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The /strek/ Guide to Alien Species: The Irish Anonymous 11/26/2019 (Tue) 22:09:12 ID: 1bce76 No.714
The Irish are one of the worst plagues on the Alpha Quadrant intent on spreading their troubles to every world they immigrate to.

While your average Irishman has never worked a hard days work in their life, they are happy to jump on a nickel what a nigger does for a dime what the white man used to get a quarter for. They will also spend the majority of their adult life completely intoxicated.

The Irish female will have approximately a litter of at least a dozen and name each child with a series of middle names named after each man she had slept with prior to her infant being born. In the case of a female child, she will name the child after each woman her husband had punched before the child was born. This evidently results in a naming convention that to say an Irish name in full requires several minutes of recital.

You often find the Irish populated around overcrowded slums trying to grow a field of starchy root vegetables that they seem to regard as holy. Irish are often segregated from general populations when possible in the hopes of keeping them enclosed zoos for entertainment purposes and from contaminating society.

In the event that an Irishman manages to break from typical Irish conventions he often finds himself relegated to a life of eternal suffering by choosing to crossbreed with an Asianus Scortillum.
This is awesome.

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