ID: 6d34a6 No.201302 [Reply]
Kalea Summer Little / Lav is a 24 year old, born 21 July 1998, former prostitute, OnlyFans whore & streamer who'll do anything for attention, has no morals or principles and a body mostly consisting of drugs, makeup, scars, Dollar Store-tattoos and lip filler. With all that said, she is cute ngl, I'd fuck her and expect her to show up to /cow/ shortly and peel off a few simps like the harlot she is.
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cow crossover with john walker flynt
>>203435 You mean the John Flynt that harassed his university newspaper so severely that they had him banned from the premises? The John Flynt with a history of stalking harassment against women who then transitioned MTF, took the name Brianna Wu, developed a hilariously sexist videogame, and started a relationship with Frank Wu, an artist with rumors of sexually harassing behaviour towards young female colleagues?
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When is this whore going back on the whatever podcast?
If she wasn't a whore, she would be perfectly marriagable

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Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto JEWS 11/28/2019 (Thu) 01:22:43 ID: e041d0 No.20078 [Reply]
Thanksgiving. A time for togetherness. A time for family. A time for eating. It is a time when families come together and have a feast, all the while being thankful for what life has brought onto them and for the years to come. Such a feast is happening today.

We start at the home of Anthony LoGatto, who is currently indulged in a Thanksgiving dinner alongside his lover and secretary Callie Briggs and three other people. All three are female mice of varying age. The one at the head of the table has glasses, short, shoulder length hair, and wears a purple turtleneck blouse and pants; the other has long black hair, medium body size, black sleeveless blouse and gray pants; the final guest has long brown hair in a downytail, regular body size, a New York Mets sports jacket and jeans. They are Margo, Angela and Elena, his mother and sisters, respectively. They've come over to visit Anthony for Thanksgiving dinner.

“So guys,” begins A-Log. “How have you been doing lately?”

“Well, I've been doing well as a paralegal. I've been helping others on a recent case,” said Angela, as she eats the turkey.

“I've been doing well in the art realm as well as being a court stenographer,” says Elena. “You couldn't believe how many cases I've been in from time to time.”

“Agreed,” said his mother. “And I supposed you have done well with your comedy career?” she asked her son. “I recall your father wasn't very pleased with your choice.”

“Pfft, please!” he said as he eats, being careful not to talk with his mouth full, “I'm sure the ol' man is delusional as always.”

“Not to mention bitter,” Elena says.

“Can we at least skip talking about dad for once?” says Angela. “Besides, the food's getting cold.”

And with that, Anthony and the others resume eating.

“Miss Briggs,” says Margo, “I'm still fortunate that you're keeping my son under control?”

“Don't worry, Margo,” Callie says with reassurance. “I've known Anthony since high school, and I'm sure he's doing well under my watch.”

“Despite hanging out with Enchantra, which started this whole mess,” she said under her breath, making sure the rest of the family, including Callie, heard her remark. She is worried about her son's actions since Enchantra came into his life, but she still has some comfort knowing that she hasn't done any harm to her son, and Anthony has never done likewise to another woman.

“So how are you doing in Manhattan, Callie?” says Elena, with a hint of inquisition. “I'm sure your company is doing fine.”

Callie, with baited breath, says, “It's been difficult since the economy has been going up a roller coaster these days.”

“I know how you mean,” said Angela. “A few months ago, I've seen several people getting laid off from the law firm bickers of budget cuts.”

“I've been trying to get at least another stable job since I got laid off from the driving school down the road,” says Margo, with regret.

“Well,” says Anthony, her son, “At least we can not blame this on just Obama. Mom, you know how much Bush did for eight years, right?

“Yes. We got out of the bushes, but we still can't get out.” she said with a chuckle.

“You're just glad Dad isn't here right now,” Elena said. “You two would blow the roof off.”

Immediately, everyone shares a laugh over the only political difference amongst family; but he isn't here at this moment. As they laugh, Anthony then takes a look into his watch and sees what time it is.

“Oh crap,” he said. “I really hate to skip a meal with you guys, but I gotta get going!”

“Go?” asked Angela. “Go where?”

“Oh,” he said as he walks away from the table and grabs his jacket. “To the city. I have a little Thanksgiving tradition of my own.” He walks back and kisses Callie on the cheek and says, “I'll be back home tomorrow. Keep an eye on the house for me.”

“I will,” she says. “If there's any leftovers, we'll save them for you.”

He nods and waves to his family as he exits the house and drives off. Soon afterward, Margo asks, “It's a little strange for him to go to Manhattan at this time of day.
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Dinner is served.
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Alog made the turkey hoes submit to his 6 inch wonder dick, can you fools say likewise?
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Today's the day. I am ready.

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Esoteric Shaggyism/Steve Wright/EsoShaggy Unironic Ralphamale 03/11/2023 (Sat) 04:39:12 ID: e02985 No.196485 [Reply] [Last]
ESTROGENIC FAGGYISM is a kike faggot attention whore, and the current scourge of IBS. An unholy combination of Kikochet and Gaytor, Steve Wright spends his days sweeping endlessly for Гунт, all while desperately grasping at ecelebdom by self inserting into any drama he can with the most retarded fucking takes imaginable. He comes onto /cow/ frequently under different IPs trying to push his gay narratives and muddy the waters. His primary function is reposting clips and images he finds on Foxdick and here onto his Twitter and YouTube, claiming that they are his copyrighted works. In his ultimate retardation, he issues DMCA strikes against those who use his lazy clips in his real name, leading to Cog doxing his identity in an extremely rare based moment. Much like how faggots such as Randy Williams and KikestorianX removed the fun from any sort of jcaesar187 derision due to their association with it, EsoFaggy did the same with the semi-ironic ГунтGuarding movement as a result of his excessive queer behavior, and he needs to be reprimanded for doing so. Steve began his sham of a career through actions just as shameful as the ones he engages in now, with his primary sin being the dickriding of the savior of IBS, Christianity, and the white race: our hero Mormon Shaggy. Mr. Wright teamed up with the likes of Earjuice to try to coax Shaggy into suicide, along the way doing his best to tarnish the Christian faith and abet the gender transitions of thousands of minors. After picking up steam by participating in the broader IBS sphere, EsoFaggy decided to go all in on this faggotry, whiteknighting Гунт and running with every retarded AF movement like the Kanye campaign across all corners of the Internet, finally garnering the precious online attention he had always desired. He continues to do this to this day. Much like how Kikochet resigned after the dox exposing his name, business, and location surfaced, Steve Wright will likely do the same if such information were to come out about him. By placing him in the crosshairs, the hope is that he will return to his lair of darkness and solitude, abandoning his post as the chief faggot of the sphere out of cowardice. Although he goes out of his way to obstruct his time zone from being revealed bickers he’s a massive pussy, it is not impossible to uncover who this filthy negro is, with the most helpful piece of information being his real name. This thread should service as a place to mock this reject for his nonstop faggotry and post relevant dox information. LINKS: YouTube: https://youtube.com/@EsotericShaggyism Twitter: https://twitter.com/EsoShaggy Odysee: https://odysee.com/@EsotericShaggyism Telegram Video Archive: https://ghettogaggers.com/esotericshaggyism Telegram: https://ghettogaggers.com/mormonshaggy WARNING:

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>>254811 what is his discord/telegram?
wait, didnt he fuck off after getting d0xed??
>>260458 ESO is back and better than ever.
>>260549 More gay and pathetic*

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Archiving 8/cow/ Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 06:30:00 ID: 3ab41d No.150 [Reply]
Gentlemen, I think it's important that we consider archiving as many threads from 8/cow/ as possible in case archive.fo/is gets bullied into removing their archives of 8chan threads. I'll be backing up what I can but it'd be helpful if some other anons could help with this. It would really be a shame to lose all those threads and be forced to rely on foxdick to retrieve the information contained within them. I'm not even sure foxdick has most of the information considering how much Jewsh suppresses the content over there to protect his beloved cows.

Also need to probably make sure to backup all archives of the Rational skeptics thread to preserve them.

Some links to help you get started in case you want to help out in the effort.

>Archive of catalog, helpful for finding links to individual threads that might be archived

>Link to all archives of the Cyclical thread

>tor node to access 8chan/cow over tor to pull any content that isn't in archives already

Please try to save all information as html instead of just taking screencaps. If screencaps are needed they can be made from the html/page backups. Try to make sure you get all the images with the html page itself to preserve OC for future generations.

When I wake up I'll get started backing up as much as I can myself. If 8ch remains offline much longer I'll also start making threads for things that weren't part of the cyclical thread.
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does anyone has the archives of the last time that TRSPERG posted? or when godwinson rant about how shit Ashton lost in the debate against Jewsh
>>157681 TRSperg last posted when gaytor got doxxxed in February.
important thread
>>23569 i archived alot of 8chan on ghostarchive too in case https://ghostarchive.org/search?term=https%3A%2F%2F8ch.net
>>260459 Thank you anon.

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