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Chaste Wars Stormtrooper 10/24/2019 (Thu) 23:14:55 No.203
I was just thinking about how sterile the sequel trilogy has been. It's like any form of romance or adult interaction has been removed or Disneyfied. Even the Finn/Rose "romance" in The Last Jedi felt forced and cringeworthy with an utter lack of chemistry. Look at Rey especially, she is played by an attractive actress inb4 xenomorph memes but we never really see her as a woman. Even on a desert planet, she is near fully covered, as if they were scared having Rey bare any skin would send the wrong message. She never flirts with any of her male cohorts despite being a young woman trapped on a barren shitheap for decades.

I know the inevitable response for anything like this is "but it's for kids!" or "misogyny!" but Leia's slave outfit or Padme's mid-riff and the romantic sub-plots of both trilogies didn't make those films any less family friendly or weaken it's female characters. It really just seems like Disney trying to sanitise the franchise to fit their "wholesome image". The most risque they've gone so far was Qira and Han in Solo, but for a grimy underworld story it still feels very tame and safe, though Emilia Clarke admittedly did look very elegant.

I would just chalk this up to me being a cumbrain but there's a wealth of normalfags "shipping" characters, especially "Reylo". People want romance and some eye candy in their adventure movies, to the point that they will just make their own if it's not being offered. What do you guys think? Am I on to something or am I being ridiculous?
Look anon I agree with your point, but that mouthbreathing bong is disgusting
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I personally don't find Rey attractive, but OP is correct that they worked hard to remove all traces of her femininity. She still can't close her fucking mouth and I still wouldn't bang, but they use lighting and unattractive hairstyles to make her look worse than she does on the big screen.
I think it comes from Hollywood's utter refusal to portray women as attractive to white men in any way. In the OT and PT, while Leia and Padme were considered "strong" women they still dressed attractively sometimes and were attracted to white (looking in the case of Han Solo) men. This is obviously not going to be allowed in current year by an increasingly obvious anti-white Hollywood. I'm certain if JJ had directed TLJ he would paired up Rey with Finn to further their race-mixing agenda (after all Rey's last name is Mixer), but since Rian derailed his plans we got an anti-Asian set of propaganda, which didn't help with the Chinese box office.

If this were Japan, we would have had a relatable female protagonist who struggles in the story and was attractive at the same time. But alas in land of Amerimutt's, we seem incapable of making a female protagonist without turning them into men with tits. Probably for political reasons.

I want park!Rey to cradle my head into her bosom and tell me the Force will be with me.
I am convinced "She" & the ugly niggers are a self insert for trannies.
hollywood is getting uglier and uglier ..... every "starlet" they shill is some kind of minority with a groid face and or is as flat as board & looks like a 13 year old boy.
>It's like any form of romance or adult interaction has been removed or Disneyfied
Not "like", it has been.
>Even the Finn/Rose "romance" in The Last Jedi felt forced and cringeworthy with an utter lack of chemistry
Might have something to do with there being no build up or reason for it and she's just in love because he was a diversity hire just like her.
>Look at Rey especially, she is played by an attractive actress
meh/10. She's not really ugly, but nothing special. The chick that plays Mary Sue for the park is miles ahead of the actual actress as far as attractiveness goes.
>"but it's for kids!"
This is the most retarded argument and it's the one that every fucking soy swilling retard that fights against "the toxic fanbase" uses. Yes that's right, Star Wars has always been for children with all the limbs getting cut off, charred corpses on shown screen, disemboweled animals, strippers being fed to monsters, murdering rooms full of children etc. But then again the OT was released in the 70s and maybe children in the 70s were just more mature then the 20-30 year olds of today.
>diversity hires wanna fuck
No, Rian just wants to watch "women" he's attracted to get dicked by black men
Also, a very possible reason.
Soywars are filler
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Not sure I buy the Finn/Rey theory. Most of that stuff was just /pol/ seeing what they wanted to see before TFA had even released. If anything the sequel trilogy actually emasculates black men by making the black "hero" a cowardly space janitor.

I guess my point was that all good family entertainment works on multiple levels, there is stuff enjoyable for kids and another layer that adults will get more out of. The sequel trilogy fails on both fronts by providing nothing exciting for kids or compelling for adults. As for kids today not being mature enough, I would say that's just coddling them and the exact same line of thinking that created these soy retards you mentioned.
Right and the nigger chasing after the tooth monster & trying to impress her all throughout tfa never happened.
They probably were going with that angle but changed it during production to "empowered female that don't need no man" which is why everyone that is man in disney starwars is a joke including the space ape.
>>205 > correct that they worked hard to remove all traces of her femininity. I can not remember a single attractive female character in the disney bullshit trilogy. It is as if there is a malevolent and insecure female force behind it all making sure all traces of feminine physical beauty is distorted to a caricature, or be made into drab and boringly ugly.
Phasma would have been an infinitely better character if they used Gwendolyn Christie's size to have her want to overpower and fuck Rey, ala Cory Everson's character from Double Impact. https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=wyRq2S8BTVM
>>203 >I know the inevitable response for anything like this is "but it's for kids!" or "misogyny!" Where do you think you are? This isn't Reddit. Is this copypasta? Are you fucking serving us Reddit copypasta?
>>218 >Not sure I buy the Finn/Rey theory. Most of that stuff was just /pol/ seeing what they wanted to see Disagree. I think TFA served as a beta test to see how the interracial relationship would fly with the fanbase and (perhaps more importantly to Disney) with China. I agree with the OP when he said that JJ would want to pair these two.
>>1829 They should have just gone fulldegenerate and do a Nigger x Pilotdude gay ending like some people assumed. Then again, they wouldn't be able to edit that out which would mean less/no profit in some countries and they'd never risk their profit is such an obvious way. Why are some anons here so incompetent at formatting their posts?
>>1829 Did they really want to pander with China with Rose Tico in Last Jedi? Considering >she gets BLACKED in that movie >she's played by a vietnam fucking shits
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>Rey >played by an attractive actress
>>218 >Not sure I buy the Finn/Rey theory. Most of that stuff was just /pol/ seeing what they wanted to see before TFA had even released. >TFA was obviously setting finndu nuffin' to want to fuck mary sue >mary sue's name is ray mixer >movie is written and directed by a kike >made in hollywood >just /pol/ seeing what they wanted Come on now.
Speaking of sterile, is it just me or are Rey's breasts flatter than usual? She looks more like a dude this time around than before.

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