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If Star Trek is set in the future how come there is no anime in it? Anonymous 08/11/2019 (Sun) 01:47:24 No.8
Did the Federation ban anime because no one would ever leave the holodeck? Was there ever an episode on any show that showed animation of any kind?
Dumping some of the images from the last thread
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With what I just discovered lurking begining to think Trek animu was a mistake.
Okay a lot of omissions cause I found some things too cancerous to post.
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Scraping bottom of barrel.
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Got some fresh stuff for you. Some of it is of very questionable quality.
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If you search for Star Trek on pixiv you need to go through a mountain of gay shit.
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Looks like pixiv though called the Picard viagra advert before it was going to be a thing.
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>not posting the best
>Andorian headpats
Jesus Christ, Anon are you trying to kill me?
I swore I posted that.
Are you an Andorian in need of headpats anon?
No but I am in dire need of more cute Andorian (or other trek girls if theres no more Andorians) girls getting headpats.
Didn't Tom Paris watch cartoons on a TV he replicated? I'm not really sure I've only watched Voyager once like ten years ago.
Check Pixiv
Technically cheesy 30s Sci-fi B Movies. Or non copyright Flash Gordon as I like to call it.
There was a level for his holodeck fantasy in Elite Force
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>>8 >If Star Trek is set in the future how come there is no anime in it? Because strek always features the educated (indoctrinated), productive, and ambitious elites of their society. There are no episodes for the futureHentai addicts posting on their subspace message boards about how retarded the Prime Directive is (and it's all just Vulcan subversion anyway, you should do the research m80).
>>843 I mean, there was Barclay. Granted, they showed his "holodeck addiction" as part of an overall trend toward mental disease, but it was there. Really though, it seemed as if Trek really wanted to push this crazy idea that holodecks would replace literally all forms of creativity. All vidya is on the holodeck. All movies are interactive and on the holodeck. Even books have seemingly been replaced, what with Voyagers "holo-novels". This might be because the creators were producing a live-action TV series, and therefore were ill-equipped to understand that not every narrative works in a live-action format; and that, being PRODUCERS, also didn't understand that most people merely consume media rather than being an active part of it.
>>854 I think that could partly be explained by Roddenberry's transhumanist ideals. In the future, people will be more noble and crave more than just consuming media, they want to experience more deeply and to be a part of it. We kindo f see the opposite in Voyager. In that shitty time travel episode, they're watching TV, and Kes says something like, "There's something to be said for this non-interactive media," or some shit like that. It's like she hadn't even considered it as a possibility before. Also, we do see Picard reading books occaisionally. Back on Earth, there could be plenty of Weebs reading old manga reprints.
>>855 >In the future people won't be people anymore This is why I prefer later TNG and DS9. Every single TOS episode and early TNG just felt like maudlin "oh, look how much more mature and better humans are compared to today's monster/culture of the week". It's heavy-handed at best, cringy at worst.

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