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GUESS WHOS BACK- BACK AGAIN - RIANS BACK, TELL A FRIEND Stormtrooper 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:43:25 No.1938
>Disney/Lucasfilm open casting call for the upcoming 'Star Wars Untitled Trilogy: Episode I' >Walt Disney Pictures / Lucasfilm is now looking for new unknown actors to play the lead roles in the upcoming "Untitled Star Wars Trilogy: Episode I". Talented individuals from any area are being invited to perform video auditions for a number of roles, both males and females of any ethnicity. This new Star Wars trilogy is being created by Rian Johnson, who wrote and directed "Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi". Johnson is writer and director for this first film of the new Star Wars trilogy, with Ram Bergman serving as producer. Kevin Feige will serve as executive producer. This new trilogy will separate from the Skywalker saga and will explore new characters from an unexplored area of Star Wars lore. >This new Star wars trilogy is being created by Rian Johnson >Johnson is writer and director for this first film of the new Star wars trilogy, with Ram Bergman serving as producer. Kevin Feige will serve as executive producer.
Like it or not, Episode 9 and the Mandalorian sparked new life in Disney Wars. Normalfags are singing Jew Jew's praises and his extended cut will probably be considered a masterpiece, when it comes out. Youtubers like RLM read the zeitgeist wrong, mistakenly believing that consumers will punish a brand in case of repeated offenses. That's not what happens: cattle forevers munches on insipid hay, as long as it's available and filling. So, as long as a decent SW property is released every once in a while, the series will never end, no matter the number of other blunders.
>>1938 It's not happening, Zach
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>>1939 >Episode 9 sparked new life in Disney Wars How? Seems that even normalfaggots were at best lukewarm about it. Either way, I don't get why they'd think bringing Rian Roundhead back would be a good idea. pretty much everyone hated nuWars ep2.
Source: my ass. This board is really transforming to total shit now. Too bad. Jonhson said many times that he didn't know, that he's still waiting for a decision or some shit, on other words: he's cancelled.
>>1945 >try and look up star wars news >that unfunny fuck Taika whatshisface is apparently being considered for a new movie For gods sake please no, I'd rather have Johnson instead. At least the "article" was citing another article citing an anonymous source so there's a good chance it's bullshit.
>>1946 Is that the faggot Maori/Kike that just made the Retarded imagery friend Hitler movie?
>>1949 I don't know about that but I really disliked Ragnarok and I really fucking hated hunt for wilderpeople.
>>1949 >>1946 Yeah Taika a fucking garbage director, worse than even Jar Jar.
>>1938 >Talented individuals X to doubt. >both males and females of any ethnicity As long as they're not white or straight. >created by Rian Johnson I swear these niggers never learn. >This new trilogy will separate from the Skywalker saga Just like last fanfiction trilogy. >will explore new characters from an unexplored area of Star Wars lore This will be even worse then the nutrilogy.
>inb4 KoTOR film trilogy and hastily made KoTOR III with loot boxes and multiplayer
>>1973 >hastily made KoTOR III with loot boxes and multiplayer That would be worse than no KotOR 3 at all.
>>1973 so SWTOR?
>>1987 Well SWTOR is semi decent. Or at least was. As far as I remember you could buy anything on the market you could get in loot boxes from a bit of grinding and being a subscriber meant free coins to buy loot boxes anyways. However free to play does suck complete ass with the limitations. what the fuck is up with captchas? They didn’t have them last time I posted a few hours ago.

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