/ck/ - Food and Cooking

And brewing, steeping, grinding, sharpening, and so on.

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Mushy Peas Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 09:38:21 No.130
Is this the best you could come up with for a name for something you put in your mouth? I have a can of this sad shit with a ticking expiration and I still haven't gotten and good suggestions what to do with the sad can of ex-peas.
Put them in a stew
StephenLynx is a nigger
That seems about the most sensible option, I just hate wasting food. I was pondering maybe draining them and possibly making some pea patties based on black-eyed pea patties I do, but I end up just doing that instead every time.
Make it a dip?
Open file (118.75 KB 500x375 pie-floater.jpg)
Turn it into a soup, add some broth, meat, maybe some other vegetables throw in a pie and some tomato sauce and you got yourself an aussie classic.
>tinned mushy peas
How horrifying. Mushy peas are terrible 9/10 times. They can be made well but nobody is willing to put in the time and effort nowadays.
I used to do that with herring. Good times

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