/sw/ - Star Wars

The Empire did nothing wrong

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Stormtrooper 05/09/2021 (Sun) 00:47:44 No.4431
Hey Star Wars fags. i just designed a blaster that can easily kill lightsaber wielders. By shooting three lasers in a triangle pattern all at once, the lightsaber will only be able to block at most two of the projectiles at once, meaning the third one will always hit.
>>4431 What if he just ducks
How do you load it?
>>4431 It'd be unstable as fuck like Skynxnex's.
You sure you were designing a weapon to kill jedi and not niggers?
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>>4602 Kek.
>precog >faster reflexes in general >either it's too spread and the jedi can block each bolt or too tight that he can block in a single motion Your idea is stupid.

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