/tech/ - Technology and Computing

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Anonymous 08/29/2019 (Thu) 02:40:44 No.49
Why did 8chan's technology board not have a bunker?
Over the last few years the board was overrun by /pol/ types who think 5G is giving them cancer and the board owner either quit and was replaced or got brain cancer from his 5G phone, because he started acting like a huge retard. Regardless of where they went after 8chan went down, there's nobody of value left.
>/pol/ was the problem
>not the Polish tripfag kikes that shit up every thread
We had endchan, but no one wasn't to post on that shithole so it never got used.
We have a /tech/? Hell yeah! I didn't even notice.
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Just post here or on lainchan. I don't understand the problem
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<namefag communists
I stopped posting there when it became obvious that it was run by attention whores. Didn't one of them show his face on webcam awhile back during a fund raising event?

I don't know why such a good anime attracts so much autism.
because of its postmodern aesthetic
I used to drop by from time to time. When Stallman was forced to resign you had trannies in support of it. The board was about 50/50 on the matter. It was fucking pathetic.
that place is a dumpster fire.

>the BO of 8ch's /tech/
he was one of the gvols

>Polish tripfags
It's kind of pathetic that they become so butthurt after tripcodes/names got disabled that they actually wanted to ruin the board even more.

>Didn't one of them show his face on webcam awhile back during a fund raising event?
Actually, one of them showed something even worse

Not only did the admins/mods reveal their faces but the most of the mods turned out to be underage IIRC.
If that wasn't bad enough, the original owner (Kalyx) turned out to be a literally a faggot and a camwhore. He masterbated during a stream (what makes it even worse is the fact that it was his pathetic attempt to whore out for donations) Anyways, afterwards, the original owner sold the imageboard to Appleman1234. Afterwards, when Kalyx found out he still had access he wiped out the Lainchan's server as a ""joke"". And ofc there weren't any backups of posts...

I used to browse Lainchan, too, but I left for the same reasons. idk what happened, but at least like half of the userbase are wannabe 1337 hackers or tranny commies who politicize everything they touch. there is also arisuchan but I doubt that it's any better as it has (at least partially) same admins and mods as the old Lainchan.
Holy shit! I couldn't believe the tor bunker is still alive'n'well! After some allegations that owner might pull the plug because some glowniggers might find out its location and spam their favorite central processor collection.

Bless Terry!
Death to glowniggers!
BASED LUA, not unbased php.
Tech is a fuck, hack 'em all.
18446744073709551615 XORED BITS.
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>can't find the /tech/ tor bunker no matter how hard I look
Its really fun looking through different sites and archives for it, but It feels like I'm finding every hidden TOR site and chan other than the one I am looking for.
You probably already found it. If these fags are talking about what I think they are talking about and it seems like they are.
Seriously, where is that and where's the /pol/ one too? And by that I don't mean the Wehrmachtboos, I mean the guys who look into declassified documents and shit.
Either the 08chan at Zeronet or Nanochan. 08chan is retarded and Nanochan is full of losers trying to show off how special they are just for being there. Sincerely JulayWorld has the best /tech/.
That reminds me, hasn't it been 2 years since the LO happening already?
If I wanted to post with bots I'd become a redditor.
Anime attracts autism and losers the same way Sonic and Pokemon go. If you want people to take you seriously and value your opinion don't attach a cartoon to it.
Anime spergs are just closet pedos, why else do you think it's mainly about underage girls?
> Implying any competent /tech/nician would enable UPnP on their AP
> Implying people on 8/tech/ weren't already paranoid about giving the govt a reason for a search warrant
> Implying Zeronet is a good idea

That's not the /tech/ I remember
this is an anime website. go back to >>>/reddit/
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>anime triggers him
lurk for 20 years faggot
Don't feed the faggot he's shit up every board here with the same post.
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It's important to bully normalfags anon. You don't want them to feel welcome, do you?
Just because 5G is non-ionizing radiation doesn't mean it has no influence on biological processes.
>just because 5G doesn't have an influence on biological processes doesn't mean it has no influence on biological processes
Quality /tech/, as always.
>there's nobody of value left.
Certainly you seem to fall into that category, judging by the quality of your contribution here friend. Thankfully there are several here who aren't in your ranks of the mediocre.
Go away Jojofriend.
This is what gamergaters act like
>Heuh heuh if I'm annoying it triggers him so it's a good thing

Maybe the reason people turn on anime is the annoying twerps who can't stop posting it?
Get this shit back on topic.
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8kun is slowly coming back, but where's /tech/?
Someone made a /techbunker/ on 8kun. It's even slower than here.
>cuckime soytoon
Migration is way slower than board creation. They migrate boards in batches so one day there's nothing and then 10 days later a bunch of boards suddenly comes back.
Okay faaggot
im pretty sure 8ch was created because of something stupid moot did to upset the community. i want to say pol but im not sure. i dont watch anime, but i think the /tv/ cuckime posting is in poor taste as well. doesnt really get to the point of the matter, saying that "anime just attracts autists and degenerates". anime is designed, like western cartoons (but with different intentions i feel), to be simple to draw, and attractive. what this means is that it will play to the simple "carnal" desires of men, as thats the easiest, and broadest way to gain attraction. you can see this in all media, this cheap romance. every movie needs a love arc for example (this also puts artificial value on romance/gfs/wiafuism, conditioning people to want one more and more. doesnt help that theres also natural urges, but thats what makes it so lucrative). anime does this through easy to draw, featureless women, featureless except where it matters. big eyes, waists, breasts, and colorful hair and clothing to make her stand out. a medium designed to be carnally attractive, is likely to attract people whos brains are a little wonky. brains who only work on pleasure and ego satisfaction (degenerates. think anime profile pic homosexuals or furry avatars), and brains that may not be wired normally, and tend to spiral deep into things it find interesting or pleasurable (autists). the sheer prevalence of carnal romance in media adds mounting social pressure to want a gf, to see every female as a potential gf, to have any positive or cute or endearing feeling be connected to the feminine. everything becomes an anime girl. this, i think, helps autists and degenerates spread their autism and degeneracy throughout places that are intended for discussion of hobbies/anime, as it becomes easy to mix pleasures together. the thought of communism makes me feel good, qt2d makes me feel good, im gonna combine them and talk about communism where i talk about qt2d.
that calarts style attracts the same kinds of people too doesnt it (that one show about the fat kid and anthro gems)? and i think for similar reasons
you know, i think the faces dont really have any feminine features. large eyes and round faces are mainly indicative of children, and most of the time they have no real cheek or chin structure (besides being thinner than the males). i think what makes an anime head appear female is the assumptions/conditioning our brains have. discounting the feminine hair and hair accessories the face may be flat, but because anime girl is what is expected of big eyed cutesy creature, it feels feminine. i dont know if that makes sense, but its what ive thought up when i try staring at just the face of an anime grill, and for me it always defaults to female and im trying to figure out why
>>1036 8ch was created because firetires wanted to mix reddit with 4ch, and also because firetires betrayed Wizchan
do we have enough know-how to make our own network or something like that?
your on a bunker dum dum
>>671 Closet pedos go around saying this about anime fans because they hope that by doing so they can draw all the attention away from themselves. >>1036 >anime is designed, like western cartoons (but with different intentions i feel), to be simple to draw >anime does this through easy to draw, featureless women It's the most visually detailed and complex animation in existence. >what this means is that it will play to the simple "carnal" desires of men, as thats the easiest >a medium designed to be carnally attractive This is cumbrain projection.
>>1700 >pedo shit There nothing wrong with pedo. >cumbrain projection This. I lust towards 2d as well. But it is only because of me. Old animes was able to go beyond the limit of real world and 3dpd actors. Highly detailed of imagined worlds were made realistic through anime. They were able to engage in deep and, sometime, philosophical topics. Even hentais, check out A Kite. This is a form of art that was lost to the beta cumbrain generation corrupted by the kikes. Humans are able to evaluate and enjoy art without them being sexual at all time. Whether they do or not, is another question.
>>1701 >There nothing wrong with pedo. fuck off ross
>>1708 >no argument >fuck off Please fuck up another place, jewcucked slave. >inb4 pedo bad cause it's rape Not necessary. It's only because of the (((lawmaker))) definitions. Pedo doesn't imply the act being forced.
>>1712 kys pedo
>>1713 >getting defensive Why do all of you the act the fucking same way? >>argue for pedo >waa he is a pedo >better lynch him now Take a look at what you did. Ask yourself, why?
>>1714 Nobody cares about what kind of mental gymnastic ur practicing. Sad, pathetic and delusional
>>1715 You do. Why don't you tell us where he touched you?

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