at this point, I can't really pretend the person in question is anything but a lolcow, and he's home grown, too!
meet guthrum, the BO of /n/ on julay. he seems to be a Q boomer that takes the internet very seriously, as you can see in the images below. he legit thinks there are some sort of paid shills coming for him, and likes to liken everyone to them, all the while posting walls of text about how people who post anime on anime imageboard are also part of the cabal, or how cuckchan clown memes are turning the frogs gay, and that's part of the jewish agenda as well. as you can also see, he does not know how to deal with any shitposts, or pressure, in any healthy way either, as he thinks internet is very srs business, and thinks he's some sort of internet tough guy, but when the time comes, he fold very easily. his first thread has been shitposted to high heaven, to the point where he literally decided to give up, lock up every thread, take a nap, and deal with it when he wakes up. even the global admin had enough of his shit, and basically called him an easily upset retard, in his own thread. now, he's on massive damage control, and is likely going to delete every post he doesn't like without question, as in his deluded mind, his theories about shills browsing and disrupting his board have been confirmed, and he thinks people are being paid to disrupt his threads
if it wasn't already obvious enough, guthrum is a very unstable individual, I would wager on the same level as the Qboomers, and he is clearly very new to imageboards, as he basically likens every single poster here to some sort of JIDF paid shill that only browses imageboards to drive israel's agenda home. he's like a walking, breathing stereotype of what a /pol/ user is
here is the whole thread, that has been deleted in a flurry of butthurt, and I have a feeling his existing one won't last for long, either. not much of interest here, just him taking very obvious bait, and going down the spiral of insanity, before finally admiting defeat and taking a boomer nap, but for anyone interested
I'm not gonna tell anyone here to raid his board or anything, that would be gay, but since it seems that the said board seems to be populated entirely by maybe 3 mentally ill boomers who don't know how imageboards work, the BO being one of them, it might be a prime spot for julay in the future, a place to look out for, if you will, if anyone is bored and wants to have a little fun with them, the already talked about incident with him shutting the whole board down and admitting defeat more or less means open season on him, especially with how little it takes to break him