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Welcome to /kong/ Anonymous 08/03/2020 (Mon) 16:57:08 No.1 [Reply]
RULES 1. Keep it vidya related 2. Spoiler NSFW content (i.e. porn, gore, etc.) 3. Post archive/invidious links in threads 4. Keep spam and namefagging to a minimum
Edited last time by nandandor on 08/04/2020 (Tue) 00:19:07.

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Anonymous 04/05/2023 (Wed) 13:26:03 No.2126 [Reply] [Last]
It seems common to say these were poor transitions to 3D graphics, but I think they still hold up today. Especially SA1, its open-ended world and impressive early online features are a standout.
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>>10066 >colonizing >chud Even if you were somewhat more innocent when you were younger, fren, today you are clearly part of the (((brainwashed))) problem. GTFO.
>>10067 Explain how I'm brainwashed, I'll listen, and I'm aware the term chud isn't often used around the older 8chan remnants but my lurking of zoomer imageboards had it leak out. I don't see what's wrong with Europeans colonizing places because someone else would have colonized if we hadn't, like how the Aztecs colonized all of what would later become New Spain Mexico and how the Roaches colonized parts of Europe because Christianity left Europe divided. I just think people hate on Europe and by extension Nippon because they copied Europeans because >we were the most successful at it. You'll never see a Mongolian feel any remorse for their colonizing exploits. I just don't think Robotnik is Jewish, I can't understand the argument in the older games if you want Sonic to be hedgehog Hitler, but his grandfather's creation of Shadow, the ultimate life form to help mankind isn't something a jew could due, nor would the great care he gave to his obviously Aryan Grand-Daughter Maria. Robotnik literally comes across as an autistic Germanic Natzee hunting for hidden artifacts when he teams up with chaos to awaken his power. Robotnik ultimately creates and that isn't something Jews are capable of. He is very much an indicative of the Faustian bargain of modern western civilization because he is willing to destroy a lot to get what he wants, this is for better, or worse, and mostly for worse in his case.
>>10066 For starters. his outfit colors represent many leftwing nations: >Black and red (Anarchist communist), or even yellow alluding to the gooks <Wants to robotize everyone as a form for everyone to comply and never question his narcissism: >Literally the term "robot" came from the USSR <The closest thing to robotize or a morally accepted lobotomizing, is racemixing, mulatos' inferior genes are perfect for them to not tell apart semites from white folks and genuinely believe Karl Marx was a hero. >>Doesn't give a shit if he wipes out the whole planet into a dystopia, as long he triggers the Great Reset: <Wuhan <Chernobyl <All of South America It's worth mentioning lefties still praise jews despite the spontaneous protests against Israel. As for Sonic being a green protestant, lefties will never get along together once they're face to face hence the sudden betrayals: >Trotsky >Cienfuegos >Jonas Zambibi >And the many chinks at DPRK and CCP <Also the fucking inbreedtubers hyperventilating when their lovers brings up evidence debunking their shit at Pisscord
>>10074 >Would throw a Roman and read again/10 Thanks, Anon.
>>10074 >>10075 So is there anyone you would consider an Aryan Analogue in the Sonic Universe? Sonic? Surely not Shadow since he came from Gerald. Or is Sonic another totally subversive franchise? Are the black doom representives of the Aryan Race as conquerers, is Shadow an example of a jew stealing and grafting Aryan DNA to turn it against themselves? Is shadow a mixling golem? This post made me think of so many autistic questions.

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Anonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 17:48:59 No.7488 [Reply]
What is your personal cut off date for retro vidya and what's your reasoning behind that date?
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>>9644 Very nostalgic. I want to go back...
>>9644 Imagine where we could have been now if CRT technology hadn't been abandoned.
>>10041 They last longer as well as are more easily maintainable.
I consider 3 eras, first one from the first games to 1984, arcade games only, the golden era. Second era, tech improving, sprites getting bigger, playability takes a step back and appearance counts more, playable games become a minority, only thing improving is simulations. Only new thing is FPS but they also devolve into... Third era, videogames as drug. Games as ways to get you hooked and spend money or time on add ons, or in building something. IMHO get MAME and play the first arcades. If your tongue sticks out while playing the game is good. Play also FPS where skill is paramount. I used to play sauerbraten, I should reinstall and see how many ppl are left. Also pinball vpx scene is interesting. Indie games that focus on gameplay and not career. Chess, and board games. All the rest is wasting time on interactive fiction, not gaming.
>>10072 I really enjoy the games that hone skills, but the virtual escape is also fun tbh anon.

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Anonymous 02/22/2023 (Wed) 07:00:51 No.840 [Reply] [Last]
There was a lot of discussion about how physical media will all one day be historical artifacts that will 100% be absolutely useless. While some anons saying "disc rot will eventually make all disc-based media useless", other anons defending cartridges as people knocked down those too saying the actual code within those games will eventually scramble themselves into being unplayable. So that begs the question, will eventually every piece of hardware, from the CRTs to all the original hardware, be 100% useless garbage fodder, or is there a way to utilize the original casings of the games/consoles/etc to have fresh parts within making them work? What will the hobby of retro video games look like 100 years from now, will all of these things we enjoy from the 80s and 90s be cast into the void of obscurity and loss?
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Ultimately the only solution is for anons to get educations in electrical engineering and to recreate/preserve the blueprints that create these forms of physical media. Some of the best NES emulators have boards derived from the remains of NES's.
>>9982 In what year Steam became a full on spyware platform?
>>10001 I mean wasn't it always kinda shit since you never really owned the game? It was basically xbox live but for pc gamers and racist in the past.
>>9480 Kiwifarms is back (at .st), for what it's worth - shit was down for a couple of weeks at most. Troons just pretend it's dead because the alternative is admitting they never actually accomplished something.
>>10059 I have mixed feelings about the Foxdick Farms, but I do find it admirable the way Jewsh is so persistent in keeping the site up and running despite all the people working against it.

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Post about a game that you recently finished Anonymous 01/25/2023 (Wed) 18:12:38 No.265 [Reply] [Last]
Bonus points if you can elaborate on why you liked or disliked it.
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>>8393 Game Gear was pretty cool in the day, but they didn't make enough unique games for it, and the ones they did are kinda stuck in that intermediate zone of not being as good as full-on 16 bit games.
>>8390 Yes.
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Eternal Ring – I haven’t played the King’s Field series yet but from what I can tell this is basically King’s Field lite. This was a PS2 launch title and I don’t know whether FromSoftware wanted to or were asked to coincide the game with the launch, or whether they were testing 6th gen waters before the next mainline installment. Either way it’s pretty bare bones. The game’s main gimmick is a ring crafting system which is probably its best aspect; it’s pretty in-depth and satisfying: making rings, finding rings; rings with offensive spells, rings with defensive spells, status rings, there’s a lot to experiment with. The rings all also have very nice image renders. Other than that there’s really not much else to do, the game is pretty short and not particularly well designed; yeah it’s tough but also very primitive and easily exploitable - nothing can stand up to your circle strafing. The visuals are pretty weak and in fact the game kinda looks worse than King’s Field 3 on PS1, both in terms of art direction as well as actual tech. The game just has no mood or style to it at all. There’s also a plethora of bugs, with my favorite being projectiles hitting you through walls and ceilings. It’s so unfair I almost kinda like it, it completely changes the conventional vidya dynamics – “you thought you were safe behind that wall, faggot? Wanted to heal and regroup? Think again!” I did however like the HUD and UI, they are well designed and crisp. Despite the instruction manual and the game itself lying to you that the analog controls are supported, they are in fact not so you have to play with a d-pad and with PS2’s pressure sensitive buttons you have to jam hard the directional button for hours; my thumb needs an extensive therapy now. The music is pretty weak, it’s completely inappropriate 90% of the time with the same limp loop playing ad nauseam. Even no music at all would be a better choice. The story is barely present and sadly is also not very interesting, there’s just nothing to work with here. No good lore™ or anything either. You might be thinking I hated the game but despite all that I still enjoyed it, there’s a certain charm to playing something so hardcore and archaic, I just wish there was some incentive to play it other than meta. King’s Field 3 and 4 look much better in that aspect so maybe they are what I'm looking for.
Recently I finished Devil May Cry 3, one of the best games I've played in over a decade, I always played god of war back in the day and I didn't realize it was a less sophisticated clone of the DMC games. Not to say that the original god of war games aren't fun but the amount of stylish ways you can kill demons/lack of annoying quick time events make it a deal-breaker for me.
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Recently I played Touhou 6 a bunch of times, I always end up getting raped by patchouli's laser attacks so by the time I finally made it to Remilia I got assraped on her first spellcards, I am bad at shooter games. I wish I was better at death-bombing, don't see myself getting a 1cc, but I've almost beaten 7 a good amount of times before as well so I know the possibility of me beating the game exists.

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Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 08:29:59 No.9714 [Reply]
When are they going to release a new console and save the industry?
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>>9764 >epic schizorants, my man thanks ive already thought about the anonymous game publishing but the thing is it takes a fair bit of effort to make a game and we're in a soyciety where we drown in taxes and possibly debt + mortgage and the type of people willing to do shit like what you described are an extreme minority and anyways my point is ip cuckoldry shouldnt exist to begin with to this extent, copyright right now is completely fucked, i SHOULD be able to use ideas that have existed for decades and not get sued by some giga kike, and what worries me even more is the legal ambiguity that allows companies to screw people over SIMILARITIES or "the look and feel" of a product
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>>10042 Average Segachad

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GTA and GTA accessories Anonymous 03/24/2023 (Fri) 10:14:22 No.1678 [Reply] [Last]
>GTA6 to have 12 towns But it's gonna be woke on the other hand. Since GTA games are so modable maybe people will unwoke it in a year.
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>>9994 They managed to conceive a much more retarded character than the ones at Saints Row, even the actor is so fed up. >Racist bad <Mass murderer okay Bingo, that's the terminal online's mindset, expect more "subtle" liberalism with the new mutt dyke who'll end up wiping out le bad white cis men. I hope they also hope kill the surviving protagonists, so maybe the cocksucking theorists at Jewtube can stfu about "le new character will appear in new DLC"
>>10004 At least we won't see this shit for another 4 years minimum. One of the higherups in cuckstar said they were glad they wouldn't be releasing this turn during the Trump presidency.
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>>10004 >Bingo, that's the terminal online's mindset, expect more "subtle" liberalism with the new mutt dyke who'll end up wiping out le bad white cis men. Yes and its tiring, anyone else try to play video games but when it comes to discussion you can never seem to escape complaining about the modern state of the industry? Maybe its because no one seems to care about discussing anything anymore. I have been playing a lot of oldschool minecraft and DMC3 lately.
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>>10005 What's juicier is that one of ex-CEO's confirmed that they wanted GTA5 to have its online mode as the default mode, no story mode or playing the game offline whatsoever, expect this bullshit to be greenlit in GTA6. >>10011 >you can never seem to escape Not even gaming forums are safe from redditors and moderators tend to get biased in their favor, you're better off emulating shit you've been missing out.
>>10005 Hell even during Hosser's era they refused to bank on the WTC terrorist attack instead they just placed some pretentious memorial, because you know what better way to virtual signal than in a game where you're a lowbrow criminal committing mass murder and destruction. At least in the Spiderman game made sense.

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Emulation Anonymous 04/14/2023 (Fri) 12:08:32 No.2337 [Reply] [Last]
https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Main_Page Why do zoomers avoid emulation like plague? We are going to have an entire generation of helpless morons who can only play games through $70 "remasters".
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>>10027 >yuzu was made by a bunch of trannies Shame that it works as well as it does, I hope the forks aren't made by troons, surprised it runs well at all since troon code is usually shit. >some guy wanted the emulator to run for Win7 but they told him to kill himself for being a cishet, which caused him to snitch their Pedoscord servers to the Bing Bing Wahoo company Honestly if it fucked trannies in the ass in any way I am partially okay with it, we don't need trannies anywhere in any institution, just look at how that tranny fucked gnu over with tranny boot, they corrupt everything.
>>10027 >wanting a program to run on a less pozzed/spyware OS means you're not a mentally ill homosexual man in a dress Well, I guess that's true. Weird thing for troons to get their shit, blood and puss stained panties in a bunch over though.
>>10031 Other redeemable factor has to be the shitcanned Super Smash tournaments considering it attracted pedophiles or the lewd shit that was shamelessly advertised by dudebros who think porn is peak edgy humor. I mean I disagree when fanmade projects gets axed because they're much more competently designed and can cause the cattle to go for greener pastures, however porn addicts have no redeemable qualities, their livelihoods are shackled to whatever kosher porn gets churned out and led them into fetishes that could potentially sterilize their genitalia trooning out and even luring children into the spectrum so they would rinse and repeat into a perpetual misery of dopamine that lasts little to nothing. Not to mention they're the biggest insufferable manchildren to exist, Chris Chan is just a free sample.
>>10037 >NOT THE HECKIN PEDOPHILE/TROON GATHER POINTS Yeah Honestly this is making me happy, seeing kiketendo doing something right for once. Porn addicts are literally inoperable at some point.
>>10038 However since Nintendo made its debut as another company creating Pong and Arkanoid knockoffs, would that count as evidence in order to nullify their original crap getting tainted? Like they shouldn't be using the state as their personal army to anyone who dares to borrow their videogame patents since they also had to plagiarize just to go somewhere in the market?

The origins of localizations Anonymous 05/19/2023 (Fri) 15:28:27 No.3043 [Reply] [Last]
Is it possible that one fucking faggot from California and his company is responsible for this hideous practice of disrespecting the source material? Victor Ireland co-founded Wrecking Designs in 1990, during a time when most English vidya translations were sub-par machine translations mixed with some poor salary man trying his best with what little English knowledge he gained in Japanese high school. They took the western gaming scene by storm with their translations that actually read like proper English. Little did vidya enthusiasts know back then, that this egomaniac faggot didn't just translate the Japanese games he brought over, he actually made them into his own. So imagine this, you want to translate Japanese video games but the translators you hired aren't good enough so what do you do? Just make shit up and insert a bunch of shitty jokes everywhere and call it From former Wrecking Designs translator Tim Trzepacz: >The thing to remember is that Working Designs had really terrible translators until I came along. They were hiring some company out of San Francisco and the translators there didn’t really know English. They could translate the Japanese, but they didn’t really understand what the idiom was they were translating to. And everything was coming out of a spreadsheet so it wasn’t even in context. Japanese is a very context-sensitive language. So to a certain degree [Working Designs co-founder Victor Ireland] had no choice but to make things up as he went, because he had very little to go on. When I came in, I brought in two well-known fan-translators, C. Sue Shambaugh and Richard Kim, who ratcheted up the quality of the translations tremendously. Now things made sense! But by then Victor kinda already had his process down, he liked rewriting it and adding the comedy in. https://archive.md/TPVZX To quote the faggot himself: >Oh this script is really boring, let me put some funny stuff in here. So I would insert funny lines that really had nothing to do with what was going on. And that sort of evolved. I continued doing that, did more of it, and people generally liked it [because] they were seeing writing that they never saw in Japanese-localized or translated games, like ‘Holy crap, this is amazing’. Source https://archive.md/K5cvw Here's one of the most famous examples of localization from Lunar 2 on the Sega CD: >Girlie, if I were in the position to throw away cash on bums, you'd call me Clinton and I'd be president. I can't find the Japanese line online and I don't feel like searching through the Japanese script, but I assure you it's probably not a shitty Clinton joke. If you want more examples of "localization" just check out these articles: https://archive.md/o/238P9/https://tcrf.net/Lunar:_The_Silver_Star%23Regional_Differences https://archive.md/o/238P9/https://tcrf.net/Lunar:_Eternal_Blue/Regional_Differences

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>>10028 Always knew skullgirls creator was a faggot.
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>>10029 Plus his league of insufferable faggots who still defend his ass with the hopes of getting head by one of his retarded meme-spewing waifus, the game was barebones with a shitacular online mode heavily shilled at Negrogrounds. Now Kike Z is reaping what he sow once his league has mutilated their genitalia and gotten emotionally immature to the point of throwing him under the bus because of some cosplaying whore sexting his DM's and for being pro-Israel.
>>3043 >Tim Trzepacz Kek, this guys name basicly means "(dick)stroker"
>>8673 >>8663 Did you gave us that classic meme line "I will beat this rod until a tank empties!" ?

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 20:33:38 No.10033 [Reply]
Our greatest allies
Isn't codex dead?
>>10034 Yep. Got pozzed and died of AIDS.
>>10035 You mean trannies killed codex/plaza?
>>10036 Probably. Pretty much every online community has been killed by faggots and trannies.
Ahh you mean. https://rpgcodex.net/forums/ Actually seems like a good site considering the fact that reddit seethes about it.

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