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sw vs disney shit collection thread Stormtrooper 09/30/2019 (Mon) 23:04:59 No.4
basically a thread to dump all imagemacros, montages and more showing the faults of the mouses attempts at sw
>>1704 the difference between Dune and nu-Dune is comparable to that between the OT and Disney Wars, maybe even worse. they're not worth reading, except to skim them out of morbid curiosity. of course Messiah is worth it, in fact, all 6 originals are worth reading. however, the first book is most accessible, since it's basically a space opera with unusual depth. Messiah veers off in a different direction, considering the nature of power and charismatic leadership. Children is easier, and then you have God-Emperor, which is the intellectual capstone of the series, where Frank brings out his major ideas. after that you have Heretics and Chapterhouse, which feel kind of different and experimental, but if you've made it that far, you should read to the end. really, the Dune novels were meant to be two trilogies, punctuated by God-Emperor in the middle; you can see this in how GEoD is sandwiched between large time-skips, while the other books follow sequentially. sadly, Frank didn't live to complete the books, so we can only guess at how Dune 7 would've concluded the saga. of course, Brian & Kevin won't release the outline & notes, either because they don't exist, or because they blatantly contradict their fan-fiction (at the very least, it's certain that the last two characters you meet in Chapterhouse are NOT robots, but ascended face dancers).
>>831 Oh but it is. Welcome to Marvel
>>1705 Is there any franchise that hasn't gotten royally raped?
>>1739 Conan, middle earth, lots of good fantasy settings like tekumel mainly because of obscurity
>>1741 >middle earth >he doesn't know
>>1739 the tentacles of molestation find their way to almost every well-known franchise. >>1745 I'm aware that Amazon is cooking up something sinister, but for the most part, Middle-Earth has been spared the worst of it. while the Peter Jackson movies were shallow and derivative, they were at least respectful of the source material. more than ever, I can see why the Tolkien Estate has staunchly defended its copyright.
>>1741 >Conan Pretty fucking sure they're going to make a new movie and it's most likely going to suck. >Middle Earth Fair enough, ignoring The Hobbit and those games by Monlith even if shadow of war was kind of a guilty pleasure of mine >Fantasy Settings Just you wait, soon enough they'll be digging up every book without an adaptation to try and make into the next GoT, LotR, The Expanse or Harry Potter. <The Blacked™ Company which takes place before the books when the Black Company is exclusively black warriors, but they're all noble heroes freeing white women from the clutches of evil men while totally subtle racism allegories are absolutely not shoved in your face <The Broken Empire books, in all its edgy glory but Jorg actually has a black, female childhood friend who is the true™ leader of the Brotherhood, who singlehandedly outmuscles Rike and his brother. And so on.
>>1748 The video games kinda shit on the lore and the new films keep being demanded to be more woke with a female Gandalf and black Hobbits and Elves despite it making zero sense in a setting that's supposed to be a fantasy-oriented primordial europe/earth. Also making a LOTR trilogy so soon after the last 2 trilogjes is just stupid. Hollywood is so out of ideas they can't even wait a decade or two to hold of on making remakes, or even remakes of remakes.
https://practicaleconomics.org/disney-star-wars-the-finances/ Some economist ran the numbers and, apparently, Disney lost about 2 billion on Star Wars so far. I take a little comfort in that.
>>1761 Not really surprising. Buying Star Wars cost them 4 billion dollars, TFA only made 2 billion (more than half of which went to theaters and other costs) and around 700 million with TFA merchandise and comic tie-ins, and building the Star Wars park at Disney cost them another 4 billion, meanwhile Rogue One, The Last Jedi and Solo only made around a billion each, but even with that its nowhere near enough to cover for the budget of things, especially the theme park which is failing hard and is costing them the most. Merchandise sales are in the gutter, with star wars toy sales being the worst they've ever been.
>>1750 trust me anon, some things are just too confusing to adaptate >The Blacked™ Company which takes place before the books when the Black Company is exclusively black warriors, but they're all noble heroes freeing white women from the clutches of evil men while totally subtle racism allegories are absolutely not shoved in your face yeah, the fact that they were a nigger death cult all along makes me smile. it was so retarded also black company is his worst series.
>>1752 true. there was also that shitty SNES game, I remember trying it and quitting somewhere in the Mines of Moria, and this is coming from someone who's beaten Battletoads and Deadly Towers. I still think LotR has fared better than other major franchises, and that has alot to do with the diligent efforts of the Tolkien Estate. >Hollywood is so out of ideas they are creatively bankrupt. all they can do is make reboots (plagiarism by another name) with woke AIDS injected into it.
>>1777 I agree, i like Garrett PI more but at the same time Black Company is what I can think of that could fit an EBIC GRIMDARK MEDIEVAL FANTASY FIGHTING trend that we'll surely be getting post GoT.
>>1775 Isn't that theme park supposed to be like one ride and then a bunch of merch shops? If what I've heard is true then no wonder it's failing.
>>1807 Yes. There were supposed to be two rides, but one was delayed and they opened before it was finished. No idea if it ever actually did open. Other than that it was a Resistance store, the First Order store, the build-a-droid store, various food stands, the OT/PT store, the clothing store, the miscellaneous store, and the build-a-lightsaber store. I think that's all of them. There might have been a stuffed toy stand too.
>>1808 It finally opened last month but its been a mess. The animatronics keep failing so much and costing even more that they're replacing them with pre-recorded video screens of the actors.
>>5 I know his post is very old but it pisses me off too much. >too white It’s a fantasy world, there’s dwarves, elves, hobbits, orcs, goblins, trolls, tree people, ect. How is that not diverse just because Kang Tyrone of the Gondorians wasn’t a part of it? Secondly: it’s a fantasy world, maybe blacks and asians don’t even exist, we see some Arabs in the movie but those are soliders from another continent, iirc. They don’t have planes so why would you expect millions of races from other parts of the middle earth planet would come to middle earth? >male Gee, almost as if a movie based on an adventure and war would have people naturally fit for adventure and war. >straight Says who? Unless the books are different, the LoTR movies only have Aragorn showing any sort of sexual preference. While I’m sure the characters are all straight it doesn’t ever talk about their sexual preferences. Even the hobbit had some bull shit forbidding love race mixing shit.
>>1814 It’s the will of the force that Disney fails.
>>1815 >the LoTR movies only have Aragorn showing any sort of sexual preference Samwise gets married. >we see some Arabs in the movie but those are soliders from another continent, iirc The various "swarthy men" as they were described in the books were from the same continent, just further east or south. Most of them were left deliberately mysterious, especially the eastern ones, since Man awoke in the east and that history has been forgotten. I've always found that bit a neat piece of Middle Earth history. Until Mankind met the elves they had no history, because they deliberately tried to forget it - they knew they were fleeing west, chasing the setting sun to escape the night, but what they were fleeing from and what they had left behind the generation that started the migration refused to ever speak of.
>>1821 >Samwise gets married That’s right, yet still, (not that I am claiming Legolas and Gimli were ducking each other, or that Frodo was actually a transman) only two main characters ever show off any indication of a sexual leaning. Unless the books differ how can you claim the world is too straight when it appears to be pretty sexless? Mental deficiency is how. >The various "swarthy men" as they were described in the books were from the same continent, just further east or south My friend was a huge LoTR fan and read everything and I seem to recall him saying the soliders that walk through the gate to Mordor past Sam, Frodo and Gollum, were from another continent. But that was a long time ago and he’s dyslexic so I could misremember or he misread. But I guess in that case Cuck Wingding has a criticism of man ran away from nogs and dunecoons to resettle. Regardless it’s a dumb claim and we all know he’s an idiot.
>>1822 the easterlings and haradrim are from the same continent, in that there's no body of water separating them. however, the different regions are fairly segregated from each other, kinda like how Europe and Asia are considered separately even though it's all part of Eurasia. as for Cuck Wendig's criticism, there is no intelligence or discernment involved. it all comes down to a marxist-derived ideology which he slavishly follows, in which minority/gay/trans people have to be shoe-horned into every bit of media that exists, so they can show off their pet minorities and how NOT RACIST they are, even while hating straight white males. like other NPCs, Cuck Wendig downloaded ideological dogma into his brain and mindlessly obeys it, which is a key symptom of retardation.
>>1822 >Unless the books differ how can you claim the world is too straight when it appears to be pretty sexless? The question is why you would even care. Unlike in, for example GoT, there are no situations in LotR where any of the characters have the time or the drive to be fucking or flirting their way through the story. The world's undersiege and they've got to get their asses to Mt. Doom, not much time or logic there for running around chasing ass of whatever variety. The point is it doesn't fucking matter and just going "this thing is gay because I'm progressive" is detrimental to the story because it makes for one dimensional characters or it's just a virtue signal for the author which takes you out of the story. Like remember how in the third Old Man's War book where one of the colonists turns out to be a lesbian who faked her marriage with her reporter boss so they could go to the planet and report, despite the entire fucking point of the colony is to POPULATE THE FUCKING PLACE, but only the reporter is made out to be the bad guy and the lesbian is made out to be a stronk independent wahman who was shackled to this badman? Now what the fuck did that character add to the in my opinion already shitty story besides being another character to use the reporter as a punching bag(despite him being her boss)? What did Wendig even write in the first place?
>>312 >>313 At first I thought this was just a ridiculous fan comic by somebody trying to poke fun at the universe. I am struggling with the idea that this could be a published work by a so-called professional. >>327 I'm not huge into comics, but I have friends who are, and I've passively watched from a distance as the industry collapsed under its ideological weight. I've also seen the absolute artistic abortion that is the Doctor Aphra comic series. It's all terrible and depressing. >>1113 OOGABOOGA >>1129 Reddit is controlled by corporate interests. The astroturfers Disney employs would link to the Wookiepedia article within minutes of you posting, and then your post would be taken down.
>>1825 >The question is why you would even care. I don’t, my who point was you claim a universe is too straight when, as you say, everyone is too preoccupied to even show their sexuality. It’s obvious Chuck is just virtue signalling because sjws like him think to be gay is to have other people be aware you are gay. Making Frodo gay would have added nothing as you said and would only make him an annoying cunt, if he’s trying to rape Sam the whole time when there’s shit to do. The gay community acting like stereotypes and then getting mad when people stereotype them is the reason people fucking hate fags. Yet progressives think all characters who are minorities have to act differently from everyone else to signify that they are minorities.
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LMAO, I hope it's true!
>>1828 reminds me of this old gem
>>2011 I bet the drama is Disney fucking up Obi-Wan and Mcgregor going nuclear over it, considering how apparently Mcgregor really liked playing Obi and really wanted to play him again.
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>>939 >OY VEY Watto was a much better Israelian, nuWars fails even in that aspect.
>>2011 What are the chances (((they))) wanted to make Obi-Wan a gay coal burner?
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>>2013 More likely disney isn't paying him enough as disney supposedly doesn't pay their actors well (oy vey) this is probably exacerbated by the fact that they probably want the actor to do current year +5 level degeneracy he is not comfortable with. >>2016 Very high inb4 starwars's first fag sex scene on a disney + show ....reminder that disney & their shills constantly remind us that star wars is for kids. >>2012 The fact that they have the gall or stupidity to use the "they wanted to tell their own story argument™" as the reason why decades worth of EU content was callously discarded while at the same time not addressing the fact that disney regularly pilfers & ruin parts of the EU for their films (Rogue One, SSD with Death star laser, the rumored KOTOR trilogy,etc.) but more importantly disney decided to make unimaginative poor ripoffs of the the original film that were supposed to be direct SEQUELS They decided to do direct sequels rather than making something new something where they could "tell their own stories" and we all know the reason why.......no one wants to hear disney's idea of a "story" the con only works when they sell it with the original films & actors. disney= grifters and con-men. also rip Kyle Katarn. >>2014 Disney's aliens are uninspired they look like cheap doctor.who knock offs which I'm sure was their goal. >>2011 I want disney to go the way of Enron or at the very least for star wars to never turn a profit for them again.
>I want disney to go the way of Enron or at the very least for star wars to never turn a profit for them again. >>2026 I refer you to >>1761 It's been 10 years (fuck everything) and apparently they're still about 2 billion in the red when it comes to Star Wars. I'm still holding out some hope that they'll sell it off to someone else at some point if it fails to turn a profit in the long run.
>>2029 I'm talking out of ignorance here but I get the feeling Disney won't last for long. They've fucked up Star Wars heavily, after Infinity War/Endgame I think all the hype for the MCU movies has died down, especially since when you take away those two the marvel movies have apparently been utter garbage or just mediocre(Captain NoAss, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Spiderman 2) and I really doubt they can keep re-releasing live action versions of their animated movies before people are just fed up with it, especially since I doubt the newer generation even bothers to watch the older Disney movies. It's hilarious, even the EU/PT had good games, good novels, books and comics and a decent animated show propping it up. What the fuck does Disney SW have? A trio leading cast that's not returning for anything. Four jokes of villains(if you consider Phasma a villain) that have died with all the impact of a wet noodle and two of them who have done good guy turns(If you consider Hux being a spy him becoming a good guy which I don't but just run with it) for absolutely retarded and unbelievable reasons. No new vehicles, no new factions, no new planets, nothing of interest in the slightest. An utter bastardization of Battlefront and another couple of reasons to believe Dice has been shit ever since Bad Company 2 if you're being generous. A mediocre souls clone with yet another instance of glowstick lightsabres. And as a final nail in the coffin, there has not been a single sexy Twi'lek, or even a sexy character in general over the span of what, 10 years now? Not in the movies, not in the games(I guess someone might say the blonde goth chick from FO might be cute) and since I haven't watched Rebels/Resistance or bothered with any of the books or comics I doubt those delivered either. What the hell does Disney have going for it? A "potential" new trilogy starring Brie Larson? The Mandalorian season 2(Which they will no doubt turn the show from an average to below average space western to utter garbage?)? Obi Wan starring production drama because dear lord has this been the case for every disney SW production? That rumored Thor 3 nigger directed movie?
>>2032 Disney have way too much portfolio to die anytime soon. They would need nuked to get scratched. Star wars and marvel dying would barely be a dent
>>2033 This. There would have to be active shooters at Disney offices on a weekly basis scaring workers away and putting everything on hold for them to even be scratched, they've embedded themselves so deeply in Western culture.
>>2034 >There would have to be active shooters at Disney offices on a weekly basis Hmmmm... :^)
>>2034 >so deeply in Western culture. I disagree. I think the newer generations did not even bother watching the older animated movies and will not have the nostalgia towards it. My assumption with the Live Action remakes was meant to draw two audiences >The older generation wanting to re-live these movies >And their younger generation offspring who were dragged along for the ride But since the retards over at Disney are retards they think having big name actors and actresses who cannot act or sing will make up for infinitely worse cinematography(Compare Lion King to Lion Kang), stories, performances, songs or retarded CG action scenes where animals wail on each other. And sooner or later people will hopefully stop watching that mediocre shit.
>>2035 Right wing Donald Duck Squads?
>>2037 I supposed you haven’t met any Disney cult members. I didn’t think they were real until I worked with one. The guy was a bit younger than me but was obsessed with Disney, his parents took them to Disney land and world probably 10 times each, and he consumed any and all Disney products like it was his religion. He was super christian so Disney probably was part of his religion growing up. While talking one day I mentioned I draw a bit and he said he did too but exclusively Disney cartoons. These people are corporate slaves that will lick the mouse’s cum until their tongues bleed.
>>2039 There’s probably enough of us to keep them out of work for a few months if we go once a week. Not that I endorse violence, or heroic sacrifices. :^)
>>2039 Nah, Right Wing McDuck Squads. Comics Scrooge would level every yidsney campus single-handed for what they've done to Star Wars, let alone his own series. But seriously anyone who did this would fucktuple disney wars sales overnight from slacktivist goons virtue signaling^W^W "doing their part" alone.
>>2043 You know officer, you're pretty swell.
>>849 She doesn't hate Luke, only Bigger Luke!
>>2693 >Bigger Luke joke Haven't heard one of those in a long time, but yeah she the poster just shows what a crazy hate people within the current Star Wars offices have for everything that came before them.
>>2042 That is disturbing and sad.
>>1448 >white slavers What did he mean by this?
>>4253 Politically Correct way of saying kikes.
>>1444 Who is the guy talking in the rant video and whats his podcast/channel. Really want to hear more from him. >>2012 I use to like Eckhartsladder till i found out more about him and gradually stopped watching him. After seeing his take on Gina's firing and how he's "tired of politics in star wars" and said "both sides are doing it" made me hate him. Seeing something like this is just sad realizing he was always a retard
>>4264 It was not only a reaction against Thatcher, but that was one of the inspirations for the setting, being that Grimdark was influenced by the "THE WORLD IS GONNA BE IN A ETERNAL DARK AGE!" feel in the british left during the Thatcher-era (her, along with Nixon, was one of the proto-modern politicians creating derangement syndrome behaviour to their opposition) Sources (Warning: Overdose of soy in the second article): -https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Ghazghkull_Mag_Uruk_Thraka#Trivia -https://wearethemutants.com/2019/01/14/when-warhammer-was-radical-the-egalitarian-origins-of-the-fantasy-battle-game/ The conception of Warhammer as a non-satirical "right wing" product wasn´t until recently with the 2016 election crap.
>>4263 >Eckhartsladder Yeah he's a faggot, and just look at him shilling for trannigger Squadrons for months now.
>>4263 >I use to like Eckhartsladder What did you expect? He is just another normalfag >>4271 >shilling for trannigger Squadrons He is pushing that shit hard, there is a $20,000 shekel tournament or something like that.

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