they are both insufficent in the role of dedicated jedi spaceship.
>have external hyperspace drive. imagine getting sent to a dangerous hutt controled region and being unable to come back because your drive was JAWWED
>no cargo space, at all. need to capture a dangerous pirate or move ancient relic to safe place? too bad
>1 seat. hope your padawan learned how to fly on his own.
>tie fighter tier durability and no shields, or shields so weak they are not even worth mentioning
>no room for extra supplies, long journey is impossible
>cost more then a fucking freighter, seriously what the fuck it is just a fucking set of engines and guns mounted to a cockpit, fucking corrupt republic no wonder it fell. seriously you could have 3 YT-1300 for the price of one
whoever thought this was a good idea was retarded. jedi should use bigger, heavier units, like patrol or scout craft