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BOSS♂OF♂THE♂ALPHA♂QUADRANT Anonymous 04/11/2020 (Sat) 15:28:18 ID: 5df43d No.780
Here at the Cardassian Science Ministry we managed to uncover a part of old Earth history and decided to investigate by allowing several unsophisticated alien cultures to view it and observe their reaction. The results were varied dependant on what culture viewed this piece, here are some of the comments below: Humans >This is a reminder of our uncivilized past, it has no purpose in our enlightened Federation! Vulcans >A fascinating study on a clash of different philosophies and logic, this warrants further investigation! Ferengi >I don't get these hu-mans and their old culture but if the Vulcans want to pay top latinum for more who am I to argue? Romulans >Why did they not part ways in a spirit of mutual corporation before arranging for their opponent to die from “natural causes” in their sleep? One of the most profound impacts this piece was the appreciation it found within Klingon culture. When shown to the Klingons they admired it deeply, citing that it was a great depiction of a glorious struggle between two young warriors from great houses. It was not long before they started singing songs of this fight over the old human gym. Some Klingons even cite that it is as if humanity had depicted the struggle between Kahless and Morath itself and this piece was evidence of the Klingon warrior spirit finding new ways to reveal itself across the galaxy. Such is Klingon appreciation of this ancient human “art” that they are now leading further investigations themselves into retrieving any lost data and have commissioned a supposed great opera in both honor and to show it in it's fullest glory. While no other culture could ever hope to match the sophistication of Cardassian works, we at the Science Ministry will make it our duty to investigate further the disruptive influences of xeno history.
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based vulcans tbh sebpai desu.
>Vulcans find it fascinating Is this because Vulcans are into spankings?

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