/ck/ - Food and Cooking

And brewing, steeping, grinding, sharpening, and so on.

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QTDDTOT- Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own THread Anonymous 11/21/2019 (Thu) 08:53:48 No.446
Good fish sauce to buy?
I win a Pie contest but I have never baked a Pie. Any pie making advice?
What should I eat?
A cottage pie or an In and Out style hamburger. Both homemade, of course.
>bought cottage pie
I just as a fleeting memory of frozen meals that made me shudder.
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How do I combine cheese and soy sauce?
You don’t. Now take your soy sauce and throw it in the trash. Soy turns guys i to faggots.
Make a cheese sauce.
Are there still xenoestrogens on fermented beans? That would explain why Japs are so effeminate.
Is it very difficult for a beginner to home make cookies from scratch? I very much enjoy having a sweet treat every dinner after work, and if I can bake them myself so much the better.
No, also "store bought" look & feel as home made are just frozen 70% chocolate bits in dough before the oven iirc.
>eating (((cookies)))
Enjoy getting soycucked.
What is a food that could require 5 eggs and no flour?
Scrambled eggs, omelettes, 5 hard boiled eggs, etc.
I hope /ck/ didn't go back to 8goon
>>507 Spaniard egg patties, omelettes, egg wraps with ham and cheese, creme brulee/catalan cream, italian ice cream does need plenty of yolk. Most of those require milk and/or cream. Not all of them complicated, normal breakfast eggs taste good with milk, add half of the volume in milk (1/2 cup of eggs with 1/4 milk) and some good butter, twist all of it and you will end up with fluffy foam after frying it, if you cook it in a large pan you can also make a lot of small and light egg crumbs as company for other dishes like beans, creams and sauces. Somewhat hard to flip around so making egg wraps needs some technique or a great pan/rapeseed oil. >>503 >All his cookies are made with filler dust and soy Let the man make them himself if you are so concerned about that. >>575 Seems like it, many boards are filled with CIAniggers tending their hobbies.
>>446 Three Crabs. >>456 Bolognese. >>482 Depends on the cookie. Generally: no.
>>446 Red Boat 40 degree North. It's the only decent fish sauce in the west. Don't listen to retards that recommend three crabs or squid.
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Is it possible to buy steak-umms in Latvia? I am trying to introduce an acquaintance to the glory of Philly Cheese steak and they are under the impression that it is literally just slices of steak instead of being ground and seasoned steak that is formed into blocks and frozen before being sliced. They tried to make it themselves in the past with just sliced steak and cheese and weren't impressed so I am trying to see if I can point them in the right direction so they can have the authentic experience.
is stoneware actually good or is it just a scam?
>>595 It's pretty great if you need uniform distributed heat for something like slow cooking.
Don't let the board die, anons
What are some combinations of cheap vegetables preferably around 3 or less that can give you a balanced diet?
>>631 Radishes, Green Radishes, Black Radishes
>>633 Are radishes really healthy enough to have a mono diet of them as the vegetable portion of each meal?
>>645 Healthy depends on you and your body. I could suggest to you an energizing vegetable combo high in vitamins B and C that would absolutely destroy a person with chron's.
What the fuck can I do with couscous? Quarantine forced use of a food bank, and one of the dried goods was this. And frankly, hate the taste, texture. But don't want it to go to waste.
What do I do with really salty pasta water? It seems like a waste to just pour it out and I'm running out of salt. >>739 Haven't tried this before but you could throw it into a food processor to turn it into a sort of flour then add water and make patties from it.
>>740 Make bread with it if it only has a couple teaspoons of salt, or make pasta with it. Just add flour and keep going.
>>739 Put in one or two tablespoons of olive or sesame oil with it when you cook it. I find it works best as a mixed dish when fried with eggs, sardines, mushrooms, or breakfast foods.
>>742 I don't have any flour, haven't been able to find any that aren't in huge bags that I won't be able to use up in a reasonable time frame.
>>739 Mix it with other things that you like, or cook it in a way that will get it to the texture you can tolerate better. Strong tasting ingredients and spices added to it will overpower the couscous flavor.

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