/pdfs/ - The NEW Library of Alexandria

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Banner Thread Scholar 09/13/2019 (Fri) 15:27:51 No.8
Anyone got some banner material? Please post them!
Open file (61.29 KB 300x100 ClipboardImage.png)
Greetings from https://anon.cafe/pol/ , our board for lyrics and poetry.
Here's three I whipped up based on what I had. I'll try to make some non-weeb shit after class or something.
Open file (46.33 KB 300x100 pdf1.png)
Open file (61.85 KB 300x100 pdf2.png)
Open file (50.60 KB 300x100 pdf3.png)
>no images
lynxchan pls
Thank you brothers.
Will use them, thanks lads.
Open file (176.06 KB 800x400 oie_6jTqbSzVOABg.jpg)
Open file (53.20 KB 300x100 RoD banner.png)
Here's one, I figured that Read or Die would be appropriate for a banner given the subject matter of this board.
>>115 >>116 Added, much obliged.

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