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Bob Iger is out! Stormtrooper 02/25/2020 (Tue) 22:31:45 No.2634
http://archive.ph/wip/lRKaH He's being replaced by "Bob Chapek". All I can find is his official bio which states he was previously in charge of parks. http://archive.ph/wip/HLDpg Any info on him?
He doesn't look like a Jew, so he's already much better than (((Iger))) and (((Eisner))).
Praise be to custom search ranges! Thought Galaxy's Edge was a failure http://archive.ph/wip/DcXSQ Got sorta promoted when people got axed for Galaxy's Edge failing http://archive.ph/er3ds Responsible for spamming merch of sucessful products. https://web.archive.org/web/20180301122500/http://www.thedisneymoviereview.com/problem-bob-chapek-disney-ceo/ Also don't expect his comments on park tech to be relevent here, but the lack of stuff I'm finding on him means I'll include this anyways http://archive.ph/cFsgq
>>2634 Why is Iger staying until the end of 2021? Anyone got an idea of what he's making sure gets finished on his watch? I mean I would have figured he'd be out of the CEO seat before second quarter ended, not getting another year and a half.
>>2634 >Bob Iger is out! >smug laugh Iger will just have to laze around his mansion or one of his vacation homes and find a way to spend his vast fortune that normal people could live their entire lives on a small fraction of. Totally a win. >Bob Chapek Someone who will allow the exact same shit to happen.
>>2634 Bob Chapek is a cheapskate and he's already making some cutbacks. This will prove interesting. Hopefully Disney will get downsized. Stupid fuckers had it coming. >>2653 We know Iger will never get his comeuppance (unless he committed tax fraud or something) but the point here is that Iger going out is a sign of Disney's own destabilization and slow decay. So, Iger will sadly not get fucked, but Disney as a whole along with their reputation and that of Iger's is likely smeared forever.

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