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quatum kiorej 04/05/2021 (Mon) 01:51:59 No.3244
The great awakening of world have began ladies in gentlemen. Since when the great civilations of the world have hidden a secret that no man have revealed! today will be you date to wake up from state of dream you been sleep for many centuries maybe the goverments of world and the religious of world knows about it? you are in state of a "DREAM from the metrix" budda called it a 'illucion" life. reality being perceptual.The creation is holographic, containing all.The entire creation is Cosmic perception in varying forms of vibrational sound frequencies,containing octaves of knowledge.and forming dimensions containig that knowledge Each of these dimensions are ordered by their own universal laws that apply to the expansive potential of the information within the dimensions. " Uncounsious mind"=data transfer.01 quatum computing.or autopilot. The "preconscious" refers to the thoughts you aren"t actively thinking of but can call to mind given the right trigger."Consciousness" the state of being awake and aware of one 's surroundngs. "subconsciousness" of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not full aware but which one's actions and feelings.So you see your whole life is about "thoughts,feelings,emotions.= reality. You Are a in computer prg.0a1. 'USE THE COHERRENT THOUGHTS TO UNDERSTAND THE METRIX'

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