I watched all of it now and I really liked it. Of course it goes without saying that it's miles above the usual Disney trash, but there are a few things that stand out to me.
- Firstly, it meets the one criteria I have, and that is that it fits in with EU continuity.
- In the first episode alone, you see Nikto, a Gand, an Ugnaught and a whole bunch of other Star Wars aliens, thus it feels a lot more connected to the Star Wars universe than the ST, which was all uninspired original content do not steal asshole face aliens. You even hear some spoken Huttese.
- In the same vein, I like how the show acknowledges that the prequels exist with the B2 battle droids in the flashbacks and the pit droids on Tattooine.
- I liked the Imperial remnant with their fucked up, shoddy armors. That's what the First Order should have looked like.
- Baby Yoda is cute and I like these wolf and cub kind of stories, so that was a plus for me.
- I liked how the Mandalorian keeps getting new armor and equipment, that gives a real sense of progression, kinda like a roleplaying game.
- The scene with the two scout troopers in the last Episode was funny and gave me a sense that they were people under their helmets, even if they were assholes.
- I liked the music, it gave me a certain KOTOR2 vibe for some reason. I would have liked to hear a familiar John Williams tune or two in there, but I think it fit pretty well overall.
- The Ugnaught character was pretty cool.
A couple of things I didn't like:
- The fact that the MMA chick is able to beat up the Mandalorian through his armor is fucking stupid. Good luck defeating someone wearing heavy armor with your hands, no matter how strong you are. But I guess it's still a fantasy story and that's just the kind of shit you have to accept.
- Stormtroopers are fucking useless. They just go down way too easy and can't hit shit, the scene where they take out an entire army in episode 8 was especially grating.
- There's two or three episodes I didn't really like, not because they were bad, but because they were totally unrelated to the overarching plot. You could have just cut out the episode with the prison ship, for example. I think that one's my least favorite, for that reason.
Still, definitely the best thing Star Wars since the buyout. I'd even say it's the only thing worth watching.