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JewTube Rational Skeptics Thread #9 - The Final Edition Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 07:06:12 No.2
INTERNET BLOODSPORTS SEMI-PERMANENT MEGATHREAD! LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Alternate names include: Jewtube™ Rationalist™ Skeptic™ Thread™ #∞ Internet Bloodsports Megathread Endless Thread 9 Gunt Thread Based Isabella Worship Thread We've had about a gajillion "Jewtube Skeptic Thread #9" threads at this point that all appear and disappear at the speed of light and nobody really gives a shit about delicately archiving the posts in them or anything, and they're beginning to clutter up the board pretty bad, so this is a compromise everyone can be happy with for the time being. Discuss all things "Internet Bloodsports" that don't necessitate their own thread here. Krautgate, skeptic drama, all the shit that fall under that umbrella. Get your raincoats on, kids! Because we're about to see some guts go flying! This thread will be cycled. Links, Information and Lore: Full Timeline https://pastebin.com/1yjbjeaT http://archive.is/dM1kQ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) Archived Threads: https://pastebin.com/Hrtcp4QR http://archive.is/MtOiZ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) H8chan Archives: https://archive.is/https://8ch.net/cow/res/390723.html Julay.world Archives: https://archive.ph/http://julay.world/cow/res/2.html AlogSpace Archives: https://archive.is/https://alogs.theguntretort.com/cow/res/2.html Alogs.Space Archives: https://archive.fo/https://alogs.space/cow/res/2.html Gunt Subscriber Doxxx List: https://files.catbox.moe/7m2jsx.csv Joshua Clayton Connor Pedophile Archives: https://scream.alogs.space/archives/Flamenco/ Gym Swatting: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/s04d5y0s.opus https://files.catbox.moe/18u3wz.opus Vickers Swatting Recording: https://files.catbox.moe/9rnho8.wav https://pomf2.lain.la/f/s9gqo1ii.wav
Edited last time by oldestfag on 08/23/2022 (Tue) 18:45:41.
>>253933 I LUB MAH HORSE
>>253933 jcaesar187 is so delusional and entitled to think that just cause the horse said some nice things to him during their relationship and then had a kid with him, that she would continue to want to hang around with a pill popping addict while suffering through physical/mental abuse while trying to take care of the child all by herself. He never contributed anything to their relationship other than being an emotional drain on it, not once did he even change a diaper, everything was about him and getting high. You built this xannyberry fueled dungeon of regret and hate now you get to live in it jcaesar187. SUFFA HAWG
>>253920 Oh noes a celebrity went for shock humor. How can I deal with this fam?
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Every rose has its thorn Just like every night has its dawn Just like every cowboy sings a sad, sad song
>>253940 Gaytor still trying to groom vtuber trannies...
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>>253940 Sayu: Translation: I'm so tired of struggling. I haven't even bought a house yet like every other Vtuber female with their simp money. I'm thinking about giving up. Look at this entitled bitch. Lives life on easy-mode and still can't do it. >>253933 >Don't trust anybody You tell 'em jcaesar187!
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>>253940 rike humble slow fat caterpillar, some become beautiful colourful and loved by all, other become ugly grey and ruin clothes, hate by everyone you not good caterpillar gaytor
>>253939 jcaesar187aGAWD says the truth!
>>253905 I know that >we've been waiting for this faggot to die for years and yet he still hasn't died yet.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCa98PYUXsM Its cuckbowl ladies and Гунтlemen. Which cuck do you support the literal one raising 3 other men's kids or the figurative one raising his own kid but letting other men fuck his girlfirend.
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>>253949 Cuckoldry vs NTR. East meets West. Which way goyim?
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>>253950 >>253949 Dude really thinks he's something special. Although I admit I like how close his camera is to his face + the high quality camera. All the better to see him seethe in HD.
>>253955 just normal cuck mentality, he thinks hes special, a genius, a hero, so upstanding raising another mans sperm x3, its the survival instinct of his whore wife she blows smoke up his ass otherwise reality hits, like a beekeeper to get the honey, maybe why hes a chainsmoker and alcoholic, subdued and pacified by the beekeeper, its so pathetic
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>>253957 >>253955 >>253949 >>253950 >when the cuckoldry hits CUZ ITZ WUTTA MAAAAAAANNN DUUUUUUUZ
>>253891 Jewsh's moom is kinda hot. Why did he hate her again? Did she leave him alone with a tranny babysitter who touched him inappropriately?
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>>253971 It was mint choc chip day.
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>>253971 She was coalburning while he was growing up iirc. Hence why half the time on stream he hates on G​AMERGATEs, and the other half of the time he acts like jcaesar187's younger brother.
>>253973 Was it the BBC tranny blowjob that Wings was caught looking at? It must have been something awful for Jewsh to write those fanfics about his mom Candy, which does sound like a porn name.
>>253974 Just say tiny black pecker bickers its a false myth pushed by god's "chosen" people.
>>253977 Like most things, cock size is on a bell curve. Most people are average. A small % of people have small cocks. A small % of people have big cocks. That's why if you look at a porn studio, they use the same 20 male actors, who happen to be above-average size. There are probably racial differences in size but there's enough variation within a population that it doesn't really matter. In other words, I don't know how strong the correlation is between race and cock size. It might just be a weak correlation or a moderate correlation.
New info that Thomas Matthew Crooks had a Gab account and he was a confirmed leftist, pro-Biden, anti-Trump loser. Check Andrew Torba's Twitter for more details. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6EcIZo3ydo
>>253980 Torba snitched? I'm not surprised. He snitched on hundreds of guys in 2018 when Bowers popped off. Torba is a total fake bitch. Swarthy Dumb Torba Coon. Torba sends your data to the pigs on a continuous basis. Hell, Torba is an asset of law enforcement.
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>>253979 akshually only 0.04% are the average, the rest are either above or below, thats how a bell curve works
>>253979 Either way the G​AMERGATE dick meme isn't real.
>>253980 The only thing missing is the Destiny connection
>>253977 I said BBC bickers that's what Wings had in his search history. The biggest cocks I've seen were white. For some reason trannies and gay dudes have larger than average cocks. I just was wondering how anyone knew Jewsh's mom was getting dicked down by Mandingo and if there was any evidence. His dad not being around to protect Jewsh from his mom's black pimp is also sus. Being raised by a single mother does tend to mess kids up. That's why there are so many trannies compared to a hundred years aog.
>jewsh was unaware of the high operating costs of .50bmg
>>253940 If this vtuber got any sort of pushback and Gaytor was pressed he would act like he never even heard of her before. Vile little worm
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>>253989 neither was i money pls
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>>253990 >biiishes aint loyal ANUTHA jcaesar187AMALE WIN
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>>253988 Good you at least meant it that way, and yeah honestly BWC is the truth regardless of what kikes say. <jewsh's mom's G​AMERGATE pimp treated him like shit I mean >we already know poor jewshy wooshey coochie moonie bean was treated badly but I actually feel sorry for jewsh if he had to deal with some G​AMERGATE.
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The dominant Bry prevails. There can be only one.
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>Crying is blackmail <unless it's under the guise of a cartoon Gaytorbro, can you for half a second imagine Boogie with an audio filter behind your oshi?
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>>253999 Is that Candy Potter sucking on a pudding pop?
>>253893 What the fuck is this faggot shit?
>>254001 >>253995 Write an essay for us fag.
>>253988 >For some reason trannies and gay dudes have larger than average cocks. Sorry Blaine, but I'm gonna press X to doubt on that one. HRT shrinks your genitals, if anything. Trannies are not even able to cum half the time bc the hormones interfere with natural male functioning. Being gay has probably no link to dick size. But I don't have any evidence for you though. >Jewsh's mom was getting dicked down by Mandingo and if there was any evidence. He has talked about this on a couple of his streams very briefly once or twice. I don't know what streams exactly. But one story was about him in a restaurant with his Mom and her black bf and how the bf was trying to be nice to Jewsh. Haha. So it does explain some of his hatred toward his Mom and toward blacks in general. >>253999 Aw yeah. Nothing like a good vacuum fellatio. Anteater face. Blowjob-face. >>253995 They have done dick size studies but they are usually flawed in that they allow countries to self-report their cock size. Or they are measuring inconsistent ways like pressing a rule down into the fat pad above the cock or not pressing the ruler down. Or flacid vs erect. The largest cock measured is a white Canadian guy who could envelop his foreskin around a door knob. But this is only one man and doesn't represent large populations. And usually the outliers are genetic freaks with a condition like a tumor that causes something to keep growing and ignore the genetic blueprint of the DNA. One would think dick size is correlated with height. The larger the human the larger the body parts usually. Tallest people on planet are white northern Euros. Usually Dutch people/Netherlands. A 5ft tall Indonesian man won't be as big as a white Nord, again on average. But how strong is the correlation between height and dick size? It's unclear. Similar to bigger the brain, smarter the animal. Yeah, an dog is smarter than a mouse, and a human is smarter than everything on Earth. But the whale has a bigger brain but its not smarter. So the correlation is there for brain size and intelligence but not perfect. It's sort of like the IQ test data. Jews are quick to tell you they have a full standard deviation IQ (15 pts) higher than whites. Average Ashkenazi IQ is higher. Sure. But they are small population of maybe 12 million people. You're comparing to a much larger population of white people in the world, which could be anywhere from 700 million to 1.2 billion depending on who you call "white." So you are comparing apples to oranges. I could isolate a small class of intelligent whites like doctors, bankers, and lawyers and they would have an average IQ on par with Jews or higher. Or I could isolate a specific subreligion of whites like Mormon dentists and they would have a much higher IQ. All depending on how you massage the data. BBC is real in the sense that it is a porn genre. And porn is ultimately fantasy. But it's not real in the sense that black males want you to believe; that every black dude is packing. 100 black porn actors with 9 inch dicks /=/ 1 billion people. It all goes back to the bell curve. So yes, bbc is a myth in this sense. >>254003 NTA but here you go.
>>254001 It means he hit the level cap.
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>>254004 I have read research and theories over the years that gay men have larger than average cocks, and it may be due to hormones they're exposed to in the womb. John Holmes was a bisexual man who had one of the biggest dicks ever filmed in the porn industry. I sometimes browse leaked porn sites like SimpCity to see the latest e-girl OF cocks and when I'm bored I skim through the trans section which is extremely active. The trannies posted their are mostly extremely hung, only a few have small dicks. I once heard tranny porn star Bailey Jay say that he/she increased dick size by going off HRT and going back on when they were younger. Not sure if that's just pure bullshit or something that can happen with using hormones during development stages while the body is still growing. Or it's all just propaganda like the BBC myth. I don't know any trannies in real life but I've none a couple bisexual guys who had bigger than average dicks.
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>>254009 >when I'm bored I skim through the trans section
>>254009 spoiler that shit next time
>>254004 >BBC is real in the sense that it is a porn genre. And porn is ultimately fantasy. But it's not real in the sense that black males want you to believe; that every black dude is packing. 100 black porn actors with 9 inch dicks /=/ 1 billion people. It all goes back to the bell curve. So yes, bbc is a myth in this sense. It has been shown before that not all the G​AMERGATEs in this porn have big dicks, many of them are fake or modified with editing. Muh G​AMERGATE dick isn't real, it is about as real as the shoah.
>>254009 >I skim through the trans section which is extremely active. The trannies posted their are mostly extremely hung, only a few have small dicks. I'm pretty sure this is selection sample problem. If you've got a huge cock, you're more likely to be a porn actor. If you make porn for onlyfans, you're more likely to get into porn creation if you've got a big dick. The end result is you scroll through pages and pages of the biggest dick trannies on onlyfans. Top 5% in cock size. Same selection biased sample for bbc genre. Let's say you live in Siberia and have never encountered real black people but watch NBA. You might then falsely conclude that blacks are really tall since the ones you watch dunking on tv are 6'5"-7'2". You've just got a tailored sample. As for homos having bigger dicks, maybe. Either way, it's not a huge jump over normal. It's not like homos have a 10 inch and straights have a 5 inch. That would be significant. 6.46 inches (gay) - 6.14 inches (straight) = 0.32 inches gap for dick length 0.32 inches = 8 mm = 0.8 cm So 'we' are talking quite small. Look at the attached ruler image. Same small gap with circumference. And these are still averages. Doesn't say anything about variation. This is why porn can lead to low self-esteem if you cannot separate fantasy from reality. You scroll through pages of porn videos where everyone has an 8 inch dick and think you're small in comparison. Or a girl looks at 10/10 women with perfect bodies and thinks she's ugly in comparison. It's all about understanding that porn is fantasy. Not reality. >>254012 Yeah, I've seen people out there who are solely dedicated to photoshopping black dicks bigger in porn pics. And they just do this full time as their kink or something. So even when you see a porn pic, it's often edited by a coomer. And now there's realistic AI image generation, so it's even more suspect.
The Corruption Casino is live. https://kick.com/kinocasinogaming
some real dick experts up in here

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