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The Empire did nothing wrong

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Stormtrooper 12/09/2019 (Mon) 17:38:09 No.637
>Palpatine wasn't actually the REAL governor of the Empire, it was a strong independent womyn
Doesn't the comic actually show that she was just extremely delusional about her own sense of grandiosity and ended up with Vader getting rid of her? Sidious is still the mastermind.
Surprise surprise, Kennedy must have it in every contract that A) All male characters, who aren't representing a minority, is completely, utterly incompetent B)Undermine a male characters from existing Star Wars properties with your own Mary-Sue characters.
>All male characters, who aren't representing a minority, is completely, utterly incompetent
Finn's a nog and Poe is a taconigger and they've been pretty consistent with shitting on them and having them be upstaged by stonk wahmen. I'm pretty sure Kennedy just hates men.
> Poe is a taconigger
No he is actually jewish
Do you really think if he were a kike they'd be allowed to let admiral fish breath humiliate him?
First he admitted it in an interview hence "his jewish grandfather's name Oscar" (paraphrase of his own statement) also yes its part of their historical role in film watch the 3 Stooges, Scrubs, Seinfeld, or any film or media with jewish actors being abused by someone else is always part of their role wither its played for laughs, sympathy, or seriously it always happens.
Nah. All Palpatine does all day is sit on his butt collecting artifacts and killing jedi according to disney. The real ones running the thing are the imperial council and that old bitch.
You mean the one who he pointed out how her plan was shit and it went wrong exactly like he said, costing most of the survivors to be vaporized while trying to escape until purple pubes kamikazed. You mean that Jew that was ultimately correct? The same Jew that disobeyed a white woman to destroy a ship that would have one shotted the entire rebel fleet during the stupid low speed chase.

Finn is a nog, but is shown to be loyal, selfless(in his pursuit of white pussy), and an "hero" himself to save the day. They let him race mix with a chink so they could take it further by blacking Rey. I am betting that was Kennedy's plan all along
Well Tarkin did a good swathe of the work didn't he?
After watching the original Star Wars, you'd be hard pressed not to have the impression that Vader is just a brutish fanatic - who amounts to nothing during decision making, which is actually all Tarkin's. You might even guess that being a geriatric ace pilot is part of the reason why he's been blown to bits enough times to look like the tin man.

He is certainly intimidating in Empire, but again he demands results from subordinates instead of doing shit himself. A cruel leader doesn't need a reason to do what he wants, sure, but there's quite an air of pettiness to it.
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It perpetuates the jewish persecution complex.
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This isn't really relevant but pic related is something I'm kinda love.
>>906 You love your own posts? Interesting.
>>906 You know what? Yeah, I'll save it.
So where is Thrawn in the nu disney canon? Or did they have Holdo shit on him for her backstory?
>>1081 Wait, Thrawn is canon? Oh God, no.
>>1104 I believe there's a new trilogy of books for Thrawn but no fucking way I'm reading new canon.
>>906 cringe
>>1104 >Thrawn is canon? He's in one of Disney's animated series, isn't he?
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>>1107 They also had Zahn write a couple of new books about him.
>>1104 Someone post the video of him getting raped by space tentacles in Disney. Yes, that happens. >>1199 What a waste of talent. And it all amounts to nothing since we all know what Disney does to him in the end. Only decent book was the one of him teaming up with Anakin, but even then you can tell that Disney de-fanged Zahn pretty hard.
>>1199 Does his tactical genius still amount to "I discovered a weakness in my enemy that never existed before"?
>>1217 No. Now its "Hold on, let me take a look at this drawing. Okay, I can now read that dude's mind in real time. LITERALLY.".
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>>1275 >posting nu-Dessler Faggot.
>>1278 That wasn't nu-Dessler. There's 20 years of OVAs between the first series and 2199.
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