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Welcome to /kong/ Anonymous 08/03/2020 (Mon) 16:57:08 No.1 [Reply]
RULES 1. Keep it vidya related 2. Spoiler NSFW content (i.e. porn, gore, etc.) 3. Post archive/invidious links in threads 4. Keep spam and namefagging to a minimum
Edited last time by nandandor on 08/04/2020 (Tue) 00:19:07.

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Anonymous 04/22/2023 (Sat) 16:20:05 No.2538 [Reply] [Last]
What went wrong? It had good games but it did so badly in the market.
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>>9746 Sovl.
>>8670 >>9661 Agreed.
>>2538 *smashes it with a upholsterer hammer*
>>9930 A truly classic console for a classic character, in a classical time.

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/vroom/ Anonymous 04/16/2023 (Sun) 11:54:31 No.2368 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to The Garage, a thread where fans of racing vidya can discuss their favorite arcade, sim, kart, and any other kinds of racing games. Interested in a series to get started with? >Daytona >Tokyo Xtreme Racer >Dirt/Colin McRae >F-Zero >Ridge Racer >Forza >Gran Turismo >Burnout >Mario Kart >Midnight Club >Midtown Madness >Need for Speed >Outrun >Project Gotham Racing/Metropolis Street Racer

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>>9897 >>9900 Thanks for the suggestions, wonder if its possible to play online again via DreamPI or other multiplayer revival devices.
>>7370 I have played a chunk of the Ridge Racer games recently. This will always be debateable as to which ones are the best. But the series peaked at: R4 (PS1) 1998 - The visuals maxing out the PS1, aesthetic, and music combined to create pure synergy. Lots of car to collect too. Ridge Racer (PS1) 1993 - The original classic where it started. For some people, the original is still the best pure experience. The first playstation game and a great port of the arcade original at the time. Rave Racer (PS1) 1995 - I didn't play too much of this as this game tends to blur together with a couple other PS1 games. Bright pastel colors make it look almost like Vice City or something. I think this one has like 3 tracks or something. Ridge Racer Revolution (PS1) 1995 - Cool game but too similar to the original Ridge Racer. Not enough tracks. Rage Racer (PS1) 1996 - Interesting game. It has a different mood with dark skies and different tracks. Moodier and edgy. Ridge Racer V (PS2) 2000 - One of the original PS2 launch games. 60 fps for the first time in the series. It was mindblowing considering you are coming from the PS1 games to this experience. Going from PS1 texture-warping 30 fps (which is still pretty on PS1) to everything being rock-solid geometry and smooth 60 fps. The physics might be the best here in the series but that is debatable. Just clean drifting, not too lose and slippery like the later games. Pretty even with the PS2 jaggies. Maybe this is where the series peaked? Classic. Ridge Racer (PSP) 2004 - 60 fps on the PSP. Great racing game. Car physics can feel a bit too slippery like you are surfing around corners sometimes. You can use nitros to boost ahead of the other cars. I wish the cars looked more detailed though as they look like they have a blurry film on them, as if they are missing car texture details. The visuals feel like a mix between PS1 and PS2. Ridge Racer 2 (PSP) 2006 - This game includes all the music and tracks in Ridge Racer 1 on PSP so it supercedes the original. If you can only play one of them, get this one. Great game. Ridge Racer 7 (PS3) 2006 - If you are graphics-whore or just want something fairly clean and modern graphically within the RR series, this is for you. It holds up well thanks to clean design. It's cool. But nowhere near the artistic aesthetic peak of R4.
>>9912 What is the appeal of racing games? I enjoy racing about in some game side levels but I've never entirely gotten the appeal of racing games besides pretending to be intial D.
>>9917 I'm not a car person and I def don't care for NASCAR where people are driving in a circular track 200 times. But there is something appealing about a good racing game. It's fun to drift and slide around corners and go fast. I like the visual aesthetics of some of these games like R4. It can be fun to unlock and collect cars, which makes a game like Gran Turismo almost like an RPG, where you are upgrading your cars and getting new ones. Like fighting games, some racing games tend to push their consoles visually to the max, since they are rendering a limited space of the cars and the track. And if you go beyond the actual car racing games, millions enjoy a game like Mario Kart, Crash Team Racing, or Sonic Racing. So once you inject a bit more personality of the characters into the game, you might enjoy them more. They also make great party games for friends and family.
>>9934 I agree, I used to love racing my car in GTA clones back in the 2000s as well just for shits and giggles. Once upon a time I would race random cpu cars in transformers the game, get mad that they might het ahead of me and destroy them with the weaponry. You actually helped me unearth that memory, thanks anon.

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Shitch 2 Anonymous 02/28/2023 (Tue) 21:04:42 No.1017 [Reply] [Last]
Will it just be a hardware update or will they actually go with a new gimmick? I assume the former since it's presented as a new shitch and not a new console. With that in mind, will Soytendo ever make a new console or are they content with selling glorified ram updates at full price every 5 years? The money certainly flow, why bother trying.
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>>9120 Nintendo peaked at GBA. Back when Zelda was dungeons and not twinkbait soyshit sandbox that the cat shit in. And back when Nintendo cared about other franchises that weren’t bingbing wahoo or Pokeslop.
>>9121 Gamecube broke them.
>>9123 Physically or mentally?
>>9135 Both. Literally.

Gaming Magazines Anonymous 03/22/2023 (Wed) 05:47:27 No.1573 [Reply] [Last]
Do you miss them? Or are they antiquated? On the one hand, they couldn't compete with the lightning fast and continuously updating information online, but on the other hand, I think they were more than just a printed slice of latest info and had an entire culture about them.
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>>9604 Can you blame him?
>>9595 >zzzpedos >taking the mantle of anything but imageboard paedophilia my sides.
>>8224 the fun fact is that laserdisc were actually analog and not digital, I think
>>9868 That was the impression I was under too.
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>>2467 A master move by the almighty Kojima. >>7025 <Drawn by the guido who ended up drinking the kool-aids just to remain relevant How long until he sends DMCA to anyone who archived his shit because of "don't wanna' attract da chuds"?

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Anonymous 05/16/2024 (Thu) 23:04:08 No.9853 [Reply]
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>>9864 The stale infertile mediocrity. It's horrible anon. I know that you can laugh and avoid the cry, but... I'm horrified by this image. What so bad and debilitating happened?
>>9871 >What so bad and debilitating happened? Jews.
>>9866 Nigger samurai wuz the only real samurai, the japenise wuz rul'd by nigger peoplez!
>>9855 millions must crosspost

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Anonymous 04/05/2023 (Wed) 13:26:03 No.2126 [Reply] [Last]
It seems common to say these were poor transitions to 3D graphics, but I think they still hold up today. Especially SA1, its open-ended world and impressive early online features are a standout.
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>>9923 >A sonic like kirby 64? Well, I didn't mean side scroller 2.5D. But that could be interesting too. I meant 3D open-world but visuals in 2.5D. Make it look hand-drawn, even though it's not. If they were to make a side-scroller, think Sega should hire an entire anime company in South Korea or Philippines to draw the whole game in pure 2D. Like an anime company would do for an anime season. Or even hire 2D art by Lizarcube who made Streets of Rage 4 and Wonder Boy remake. >open world I know. Groan. The problem here is Sonic is supposed to go fast so this necessitates having a large environment for him to travel around fast. No one wants an empty open world though. But I think a compromise could be made. Make a tight open world of just a couple miles of space. Imagine something like a Dark Souls semi-open-world where the environment loops in on itself many times but still has enough space for Sonic to travel around and collect rings. Speeding up mountains and diving into lakes. But there are several towns to explore.
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Or imagine this idea. Make a Sonic game in the style of an old fps boomershooter from Gearbox software in the style of Duke Nukem 3D on the Build engine. Powerslave Exhumed, Blood: Fresh Supply, Doom 64, Ion Fury. Except take out the fps hands overlay. All these games use 2D sprites in a 3D world. Like Doom. The sprites/enemies are flat 2D and rotate to the view of the player. Nightdive studios remakes all these types of boomer shooters and uses interpolation to make them super-smooth like 144 HZ, >60 fps. Basically Sonic would be in the center of the screen and the world moves around him in flat 2D sprites that rotate with the player. This could be a smaller-scope game that doesn't require a massive budget.
>>9925 A semi-open world like DS1 would work great anon. The idea of 2d sprites in a 3d environment is almost giving me a sonic x-treme but done right feeling. >>9926 Boomer-FPS for a sonic game? Honestly imagining a first-person sonic, basically DoomGuy with the spin-fash and it sounds awesome.
>>9927 What about an online sonic racing game (not carts just completing 3d levels in shortest time race against others)? But to keep people from just memorizing levels, have some sort of AI generated level modifications each time a scenario is loaded.
>>9928 Diablo race-tracks, would like to see it and make it like Sonic R but well, easier to control like the PC port.

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Anonymous 05/28/2024 (Tue) 01:21:05 No.9873 [Reply]
My fav ecelebs said Fallout 3 is actually great and best of them all... So why our numbers are so low???
Because fallout 3 is a shit game, into the trash it goes, into the trash it goes.
>>9888 So is New Vegas. I only played fallout 3 once to completion, and like 15 years ago, but I have way fonder memories of playing it than new vegas. I remember liking New Vegas and being addicted to playing it, but looking back, it wasn't really enjoyment. It was an addictive gameplay loop that was ultimately empty.
>>9919 Really liked the story of new vegas, don't really agree about the gameplay. Its nice to see the Fallout 1 devs clarify that Fallout is not communist propaganda.

what are you playing? General #1 Anonymous 02/02/2023 (Thu) 16:50:11 No.363 [Reply] [Last]
new trash to old retro vidya games, all vidya is welcome. What are you playing? can you recommend said piece of vidya to anyone or should they stay away? Or are you just playing something to see how shit it is? Come on, post whatever you are playing even if it's emulator or original hardware games(olden time consoles and handhelds), even new vidya on PC or consoles.
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posting more because why not unreal and speed devils don't have online restored yet but we remain ever hopeful
>>9816 >I also tried Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and didn't care that much for it. I ended up coming back to it, although I still prefer the second game in most ways. III has some nice features, like the dual-layered maps, that II doesn't have. >>9835 >>9836 It always warms my blackened heart to hear about things like this, even if the console doesn't really interest me. I never had much of an interest in much of anything Sega's done after the Genesis.
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Currently playing Medieval II: Total War. I am very bad at this game, I save-scum and refuse to learn the in-game combat system, opting to auto-resolve my conflicts. Currently in the process of conquering The Byzantines and Russians who backstabbed me, as well Egypt that is attempting to conquer my holdings in North Africa. I have taken all of Europe and the moors. I just brought England under my Heel and am planning on colonizing America to help fund my war effort against the Mongols and Timurids. Glory to the Reich.
I miss you already /kong/.

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Anonymous 06/27/2023 (Tue) 22:22:21 No.4062 [Reply]
Has there been more of a franchise assassination than God of War? It used to be this metal power fantasy but got turned into complete neutered nu-soyshit, and now most normalnigs associate the series with it.
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>>9851 >uhhhhhhweeeeeeeeehhhhh kiek kike-a-loo kike kuh-eeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeee-kuh >nooooooooo I acted like a faggot and called you a kike when you pointed out my faggoting nooooo Fffffaaaaaaaggot, you are an annoying ffffffffaaaaaaaaggot.
>This Thread Sooooyboooy, get your soooyybooy heeere >Shooooaahhh, low cost shooahhhs for saaale Hoeeemoees I got ya three for two on hoeeemoeees
>>9312 Oh nintendo labo never ceases to amaze me with how it somehow trick so many retards into buying it. I guess it was an indicator for the times and where they were going.
>>9896 I thought labo was a shitpost for the longest time.
>>9901 Its always depressing to realize it was real.

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