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Richard M. Stallman resigns Anonymous 09/17/2019 (Tue) 05:17:35 No.130
>On September 16, 2019, Richard M. Stallman, founder and president of the Free Software Foundation, resigned as president and from its board of directors.
>The board will be conducting a search for a new president, beginning immediately. Further details of the search will be published on fsf.org.
Like I said on 8/tech/ several times.
Archive fucking everything while you can, save money instead of being a consumerist drone and unironically move into a small village or innawoods.

I'm doing the first two, what are (you) doing?
>Archive fucking everything while you can
i've been using it actively for years now. i'm using it right now heheh. /retro/ and the guntstream from the other night got me looking around and i found this historical gem for computerphiles:
youtube-dl -i https://www.youtube.com/user/ComputerChroniclesYT/playlists
lol wtf, /tech/ doesn't support code tags? hotpockets, pls.
Archive metadata as well:
youtube-dl --no-call-home --no-cache-dir -i --write-description --write-info-json --write-annotations --write-all-thumbnails --all-subs --download-archive ".archive.txt" "$@"
Please move your cancer to /g/ and let this board be for actual discussion.

Missing in your post: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6405929/09132019142056-0001.pdf
From what I understand, Stallman is seen as defending rape, so no one wants him as a public figure anymore. I don't agree with the former, but I understand the latter.

In any case Stallman has lost his edge long ago. Hopefully the FSF can find someone with the same ideology but with a fresh view so they can be relevant.
thanks anon, i never realized that before.
Code tags have been turned on. New CSS has been added to the default theme so they don't look like the nigh unreadable default garbage.
If even RMS's autism isn't strong enough, there is truly no hope left
thanks good move anon.

#include <iostream>

int main() {
std::cout << "Hello World\n";
looks great anon. I'd like to use that css myself. care to share?
This. We fucking surrender and that's final. There is literally nothing we can do to stop them anymore. Thdy fucking won.

>Hopefully the FSF can find someone with the same ideology but with a fresh view so they can be relevant.
They fucking won't. The FSF will be compromised and all FOSS will be theirs to control forever.
At any rate, free software is dead forever and we will be stuck with botnets for all eternity. It'z time we write our suicide notes. It's all over.

Doesn't matter anymore. Inclusivity and progress won for all eternity and we will be bred out and our ideas will never be seen again.
No problemo. I just happened to leave it open in emacs. How convenient.

code {
white-space: pre;
border: 1px double #00FF00;
background: #000000;
color: #00FF00;
font-family: 'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace;
font-size: 105%;
max-width: 100%;
overflow: auto;
padding: 1em 1.5em;
display: block;
word-wrap: break-word;

code br {
display: block;

The code for the css is displayed with the css. How meta.
>How meta.
kek. Thanks mate, this is the perfect opportunity for me to begin learning a little CSS, been on my bucket list for a while tbh.
There is literally no way to escape the dystopia anymore. Everyone and everything will be controlled and our ideas will be bred out for eternity. It's time we admit defeat.
That looks pretty good. I wonder how hard it would be to get color syntax highlighting working here as well?
The future is inclusive and progressive. All of our hope is forever lost. The SJWs have scored the ultimate victory against us.

Embrace the blackpill, anon. We all have at this point. Hope is for the weak, but despair is eternal.
I'm pretty blackpilled but what do you even mean by giving up?
I'm not giving up yet, faggot.
don't feed the cianigger anon.
I always ignore him. But I'm just sick.
>Kyoani fire.
>Sadpanda happening.
>8chan deplatformed.
>RMS bullied out of his position.
There's so much one can take.
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I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you are just playing the other shoe in a good cop bad cop faggot cianigger act.

A. Other than the 8ch event, how does any of that shit actually affect you anon?
B. Man the fuck up.
>that you aren't just playing*
>how does any of that shit actually affect you anon?
With RMS out of the picture, there will be nobody to legally defend the GPL license. It will become null and void which will be the permanent end of FOSS.
Besides the Kyoani fire, it's a sign of what's comming.
This. Dystopia is coming and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Everyone and everything will be controlled and centralized for the powers that be for the rest of human history. We have literally nothing left to live for.
How come everything is shit?
Nothing good is ever allowed to happen to us anymore. Nothing will ever get better. We lose so fucking often that it's amazing we haven't all killed ourselves yet due to how fucking pathetic we are.
hmmmm I wonder what gender we is
>New CSS has been added to the default theme so they don't look like the nigh unreadable default garbage.
So now they look like unreadable eye rape garbage, thanks.
You're welcome, faggot.
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>board of programming sock wearing faggots are blackpilled
Not helping your case
>implying it isn't (((you)))
It seems that niggerpill is still infesting several boards like always.
Free software is dead. You should be blackpilled.
I'll take the blackpill the same day you take your own advice and become anhero.
The only black thing is giant dildo deep in your ass, faggot.
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Seriously. If you're going to act like a massive faggot and a hypocrite, I don't know how you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously. If you want to blackpill people, follow your own advice and stream yourself becoming an hero. I'm sure people will circulate the webm for you. Unless your goal is actually just some dumb reverse psychology or parody. If that's the case kill yourself anyway, because your faggotry is beyond belief.
can he just fork a new fundation that is anti faggots?
>Stallman is seen as defending rape
>defending rape
t. soylent
Based fucking luke smith once again dropping the big redpills. Actually no joke, he is right almost every single damn time
A lot of you faggots are missing the point. Free software cannot be defeated because it would simply get forked when pozzed. The only issue is software licensed with GPLv3+, would automatically become GPLv4 and this could be a cucked license. The fsf, gnu project and linux foundation getting pozzed only effects lazy *buntu users. I'm still on 4.19 kernel, you bleeding edge faggots are dumb goyim. Freedom is a state of mind and a constant struggle. Of course the world is full of evil people and corporations that want to enslave us, I'm not letting them win.. are you? Archive everything, practice OpSec, encrypt your shit and most importantly; git gud skrub. I bet all you blackpilled fags shitposting ITT use SystemD+gnu+canonical/M$+linux™
I thought he went uncle ted after self-doxing himself as a NEET living in a cuckshed on his dads land, while LARPING that he is innawoods. Only 9 seconds into this shitshow, and I can already feel the heat from this take.
He was still pushing out git commits for his ricing configs and larbs (although it's not really arch linux anymore) since his second last video and might be shitposting vocally on his pateron's mumble server.
I was never really a fan of his, but I completely agree with his take on RMS. This video has changed my opinion on him, seems like a lad afterall.
>he was still pushing commits
That's nice, but I don't really understand his project. It's just a script that pulls his dotfiles? Everyone already does that anyway. I like that he makes install wizards I guess, but I don't see why anyone would use software they can't set up themselves?
His larbs script is something you run after installing arch/void linux and should replicate Luke's settings and installed programs
He has a few notable projects that are way better like his mutt wizard (useful if you know how mutt works but want to automate setting things up easier) and his blog script (actually god tier alternative to the typical wordpress blog garbage or terrible neocities-tier content).
The people who actually installed larbs and then complained about not being able to type capital letters because they use caps lock only, Luke had a funny rant about it.
Oh, I thought it was an Arch installer that also pulled his dotfiles. I still don't see why you'd want to use someones elses set up, but eh whatever. I just checked out his blogscript and you're right, that shit is dope. I'm going to write something similar except using awk because I'm a nigger for my own site now that I've seen that, thanks!
Well yeah, that's why I don't get why you'd use someone elses configs. Everyone that uses a WM inbstead of a DE has their own autistic preferences. Also
>not remapping caps lock to escape
>actually using caps lock
If you check out his homepage he doesn't seem too concerned about all this and just wrote a quick log on his political notes page, ever since he converted to the global warming death cult he hasn't been the same.
>GPLv4 comes out.
>"It turns out the most important FREEDOM is respecting other people's FREEDOMs."
>"Therefore, GPLv4 includes a CoC."
>FOSS goes woke.
>FOSS goes broke.
>FANGs are the only ones in town.
>People trying to resist this say we should ask the government to break up big tech or regulate them or something.
>"Uh, I guess we can regulate them?"
>More regulatory capture ensues, now big tech's powers are cemented even more.
>At best there are now 5 more big tech firms. Nothing changes.
>Big tech increases copyright terms from 200 years to 2391579058 years.
>"Uh no, don't...more regulation maybe?"
>DMCA2 is passed, which gives Disney/FANGs control over all copyrights.
>The entire internet gets DMCA-claimed.
>You can only post on three available platforms.
Definitely. So, no more sitting around and relying on people like Stallman and Torvalds to bring back sanity when SJWs are trying to take over. But most tech people don't want to bother with politics, and so they just comply even when they're generally against it. This way the tech industry will get taken over without even fighting it. Because fighting it seems to be seen as ideologically inconsistent by apolitical types.
People need to go and start their own projects and organisations like Stallman did back in the 70's, based on your own ideals.

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