My personal recommendation is to start off with simple dishes that don't take so many ingredients. Start out too complicated and you'll end up throwing half of everything away.
So I'll recommend these things:
Oven-Roasted Veggies:
While fresh veggies are better, there's no shame in eating frozen ones. Unless you know what you're going to make, have a few bags of frozen veggies in the freezer.
Take a glass baking tray, add 1 tsp of olive oil, and spread it evenly on the tray with a small piece of paper towel. Add chopped veggies of your choice. I like to do a mix of brussel sprouts, potatos, and onions. Add salt, pepper, and other seasonings to your taste. Rosemary goes well with potatos, as does garlic and hot pepper. Bake approximately 20 minutes at 350, maybe more or less depending on your choice of veggies.
-Oven Roasted Chicken breast.
Pick up some chicken breasts on sale at your local grocery. Prepare your glass baking tray with olive oil. If you like, now is an acceptable time to add some buffalo sauce or other preferred marinade, along with spices.
Toss into the oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Take one out, cut it open, and see if its pink inside. If it is, throw it back in, if not, either eat that breast, cube it, or pull it apart and save it for later.
Take the prepared chicken breasts you're not going to eat and store them in ziplock bags and freeze them, or in glass tupperware and toss them in your fridge. Serve with roasted veggies, slice it up for a salad, fajitas or burritos, etc.
Basic pizza recipe. Good option if mozzarella bricks are on sale. Buy those frozen pizza dough balls in your bakery section, a block of mozzerella, some tomato sauce or pizza sauce, and some jarred diced garlic.
Now just follow the directions on the doughball, but the secret is you can just use your glass baking tray instead of a pizza stone. The key here is to make sure your oven is preheated to 450F beforehand or it will stick. Add whatever toppings you like. That roasted chicken is a pretty good option.
None of these are Michelin Star tier recipes, but they're simple enough that you shouldn't get overwhelmed or throw out half your ingredients.