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Recipe thread Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 11:06:39 No.238
Upload any recipes you've made and enjoyed here. I look forward to trying out any recipes you upload anons, I hope you enjoy mine!
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I dont have any recipes i've made myself,but since this is a recipe thread i'll dump some recipes i found on mega. >swedish recipes I recommend pyttipanna,semlor,jansson's tempation,swedish meatballs,christmas ham,lussekatter We eat lussekatter,christmas ham and jansson's temptation almost exclusively at christmas in Sweden. https://mega.nz/#F!VrgHmQTT!HEXDgmzBWRgSt-_M4hZhiA!wr51iKBb There are tons of recipes on the mega,but i just thought i would share a recipe that i personally know is good. Lussekatter pic related.
>>696 Well,i said that i dont have any recipes i've made myself,but im planning to do lussekatter today and then show a pic of results.
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>>699 I made some lussekatter today. It tastes good. Almost like store bought ones. Had them in the oven for 6-7minutes. They were a bit dewy on the inside. Overall it was good.
>>696 >>699 >>703 Lussekatt is very "warming" I don't know how to describe it. I'd like to eat a freshly baked one on a snowy morning, but in the summer not so much.
>>696 Thanks for the archive anon! I will try it when flour isn't extremely hard to find thanks to the corona virus.

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