/ck/ - Food and Cooking

And brewing, steeping, grinding, sharpening, and so on.

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Open file (104.29 KB 696x696 stew.jpg)
Anonymous 11/08/2019 (Fri) 12:34:08 No.318
Lads I'm trying my hand at making stew, but don't have any wine or stock to use. Wat do?
>Wat do?
Make the stew?
I need something in place of those things right? Will just water do?
You are making me doubt, what kind of stew are you doing? The meat and bone marrow should always do the trick without adding any kind of stock or flavah pills, wine depends on the recipe or meat (lack of) quality.
Just throwing stuff together, but looking up multiple stew recipes to get the general idea of how to make it. Most recipes mention adding stock and/or wine. I'm using beef ribs for meat.
It's already on a low heat right now with carrots and onions. Diced potatoes will be added near the end.
I also have a goulash mix I can add at the end, but I'll see how just water will do first.
>beef ribs
Note, these are just slabs of meat without any bone.
Well, it turned out kind of alright. Didn't look as delicious as the OP image, but what can you do. I think I added a bit too much water.
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Always have some bouillon cubes around, you never know when you'll need them and they'll last for decades.
Next time use some variety of tinned tomatoes if you've got them in you should always, or tomato purée and hot water as a sort of ghetto passata. Since it's a beef stew you can also use beer. These would be the preffered alternatives but if you're going with plain water a heavy slug of Worchestershire Sauce or similar goes well enough with beef and I'd probably be a fair bit heavier handed with any herbs you're using to compensate. Just throwing mushrooms in (left whole if small or in big chunks otherwise, don't fry them or anything first) early on can help a lot with taste if you've got nothing else as can messing around with dried mushrooms or more obscure shit like mushroom ketchup.

If you're a bong bovril or marmite I assume vegemite will function for ausfags, never tried it will also function as a halfway decent stock equivalent when watered down, but that's functionally equivalent to a less useful what >>325 says for most people who won't have it just lying around.

I've heard of using vinegar in a stew but I've never tried it. Maybe a very mild variety for acidity is the logic there?
>I'm using beef ribs for meat.
>without any bone
What are you doing pinché? the grey thing inside the bones is what gives the beefy and slightly greasy flavor to the stews, and the rib ones need to be very fresh or grilled to have any effect.
Then the meat close to the bone will cook better thanks to the bone transferring heat.
>Maybe a very mild variety for acidity is the logic there?
Yes, with butter and some pepper it will give the same air as a french onion soup.
>the grey thing inside the bones
Makes sense then.
You can always make your own stock. Every time you boil vegetables drain the water into a container instead of throwing it away, and just keep re-using it
How long would this last?

Sometimes I forget about shit I left in my fridge.
I do the same with my toilet water.
>Cut up onions and start to fry them slowly in stew pan
>Add carrots
>Once onions are soft add boiling water
>use wooden spoon to loosen the brown residue at the bottom of the pan

You now have a vegetable stock. I'm a veggie so I don't make meat stews but you can do the same thing with any type of meat and you should brown your meat first any way

Really basic cooking which everyone should be able to figure out. Do you think your grandparents added a bunch of shit to their pot to make it taste good? They didn't need to, they just fried it off a little before hand and it gave a rich gravy all on it's own. Don't fall for magazine recipes telling you to hide the flavour of your ingredients, learn how to use them and all they need is a little salt and pepper.
That's the spice, i was being crude because i didn't think OP knew what it actually was. I don't blame him as many places sell marrow bricks for dogs.
>Always have some bouillon cubes around, you never know when you'll need them and they'll last for decades.
Instead of using these fake food cubes, you can make stock from bones and freeze it.
How many, and what kind of bones, would you need to fill up a 1~1.5L pot? Last time I made stock I just did it with veggies.
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That's pretty cool. Cubes are nice. However, consider this:

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