You never made fun of trannies or the Bogdanoff bros or when a male celebrity becomes a fat ass? Why are you on a lolcow hate thread that's a spin-off of tranny farms?
We did have bans on degenerate crap, it wasn't always "do whatever you want", but libtards and liberturdians pushed for globohomo. Wanting freedom with none of the responsibility. You're not entitled to freedom unless you're willing to fight for it. Most people have no fight in them. I believe in basic rights but not entitlements. This Me Me Me narcissist shit is poisonous. It destroys cultures, collapses empires, since the beginning of human history.
This is the face of a dying civilization. A rat-faced looking weasle of a man who promotes "do what thou wilt" faggotry onto gullible idiots who have nothing to believe in since they turned their backs on mainstream religion. America is being fucked on both ends. The tranny leftist Democrats fuck it in the ass, while the grifting libertarian Republicans fuck the face. Western nations were predominantly conservative with few vices, now it's a freakshow with bearded ladies and tattooed women. Now maybe that's what you're into, but don't call other people fags when you've got your own fetishes. At least the goblin lover only makes porn using AI, he's not getting surgery to become a goblin.