I was going to calculate his body mass index and the related negative health effects of being in the fat equivalent of "the 1%," but I've forgotten his height. In return for that information I will attempt answer two questions.
>Is he actually a pedo bitch[?]
It has long since been reported that Mr. Moon had announced to Stocking, his longtime female crush and pen pal, that he was "going to jerk off to neko shota," but if my memory serves me right, he was not much older than "shota" age at the time; I think he was still a teenager. I can't recall him contradicting this in public or private.
>[Is he actually] a greedy Jew, or is that stuff just a meme?
Unless he's formally converted to Judaism some time after 2018, no, Mr. Moon isn't Jewish. Sara "Trombonista" Seitelman is, however, and I'm sort of surprised that she never made contact with me, but all her Facebook photos being six or more years old is probably for a reason treatable with Novo Nordisk products.