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Jahans thread Anonymous 08/11/2019 (Sun) 10:52:16 ID: 2a28bf No.1179
Our boy Alex got his wisdom teeth out recently and was given some painkillers. He got high and went on a spergrant about how actually reading porn all day is very altruistic of him.
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Guys. Looks like Jahans himself has nuked the remaining mega.nz folders. >>49199 (These contained 99% of his videos from the 1st upload until an upload on nov 4th 2016. Over 1000 vids) Thank God I just downloaded everything from 2008-Nov 4th 2016. It's gone now.
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We still need to uncover his post nov 4th 2016 videos. I'm not letting this archive disappear.
We need the lost webms reposted. When 8chan got shoah'd a lot of the old webm's of Jahans were wiped.
>>223372 Shit. I might have some 2018 Jahans videos backed up on my old laptop. Will get in touch.
>>223953 >(These contained 99% of his videos from the 1st upload until an upload on nov 4th 2016. Over 1000 vids) We're fucked if people don't reupload them now.
OK this is bullshit how do we embed videos? here's the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFn8e74orzg
>>225719 you just post the link like you did in the post i'm responding to
>>225719 See the [embed] butten newfag? Click on that, these fuckin' newfags man... gaytor
Jahanist bros we are SOO back
>>226399 Oh shit, his memory continues to live on. Based as fuck.
>>226424 Where we're going we don't need no fucking septaganoids fam
FRESH PIPING HOT NEWLY UPLOADED JAHANS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Au6EtNmYVWw Laura, Queen of earth, audiobook part 1
>>226821 So fucking glad someone had this.
>>97596 Still a very useful document even now. I miss jahans, thanks to the anons forever preserving his memory.
>>226996 That's not the document, but yeah you're right. It's an insight into a very sick mind (Jahans')
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Lost Jahans classic meme clip: 'JAHANS: DIARY OF A MADMAN' (2016) (now back online!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OvXcXTmHIQ
GET RID OF THE FOWKIN GUNS rant now back online! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXiDn4JPnjg
>>227020 >>227021 Thank you so much for preserving kino.
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>>227022 Subscribe, share, spread it around Post about Jahans. Truly an untapped source of lols and psychological insight. There are just under 1500 videos and they will be up on https://www.archive.org/details/thejahansarchive someday. Some of the lost videos almost became lost media. I downloaded them literally a few weeks before old mega.nz archives got scrubbed. There are still lost meme clips of Jahans out there, such as anything by Admiral Jahans, which we need to attract people to reupload so they can get archived.
Jahans almost won. By beginning to private his videos right at the height of his e-fame, he got a lot of the people interesting in him to get bored. Plus there's just so many videos it takes a lot of effort to save them all. But it looks like we just might have 99% them all in the end. It's interesting to think how famous Jahans could have become if he kept going like he was doing in 2016, uploading constantly with angry unhinged cocks. He could have been CWC-tier famous. attached file: another LOST JAHANS MEDIA clip I found.
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Jahans on Sylphs (183 clip collection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2v0Bp99GgY really funny
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>>227122 Someone please edit this Becky travel pic with Jahans' face in the Buddha.
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Rare early picture of Jahans. Trash quality.
Jahansmas #2: You Don’t Have to Watch his Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GBcBhStSSY
>>227152 I wish Alex would at least give us a status update these days, thank you again for continuing to preserve the legacy of esoteric jahanism.
>>227160 Sign up for kiwi, post in the Jahans thread. There is news I can't share here. B I C K E R S https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duJStJkgVP4&ab_channel=TheJahansArchive
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JAHANS ARCHIVE CHANNEL ON BITCHUTE MYSTERIOUSLY DOWN This was up for years. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/oYLqTP5PaYan/ Lads, back up everything you can now from https://www.archive.org/details/thejahansarchive we may be in trouble.
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GET IN CONTACT WITH THE JAHANS ARCHIVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8gyyrXjy9E THERE'S STILL SOME MISSING VIDEOS Check this playlist out for everything that's been uncovered https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtD0PAaSHKcOuB5lPExOyZjYXCjEcy8B2
Jahans Archive here. I am working on getting all the Lost Jahans Media playlist uploaded. It will be 137 vids when complete. Once complete: please back them all up. Jahans wants to get these videos deleted from Youtube.
>>239721 Will do anon, thanks for all your hard work
>>239735 note: the final playlist will actually have 136 videos, look like. Thanks anon. Appreciated and I'm happy I did the work to bring this thing together. I honesty thought someone else would make a Jahans archive and I'm surprised no one else cared. >>239721 The playlist will be complete within the next 2-3 days. Very soon.
>>239988 EDIT--139 VIDEOS Alright guys. Looks like it will be 139 videos as I just discovered 3 videos I didn't include in the final list.
>>239988 I think tvch's /lit/ had some Jahans media compiled. It's probably in one of their stickies somewhere.
Final update: the playlist will have 142 videos in total when finished
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>>240255 Looked thru here and didn't see anything https://tvch.moe/lit/catalog.html This is the place right?
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Final final update guys: The Lost Jahans Media playlist link is now: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtD0PAaSHKcMCZE17MhqFmQYGFf5mJC02 I can't 100% say how many videos it will be when complete, but probably 143
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Final final update guys: The Lost Jahans Media playlist link is now: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtD0PAaSHKcMCZE17MhqFmQYGFf5mJC02 I can't 100% say how many videos it will be when complete, but probably 143
>>240409 Alright everyone. The playlist is complete with 143 videos now. Other Jahans archives online have been taken down, so please back all 143 up. ***As always: if any of you out there have more Jahans videos not in that 143 video playlist, please comment so we can figure out how to add them to the archive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n-6bvpi10M&list=PLtD0PAaSHKcMCZE17MhqFmQYGFf5mJC02&index=136
Alright people. I'm dumping EVERYTHING into the archive on archive.org/details/thejahansarchive. -->> If you want the full Jahanschive you need to download it from there. I'll tell you when it's complete (I just started dumping 45GB from folder of 17 alone. wewlad) THIS IS GOING TO BE A FUCKING MASSIVE ONE
>>240867 The full Jahanschive will have everything from 2nd Nov 2008-July 2020, in chronological order. Right now I have all of folder 1 uploaded, some of folder 2, and all of folders 5 and 6 (out of 17) So if you have already downloaded what is there you need to go back and download the videos after 20140923 6eytG8FuUfY In response to Emma Watson's He For She speech until 20150917 yRPvYnZw3fc A Patchwork utopia and other strangeness (since I skipped that part) THE ARCHIVE COULD BE TAKEN DOWN SOMEDAY, SO BACK THESE VIDEOS UP IF YOU CARE ABOUT PRESERVING JAHANISM
>>240867 >(I just started dumping 45GB from folder of 17 alone. wewlad) folder 2 of 17* There are 17 folders
Do you people can find me ?
This faggot is shitting up /pol/ with is europhobic cuckworship anti racism

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