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The Empire did nothing wrong

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Star Wars RPGs Stormtrooper 04/22/2020 (Wed) 04:56:27 No.2875
Anyone ever play any of the Star Wars /tg/ stuff?
I really enjoyed the Kathol stuff, although the Aingtii's motives never made much sense to me unless I missed something.
I've been DM'ing an Edge of the Empire game set during the Dark Times. It's been fun, but I feel like Saga Edition would provide more options for non-film era play, and I want to try running a Legacy campaign at some point. If it weren't for homebrew, I'd find the offering given by the FFG games rather restrictive.
>>2875 Right now I'm reading Star Wars Revised, Expanded & Updated. >500 pages >only read 70 Its going to take a while.
>>3195 Incredibly high lethality.
>>2875 >why did yoda have to 'work so hard' to levitate an x-wing This is a really bad example to use to argue that size does matter, because yoda is clearly being careful the same way you would lift a glass of wine. AotC is a much better example since they're just rocks and there's no reason he couldn't just toss them to the side effortlessly.
Is there a mimic-type monster in star wars lore? I want to do crazy stuff like pic related.
>>3462 Yes, and remember. The weakness for every BBEG Jedi is a retarded kaleesh with a vendetta
Found this in /tg/
>>3651 >for every BBEG Jedi is a retarded kaleesh with a vendetta Do tell

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