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Unironic Ralphamale 04/28/2023 (Fri) 15:11:10 ID: 25859c No.204629
Emojitroon is very active on 4chan, beside being a gay in other boards he's shilling tvch while larping as Yakuza That fucking faggot has been shilling troons for like 5 years on /pol/ what the fuck is wrong with him
>>232713 Huh? I thought Nuzach, Yakuza, and Emojitroon were all on the same team?
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>>232873 no, emojitroon is zoomer canadian yakuza is sweaty gamer morrocan french mutt nuzach is some old retard from 8chan put that in ur pipe and smoke it
>>232903 I like Yakuza and Emojitroon. K? Thanks.
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>>233024 Emoji banned from /int/ again.. Anyone else notice more male porn stars who normally only do straight porn switch to banging transexuals? I don't mind bickers they are much better than the faggots who normally fuck them, but its always a shock when I see it. Here is Alex Jones and his glorious cock fucking Emma Rose. Nacho vidal fuck trans too now...
>>233081 imagine nacho vs lanita hot in her prime
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>>233346 lanita hot sophiaalatinaa anna_loperxx my current top 3
Yakuza is spamming cp again on wikibeat and pretending to be emojitroon doing that. Can this boomer arab just kill himself already?
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>>233713 he wants to fuck the kid version of himself, he's a lost cause, eternal emojitroon victory
>>233853 Emoji is protected on alog space now ?
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fuck emoji
Is Emojileaf still alive ?
>>234872 Fuck is that ?
>>233853 i would fuck this kid
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>>235548 Based emoji
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>>235682 Seriously, where is EMojitroon ?
What even is this thread? Why all the tvch boogeyman have their own threads here and why is it all imcomprehensible G​AMERGATE babble from top to bottom.
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>>236573 Based Emoji I miss every good thread tvch and alog space are dead without emoji
Emojitroon is a sodomite, he is spamming shemale porn all over 4chan again and also spamming futa-related crap all around the webring. He is obsessed with Bible Black like a true weirdo faggot.
I think it's pretty clear yakuza wish emoji was girl, he wants the mind of emoji on a girl
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>>237168 Yakuza want to be Jean val jean in that vixen scene.
>>237244 look at the picture on right, alizee head is huge and her long arms and big hands, it's over, confirmed castrato https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0jgpLs7PGI
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>>237248 But annily is cute
>>237602 proof?
Thread was accidentally deleted by janny, I restored it. Sadly the images were nuked due to orphan media pruning. Feel free to repost anything that's missing, and it will automatically restore the images in the older posts too.
>>243398 Thanks for the update Robi. Good to see you here.
>>205570 >Nastassia is leaving her best time. Nice "leaving", esl-er >Nastassia is leaving hopefully forever
>>243398 Robi, unlock the thread and check out who is the mod deleting posts by IP instead of by posting. I posted evidences about youtube accs emojitroon ITT and now the posts are gone.
>>251665 >t. Nuzach
Emojitroon tried to kill Dup yesterday. Dup said Yakuza will be his vice president.
>>206887 mm wunderschön danke
https://lolcow.farm/meta/res/45929.html It seems that any place frequented by Emojitroon and Nuzach ends up having cp spammed and threads derailed.
Emojitroon is crazy, he himself is depressed, he is working at McDonald's. Stop being gay, Emoji, and stop trying to make other people gay. https://archive.ph/8JTB1#341764 https://archive.ph/h7QIg#152847 https://archive.ph/PFglb#152846
>>257962 Emoji said you did it, Yakuza.
>>259811 Funny how you bump this thread whenever there is a new POST in the thread about you, Nuzach. And to make things even funnier for me and more pathetic for your side, both Yakuza and Emoji are bullying you and also posting Ramonchad, especially Yakuza who even made some OCs with Ramon. LMAO!!!
The thread may have been archived, but I swear this is the second time Nuzach tried to get Emojitroon to post a cock pic. He's definitely not gay! It was just for shitposting that he wanted to see the emoji dick.
>>260466 >>260473 The seethe is going on strong tonight again, Nuzach.
>>260491 Funny how even emoji and yakuza are dabbing on him now, and yet he keeps spamming his gay screenshot ITT
Emoji's degeneration never ends, just as Cosmo emoji has a strange fixation with one of his cousins. He even invited her to threesomes.
>>262365 The video of him with a black guy and a girl is him with his cousin then?
>>262485 Emojitroon is a psychotic closet faggot like you, Jewzach, but he is not your friend and ally. He's also bullied you several times, but I think you must be a prison slut.
Do you think emoji will fuck my gaycel oldhole with his BWC while i rim Mark? That would certainly make everyone seethe haha.
Emojitroon is having a psychotic episode again. Seething half of the world while spamming tranny porn and coping about not being gay. https://archive.ph/SQfu9#346193
>>263180 Now I understand why Nuzach is trying to groom emoji and make him hate women .
Why does Emojitroon go insane when someone reminds him that he actually posts blacked and is at least bisexual in some capacity? What mental problems could he have to deny his own past? I know that he like so many zoomers is now using Christianity as a coping mechanism, but pretending to be faithful in Jesus doesn't get you a free pass to be gay.
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>>267411 Happy Valentine's Day, Nuzach, good to see you spent the whole day, including the night, seething like a desperate rat.

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