/ck/ - Food and Cooking

And brewing, steeping, grinding, sharpening, and so on.

Happy New Year!

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Good drinks for cold days Anonymous 11/10/2019 (Sun) 08:27:29 No.340
Winter is setting in and everyone needs a good warm drink after being outside. What's your top 3 drinks for warming yourself up?
1. Coffee from the vending machines at work
2. Thyme infusion with honey and cinnamon
3. Hot cocoa
Your favorite whiskey.
Antifreeze. :^)
-2 tsp cocoa powder
-1 and a 1/2 tsp brown sugar
-cinnamon to your liking
-Natural vanilla extract
Set a kettle to boil.
Combine that shit in a bottom of a mug, add enough milk to make it into an loose paste. Continue to add milk until about half a cup. Add boiling water. If it isn't warm enough chuck it in a microwave for 40s-1 min.

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