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Help me troll this Anti-white asian bitch's diskord server Toad 01/29/2021 (Fri) 00:18:24 ID: dae742 No.96415
Let me summarize this bitch: >Chink american bitch >Worked at goldman sachs once, wow so cool >Got fucked and pumped by a dozen or so white guys >Triggered here BPD and other personality disorders >Freaked out , started hating white man, got a niggger boyfriend instead >Moved to japan with G​AMERGATE bf to make shit videos about whites and Europeans and she's CHINESE In her video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWDxthcASYA She goes on to talk shit about her last white boyfriend, who was worried about how whites are being demographically replaced in their own homelands, calling him raycist. Anyways, here is the plan: 1. Join discord server 2. Say things and complain about CHINESE CONCENTRATION CAMPS OF UIGHURS 3. If white people are so bad, what about Uighurs in China? You fucking chink... Alternatively, straight up start G​AMERGATE posting in her server, but you'll likely be kicked quickly. You can also post the same in comments on her youtube video here is other info Full name: Chen Emily Aimei instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emerlene/ Email: connectingwithemerlene@gmail.com Anyways, I'm an autist, I find this funny, sorry if this thread is shit.
https://discord DOT gg/VX2p7rFmkt​
>got a niggger boyfriend Sounds like she already trolled herself pretty hard, no need for anyone to get involved.
Gah00le still seething about chad Zack having cute white gfs and BLACK GODs having asian gfs. Meanwhile, he only has his mutt hand as his gf!
As a Chink I can tell you we don't care about fucking Uyghers. We see them as muslim G​AMERGATEs who want to kill us. If you want to hurt chinks talk about the fact most original han genes (especially northern) are mixed out by mongols

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