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/tech/ meta
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The Sticky
Welcome to /tech/
1. Please spoiler all porn and gore
2. Talk about something actually related to /tech/nology
3. Have fun!
Required reading
Beginner Info
If you would like to try out GNU/Linux because of, you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine (preferably using KVM or Oracle VirtualBox for newfriends).
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything (keep in mind that the performance of live distros might be very different than from distro that was booted from your HDD, as most distros are loaded in RAM and don't include the proprietary drivers for NVIDIA GPUs or up-to-date Mesa libraries in their isos).
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows (make sure to install Windows first, as it can "replace" GRUB or other UNIX bootloaders, and troubleshooting of Windows replacing your bootloader of choice might be painful for people that just started learning about the Linux kernel)
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux (you really shouldn't do this, if you don't know what you're putting yourself into, see:
Use your web browser and search engine of choice. Good comparison between them is hosted here:
If not sure which browser to choose, just use the Tor Browser Bundle:
or paste these commands to your terminal emulator of choice (please make sure to first learn what they're exactly doing):
$ sudo apt install torbrowser-launcher (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint or just simply apt-based distros)
$ sudo pacman -S base-devel git go && git clone && cd yay && makepkg -si
$ cd .. && rm -rf yay && yay -S tor-browser (pacman-based distros)
$ xbps-install -S torbrowser-launcher (Void Linux)
If you "bricked" yourself and can't launch Xorg/Wayland, then try installing an terminal-only browser like Lynx and using it troubleshoot your mistake.
Type these commands to your terminal emulator to learn more about various commands:
$ man command
$ info command
$ command -h/--help
$ help builtin/keyword
Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos something
Check the wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):
8chan /tech/'s wiki on GNU/Linux:
4chan /g/'s wiki on GNU/Linux:
Watch videos on JewTube:
>What distro should I choose?
1. Ubuntu, or it's flavors like Xubuntu, Kubuntu or even forks like Linux Mint (only LTS or LMDE) and KDE Neon (only LTS)
- Focal Fossa 20.04 is the beta of the next LTS (long term support) release of Ubuntu and is scheduled for official release on April 23 2020
- Eoan Ermine 19.10 is the semi-rolling release of Ubuntu (still containing mostly stable and out-of-date packages)
- Bionic Beaver 18.04 is the current LTS release of Ubuntu and thus is the most supported by corporations like Canonical (corporation behind Ubuntu) and it's partners, Valve, and hardware manufactures in general. It just works™
2. Debian GNU/Linux
- Stable (“buster”)
It's the stable/LTS and the "true" release of Debian. Contains a lot of outdated, but stable packages and is the easiest to install release of Debian.
- Testing (“bullseye”)
Is the testing release of Debian, which still contains a few outdated packages to be more stable. It's packages later go to the stable channel.
- Unstable (“sid”)
Is the rolling release of Debian and with the help of Debian Experimental, can be nearly as rolling as Arch or even Gentoo. It's packages after enough testing (usually a week) later go to the testing channel.
>How do I install Debian's experimental packages?
If you want something that has insane support and one of the largest communities out there, or just simply something that gives users more choices than Ubuntu, then this is the distro for you.
3. Arch Linux
Is a rolling distro with a semi-minimalistic approach to GNU/Linux, meaning you install it only from the console itself with pre-compiled binary packages (packages that are ready to install). Can be easily broken, if the end-user doesn't know how to avoid troubleshooting it. It's primary audience are users that want bigger control of their system. and people who want to stay on the most-up-to-date versions of their favorite programs. Good for learning how GNU/Linux works.
4. Manjaro Linux/EndeavourOS
Are forks of Arch Linux with the Calameres installer. Manjaro has it's own repositories, with package release channel similar to Debian's, while EndeavourOS tries to stay as close to Arch as it is possible. Decent, if you're one of those people which never read manuals.
5. Gentoo GNU/Linux
Is a distro that is very similar to Arch, but is much more stable and up-to-date thanks to you getting in control of configuring and compiling everything from the source code. Is also much harder/longer to setup than Arch's installation process, but compiling everything from it's source can result in overall better performance of programs that you use daily. Nothing can beat it when it comes to avoiding systemd. Perfect for learning how your UNIX systems actually work.
6. Linux From Scratch (LFS), Guix or NixOS
if somehow Gentoo didn't made you comfy with it, then with these distros you possibly can't get comfier except if you make the switch to BSD-based systems.
Even more info here:
If you don't care about having a modern desktop and want to avoid systemd, make sure to give the distros listed by this website a try:
If you prefer 100% libre, free as in speech distros:
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands? (doesn't work without JavaScript enabled)
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How can I run Windows software?
Install the drivers for your GPU:
Then install Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator) and preferably the 'Staging' branch of it:
Lastly read this:
Also, make sure to learn about winetricks, DXVK and Windows .dll files in general.
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The fact you cannot post on 4chan literally by any other means than a regular IP address is proof
It's a motherfucking honeypot.
I even was able to post briefly on my nameless vpn for about a week before it was blocked. Even if I don't get "Your IP has been rangebanned due to abuse" I will either get a 429 or "connection error" after hitting submit for a comment.
They know you're attemping to circumvent your regular IP, there is no way to fucking use that site anonymously. Before any faggots come in saying there is without saying how go fuck yourself deep in your asshole.
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Thoughts on qubes os?
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FOSS SJW Blacklist
The recent shitstorm about Stallman revealed more bad actors within the Linux/FOSS community and as developers and users we should fight to regain the civilization we built with our blood and tears from the encroachment of destructive "cancel culture" madmen.
We need to start by making of list of organizations and projects that are thoroughly infested with the rot. Avoid contributing effort and support to them and eventually they will crumble inwards as internecine group politics is no replacement for hard technical knowhow.
I'll start by listing a few:
Red Hat/IBM (Fedora, Centos)
PulseAudio (Red Hat/IBM)
SystemD (Red Hat/IBM)
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Privacy megathread
The downfall of telegram and the crackdown in the UK has made privacy and free speech more required than ever. Please post your favorite services and why.
Best messenger:
best privacy phone software and hardware:
lineageOS (pixel)
CalyxOS (pixe)
GrapheneOS (pixel)
DivestOS (oneplus)
Best VPN/anonynous internet:
Tor browser
What are their flaws? Why? What is your favorite? What are the honeypots?
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Where did everyone go?
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Linux is fucking garbage lmfao
If you use linux for anything other than tails OS or a server you're a low douchebag faggot
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Proton mail is dead, like this site.
Oops, something went wrong
There was a problem connecting to Proton.Please or check your connection.
Error: No network connection
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are there still any traditional forums with activity that don't suck, or is the old web dead?
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Post Notifier
I'm looking for a way to get notifications when posts are made on all my favorite imageboards as a way to
A) Discourage myself from spending hours aimlessly lurking dozens of sites and finding maybe one or two new posts, while I have stuff I really should be doing.
B) Encourage activity on these places by being able to respond promptly.
I want these notifications delivered to my phone, because I spend most of my time outside. I know /whitelist/ on Junkuchan has an RSS and an Atom feed, but I don't think most boards do.
If there's some app that already does this that would be cool, but it needs to work for any IB. I've tried out some IB browsers but they only work on a handful of boards, and never the ones I actually use, and with the current state of IBs to rely solely on some guy, who's probably knee-deep in a computer science major, and working on 6 other projects, to learn about every new IB I like and get it on their app doesn't seem practical.
And besides, I don't need a IB browser, just something that notifies me when a post is made. If this is something I'd have to make myself, I'm willing to do that, and if so, I'd love to be pointed in the right direction(s). I'm not particularly learned on computers or programming, but I've always been able to mash out anything that I set my mind to.
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Controller Issues
I have recently bought an 8BitDo SN30 Pro+ controller after it had been shilled to hell and back and it was pretty comfortable to play with, but I'm getting some issues with diagonal inputs with the analog sticks. More specifically, according to Windows 7 patented controller settings screen, I can't seem to get the cross in any of the four corners, no matter how hard I try or what settings I change using 8BitDo's software. Updated firmware doesn't seem to make a difference. More specifically, I'm having trouble when playing with emulated games that use wide and angled movements, think Crash Team Racing. I can play it no problem but it won't turn all the way left or right in tight corners for some reasons.
Is there a way to achieve that sweet corner movement, or is my controller just defective? It's such a joke that a Linq cheap PS3 controller can do what a 40 dollarydoos controller can't.
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BitChan Beta v0.9.0 Release
The BitChan beta just got released and is looking for people to try it out. It's a decentralized imageboard that runs on top of BitMessage. You can create and completely control your own public or private board, globally moderate as an owner, add admins who can also globally moderate, moderate your own instance locally as a user, upload literally anything with size limits theoretically up to 100gb. Uploads can be sent purely over BitMessage or you can choose to use a hosting service. Uploads that use hosting are subjected to heavy duty protection: every file is zipped, encrypted/password protected, the zip's header is removed and random chunks of the file are removed before being uploaded. The removed parts are hidden in the PGP encrypted message that's sent over BitMessage. Once the upload is received the zip is put back together again, decrypted, unzipped and displayed in the thread. 100% of BitChan traffic happens over tor. Private boards prevent posting from all but explicitly added IDs. The permitted ID list can be edited by the owner at any point to include new IDs or restrict old ones. On public boards any ID can post until it is banned, but because of how BitMessage works, you can always just make another ID. Communications on every board are PGP encrypted. This means that even if someone somehow guessed the board name on BitMessage (basically impossible for reasons I won't go into here), they would be unable to read anything without also having the BitChan PGP symmetric password. Owners can globally change CSS, banners and wordfilters. Owners can even wipe a board if they want. You can join and create as many boards as you want. There's also a prototype steganography thread running alongside of every normal thread. The steg thread shows decrypted steg from jpg/pngs. There are also public and private lists. Lists are just collections of links to boards or other lists. Owners can do much of the same moderation, CSS changes etc. as they can do on boards. They can be updated and edited after their creation. BitChan is fully dockerized so it is cross-OS compatible, but has only been tested with Ubuntu 20.04 and the most recent version of Whonix. I could go on about all the features (there's a lot more), but I just wanted to give you a taste. It's surprisingly fast for text only messages that total around 20kb or less and using hosting services for file attachments, taking usually only a few seconds to a minute depending on how many people are on your part of the BitMessage network.
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Whats to be planned preanimation when it comes to match physical correctness. Like dynamics and realism.
Especially when only having keyframe and poses
And a general hint of the complete motion
Or generally
How to. How to plan it. Based on the physics.
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If you wanted to create a website that only allowed Computer and Laptop users to browse, how would you go about it?
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If the restrict act passes the government can ban any technology they want.
If you access banned technology you will face up to a million dollar fine and 20 years imprisonment.
The RESTRICT Act is not limited to just TikTok. It gives the government authority over all forms of communication domestic or abroad and grants powers to “enforce any mitigation measure to address any risk” to national security now and in any “potential future transaction”
This includes the possibility of banning Tor/ I2P / VPN or even foreign CHAN sites in the name of "National security" under threat of fine/imprisonment for anyone caught using them.
Cosponsors / date
Sen. Thune, John [R-SD]* 03/07/2023
Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI]* 03/07/2023
Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE]* 03/07/2023
Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV]* 03/07/2023
Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS]* 03/07/2023
Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]* 03/07/2023
Sen. Sullivan, Dan [R-AK]* 03/07/2023
Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY]* 03/07/2023
Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]* 03/07/2023
Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM]* 03/07/2023
Sen. Romney, Mitt [R-UT]* 03/07/2023
Sen. Capito, Shelley Moore [R-WV]* 03/07/2023
Sen. Lujan, Ben Ray [D-NM] 03/08/2023
Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] 03/14/2023
Sen. Cramer, Kevin [R-ND] 03/14/2023
Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] 03/15/2023
Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] 03/15/2023
Sen. Hickenlooper, John W. [D-CO] 03/21/2023
Sen. Tillis, Thomas [R-NC] 03/21/2023
Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] 03/27/2023
Sen. Kelly, Mark [D-AZ] 03/27/2023
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WPA KRACK for dummies? faggots wouldnt release it untill everything is patched.
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commie shithole
I am living in a pre commie shithole and i need to denounce moles to anti commie parties before they fall into a trap, but there is no way to do it because american services dont let anonymous connections or check websites and private mails are just kicked to the spam folder, if i do it openly i am gonna get jailed before somebody read anything, any hint? for obvious reasons i cant post in open sites and i dont have a zombie machine or something like that, i am boomer i i want to do the right thing before dying.
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Reminder that you niggers shouldn't trust lunduke.
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male poon is shit
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Alternative OS thread
Personally, I believe that *BSD (minus FreeBSD) are the most realistic alternatives for Linux.
Pls don't start spamming "blackpills" or the "cuck license" bikeshed.
+ The default installation is very secure. OpenBSD has many interesting security features (pledge for example).
+ Competent developers who are committed to developing their OS
+ OpenBSD's sister projects like mandoc, OpenSSH and LibreSSl are cool
+ sndio sound server is comfy
+ Especially well-written man-pages and FAQs
+ Theo de Raadt is based
+/- Its developers and users expect you to at lest try to fix the problem yourself before they will help you. You get replies quickly on the mailing-lists. #openbsd @ Freenode is active.
+/- Doesn't have Bluetooth support anymore
+/- OpenBSD uses cvs
notes and resources
* OpenBSD Journal:
* Default package management: OpenBSD's ports and pkg_ tools. Currently has about 10578 packages in ports.
* The OpenBSD FAQ (the installation guide):
* Simply put, you can use
pkg_info -Q foobar to find a package and
pkg_add foobar to install it
* If you want, you can install the standard Ganoo tools:
pkg_add coreutils
* If you wish to run X11 (xenocara) you should also enable automatic starting of OpenBSD's DM (xenodm) during the installation
* The ability to run startx as regular user was re-added in 6.6 release, however, it is
still recommended to use Xenodm as startx
might pick the wrong driver in some cases, apparently
* You should install
ALL file sets during the installation
* If you have (created) a (MBR or GPT) partition with OpenBSD's partition type (A6) then OpenBSD's installer will recognize it and ask whether you want to install to that partition.
* OpenBSD gaming resource:
* Rundown of OpenBSD's security features: and
* You can install non-free firmware using the
fw_update tool. Its man-page is self-explanatory.
* You can install patches with
syspatch. Its man-page is self-explanatory.
* You can upgrade to the next release by using the
sysupgrade utility, which was added in 6.5 patch no. 012. (N.B. Be sure to read the man-page as you probably want to use the -k option!) You can read more about this feature from its announcement email (
* The
binary packages are now also getting updates on the latest "stable" release! Currently, updates for binary packages are provided on AMD64, i386 and arm64/aarch64 platforms. Previously, your only options were to either build from source or use pkgsrc if you wanted newer packages.
* If you want to install pkgsrc on OpenBSD, make backups of the original
pkg_info and
pkg_check binaries. (ProTip: use
whereis command and
Or install pkgsrc into your home directory (use ./bootstrap --unprivileged)
* I got pkgsrc working on OpenBSD 6.3 on AMD64, by using the following command-line: ./bootstrap --compiler clang --unprivileged --prefer-pkgsrc=openssl
* When you are creating disk partitions, you can specify a partition's size in (for example) gigabytes, by appending G to the desired size (for example, 42G means 42 gigabytes). (see also,
man 8 disklabel,
man 8 fdisk and
man 8 newfs)
R: 17 / I: 5 /
P: 3
Cross post from
>>>/meta/ 2 days ago
As the end draws near, I want to share my ideas on Final solution. Note: I am not an expert, this is just personal thoughts
>semi-centralized moderation
>anon via Tor/i2p/freenet/loki/Gnunet
>hierarchial tag based "boards"
Idea detailed:
>all posts + data(eg:images) is seed and transfered by p2p
>moderation providers can be subscribed, anyone can be a moderation provider
>moderation can be inherited with some personal changes
>banned posts/checksums/regexs will not be seeded
>anonymity can be provided through any chosen protocol
>overboard is root, eg: /tech/robowaifu, /pol/left
>no single point of failure
>easy moderation, semi-decentralized, less drama
>no central cost, no donation necessary (everyone keep their machine on all the time anyways)
Problems & possible solutions:
>cannot ban a poster
<regex ban possible
<whitelist style moderation provider
>post latency/conflict/feds mods
>moderation latency, problem for blacklisting moderation (eg:download CP before banned)
<don't decrypt/show posts after moderation lastpost counter
How is this better than the current model?
>Not everyone can pay for a server, but everyone has a computer
>Massive boards possible, with combined moderation and stuff
>grouping boards allows wide topic discussion and stuff
R: 9 / I: 2 /
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>literally dead
R: 19 / I: 1 /
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Arch Linux Eliteism
Does anyone know why the Arch community is eliteist? Out of all communities, they are the most eletist and toxic, even gentoo isn't that bad, despite similarities.
R: 83 / I: 15 /
P: 3
GNU/Linux-based OSes thread
If you would like to try out GNU/Linux because of , you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine (preferably using KVM or Oracle VirtualBox for newfriends).
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything (keep in mind that the performance of live distros might be very different than from distro that was booted from your HDD, as most distros are loaded in RAM and don't include the proprietary drivers for NVIDIA GPUs or up-to-date Mesa libraries in their isos).
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows (make sure to install Windows first, as it can "replace" GRUB or other UNIX bootloaders, and troubleshooting of Windows replacing your bootloader of choice might be painful for people that just started learning about the Linux kernel)
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux (
you really shouldn't do this, if you don't know what you're putting yourself into, see: ).
Use your web browser and search engine of choice. Good comparison between them is hosted here:
If not sure which browser to choose, just use the Tor Browser Bundle:
or paste these commands to your terminal emulator of choice (please make sure to first learn what they're exactly doing):
$ sudo apt install torbrowser-launcher (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint or just simply apt-based distros)
$ sudo pacman -S base-devel git go && git clone && cd yay && makepkg -si
$ cd .. && rm -rf yay && yay -S tor-browser (pacman-based distros)
$ xbps-install -S torbrowser-launcher (Void Linux)
If you "bricked" yourself and can't launch Xorg/Wayland, then try installing an terminal-only browser like Lynx and using it troubleshoot your mistake.
Type these commands to your terminal emulator to learn more about various commands:
$ man command
$ info command
$ command -h/--help
$ help builtin/keyword
Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos something
Check the wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):
8chan /tech/'s wiki on GNU/Linux:
4chan /g/'s wiki on GNU/Linux:
Watch videos on JewTube:
>What distro should I choose?
1. Ubuntu, or it's flavors like Xubuntu, Kubuntu or even forks like Linux Mint (only LTS or LMDE) and KDE Neon (only LTS)
- Focal Fossa 20.04 is the beta of the next LTS (long term support) release of Ubuntu and is scheduled for official release on April 23 2020
- Eoan Ermine 19.10 is the semi-rolling release of Ubuntu (still containing mostly stable and out-of-date packages)
- Bionic Beaver 18.04 is the current LTS release of Ubuntu and thus is the most supported by corporations like Canonical (corporation behind Ubuntu) and it's partners, Valve, and hardware manufactures in general. It just works™
2. Debian GNU/Linux
- Stable (“buster”)
It's the stable/LTS and the "true" release of Debian. Contains a lot of outdated, but stable packages and is the easiest to install release of Debian.
- Testing (“bullseye”)
Is the testing release of Debian, which still contains a few outdated packages to be more stable. It's packages later go to the stable channel.
- Unstable (“sid”)
Is the rolling release of Debian and with the help of Debian Experimental, can be
nearly as rolling as Arch or even Gentoo. It's packages after enough testing (usually a week) later go to the testing channel.
>How do I install Debian's experimental packages?
If you want something that has insane support and one of the largest communities out there, or just simply something that gives users more choices than Ubuntu, then this is the distro for you.
3. Arch Linux
Is a rolling distro with a semi-minimalistic approach to GNU/Linux, meaning you install it only from the console itself with pre-compiled binary packages (packages that are ready to install). Can be easily broken, if the end-user doesn't know how to avoid troubleshooting it. It's primary audience are users that want bigger control of their system. and people who want to stay on the most-up-to-date versions of their favorite programs. Good for learning how GNU/Linux works.
4. Manjaro Linux/EndeavourOS
Are forks of Arch Linux with the Calameres installer. Manjaro has it's own repositories, with package release channel similar to Debian's, while EndeavourOS tries to stay as close to Arch as it is possible. Decent, if you're one of those people which never read manuals.
5. Gentoo GNU/Linux
Is a distro that is very similar to Arch, but is much more stable and up-to-date thanks to you getting in control of configuring and compiling everything from the source code. Is also much harder/longer to setup than Arch's installation process, but compiling everything from it's source can result in overall better performance of programs that you use daily.
Nothing can beat it when it comes to avoiding systemd. Perfect for learning how your UNIX systems actually work.
6. Linux From Scratch (LFS), Guix or NixOS
if somehow Gentoo didn't made you comfy with it, then with these distros you possibly can't get comfier
except if you make the switch to BSD-based systems.
Even more info here:
If you don't care about having a modern desktop and want to avoid systemd, make sure to give the distros listed by this website a try:
If you prefer 100% libre, free as in speech distros:
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands? (doesn't work without JavaScript enabled)
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How can I run Windows software?
Install the drivers for your GPU:
Then install Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator) and preferably the 'Staging' branch of it:
Lastly read this:
Also, make sure to learn about winetricks, DXVK and Windows .dll files in general.
R: 5 / I: 0 /
P: 3
can anyone summarizes for me the general way to use ANY 3d softwaree to do
1. animation
2. vfx
5. texturing, skinning
like from important shortcuts to developing a whole project
R: 57 / I: 5 /
P: 3
If anyone can modify code of free software, why don't people make better versions of programs like GIMP and other free alternatives to professional software? Shouldn't we have several versions of different free programs?
R: 4 / I: 2 /
P: 3
Could a virus stop super A.I.?
Someone i know is doing HNC (Scottish) networking in college and they seem to be confident that they could just develop a virus that could destroy general A.I., something that will be infinitely more intelligent than us, i would think something so intelligent would have countermeasures against petty viruses. Can it actually be done or is he niggerlicious?
R: 50 / I: 10 /
P: 3
Everything is Dead
>8ch goes down
>cuckchan /g/ is shit
>/tech/ irc is dead
Where else is there left?
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P: 3
are there technology to choose words for manga/comic ? i have the characters and setup designed but choosing word by words for the page just freaks me out.
also is it readable
i need editor but im broke
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P: 4
looking books that talks about making system like this specifically [Open]
or something liek sega arcade stuffs (power drift, space harrier, air rescue, aqua jack so on etc) especially the physics model and how stuff sticks and not fall thru the floors despite the gaps between things and maybe lack of polygon meshes?
perhaps the behind the scene/making of logic...
hopefully includes several model/solutions of troubleshooting the same thing of why and whynots
Thank you!
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P: 4
i dont get rotation matrix used to do this... or homogenous coordinate or the inverse...mind explaining?
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 4
Helllo tech, help me understand matrix for 3d rotation of a 3d camera. what are they actually and what does it mean for screen space and world space coordinates when they are applied with MVP matrice
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P: 4
does anyone have a facebook magnet link?
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 4
Infinity Cup poll
Hey guys, /icup/ here with a question on how we're going to handle the next iteration of the Infinity Cup ( )
We're trying to poll whether certain boards are interested in playing in the cup, or if there's some specific team that you'd like to see play. If you want to, please answer or add your own answer to the poll in
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 4
Let's create a webring!
How do I join?
- a link to your website
- a 240x60 banner of your website
then add the others also in the webring
I'll start:
R: 1 / I: 0 /
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R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 4
The great awakening of world have began ladies in gentlemen.
Since when the great civilations of the world have hidden a secret that no man have revealed!
today will be you date to wake up from state of dream you been sleep for many centuries
maybe the goverments of world and the religious of world knows about it?
you are in state of a "DREAM from the metrix"
budda called it a 'illucion" life. reality being perceptual.The creation is holographic,
containing all.The entire creation is Cosmic perception in varying forms of vibrational
sound frequencies,containing octaves of knowledge.and forming dimensions containig that
knowledge Each of these dimensions are ordered by their own universal laws that apply to the
expansive potential of the information within the dimensions.
" Uncounsious mind"=data transfer.01 quatum computing.or autopilot.
The "preconscious" refers to the thoughts you aren"t actively thinking of but can call to mind
given the right trigger."Consciousness" the state of being awake and aware of one 's surroundngs.
"subconsciousness" of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not full aware but which
one's actions and feelings.So you see your whole life is about "thoughts,feelings,emotions.= reality.
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 4
how do you compute walking simulation of an organism given the legs and its locomotive features? maybe in 3d software animation or 2.5 d in 2d animation?
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 4
Robi's MultiScraper tool seems promising but broken (at least for me)
Not sure if this is the place to post this. Perhaps someone can give me some pointers, I attempted to use the MultiScraper tool that Robi wrote to do some board migration, however, the script seems to break and only can migrate one thread (files are not downloaded etc).
Link to the project. I've attached some screenshots to show the errors that I'm getting. For reference I'm using Python 3.8 (Ubuntu 20.04), and have followed the exact instructions on the repo (this is a LynxChan to LynxChan migration).
A question that I have that is not answered in the repo is however the target board should be established, in other words, should I make a blank board with the target board name, or just run the script and the script will make the board by default?
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 5
How to travel to the Deep Web
Welcome to the Deep Web, yet another World Wide Web.
How about a trip to the Deep Web?
More deeply, it is a web for those who seek the truth.
If you're new to the Deep Web, you'll find The Hidden Wiki, the most detailed guide you'll find.
First, let's get ready for the trip.
Download Tor Browser from here.
Come on, the Deep Web is right there.
Start your journey with The Hidden Wiki, a guidepost for travelers on the Deep Web.
Great links are collected.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 5
The Hidden Wiki
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 5
I just realized Terry revived God
Go in peace ,/tech/
R: 18 / I: 1 /
P: 5
the glow-in-the-dark RIAA niggers took down the github repo for youtube-dl and it seems that using the latest version no longer works on any videos that have copyrighted music in them. any other software for this? obviously something that rips the media and doesn't re-encode or anything niggerlicious like that
gas kikes
R: 72 / I: 5 /
P: 5
/tech/ support
Old thread is bumplocked. Lets have another "Questions That Don't Deserve their own thread" thread.
R: 26 / I: 2 /
P: 5
Post your servers, what you're working on, or what you plan on buying
or post anything, don't let this board get any more dead then it is
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 5
windows xp leak
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 5
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 5
I have a $800/$1000 budget.
What would be a good general purpose laptop to get under that?
R: 10 / I: 0 /
P: 5
Haskell general - see what other languages will introduce in 10 years
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 6
You forgot how micro$oft exchange (for some reason a majority of companies) still spam-file or grey list your server even when you have a perfect reverse proxy, DKIM and SPF. Still worth a try though.
R: 5 / I: 1 /
P: 6
What can we do to help mitigate spam on imageboards?
In the past few months I have noticed an increase of spam (especially political drama manipulation and website ads) mass posted on literally dozens to hundreds of imageboards at a time. I have no doubt this will increase as we approach the US elections.
How can we use technology to help mitigate the destructive impact of spam? One place where this is important is on political boards which often mistake political manipulation spam for legitimate contributions as it fits their board topic. It's also less obvious to people who use only one IB.
R: 14 / I: 1 /
P: 6
What do you use for encryption of your data?
R: 216 / I: 55 /
P: 6
Daily(or whatever) Programming Thread
What are you working on? Wether you just want to show off your shiny new program, or you need help with a programming issues, this is the thread for you!
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 6
Homebrew and Hardware Faggotry
I figured we can have a thread for hrdware shit. I'm planning out a homebrew CPU. This is my proposed microarchitechture. I've posted it on every other fucking imageboard. I might as well post it here. It's a pretty simple stack machine. I'll be making it from 74LS series TTL logic. I plan to use two 74LS181 for the ALU. The data bus will be 8 bit's, but the adressing will all be 16 bit so I can get a whopping 64k of ram for program memory and the stacks.
Also general thread for hardware and electronics projects.
R: 12 / I: 0 /
P: 6
The Python Pill
I'm having mixed feelings about this language. I've been recently tasked to write a project using it and part of me is really happy about how relaxing it is to code with it, that is to say, how braindead most of its functionalities are and how easy it is to just grab a module from someone else, try it, find out they forgot some very important functionality, just add it in post and use it as you please.
On the other hand, it's staggeringly heavy duty unless you're going for GPU processing and some design choices are just counter intuitive (why is there no Switch case? who thought that having different parts of code be separated by indenting them would have been a good idea?) - so I'm left asking you guys:
1) Is it worth it learning expansively over other languages?
2) What are your thoughts on its features?
3) Some neat modules you've found?
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 6
API's and Bindings thread
Holy shit, I just started using Lua 5.3's C api and it's so much cleaner than the 5.1 api I was using before. It makes it so easy to build out metatables for all the types that you're trying to bind. the luaL_checkX functions are a godsend too, it's a real breath of fresh air coming from certain other scripting languages. I think the SLOC I needed for binding easily went down at least 20% using this new interface. It's still got some warts like the lua_tolstring caveats, and the weird proxies and function metamethods for getters and setters, but I think it's a big improvement.
ITT Talk about binding things to other languages. Do any api's stand out to you as particularly clean, effective or clever?
R: 114 / I: 14 /
P: 6
Jewtube WOn't support Palememe no moe
R: 5 / I: 1 /
P: 6
New Jersey Style
What would it take for New Jersey/"Worse is better" style to make a comeback?
I feel like everything has gone downhill since phones made the MIT approach win out.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 6
>can't tell anyone that bill gates is a cunt any more because they'll think i'm a niggerlicious gullible Qoomer who doesn't understand primary sources
R: 19 / I: 9 /
P: 7
How long does it take for a noob like me who can barely code a christmas tree in java to become an 3l1+3 1337 hax0r?
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 7
Darkweb Exposed
R: 10 / I: 0 /
P: 7
R: 36 / I: 8 /
P: 7
R: 11 / I: 5 /
P: 7
display technology
So is OLED/microLED going to ever get market share, or will desktop users just be stuck scrounging up half-dead CRTs and buying mediocre LCD panels?
R: 7 / I: 1 /
P: 7 is 404'd
R: 8 / I: 1 /
P: 7
Why do niggers loves to make website look like this?
R: 36 / I: 6 /
P: 7
Fucko (((FUTURE))) tech thread RIP privacy
>It's a tracking app that will be uploaded onto our phones
>No way to turn it off(API), or a guarantee that it will be turned off once the memedemic is over
>non removable closed source
>insisting that it's private
>It's "anonymous" because we say so
deja vu, always gotta find ways to sugarcoat it
We're about to get zogged/china'd/pozzed even more, forever. Jewgle and Apple will
rape their users by permanently baking a GPS/wifi/BT tracking system into android and iOS updates itself as
clearly exploitable an update and API specially designed for governments along with it for "contact tracing". To use for... shit like:
>notice 'device_id' , 'query_string'
>they say all this user data caught and bought from such as randomly downloadable apps which request GPS location.
But it's not enough.
They are collecting WIFI+GPS+Bluetooth, and now on an even larger scale which means data alone can reduce it to where you live and whoever you came in contact with. The data alone is not private itself regardless of how much they claim it's "anonymous". And this Is only a will away from ID, Credit card, Social credit, so they can click on people like some faggot NPC in SIMS in the Tectonix data viewer and laugh looking at their SIMS NPC slaves while they can have it all under wraps like secret police without touching as much as a strand of hair. How convenient.
Right now the best governments can
quasi-legally get is cell tower triangulation without requesting straight up GPA data from userdata sellers. Governments could just say “hey look these 30 phones(people) were around this building.” But now with contact tracing you can legally place all these smart-phones in the same room with each other. On its own It’s a massive attack on privacy. In the larger context, were at the point where if you want privacy, at all, you virtually can’t own smart phone that's not offline, in the best case at least a non-proprietary one. You have to get a dumb phone. Or maybe a pinefone-tm. In any case it will be without WIFI, GPS and Bluetooth.
Funnily enough "COVID-19 contact tracing" is in fact quite similar to network analysis someone would want to do to crush an insurgency. Physical location is important, but building out a web of connections is also important, way more in-fact. But until now at least that information has not been so accurate that the individuals we're around are all identifiable and logged or at least not without a lot of trouble. Not anymore. I bet china uses the same system to measure social credit.
Buckle up, the
(((future))) is going to be so fun. The epitomy of the surveillance aparatus going to be installed, under the preface of "our protection" of course, its never going away after that. if Stalin was still alive right now he would jizz his pants so hard he would die. No one will have privacy ever again(at least with smart phones which is pretty much everyone because everyone is addicted to their phones and can't life without it for 2 seconds like crack cocaine).
R: 47 / I: 15 /
P: 7
Coronavirus thread
Given that the Mobile World Congress got cancelled and industrial suppliers are starting to feel the lack of cheap imported chinkshit due to all the shutdowns it's as good a time as any to have a thread discussing Corona-chan's antics from a /tech/nician perspective.
Summary of recent events:
>Apple, Samsung and others shut down their Chinese stores
>Wuhan funeral homes recieve around 100 bodies to cremate a day with the fire numbers rising, are understaffed and overworked to the brim
>More Chinks are infected and/or dying than can be transported to Hospitals or crematoriums
>Smuggling rings and militias formed around Wuhan and possibly other cities, attack helicopter formations spotted flying over neighbourhoods
>Hospitals don't have enough Masks or test kits for diagnosing let alone beds to house their patients, now supply lines of general medicinal goods are starting to choke too
>PRC economy at a standstill, CCP is paying businesses for now but many companies say they won't survive if it keeps up
>Corona cases outside of Chinkland keep rising in number, most of them on cruise ships
>Western companies and suppliers growing increasingly concerned at the lack of goods coming from China, automotive production set to be particularly affected due to all the parts produced in Chinkland
>On top of all that there have also been reported outbreaks of Bird flu and Swine flu among Chinese livestock
>CCP desperately trying to downplay and censor everything with help from the WHO
>MWC cancelled as every major participant drops out
How will Inthell, AMD, Jewgle and others handle this?
The majority of their fabs are situated in the PRC which is coughing with no survivors, they can't meet their production goals if the quarantine measures keep up and moving all their shit to India, South Africa or Venezuela can't be done in a short timeframe.
Map of infections:
Infection numbers with sources:
R: 2 / I: 2 /
P: 7
Does /tech/ use nVidia SLI?
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 8
On Refactoring
Does anyone have some good literature or resources on good practices for refactoring languages and creating wrappers and the like? I'd be interested in working on projects like that, now that I'm on forced leave.
R: 21 / I: 3 /
P: 8
E-readers/e-ink devices
Does anyone have insight into e-readers? It seems like the new Kindle Paperwhite's are the best for your money considering they're water proof. Can I use them without ever connecting them to the internet? Unfortunately all the ebay listings are for older models that suck dick and are barely going for under retail price so it's looking like I'm going to have to give amazon my dosh. Apparently the water proof ones have cellular capabilities, is this a security threat? Is there a "thinkpad" of e-readers that I've somehow missed? The only compelling alternative I've seen are the Nook Glowlight models, but they aren't waterproof.
R: 19 / I: 7 /
P: 8
8/tech/ is BACK
R: 786 / I: 122 /
P: 8
In a desperate attempt to get this /tech/ board going, Lets have a "Questions That Don't Deserve their own thread" thread. I'll try to answer anything I can, and I'm sure there are other people here with more know-how than me, who can help as well. Conveniently, That leads to the first question:
Does anyone here have any experience with the transmission-daemon? I've gotten everything set-up for my local server, but I'd like to move all of my currently running torrents to the daemon without adding each torrent file or magnet individually. Is there any way to do this? or a place where currently running torrents are stored?
R: 30 / I: 9 /
P: 8
IRL Opsec
With the glow niggers covering the globe with camera's capable of facial recognition, I'd like a thread dedicated to avoiding detection from these devices. I was reading about certain shirts with patterns on them that confuse AI for starters, but I can't find much information on it. Also I've never been one to wear hats or glasses, but I'm considering getting a pair to avoid facial recognition. Does this work and is it good opsec? Any other IRL related tech opsec discussion is welcome.
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 8
What do you think of Urbit? Is it just another hipster P2P/decentralization meme project? Moldbug wouldn't waste his time on that would he?
Does anyone have one? What have you done with it?
R: 36 / I: 9 /
P: 8
Pale Meme: the new alt-right symbol?
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 8
wikipedia is down
but is up
search anything and it will timeout
joke aside, anyone know what is going on?
R: 13 / I: 3 /
P: 8
Automation AI revolution is here
>Virus spreading rapidly killing people
>China has been running their factories for weeks while their population is locked in their apartments
They're killing us off and replacing us with robots aren't they?
R: 65 / I: 9 /
P: 8
Project Thread
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 9
ACM Library is free for a few months
Plenty of things worth reading on here as a supplement to books you should've gotten off libgen already. Beats picking through a poorly sorted torrent if you ask me.
R: 34 / I: 4 /
P: 9
Intel Management Engine Has NSA Kill-Switch
>According to a highly technical blog post, Positive Technologies experts revealed they discovered a hidden bit inside the firmware code, which when flipped (set to "1") it will disable ME after ME has done its job and booted up the main processor.>The bit is labelled "reserve_hap" and a nearby comment describes it as "High Assurance Platform (HAP) enable.">High Assurance Platform (HAP) is an NSA program that describes a series of rules for running secure computing platforms.>Our DMA malware DAGGER is not executed on the host processor. It isexecuted on the processor provided by Intel’s ME. No additional hardware is
required. DAGGER implements a sophisticated isolated runtime attack on user
input. Additionally, our DMA malware could steal cryptographic keys, target
OS kernel structures in an attack, and copy files from the file cache. is old news, but the new board needs a new reminder that until RISC-V hardware becomes readily available, no amount of free software will protect you from glow nigger spying.
R: 4 / I: 2 /
P: 9
Libbie thread
Fuck it, it's been too long since we had one and we missed the last anniversary thread. Time for more Libbieposting!
I'm also sharing those Libbie folders to IPFS, since the previous uploads kept going down. I can't keep my machine on all the time though so some seeders would be appreciated.
R: 16 / I: 5 /
P: 9
Handheld Computers
What is /tech/'s opinion on devices like the Smach Z and the GPD Win series and their potential for software freedom? On the one hand, having the same functionality as a laptop packed into the size of a handlend system like the 3ds could potentially let you do some pretty cool stuff. One blog I saw talked about putting Kali Linux on a GPD Win 2 and using it as a more subtle tool for wardrivng, for example. But on the other hand, they're still (((modern hardware))) so they're probably backdoored to hell and back at the very and won't be able to be 100% pozz free anytime soon absent some firmware-flashing breakthrough.
Any recommendations/advice? Where I can get one firsthand in particular? I was thinking about getting one and maybe trying to install something like Retroarch on it to emulate older vidya on the go. Maybe sort through text/images/etc with /k/ and /pol/ stuff too, but that might be a bit risky w/o any idea of what kind of backdoors might be hiding. But I didn't have any luck finding anything available online the last time i tried that wasn't a secondhand offer and I'm not interested in chancing get broken shit I can't fix at a price tag of hundreds of dollars.
R: 18 / I: 9 /
P: 9
archives thread
hey Anons. the board on 8chan was literally a treasure itself. Now they're all gone. I mean i know many threads has scrots on or internet archive but it doesnt contain media. I miss mostly the /fucko/ threads.
Anyone has archives of /tech/ or tech related contents?
R: 11 / I: 3 /
P: 9
Botnet ID
Bill "Chip'in" Gate has come for us amid the attack of corona-chan. Discuss countermeasures and projections.
R: 14 / I: 3 /
P: 9
Install Gentoo Wiki
R: 8 / I: 0 /
P: 9
DVD Region Code Software
The damn kikes are at it again. This time it's the region code bs for a DVD. I am trying to play and rip a DVD to upload for someone on the /film/ board. Know of any region-cracking or region-changing software (preferably, CLI based) for DVDs?
R: 10 / I: 1 /
P: 9
emerge --emptytree @world
Given the chance to start over, how would you redesign the world of computer? Is it still von neumann architecture? How many registers? What langauge or what would be ideal language for system programming?
R: 21 / I: 0 /
P: 9
Tor Services
Is there something like neocities or for Tor websites (and/or other darkwebs, like I2P, Freenet, Zeronet, but Tor in particular)? I'd like to start up my own simple site, but I don't have a permanent server.
Pardon if I'm asking something retarded here.
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 10
RMS Birthday
Remember to wish him a happy birthday
R: 13 / I: 9 /
P: 10
Tech Hardware Discussion Thread 1: Never buy HP products edition
Discussion for all things Hardware. Buys, Wants and recommendations.
I obtained a HP Probook 64xxb recently however the machine bios was locked along with the OS selection, I researched for about 30 minutes and found leaked OEM bios restore keys along with the functionality to enter bios reset and flash mode insert OEM key it was easy as fuck even a child could do this. What i did on probook was doing a combo of f10 pushes to then install Linux. It's fucking pathetic to sell such a glaring factory backdoored product like this and these were marketed to the professional sector.
I'm also considering purchasing a LG 27GL850-B for a nice 4k screen, stingy price but something tells me with china going down and innolux closing shop thanks to corona sama panels may not be properly available for some time.
FREE Recommendation: TPM chip functionality. It can be added to LUKS and even used as auth for such things as servers and on system PC adding layer of security to any filesystem. Very useful and very overlooked little chip.
R: 31 / I: 0 /
P: 10
SOY 9000
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 10
Free Tor IB
Hi! About 2 days ago I created a Tor service that allows you to get your own imageboard. You can pick either Vichan or LynxChan. You will need to register, but it's free. No email verification needed, only a non-JS captcha. You can create up to 2 imageboards.
You will get a
REAL imageboard with full control. No CP is allowed btw. This service is the first of its kind for imageboards. It's tor only.
>tor address http://ibhostr63abm7764.onion
R: 3 / I: 1 /
P: 10
do you still visit old fashioned message boards? how many forums are thriving out there in this era of social media and discord? how much do they have left?
R: 33 / I: 2 /
P: 10
>Go to website.
>Have noscript installed.
>Page is completely fucking blank.
>Temporarily allow some scripts.
>Fucking text of the article actually appears.
>This isn't some MSM site either.
You don't need
that much javascript to where you can't even see anything on the page without it. Dear lord.
R: 45 / I: 1 /
P: 10
where do you guys go to chat?
>inb4 Discord
R: 13 / I: 2 /
P: 10
Meta-Machine Code
I had a thread on 8chan's /tech/ for this program of mine and, now that I've found this place, I may as well make one here.
Featured in the image is my Meta-Machine Code targeted at CHIP-8; on display in that is a Rule 30 program I've written in CHIP-8. This is what I consider an ideal machine code development tool that I envisioned years back and have by now breathed life into.
An assembler is a lesser tool, I believe, lacking an intimate knowledge of what it targets and being a batch tool; my MMC is interactive and asks the programmer to recall little about the machine code being used, as it will explain in suitable detail all instructions it knows of; further, as programming is accomplished through instructions bound to keys, rather than to mnemonics, it's easy to simply press keys and answer questions until one learns what the keys are bound to. Invalid instructions won't be generated; an assembler will simply fail with an error. I've more recently come to believe the tool could have pedagogical worth, as one can simply learn the tool as it's used, which isn't reasonable with an assembler and its assembler language.
Here's some articles I've written concerning this tool of mine, which will give you details and demonstrations:
The version currently available is old and out-of-date compared to what I'm using. The program is in a state where only I can really use it, for a variety of reasons. I've been wanting to write an Ada reimplementation, but I've found that the idea isn't nearly structured enough to the degree Ada requires and the Common Lisp implementation I've is a mess I've been reluctant to work on.
Simply put, Common Lisp is that language I'm most skilled with and the flexibility it provided allowed me to hang myself with tangential considerations. Wanting for a proper customization mechanism that wasn't Lisp, I thought a machine code was an appropriate mechanism to customize a machine code tool and the least arbitrary choice; as CHIP-8 lacks the power to do such a thing, however, I designed a Meta-CHIP-8 and the current implementation of the tool is a shell around this environment, with the
personality of the tool being written in Meta-CHIP-8. This is, of course, a mess.
My current plan is to rewrite the Common Lisp once more in a more structured fashion and lacking Meta-CHIP-8 and I expect after that I'll have the structure necessary to translate the Common Lisp to Ada. I can still work on the primitives the Ada version needs and will use, but the overall organization of the packages and whatnot lacked the structure I thought it should have. I've also written my own terminal library in Common Lisp and this is something I've not yet published in Ada, which is another requirement down the way.
In any case, feel free to ask me any questions concerning this or other works of mine and I'll do my best to provide an answer. Now, the argument could be made this doesn't deserve a thread, but I thought this place could benefit from the activity and I'm suitably interested in it.
R: 9 / I: 3 /
P: 10
New Systemd Logo
What do you guys think?
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 10
What's a fun interactive thing I can do with a VPS? I don't want to use it for a Tor exit node because that's not interactive and I don't want to use it for an imageboard either because that's gay.
I was thinking as a site where people can just dump a message. Like a text board but without post numbers and stuff.
R: 8 / I: 0 /
P: 11
/icup/ team
We may be an uncultured dead board with only 5 users (all me), but I'll be damned if we can't generate a bunch of characters to compete in the
>>>/icup/ .
The most prominent (only) game in the icup is watching the AI of Pro Evolution Soccer '17 play against itself. Our job is to provide 22 players (half of them on the bench), team colors, an anthem, a logo and tactical settings for the AI.
Players can range from Stallman to NoScript to how2anonymous, while the anthem can be anywhere from Don't copy that floppy to the theme of Mr Robot.
R: 62 / I: 9 /
P: 11
Why did 8chan's technology board not have a bunker?
R: 5 / I: 8 /
P: 11
Botnet discussion thread
Discuss Botnets/new vulns/HW/%other and how to best avoid the paranoid ((overlords)) harvesting info and relevancies here.
Reminder if you still use Winblows you are a part of the cattle botnet with 0 freedom. Even if you HAVE TO use it, preferably use it as a shell system with nothing, with a good distro on other screen. There's no good reason to use this trash. There is also no good reason to let them do static data collection and illegally violate your privacy.
R: 6 / I: 0 /
P: 11
Does anyone know how to wholly replace a syslinux boot with grub2?
I'm trying to load some squashfs read only live usbs but I need grub so I can pass some grub commands before the kernel loads. syslinux is A SHIT and there are no useful modules like in grub. The live images have the kernel separate from the system rootfs, and I have no problem targeting the kernel in grub, and the initrd seems useless from what I could see from the init script in it, like I could just pass flags to the kernel directly instead of fucking around with a bunch of useless if statement busybox bullshit.
I managed to get it to work for one system, with no initrd and everything, but I can't reproduce it in a second system.
Why is everything a fucking script and all the real commands undocumented.
Anyway, I've been working at it for ages and tomorrow I'll just try the hail mary of passing grub-install to a drive with the live image written and see if it overwrites the syslinux bullshit, but I was hoping anons here might have a better idea.
Also, what are the odds of getting a working system from source off github? I've never done a custom build, but I need to because I want to include some legacy drivers as well as grub. Everything seems to be automagically made with bootroot and docker but it doesn't really tell me how to build a custom version.
for clarity, I have no problem getting to grub and booting the efi files, but the kernel can't find the squashfs root even though I pass the flags, so something's fucking up in my /boot/grub/grub.cfg, and yes I'm writing it by hand because I'm autistic like that.
R: 19 / I: 2 /
P: 11
It looks like Xfce is joining the header bar retardation movement. Soon it will become another one of these touch oriented GUIs, chanting "elagant usability" while making everything less intuitive just like Gnome.
Version 4.14 already possess deep PulseAudio tendrils. Version 4.12 may had been the last sane release of the old fast mouse.
R: 9 / I: 1 /
P: 11
The Joys of 2FA
>try to login to shithub to fork something
Hi there WE didn't recognize your device. Please give us your phone number.
>Please verify your device
Looks like shithub fully joined the list of ass cancer "services" on the internet. Well played microsoft it took just 1 year.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 11
Happy international libre source day
R: 11 / I: 0 /
P: 11
Cops locate person through Sirius satellite radio
>VALLEY CENTER, Calif. (KGTV) — Using a satellite radio "ping" signal, local deputies were able to track down an attempted murder suspect at a North County casino early Saturday.
>Just before 2:30 a.m. Saturday, Valley Center Sheriff's deputies were alerted to the suspect, identified as 54-year-old Steven Salas, who was wanted for attempted murder, criminal threats, and felony domestic violence.
>Using information about Salas' vehicle provided by Imperial County deputies, local authorities were able to track down Salas by sending a "ping" to his Sirius satellite radio. His vehicle was then located at Harrah's Rincon Casino in Valley Center.
>When deputies say they tried to make contact with Salas, he fled the casino and led deputies on a pursuit.
>A spike strip was successfully deployed and Salas ended up driving back toward the casino before pulling into a nearby gas station, where he was arrested, deputies say.
>No one was injured during the pursuit.
>Salas has been booked into San Diego County jail on several felony charges.
R: 24 / I: 1 /
P: 11
Setting up Protomail anonymously
I'm trying to set up an email account to use with my board here, but my old email apparently won't receive emails now. I want to go ahead and set up a Protonmail account, but in the setup process they ask you to fight 'spam' by confirming your identity with either email, SMS, or a donation. I tried several of the burner emails from guerrilla mail, but proton say these are all 'temporarily disabled, please try another'.
I certainly have no plans to give them a real email or phone number, and don't have a good way to give them a donation to help 'fight spam'. Any suggestions /tech/?
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 11
Ubuntu LTS Survey
R: 3 / I: 1 /
P: 12
Why is it so hard to find decent ARM boards? All I want is a low power ZFS server, but I can't find a motherboard to suit my needs.
Does anyone actually have a good ARM motherboard?
R: 24 / I: 6 /
P: 12
How to into "webdev"?
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has gained the interest of making or running their own imageboard because of the 8ch incident. But how do you actually do it?
Anyone can install node.js and start fucking around, or do what a minecraft port forwarding tutorial tells you to, but if you want to be serious about this stuff you need to actually understand what you're doing and why you're doing it. What if your server stops working properly and the problem isn't "it crashed"? You'd have no idea what to do because you just installed some shit without understanding them and their roles. How do you learn how this stuff works? Are there any good books on it or something? What keywords should you put into a search engine in order to find the right stuff?
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P: 12
Reiser5 In Development
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P: 12
He's back baby
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P: 12
Alright. These guys are going to be very pro-privacy, technologically literate, anti-copyright la—the site’s SSL is deprecated, it’s filled with shit javascript, and it has one of those “Fuck you, accept the cookies” banners along the bottom.
Dear lord what the hell happened with this dumpster fire? Isn't this supposed to be the pirate party? What the fuck?
R: 125 / I: 9 /
P: 12
Advent of Code is coming're 20 days out, which is clearly not enough time for 8kun/tech/ to come back.
20 days out is also about as much preparation as you'd need to use Advent of Code to learn a new language. So:
1. are you competing this year?
2. what language(s) are you going to use?
3. where are you going to talk about the puzzles?
R: 23 / I: 5 /
P: 12
Help save RMS and Free Software
R: 5 / I: 0 /
P: 12
Old /tech/ thread
Finally got that mac mini hdd issue sorted, so might as well make this thread. Any recommendations for osx 10.4 software? Anything I had on there is pretty much gone now.
R: 6 / I: 1 /
P: 12
Artificial neurons developed
Scientists from the University of Bath report the creation of artificial neurons that reproduce the electrical properties of biological neurons onto semiconductor chips.
I'm hyped, imagine the possibilities, looks like i won't have to die from Alzheimer's disease after all, by the time i'll become senile these chips might be powerful enough for healthy people to use them to enhance themselves. Imagine having a second brain inside your brain, or better yet a cluster of these chips so that you don't lose a big chunk of consciousness if/when a chip brakes.
R: 9 / I: 2 /
P: 13
>fuck around with Ram because one died and jesus itself on the 3rd day
>boot manager missing
<check the fucking cables
<one disconnected
<connect it
>boot manager still missing
<go in boot
>secondary HDD as primary boot device
<lose shit because it's not
<switch back to SSD everywhere
>Boot Manager still missing
<know for certain it's on SSD because it was a solo drive install
<put all disks in boot sequence
>pc turns on
This fucking thing was moved on one of the other drives. AGAIN!
Why does it do this me?
Why does it always move the fucking boot to another drive without my say so?
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 13
elementary OS 5.1 'Hera' Linux distro is here
By Brian Fagioli>elementary OS has long been viewed by many as the future of Linux on the PC thanks to its beautiful desktop environment and overall polished experience. Development of the Ubuntu-based operating system has been frustratingly slow, however. This shouldn't be surprising, really, as the team of developers is rather small, and its resources are likely much less than those of larger distributions such as the IBM-backed Fedora or Canonical's Ubuntu. And that is what makes elementary OS so remarkable -- its developers can make magic on a smaller budget.>Today, the latest version of the operating system is released. Code-named "Hera," elementary OS 5.1 is now available for download. Support for Flatpak is now baked in — this is significant, as the developers explain it is “the first non-deb packaging format we've supported out of the box.” The Linux kernel now sits at a very modern 5.0. One of the most important aspects of elementary OS, the AppCenter, is now an insane 10 times faster than its predecessor. Wow.>"elementary OS 5.1 Hera takes the same foundation as Juno -- utilizing the same underlying repositories and libraries—but builds on it with a refined experience. It is the culmination of our work over the past year packaged up into one cohesive update. As such, the 5.1 number represents that it’s a major update, but not an entirely new version (which usually come around every two years). It’s still significant enough, however, to deserve its own name and identity," says Cassidy James Blaede, Co-founder and CXO, elementary.>Blaede further says, "The newly redesigned login and lockscreen greeter looks sharper, works better, and fixes many reported issues with the previous greeter including focus issues, HiDPI issues, and better localization. The new design in Hera was in response to user feedback from Juno, and enables some nice new features. It now always shows usernames for all users, shows users’ backgrounds as cards so you can more easily find users who maybe haven’t set differentiating avatars, notifies when Caps or Num Lock are on, and makes “Log In as Guest” more distinct when it’s enabled."Apps are also a big focus of elementary and Blaede shares improvements below.
Calendar received a major redesign that is brighter, cleaner, and more usable -- plus we've improved support for recurring events.
Camera is now faster and compatible with many more webcam models.
Photos has new checkerboard-backed translucent image previews and improved dialogs throughout the app.
Music is greatly improved with more discoverable keyboard shortcuts, better performance, more reliability, and a fresh new orange accent color.
Videos supports auto-queuing the next episode, plus improvements to keyboard navigation and audio track titles.
Files is one of the first to support the new cross-desktop CloudProviders API which currently integrates with NextCloud.
Code has more discoverable keyboard shortcuts and greatly expanded git integration.
Terminal has better-exposed keyboard shortcuts and improved contrast.
>Overall, the number of changes and improvements found in elementary OS 5.1 'Hera' is overwhelming -- I highly recommend reading the official announcement here for all the details. Quite frankly, it extremely impressive to see what the developers have accomplished in Hera. Make no mistake, even though this is technically a point release, the move from 5.0 to 5.1 is substantial. If you want to download it for yourself, you can get it here.
R: 14 / I: 10 /
P: 13
quantum supremacy
How long until this /tech/ starts showing up in PC's?
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 13
The Linux Foundation bans someone from wearing a maga hat 3 years ago
TL;DR Social justice people banned random guy 0357209 from a linux conference because he was wearing a maga hat 3 years ago.
I wanted to migrate on the hurd in the future but since the GUIX letter to ban RMS from the GNU project and that one of the three people working on it signed it I'm kinda disturbed.
Is there still a tech place that isn't infected with malicious niceness ?
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 13
Best little programs in town
What are some programs that you use regularly yet never see hype surrounding them?
Here are some of mine:
arandr - intuitive gui version of the randr screen resolution configuration tool that just werks
redshift - saves my eyes regularly
torify - run anuthing through tor with very little effort
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 13
What have you been doing?
I've been trying out Vulkan, even though my GPU does not support it.
What did I learn?
1. I found out that apparently the Vulkan loader shits itself if the executable that calls it exports the same symbols as Vulkan. libGL does not do this.
2. I learnt that my executables actually have bunch of symbols in .dynsym. It seems GCC/Clang likes to put global symbols into .dynsym if the executable links to a shared library that exports those symbols. I wish it didn't do that. I solved the problem by renaming the affected variables.
Once again I was bitten in my ass due to linkers being wonky. This problem would not have occurred had the linker worked differently. If nothing would be imported/exported without explicit user direction, I don't think linking problems would be so annoying or common.
Is there any reason (other than Unix autism) why image files do not specify the library from which a symbol is loaded? It sounds retarded to have some kind of load priority, when one could just specify the library manually.
R: 6 / I: 0 /
P: 13
Buying, selling, exchanging funds
What are some truly anonymous ways of transferring funds? Crypto currency generally all seems like a massive scam and not even truly anonymous. Is the closest you can get the postal service? The problem with that is you can't receive funds anonymously that way, only send them. I don't think I can reasonably come up with a method of being paid for services anonymously. Even if you open up a PO box in a fake name or something the glow niggers now have a physical location they can monitor for you. Anyone have ideas on how to overcome this?
R: 32 / I: 45 /
P: 13
webbum thread
Post your weebms. mp4 and whatnot allowed too, of course.
R: 6 / I: 8 /
P: 13
Whatever happened to TempleOS?
Did those two faggots ever get a hold of it? I miss Terry.
R: 10 / I: 3 /
P: 13
Blender 2.80
R: 14 / I: 0 /
P: 14
I want to get gud at DESIGN. Not the programming ends of things, but user interfaces and how things look artistically. I'm not sure if this is a good question for /tech/. Web design and css tricks wouldn't be bad, but I'm really just looking at making better interfaces in a lot of what I do in general.
R: 19 / I: 1 /
P: 14
I want to teach my youngest brother to type. How should I go about it? webm entirely unrelated.
R: 4 / I: 6 /
P: 14
Idea Thread
Post your ideas here.
Here's mine: An emulator with online multiplayer.
R: 15 / I: 3 /
P: 14
Richard Stallman To Continue As Head Of The GNU Project
>While Richard Stallman resigned as president of the Free Software Foundation last week, he just announced he'll be continuing as head of the GNU Project.
>RMS just wrote in a brief mailing list post: On September 16 I resigned as president of the Free Software Foundation, but the GNU Project and the FSF are not the same. I am still the head of the GNU Project (the Chief GNUisance), and I intend to continue as such.
>He hadn't elaborated any further on his GNU plans moving forward besides that he intends on remaining at the front of the GNU Project. But perhaps with more time on his hands now with having resigned from the FSF and MIT, maybe we'll be seeing more code contributions from Stallman to the likes of GNU Hurd.
R: 71 / I: 10 /
P: 14
Richard M. Stallman resigns
>On September 16, 2019, Richard M. Stallman, founder and president of the Free Software Foundation, resigned as president and from its board of directors.
>The board will be conducting a search for a new president, beginning immediately. Further details of the search will be published on