/sw/ - Star Wars

The Empire did nothing wrong

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Sorry for the delays in the BBB plan. An update will be issued in the thread soon. -r

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We moved. https://anon.cafe/sw/

Do you remember this X-wing music vid? Stormtrooper 03/01/2021 (Mon) 06:11:32 No.4164
Had this in my archive for a little over 2 years, It's like an electro-house Star Wars music vid with an X-Wing and random Star Wars-related references. It's just now come back to me now, and I've been trying to get a source on this, but my search-engine fu is just not up to the task.
>>4164 Was the animation from one of the games?
looks like a fucknugget video made by dibsney tards. Did you try searching Rey's anus for it?

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