Picked for being unattractive & manish apparently she can't conceive children either which seems a bit too coincidental considering the depopulation propaganda they push.
I expected disney to keep giving her increasingly less relevant work for a few years which would inevitably lead to a failed romcom series on ABC that gets cancelled after 1-2 seasons before ending up on Dancing with the Stars and then disappearing for years until the next reboot of disney wars. They might have not gone that route now that they can create CGI of anyone they want.
If they merged the character with the chosenite passing himself off as a taco-american pilot, did not do stunt/freakshow casting (they admit it was for shock value) and worked on writing the character you might have something there unfortunately the thing was poisoned from the beginning because it was more important to shit on the audience & what they perceive as "space nazis™" aka the Imperials which is laughable considering the fact that National Socialism was not a monarchy & was in fact opposed & betrayed by monarchists, similarly to the monarchists betrayal of Mussolini & Fascism in Italy.
Yes in the most cucked way possible buried deep in obscure videos no one saw, I believe the loud bald guy admitted on some "show" they have since cancelled that the tooth monster was a marysue and admitted that the disney soy wars films were indeed bad I only know this because some anon clipped that section of video out a while ago and posted.