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The Empire did nothing wrong

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Stormtrooper 03/28/2021 (Sun) 13:11:59 No.4296
HOLY SHIT DISNEY IS BASED They're killing nu-wars fags by putting dangerously high levels of carcinogens in their hand sanitiser lol
>>4296 Don't expect much to come of this. Now that the globohomo has decided together to pull the trigger and burn down the entire World that Whitey Made, they wont let a little thing like a few thousands of them becoming mutants stop that. After all, it's actually part of the plan itself to do exactly that eventually, regardless.
>>4296 >buy yidsney product >contains actual cancer It's like poetry. It rhymes.
>>4297 >Don't expect much to come of this. Yeah, there was a bit of backlash after when people found out that Disney filmed the live-action Mulan next to a concentration camp in China but the media made sure to move on to another topic.
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>>4296 >It gives you cancer.
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>>4296 They get what they fucking deserve

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