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Wild Game, fishing, and Hunting Recipes Anonymous 09/16/2019 (Mon) 13:54:57 No.92
IIT we talk about wild game, the hunting opportunities in our area, what kind of recipes we use with our game, the equipment that we use to catch our game with, and meals that can be made out in the field while we are pursing our said game. Infographics and general pictures relating to the subject are welcome as well!
Open file (126.54 KB 1280x720 game, the game.jpg)
Game is something I've been curious about for a while because I don't have access to it.

Easy question: are the most popular animals like bass and deer hunted more for the taste, more for their mounted appearance, or more for the thrill?

I bet pheasant, for example, tastes great.
In my area deep in the countryside there's lots of hunting so we can't go mushroom-picking or just for a walk in the woods because it's too dangerous. Every year there's accidents or deaths because hunters don't follow basic firearm safety (or maybe just people settling family matters)
Bass are hunted for the thrill and mounted appearance. They taste pretty good but the main reason why people pursue them is because they are a fun catch. Deer are primarily hunted for basically all 3 of those reasons and I'll add on another. Food. I know a lot of people in the south who unironically hunt deer for food. If they have a fair amount of land, they can basically hunt them any time.
What area of the world do you live in, anon? I am a burger in case you are wondering.
Bass are hunted for the thrill and mounted appearance. They taste pretty good but the main reason why people pursue them is because they are a fun catch. Deer are primarily hunted for basically all 3 of those reasons and I'll add on another. Food. I know a lot of people in the south who unironically hunt deer for food. If they have a fair amount of land, they can basically hunt them any time.
What area of the world do you live in, anon? I am a burger in case you are wondering.
I have no idea why that was posted twice.
>What area of the world do you live in, anon?
New York City.

>I know a lot of people in the south who unironically hunt deer for food.
Definitely a better reason than the rest. Do they tan their hides too?
Have you considered going deep into upstate New York to do some hunting or maybe fishing? I know New York has some of the most cucky gun laws in the country and I imagine the hunting laws are just as bad. But have you considered fishing?
Whoops, I forgot to answer your 2nd question. Yes. Hide tanning is pretty common in the south. I saw a lot of people doing it when I went back there recently. Hunting is a very popular past time in the region of the south I was at.
>Game is something I've been curious about for a while because I don't have access to it.
It won't taste exactly the same but you can probably buy game meat in NYC if you look around. Deer meat is called venison and sold by most butcher shops.
>Easy question: are the most popular animals like bass and deer hunted more for the taste, more for their mounted appearance, or more for the thrill?
People fish for bass for fun. They put up a good fight and jump out of the water and attempt to throw the hook. Other fish like Catfish are mainly caught for food even though they also put up a good fight. Crappie are similar in that they're mostly fished for food when kept. Most people that fish don't eat/mount them though and just throw them back. Fishing is mainly an activity done for the enjoyment.

Hunting is different since it requires actually killing the animal. Most people do it for food unless they are trophy hunters. Even trophy hunters typically eat what they kill. Someone trophy hunting deer only wants the head for display so the rest of the animal will either be used by them or given away. Female deer (does) have better meat than male deer (bucks) so someone hunting for food is more likely to take a female which doesn't have the antlers and won't be something you'd want to spend the money on to mount on the wall.

Generally, every part of a deer is used. Hides can be made into blankets, clothing, table cloths, and many other things. Antlers are used as lures during the hunt (the sound of them rubbing together attracts other deer). The only thing that's ever really thrown away are the organs/intestines. Some people even use/eat the organ meat.

If you decide to try venison I suggest trying the tenderloin first. It's the best cut of meat on the animal. Venison is leaner than beef and very healthy. It has a taste all its own that most really enjoy but it's close enough to other common meats that you can serve it to someone and they wouldn't know it was deer unless you told them. I often times make burgers with venison and beef (50/50 mix) and serve it to people without telling them. Never heard a complaint and most say it's one of the best burgers they've ever had. I typically always mix ground venison with beef because the fat from the beef really helps. With tenderloin I generally slow cook it in brown gravy and serve it in a heater gravy boat with the gravy.

>I bet pheasant, for example, tastes great.
It tastes like chicken and I do mean it's really close. Quail is probably my favorite game bird taste wise. Again, if you'd like to try it you can find it being sold in grocery stores. A box of quail can be found in stores like Food Lion when it's in season. I forget how much it costs but I don't remember it being too expensive.

If you haven't tried it I also suggest gator meat. Batter and fry it like chicken being careful not to let it cook too long. It gets too chewy and tough when it's over done.
I forgot to mention that in the case of deer it's a good thing they're hunted so often. The season really needs to be extended because right now it's only a few months assuming you don't own your own land. The deer population is really high right now and deer are starting to push into urban areas due to over crowding. Everyone I know has hit no fewer than 3 deer with their cars if they've been driving a decade. I've hit 3 just in the last year. The dumb bastards like to stand by the highway and attempt to cut in front of you at the last moment.

It's so bad where I live that the insurance companies released coyotes back into the wild hoping they'd help with the deer population. They've done everything but that and now local farmers are having to kill them off again. It's a big fine but most people don't care because they're killing livestock. A woman near where I live was recently attacked by a pack of them while walking her dog late at night. If it wasn't for someone driving by and seeing it she'd probably be dead. She's disfigured for life because of it (they did a number on her head and face). She's really lucky the person was out driving at 1am and happened to be armed with a rifle. She was pretty anti-gun until a man with an AR-15 saved her life.

I hunt deer year round for food excluding the times when the does are pregnant or have nursing young with them. I also eat deer that are struck by cars assuming the guts weren't busted up and it's a fresh kill. I once ate a very young deer that was probably still nursing. It was hit by a car. It was the most tender meat I've ever had. It was so good my mouth waters when I see nursing/young deer now and it takes a lot of will power not to take the animal.

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