/ck/ - Food and Cooking

And brewing, steeping, grinding, sharpening, and so on.

Happy New Year!

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Christmas dishes Anonymous 11/10/2019 (Sun) 08:29:41 No.341
Christmas is on the way so it's time to practice your best Christmas recipes ready for the big day. What's your best dish and whats the worst disaster it's ever turned out as?
I've only got one best dish, that's a fish pie. It's a straightforward and easy recipe I've never failed: it's just spinach and a fish such as salmon that you cover with mashed potatoes and bake for a while. The potato cover catches all the juices from the fish which stays moist and flavorful, it's delicious.
Turkey is overrated shit, even good quality turkey. If you can get it capon or similar is far superior.
Don't be a cuck and use a turkey. Go kill some people instead and eat them, lel.
my best recipe ever, and certainly the best my family has had on christmas
>use a pork shoulder, or some other cut thats real fatty
>season with a tiny bit of apple vinegar, mustard, and some salt, and the main ingredient....
>Pineapple jam
>i used some expensive pineapple and pepper jam which was nice,but anything works
>slice the meat, and put that in the oven, with some sweet taters
Pineapple and pork is really delicious. I'm not sure it's christmas food for me but I can see the appeal.
What can I put in mashed potatoes other than milk, cheese, and sour cream?
Butter? Chives? Leaks? Irish had some mash potatoe variants you may find interesting.
Garlic, rosemary, thyme. Really, you could put pretty much any savoury herb in it and it would taste good.
Yeah, I like pineapple with pork like I enjoy pineapple on pizza. They just fit together.
You can mash in some aromatic root vegetables such as carrots, parsley root or celeriac.
The carrots gives the mash a nice color as you would expect.
Carrots and swede together make a better mash than potato with either does.

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