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/cow/ mod gets doxed, whole board is kiked Anonymous 11/11/2019 (Mon) 23:19:36 ID: 9ba07f No.17532

Jonathan Tyler Elliott aka JEWS #8chan/#8kun | 1841 CENTRAL PARK AVE APT 16M YONKERS, NY 10710-2921 cellphone 646-335-2756
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>faithfully styled
Real oldfags use velcro.
>these passive aggressive watermarks in the corners
>Post "dox"
>get asked where the evidence is
>who? no answer
This is a shitty LARP.
Go back, then.
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stay mad lol, how's those feefees doin
JEWS's KFC dad is certainly cute but his half negro sister.. mmmm i'd tap that ass
>jews still hasn't responded
>a whole load of angry asskissers of his losing their shit
lmao, me thinks this is legit
>implying anons care about JEWS
They're just asking for evidence. Feel free to give some.
>m-muh evidence
I don't see anyone asking for muh proofs anywhere else, but the moment someone talks about the hotpockets, oh boy, now a citation is required!

you're no better than the cult that formed around mark
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>I don't see anyone asking for muh proofs anywhere else
[Citation Needed]
Mark is verifiably Mark.
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this is so obviously JEWS lol

I wouldn't put it passed himself to larp as at least two people trying to save his reputation here, either - and i'll be called some kind of ridiculous something for pic related tier shit obviously happening here

cest la vie
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Here is the proof.
Maybe bickers proof is being posted in those threads before anyone has to ask.
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>at least two people trying to save his reputation here
even more reason to believe its him lul

Mark isn't any prettier, just typical scrotum-tier ugly /cow/ mods
JEWS is a convicted pedophile from inner city Baltimore who is known for shipping in containers of 6 year old goy children to sacrifice to Moloch in the name of communism and Frederick Brennan.
If you want this message spread far and wide post I HAVE PROOF ITT
He also has information that can lead to the arrest of Jeffery Epstein.
Souce: Hillary Clinton.
I think it is probably him, there is a lack of proof so its shoddy work, but still I can def buy it. The thing is that there really isnt anything bad here. he looks sorta ugly, but i bet he is at worst, average among people who use /cow/. Like really, how many times is this guy gonna post the same goofy face?
Same thing I was thinking, especially after comparing the food pics he posted in #8chan with those in the dox. Nothing extraordinary other than to show he's your stereotypical ugly kike.. plus living in Yonkers makes sense since he went to that school in particular. Now one question remains.. who is uglier? Mark or Jonathan/JEWS?
He looks like Jewsh
It's hilarious that there are no attractive mods and they preside over dogshit, really makes you think
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I have a theory that says people who mod /cow/ for free are the most afraid of being featured
>literally stating "it's bullshit but I believe it"
I wonder what else I can get fags to believe by telling plausible lies.
>"afraid" to be on /cow/
Have you seen this fucking userbase? The only threatening thing about half the people who post here is the idea of getting trapped into a prolonged conversation with one of them.
killed himself yet? jonathan has the face only a mother could love lul
bump for gassing the JEWS
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My god, that aryan nose
BUMP This dox is legit. JEWS is too busy trying to troll people on IRC to clean up this board.
>>70358 Jews is not a mod on julay.
>>70796 proof?
his jews still using here?
>>17796 yes, used to be kino times.
>>74333 >his jews still using here? Not any more, he left ages ago due to the Гунт drama.
>>81614 He is using foxdickfarms now to talk about lolcows or he stopped with it once for all?
>>81614 nah, its bickers he was going to be the next target if he ever appeared anywhere beside the actual board and he wants to be above that fuck this freak, he just wants power even if its being in charge of a mental hospital where people literally shit in their pants daily
His email is ryn88@protonmail.com
>>18736 Yes, anyone who isn't a retard asks for evidence you absolute G​AMERGATE.
>>17554 British nobility are crypto jews
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Why does he have the body of someone's 38 y/0 single aunt that owns way too many cats and always talks about traveling the world but never does? I mean fuck my dude, get a clue, hit the weights.
He brought some decent cocks to foxdick farms, i thought he retreated like homor bickers of the faggotry that was /ibs/ https://foxdickfarms.net/members/jews.1113/
>Here we doxed JEWS <how did you find this dox? >just trust me bro <did you archive the social media accounts? >here is an imgur link bickers I'm too retarded to upload images to an imageboard <so you have no proof? >trust me bro I called his family and they confirmed it <ok did you record the call? >here is an imgur link doesn't his nose look big? <so you have no proof? >you're just a kike stop deflecting! <post the proof and anons here will dig into this >here is an imgur link <so you have no proof? >why is there so much damage control! <we're just asking for proof it has been days now and you refuse to post how you found this >deflection! kikes! this board is dead why don't you post on this other /cow/ instead! Nothing's changed since 789chan
after reading some older threads, I discovered that the current cow cohort came down from various chan shithole IRC's. I'm glad they went back after not getting enough attention to their personas. >whole board is kiked its dead. No one prevents you from julaying retards on the net, but there's little point to discussing it with attention whores from faggy discords and irc channels and literal /pol/ normies and attention seeking worthless fags that invaded the internet. For example, recently I dig some more local and chan personalities and working on getting under skin of just another insane youtuber and it's going good enough with nothing much to discuss with you morons ;-)
>>17532 wait, is JEWS mod of this board?
>>101194 no, but I wonder if he's mod from any of the new other /cow/ boards
>>101194 >>101260 Actually hes BO here and on 8kuns /cow/ archive, he has chosen to step away rn due to being bored of the present cows in existence. hes still around on irc
>>101261 >jews is the BO here fake news
he's already doing his best to fuck with the place once again by putting shitty mods and being autistic

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