I know his post is very old but it pisses me off too much.
>too white
It’s a fantasy world, there’s dwarves, elves, hobbits, orcs, goblins, trolls, tree people, ect. How is that not diverse just because Kang Tyrone of the Gondorians wasn’t a part of it? Secondly: it’s a fantasy world, maybe blacks and asians don’t even exist, we see some Arabs in the movie but those are soliders from another continent, iirc. They don’t have planes so why would you expect millions of races from other parts of the middle earth planet would come to middle earth?
Gee, almost as if a movie based on an adventure and war would have people naturally fit for adventure and war.
Says who? Unless the books are different, the LoTR movies only have Aragorn showing any sort of sexual preference. While I’m sure the characters are all straight it doesn’t ever talk about their sexual preferences. Even the hobbit had some bull shit forbidding love race mixing shit.