/cow/ - Lolcows

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Right Wing Lolcows: Julay World Edition Anonymous 09/21/2019 (Sat) 06:57:00 ID: d079ee No.8369
Dug around the archives, could not find archives of the certain versions of the general. I'll try to fix that should 8cuck return once again. Anyway here's what I did scrounge up-

prequel: https://archive.fo/XSIa7
Origin: https://archive.fo/H3zf4
#3: https://archive.fo/7xJRR
Q-LARP: https://archive.fo/KbdHy

Examples from the various threads I remember
>GamerGate including Davis Aurini and Jordan Owens, that crew
>Chris Cantwell, the Crying Nazi.
>Mike Cernovich, the "Alpha" who smears random people as pedos for attention
>Sinead McCarthy, White nationalist that doesn't believe trees are real
>Gayben/Moleman9000, Navaverse creator & registered republican voter
>Alphablaster, MAGApede TF2/Zelda sperg featured prominently in #3's OP.
>Religious weirdos lke Pat Robertson
>The republican party establishment & anti-Trumpers like Glenn Beck
>Jordan Peterson & his lobster autists, the saviors of western civilization
>All of the triggered /pol/ spergs who are upset /cow/ is capable of laughing at them because lolcows are an apolitical concept

I'd live to put forward Billy Usher of OneAngryGamer as a candidate for his own thread at some point to.
>always mad and outraged about dumb shit
>incapable of handling himself on twatter https://archive.fo/qC1ic
>is a cuck for Star Citizen
>regularly chimps out at people disagreeing in his comments section. http://archive.fo/0nbJF
just find the OAG thread on foxdicks it's incredible watching him continue to decline, especially after KiA removed him from their whitelist/approved sites.

pic very much related
The current internet situation is also what happens when peasant, mutt, incel virgins like gayhoole try to act like they are smart or funny
Get a life, Zach.
>peasant, mutt, incel virgins
>right wing lolcows
The right has no lolcows. Left can't fucking meme.
Have some racial solidarity, we need to be whiter!
What do you call David Aurini, Fatt Morney, or Matt Heimbach?
Everything has lolcows.
What are you talking about imageboards have one of the largest lolcows /pol/.

Heimbach is Naz Bol. He wouldn't call himself Right Wing.

Keep calling him that to bait him to come over.

He always was a lolcow. His followers are worse, tho.

> Claiming Varg is right about anything.
> Not a lolcow

Ok boomer, care to explain why the French Police/Intelligence Agencies haven't disappeared his ass if he's so much of a based character? Or maybe it's bickers he's a deepstate puppet and that's why he hasn't been touched in any meaningful.

Spergs, listening to CIA dicksocks like Anglin and Varg, and cummies drama whoring killed the Alt-Right. Purges and deplatforming failed to kill many other movements bickers said movements weren't killing themselves with retards.

The guy's retarded takes on everything say otherwise. Also, the guy's practically an anarcho communist who secretly hates his fans.
You glow, GAMERGATE.
They don't take him out bickers they can't afford it, there's too many people who suspect if he suddenly disappeared.
Same reason they didn't kill WhiskeyWarrior556 days ago.
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Given how this thread is going, we might need a dedicated /pol/ thread.
at this point, I can't really pretend the person in question is anything but a lolcow, and he's home grown, too! meet guthrum, the BO of /n/ on julay. he seems to be a Q boomer that takes the internet very seriously, as you can see in the images below. he legit thinks there are some sort of paid shills coming for him, and likes to liken everyone to them, all the while posting walls of text about how people who post anime on anime imageboard are also part of the cabal, or how cuckchan clown memes are turning the frogs gay, and that's part of the jewish agenda as well. as you can also see, he does not know how to deal with any shitposts, or pressure, in any healthy way either, as he thinks internet is very srs business, and thinks he's some sort of internet tough guy, but when the time comes, he fold very easily. his first thread has been shitposted to high heaven, to the point where he literally decided to give up, lock up every thread, take a nap, and deal with it when he wakes up. even the global admin had enough of his shit, and basically called him an easily upset retard, in his own thread. now, he's on massive damage control, and is likely going to delete every post he doesn't like without question, as in his deluded mind, his theories about shills browsing and disrupting his board have been confirmed, and he thinks people are being paid to disrupt his threads if it wasn't already obvious enough, guthrum is a very unstable individual, I would wager on the same level as the Qboomers, and he is clearly very new to imageboards, as he basically likens every single poster here to some sort of JIDF paid shill that only browses imageboards to drive israel's agenda home. he's like a walking, breathing stereotype of what a /pol/ user is here is the whole thread, that has been deleted in a flurry of butthurt, and I have a feeling his existing one won't last for long, either. not much of interest here, just him taking very obvious bait, and going down the spiral of insanity, before finally admiting defeat and taking a boomer nap, but for anyone interested https://anonfile.com/n5ocF0Jfna I'm not gonna tell anyone here to raid his board or anything, that would be gay, but since it seems that the said board seems to be populated entirely by maybe 3 mentally ill boomers who don't know how imageboards work, the BO being one of them, it might be a prime spot for julay in the future, a place to look out for, if you will, if anyone is bored and wants to have a little fun with them, the already talked about incident with him shutting the whole board down and admitting defeat more or less means open season on him, especially with how little it takes to break him
>>23072 Says the Glow In the Dark Coomer who still hasn't gotten it into his thick retarded skull that the only reason he hasn't been taken down is bickers Varg's as compromised of a shill as Weev. With everything that happened in the media circlejerk and the Internetz, disappearing Varg would be very easy. The fact they haven't proves he's a puppet.
Gahoole and most of the /tv/ regulars are right wing lolcows. You can tell by their shit taste in art.
>>25278 You know, I'd take the mildly schizophrenic boomer with strong opinions and a fast delete key anytime than any of the low energy pro POZ fucking homos 8coom1 or 2 or 4coom ever had. I don't think the fact that you mustered up these gay caps speak well for you, or your lines of text. You just seem butthurt.
>>25278 >/n/ bo is triggered by smug lolis Posting smugs triggers people with underdeveloped amygdalas: jews, psychos and libtards. It's an easy filter. Look up "cute aggression." It's not the only part of the brain that is specifically prodded, I won't give away all the trade secrets. tl;dr what a faggot
>>28643 Most people who replace arguments with smug anime girls are retard /v/edditors in fact of course.
>>28647 >a wild shitskin appears shoo shoo or the loo witch will get you and make you poo!
>>27471 Come post some kino then!
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>>28418 Haha
>>28643 >>28650 Spotted the jewish pedophile.
>>28647 i disagree
>>28756 hello, guthrum
>>25278 Its amazing how you can draw a very clear line in imageboard history starting from when the glow-in-the-dark stormfronters began getting a foothold on 4/n/ before it mutated into 4/pol/ to now where entire boards have been invaded by boomers evangelizing for the cult of Q. It isn't a coincidence either that when this shit got really terminal so many anons started complaining about how "the right has no lolcows" and everyone disagreeing with them is a "discord tranny gay-op" while jerking off about Thejcaesar187Retard's killstream e-celeb drama. And how degenerate everyone except for them is.
>>30336 >Stormfront Stopped reading there
>>30339 To be fair, it wouldn't surprise me if that wasn't the BUGS crew that was responsible for posting the "ANTI-RACIST IS A CODE WORD FOR ANTI-WHITE WHITE GENOCIDE WHITE GENOCIDE WHITE GENOCIDE" stuff ad nauseam on /pol/ back in the day.
yes the magapedes have their own tranny
i miss the /trannypol/ thread and they seething or trying to fit in
/pol/ is feeling sad by Mister Metokur cancer https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/275823475#p275824744
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Before I begin I want to make clear that as I write this People are protesting the institutional racism of the police force and the horrendous brutality they employ against black people. I have been stalked by white supremacists and had to get the British police involved when they started sending things to my house. White supremacists have literally set up a wiki dedicated to harassing me and my family. They are complete and total scum who deserve to suffer. I am cis gendered and white so despite everything else I still have some relative privilege and I believe that Black Lives Matter. Vote out Trump. Vote out the Republicans. Reform the Democratic Party to not be neoliberal conservatives and demilitiarize the American police force. If American people want to claim that I shouldn't get involved in their politics by suggesting that they follow their own damned constitution then I would remind them that it was American white supremacists who became obsessed with me. Being anti-fascist is to be human. Being anti-white supremacists is to be normal. I am not interested in debate or discussion. Oh and if this does get posted to that white supremacist hate wiki about me and any neo nazi reading this I would ask that they think long and hard about what happened to the nazis in the second world war. Fascism is a con that is doomed to failure and pain for all concerned. All that said here's my story of how I realised I was bisexual for Pride 2020.
Whats with the burger obsession though??
>>81163 >americans love burgers known fact
Why julay /cow/ seems to be way more left wing and pozzed than jews 8chan /cow/? Back then >we used to had /leftypol/ and skeptical shitting the place but failing, here they seem to fit in
>>12527 >capeshit
>>82056 DC is for chads, Marvel is for manchild and G​AMERGATEs.
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Sufer is lolcow, lol imagine being such a chud
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bro, look at these chuds lol they really feel like they are smart and nice dudes, no?
"Theyre all virgins. jcaesar187 is cool."
>>12338 he's not right wing he's a homosexual. a liar and a murderer.
>>98190 Cope more
>>12338 Yes. >>98190 >thinking those things disqualify him from holding right-wing political views.
>>98190 calm down, P P P

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