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PS5 Pro Anonymous 07/21/2023 (Fri) 18:06:32 No.4450
>codenamed Trinity >black console is bigger than the white console >november 2024 Release >30WGPs, 18000mts memory speed >PlayStation 5 Pro will be targeting improved and consistent FPS at 4K resolution, a new ‘performance mode’ for 8K resolution, and accelerated ray tracing >still has no games https://archive.is/dVEfu
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I genuinely thought that the years of blatantly copying Nintendo's slop were behind us after shit like Move, but I guess not.
>>5127 Remote Play for what games?
>>4737 b-b-based??
>>5133 (checke'd) this ^
>>5127 >$200 lmao
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>new PS5 model >more models than games
>>6220 >more models than games IT'S OUR NEW BUSINESS MODEL, STOP COMPLAINING! After all it's Current Year, Anon. :^)
>>6221 It actually kinda is since PS5 is more of a status trinket to own than a machine to play video games.
>>6220 >digital edition what a meme
Are digital only consoles always online?
>>6228 If not they're already working on rectifying that.
>>6259 Soon all physical media will be hunted down Fahrenheit 451 style.
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>>6280 >Lost FF16 oof
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>>6264 Sooner than people realize actually.
>>6303 The jews did that.
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>>6303 >>6264 >Soon all physical media will be hunted down Fahrenheit 451 style. /thread
>>6343 >and that's a good thing! like clockwork
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It's over.
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>>6598 >sell brand to the kikes >kikes kill it N-Noire bros...first Uni and now this shit.
Honestly this shit just depresses me, we fought a war we could never win, and we lost, and now we are really seeing the results of that loss.
>>6599 Maybe japs will buy it back...
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Looks like this might be true after all. BWAHAHAHA die Snoy, die.
>>6598 >>6602 Great news if true but I somehow doubt it. I would rather see Sony out of its misery than to see it getting buttfucked by the kikes on the daily.
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Imagine if Sega comes back into console market now.
>>6598 I thought soyny has already been talking about the troonstation 6. Am I wrong or did they 49% it?
>>6612 Hard to tell. We'll just have to wait and see what becomes of these rumors, could just be some attention stunt. Everyone, raise your hands and send your energy so that Snoy dies out.
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>sony in talks for a buyer in 2024 oh shit, is it actually habbening
>>6634 I know that Sony used to do consumer electronics like Walkman, etc. Do they still do that? If so, will that division be split off in any proposed buyout do you think?
>>6635 This is about the Playstation brand that Sony sold to the kikes, not the actual nip company.
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rats are leaving the sinking ship
I can't hold all these S
>>6641 No doubt she's already filled her kike-duties to steal, kill, & destroy. I'm sure she'll be assigned to her next (((duty)))-station soon enough. S
>>6636 Thanks for clearing that up for me Anon.
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>>6228 Yup.
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Snoy is tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down
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>>6715 good goyim own nothing
It's over for Sony. First, Sony abandoning Japan to favor a declining West. Sony closed Japan Studios, and sold its Tokyo holy-land headquarters (2013). Second was going all-in on the West right when it started its massive decline (post 2012). Sony invested hard in its Santa Monica studios, and went really fucking hard on California. The problem is, Sony went all in on the west right as the sun started to set on its culture. Japan Studio was not a great studio by itself, but whenever it teamed up with another great studio, this team would shell out masterpieces after masterpieces. Demon Souls and Bloodborne came out of both From Software and Japan Studios; Gravity Rush, original titles that pushed the creative bounds and kept a variety of people hooked on Playstation were pushed to the side for Druckmann's Naughty Dog (which is different from the OG Naughty Dog that had Amy Hennig in it), Santa Monica studios and Horizon. They went all in on the west while disregarding its own roots. I have heard of speculation that Sony is porting many of its exclusives to PC because it has already given up. With Soyder-man 2 being its latest fuck up since Last of Us 2, its time to face the reality that this company may not be here soon. They insist on putting all their chips on a decaying west and the fuck-ups may be too much to come back from.
>>6737 If I went to work for Soyny at Not-Dog r/n, do you think that would be a good look for moving to Japan (whether working via transfer to the real Sony(tm), or some Nippon vidya or robotics company)?
>>6738 How good are you at modeling black lesbians, sir?
>>6739 Kek. REFUSE, SIRS. :D It's a programming job. I just want to get a foot in the door and go to Japan quickly somehow.
>>6740 To go work in programming to Japan as gaijin devil you have to be so good at it as to leave no shadow of a doubt about your abilities.
>>6744 Fair enough. But I've been on more than one rodeo though, and I'm planning to get there by hook or crook regardless. I was just wondering if this is a viable pathway into the real Sony corporation, or would another route be better.
>>6745 I don't know about Sony, but to get into anything serious you'll need a killer resume regardless so getting into anything you can is always a good idea.
>>6746 OK, thanks anon good advice.

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