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FBIchan general (8chan/8kun/Odin) Anonymous 10/19/2019 (Sat) 22:26:59 ID: 5aa03a No.13388
Share your favorite snaps.
>>43160 where do I get such a job?
>>43162 applications are open i think it's through cock.li or something
>>43158 Between this and having faith that Ron would pull through and try to fix the site, hoping he would bring back more boards like /pol/, and the loli ones with all that cocks lost, I kind of get why they wanted to stay with the devil they knew. Still, they shouldn't let any of them off the hook. If they're worth their salt, they ought to find a new Board Owner.
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>>43170 That's why I and my fellow 8channians are so excited for the upcoming reimagined Infinity Next™ under the noble auspices of Joshua Conner Moon, the rightful inheritor of the crown/tiara passed down from moot and the next face of imageboard culture for millenia to come. t. Not even Josh
>>31109 >Fenlaw His autism is admirable.
>>43170 >You should be careful with who you pick as a BO, they could be resetera spies! It's incredible how they deem their stupid board so important that they expect anyone trying to become the BO to dox himself and give a background record, all to do it for free for a bunch of paranoic faggots on the internet. /v/ is full of self-important pussies.
>>43741 I think that probably has more to do with trying to avoid a Kampfy scenario once again, than paranoia and feeling important as you said.
>>43814 >oy vey how dare you goyim maintain your anonymity
>this is a real post on 8glow Won't somebody think of those poor pedophiles?
>>43894 What ID & Thread?
>>43896 It's that thread with mark's picture on /v/
>>43894 >>43896 >being so new you don't even remember when hotwheels ran the site you may as well go 4chan, normalfags
>>43903 What does that have to do with anything pedo?
>>43894 /hebe/ wasn't even a pedo board, it was nothing but proto-grannies and simps. /younglove/ was a better pedo board.
>>43941 >/hebe/ wasn't even a pedo board Ok pedo
Okay, wait a minute...people still have believed in this fucker since '14? Let alone all the failures I remember since? Catching up in the last year, seems a lot of what was already pointed out to other anon has come to pass. Goddamn his fanboys/girls are retarded. On an different note: How the fuck did he mess up a 2k a month gig?!?
>>43994 The girls were too old, it was shit.
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8kun banned loli
>>45236 took them long enough
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>>45236 What about 1D lolis?
>>45236 I can't wait for the ni/gg/er salt. All that shilling for 8kunt and disinfo about the webring only to realize they never mattered.
>>43894 you wanna know why transexualism is accepted and pushed but pedophilia is vilified and punished? thats bickers a transexual male, pre or post op, can still enslave himself to the system to pay taxes, under the dress its still a man, with the muscle of a man, and the brain of a man. but a woman married at a prepubescent age and not brainwashed by the education system will not be a future vote for the tyrants or a breeder of brown neo-humans. on another topic, joshchan (9chan.us) was just taken down by Epik for being bad goyim. are you ready for war yet?
>>45363 > on another topic, joshchan (9chan.us) was just taken down by Epik for being bad goyim. The onion address still works: http://ninechnjd5aaxfbcsszlbr4inp7qjsficep4hiffh4jbzovpt2ok3cad.onion/
>>45364 back as 9chan.hk
>>45365 >Hong Kong
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There was a conspiracy recently around "tv television and film" results on google. Apparently these qanon retards thought it was some kind of secret google pedophile ring. When the images that popped up (instagram child models tier pictures) all linked back to 4plebs. A 4chan archiving site. So basically 1 guy has been posting child models on 4chans tv for a while and it showed up when you put that into google. These retards are using an imageboard. They are literally using an imageboard and posting on it yet are so fucking retarded that they dont even know what 4chan is. Im serious. Look this shit up. They even flooded google support. This shit is fucking hillarious and retarded. https://support.google.com/websearch/thread/41413663?hl=en%28google support) http://archive.is/z0TAK (google support) The archived version doesnt show all the replies. Even 4plebs themselves had to respond. Its even linked on the frontpage of 4plebs. http://archive.is/sKJ8x Its fucking infuriating knowing that i shared an imageboard with people this fucking stupid. Somehow this shit managed to get an article aswell. http://archive.is/kay2S http://archive.is/Qclj1
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>>46031 >The results came from a website community named 4plebs. In a 2018 article, Rolling Stone referred to 4plebs as a “sister site” of 4chan. According to the Washington Post, “4chan is a series of wholly anonymous, anything-goes forums.” 4plebs archives posts from 4chan’s various threads. >In December 2019, the Fordham Observer named 4plebs alongside 4chan and 8chan as websites that permit “alt-right cocks” to be posted. Who is this 4chan?
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>>46031 Boomers are the worst. Can not wait for most of these types to shit the bed one day.
>>46040 >Marines >1989-2003 TL Note: This is code word for "I wanted to get military retirement for being a useless fuck, but they found out and kicked me out before I could hit 20 years."
>>46035 I like the part where the caller tells the boomer s'r'g'n used to manage an applebees without even implying it's a bad thing and the boomer immediately reacts by defending s'r'g'n's work history. If s'r'g'n saw it he'd be like 'THAT'S WHAT I KEEP SAYING BUT NO ONE BELIEVES ME'
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So you can't even post on 4chan through tor. First you have to go through the painful captcha that forces you to fail at least once, and it intentionally loads slow as shit. Secondly, most likely you will be banned bickers it's totally bickers someone else used that node and got benned. So it's safe to assume that everyone frequents 4chan barebacks their ip all the way through. No wonder that 4/k/ retard got swatted in his sleep. Is VPN allowed there?
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>>46051 >is VPN allowed there? jej nice one m8.
>>14206 This aged well
>>46672 There are a lot of things in this thread that aged well, check this thread very carefully. This was all planned.
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>>47714 Don't bring PLW (second and third pics) into this /v/ dramafaggotry. Their board is /animu/ with games and nothing more.
>>47717 prokikewoah has been in dramafaggotry almost since day one you absolute newfaggot.
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>>47717 loleron, this isn't how it works. You see nigger posting, you bring delicious snaps: https://archive.fo/8NfL9#2482 See, this is easy.
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8kun got cucked by Sony for talking bad about TLoU2 and posting leaks. https://archive.fo/azlOe#selection-11768.0-11768.1 https://archive.vn/IsFTQ
>>48743 When is based julay next? tfw I want robi to flick Sony so badly
>>47714 Thoughts on this /geimu/ BO's acumen?
>>48966 >when Now, but you gotta do your part. Spam the shit out of every thread with spoiler, be creative.
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>>48975 Personal? He hates me. As a person, don't care. Do I precisely know who it is, yes. But /cow/ respects plw autists, so it's good. A lot of users here use PLW, always have. >>48992 Lol, you do that anon, I'm joking that's gonna happen anyways. Sony actually hired DMCA bots, and julay is already in the radar. What's gonna take time is 1) finding the DMCA email robi uses 2) just forcing the new registrar to attempt to DMCA the domain again. I'm just eating popcorn at the eventuality.
>>49016 Tor is looking better every day.
>>13388 I saw Mark eating a cake.
/leftypol/ won

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