>deleting 3+yo threads strips of mod
Bullshit. Yeah ofc wizmods want to keep some of the history, especially with not needed comments deleted in said threads, and modposts left. There are featured threads on wizchan. Modposted and kiked. Also just like v9k was grandfathered in, some posts in archive and on /wiz/, even old ones, were put there by mods and if other mods wanted to delete them, ofc they would at least be told not to and restore it, in the clique. I sense daddy issues mixed with scam. Try reading any of it - it's all underage cringe.
>dakimakura scam
Not sure if he means typical dakimakura ADs and other typical anime ads, that cripplekike and others could employ or some specific dakimakura shop scam by someone in position of wizpower. It's not new, people always made omega males and random drifters pay for some chinese shit, "hikky" stickers for the phone, popular dakimakura, etc. So w/e
1/3rd posts of /jp/ is one guy. Well maybe not technically but I could see that, yeah. Jp requires you to be otaku and to not be too shallow, so /jp/ was the slowest board of wizchan by far and most heavily moderated and modposted. One of their mods was sitting in international/japanese learning cliques, but I'm not sure which one, it could be Enlike, but I dunno. People all around the world knew about wizardchan. Even on 2ch.hk there were cliques about being genetically inferior and a wizard, where people spouted memes and pictures from wizardchan. Imagine the cancer. I remember posting about it and got my posts deleted instantly lmao
>Talking point for sociology class
Also not new. It's very common to include shit from imageboards for study. Some diplomas were written entirely about imageboards and the like. That particular case is more social worker/sociology/psychology like. Yeah, some students or even researchers on that matter always existed on loser imageboards. I can think of 2008-2009 as earliest of such cases, so wizchan isn't much different
>Onahole paid shilling
Another scam like dakimakura, or ADs, or whatever. Could also be just trolling. At least those virgins fucked some plastic lol and it saved many lives from calling suicide hotline, getting scammed by resident butthead and overdosing to death, like a few GAMERGATEs one of which should come soon in the iceberg
>only 2 staff members
Maybe at some point where you needed to post about yourself even if ur already were a mod to be remodded, in wizchan irc or something. I remember this being the case yeah
>Blocked in Germany
>Wizmom still visits
>Flash malware
>>face pictures allowed if bearded
not worth talking about
>1/1000 chance banners
who the fuck cares about this child shit some idiots made in paint to fit into Tinychan software banner space. All of wizchan banners are incel and cringe, reek of entitlement and general retardation.
>Porn thread on p1 to scare normalfags
Nope. Its a troll and containment thread by staff, always have been
>Zabujard was a mod
Yeah he was a mod in the first Soilkius discord and was a member of some other wizchan related and neet chats. Later on he talked positive about a neighbor girl and got demodded by seething incels. He didn't care about it bickers he switched fully to neet/hikky theme and was a target of jokes on wizchan. Hope he's alright, seemed like a chill guy maybe a bit underage, as I doubt those neet space still exist outside of a shitty empty chans and maybe 1-2 big discords full of 4chan GAMERGATEs
>ED article written by 2015 admin
True. I also think some of the kiwifarmer mods edited it. There are still underage kiwifarmers on what's left of feels and 8chan and wizchan etc, but they wouldn't like to talk about that and will ban you when discovered.
>Elder opens up randomly
not true, unless a software glitch. It was opened at start for a tiny period, and before getting nuked after ppl discovered everybody who posted there was an idiot and a normalfag.
>embedded vids deleted from yt
Yeah but that's the courtesy of it's uploaders. They see where their vid is posted and delete it, to not affiliate themselves with wizchan