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Meta/Banner and /strek/ archival thread Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 20:02:11 No.2
My name is not important. This content is.
Essentially post here with any issues and stuff you are looking for/have retrieved.

I'm personally trying to
>Sort all my /strek/ webms
>Find a good link to Swoleverse
>Archive of other /strek/ related content

Any help would be appreciated.
Does anyone even use /1701/? I always found 420chan's navigation annoying due to no catalog or proper navigation. I used to use the site years ago, no idea how i lived with that navigation.
I check there once a day, but I don't post much.
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Posting some flags. Sorry for duplicate thread, my bad.
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Tested a few and added some myself. Might need a better Romulan, Fed, Terran, and maybe Cardassian one. Really easy to add flags though and it autoscales them.
Yeah, that's the really nice thing about Lynxchan, something I noticed on my board. What's wrong with the Rommie and Fed flags? I think they're the same, or at least very similar to, the ones we had on 8chan.
Oh damn, I see now. The ones next to posts are a lot smaller than the preview you see when replying.
Cardie and Feds look fine imo, but I see what you mean about the Rommie flag. Maybe we could try this one? It's the gay Republic faction from STO, but it looks cool.
Might also be the board CSS does not do it much favors.
Wasn't there some autism that made some pretty good fan designed flags?
Anyone got a spoiler image to use?
Did Jim make it here lads?
Courtesy of /sw/'s shoop-anon:
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She's more like a Pakled though.
Pakleds are smarter than they seem tho
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That's all faggots.
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found some more
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Very impressive autism anon, thank you very much.
Thanks. The next 4 posts were me as well. I will miss 8ch /strek/ dearly. If anyone kept a capture of the Darmok thread I would be thankful.
bannner anon here. I still have archives of every banner I did, including one or two that were posted to the cripplechan /strek/ banner thread but were never added to the rotation by BO. I also have all the cuts and bits and pieces like the swolecard that lurked the background. Been mostly shitposting halfchan /trek/ general but will try to remember to check in here if anyone needs/wants that stuff or needs to recompile the old banners without the infinitychan logo or whatever.
>>783 If you could make a mege or something, that would be great. Especially the banners. I'll use them here and at 8/strek/ 8kunt is really shitting itself right now.
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>>785 nice. i'll start sorting them out when i have the time and will post the link here when its done.
Here is my /strek/ archive, including banners. This is probably ~98% of all the banners from before, near as I can tell. The scrape that I located is older than I thought so banners made by others after 2017-11-14 will most likely be missing (but there werent that many iirc). Sadly, I couldn't locate a cap of the actual banner thread, but one might turn up eventually. The first folder is the scrape and includes all the original banners plus the first few that I made. The filenames include the original unix timestamp from when they were uploaded. So, if you want to convert that into the date and time the file was uploaded, you can use https://www.epochconverter.com or write a script. But, they are in chronological order as it is so whatever. The second folder is what I assembled from my project folders and going on memory. The dates are the dates I made them, not when they were added, but they should also be more-or-less in order of when they were added. There are also a few banners that I grabbed from this thread that were missing. The ones with dates+names are made by this autist. The ones with just unixdate or just a name were made by you swolebros. Lastly, there is also a folder of all my /strek/ logos and graphics and another with some random oc. I also included a few screencaps from threads. If missing banners turn up or if I find more /strek/ content, I'll make another archive but for now this is all I can locate. https://mega.nz/file/SUdg0YLB#kPLS3VKXwuERLRrZXSs-cQ6H_2sbm-w8ZyzXH4Mxu9k
>>788 Thank you very much! I'm recompiling my kernel right now. As soon as I'm done, I'll start uploading them to 8kunt, then here.
Well, are you guys staying over at deadchan?
>>790 It's still less dead than here, I'm afraid.
>No /strek/ vidya thread Sad Also >play Starsector for a whil >get to the late-game colony sim stuff. >make completely planned and AI assisted colony by farming alpha cores and slowly gained the ability to terraform planets via a mod >able to make many planets in the solar system possible to be inhabited by humanity with little to no need for environmental gear >basically making a densely populated reach of space completely overpowering all the other factions by miles. MFW was Cockshott cybernetics right?
>>822 Is that the one with the big tiddy fish mommy?
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Turns out Big Tiddy Fish Mommy is Endless Space 2. That and Star Sector are both on my list of "games I need to get around to."

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