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JewTube Rational Skeptics Thread #9 - The Final Edition Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 07:06:12 No.2
INTERNET BLOODSPORTS SEMI-PERMANENT MEGATHREAD! LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Alternate names include: Jewtube™ Rationalist™ Skeptic™ Thread™ #∞ Internet Bloodsports Megathread Endless Thread 9 Gunt Thread Based Isabella Worship Thread We've had about a gajillion "Jewtube Skeptic Thread #9" threads at this point that all appear and disappear at the speed of light and nobody really gives a shit about delicately archiving the posts in them or anything, and they're beginning to clutter up the board pretty bad, so this is a compromise everyone can be happy with for the time being. Discuss all things "Internet Bloodsports" that don't necessitate their own thread here. Krautgate, skeptic drama, all the shit that fall under that umbrella. Get your raincoats on, kids! Because we're about to see some guts go flying! This thread will be cycled. Links, Information and Lore: Full Timeline https://pastebin.com/1yjbjeaT http://archive.is/dM1kQ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) Archived Threads: https://pastebin.com/Hrtcp4QR http://archive.is/MtOiZ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) H8chan Archives: https://archive.is/https://8ch.net/cow/res/390723.html Julay.world Archives: https://archive.ph/http://julay.world/cow/res/2.html AlogSpace Archives: https://archive.is/https://alogs.theguntretort.com/cow/res/2.html Alogs.Space Archives: https://archive.fo/https://alogs.space/cow/res/2.html Gunt Subscriber Doxxx List: https://files.catbox.moe/7m2jsx.csv Joshua Clayton Connor Pedophile Archives: https://scream.alogs.space/archives/Flamenco/ Gym Swatting: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/s04d5y0s.opus https://files.catbox.moe/18u3wz.opus Vickers Swatting Recording: https://files.catbox.moe/9rnho8.wav https://pomf2.lain.la/f/s9gqo1ii.wav
Edited last time by oldestfag on 08/23/2022 (Tue) 18:45:41.
>>256631 This "fallenshadow" aka "shondo" is one of the vtubers Gaytor and Flamenco worship and of course her whole thing is to sound like a lil girl...
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I'm willing to die in the fucking ring. But not for free. Гунт wants to fight dsp now
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Whatever Podcast ON THE STREET! Aussie Jake, Madysen, Brixan | Whatever IRL #3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auGt8CbQDyo
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>>256647 Being a mutt doesn't explain the masculine jawline and playing video games with boys and calling dudes fags. I have seen very feminine mutts. That video is a joke on the whole trans conspiracy. People like Melonie look for trannies everywhere. The tranny farms see an Adam's apple or strong jaw on a woman and assume it's a trans. In reality many women aren't blessed with the best genetics or have simply hit the wall.
>>256201 >a bougie faggot and a quack retard killer host a gay podcast to prove they aren't "muh Russian assets" <Dick (de-) Spencer has literally accepted funding from the Russian Government to spread anti-Ukraine propaganda prior to his conversion to NeoLiberalism, as per Greg Johnson's testimony <JF bragged about being funded by (((Jeffrey Epstein))) (which was probably grant money back when JF was working at Duke U) as some sort of major achievement before sweeping that up, and to Richard no less >>256085 >>256122 >>256131 >>256096 >>256132 >>256208 I never was part of, not got into, the Alt-Right back when it was big, or when it had it's catastrophic meltdown, but I did listen to Richard's infamous "I fucking win" threat to Charlottesville in a tantrum recorded by none other than the snake MILO, and thought that he was full of himself. Of all the things he's said that, ultimately, he never truly believed in, his claim that he "rule[s] the fucking world" is the one he so desperately believes in and wishes to become real. P.S. does anyone here know of any dirt on Colin Liddell? A qrd of what I know about him is this: >worked on Dick Sucker's site (can't recall if it was The Alt Right or Radix
>>256681 Every single one of these women had multiple plastic surgeries tho. It's most likely that pharma kikes try to transform women into men bickers they are total faggots.
>>256681 Agreed. Many females are going to have some masculine features just as some males won't that make them able to be traps or that allows for pooners to pass as twinks. >>256683 Also these women are all old which means menopause and the loss of estrogen relative to testosterone which all the plastic surgery in the world can't completely hide. >>256683 >It's most likely that pharma kikes try to transform women into men bickers they are total faggots. Well that and there's a whole strand of Jewish women who have man face, so to many Jews manface is normal for women and so a bias towards that look might also be what you are seeing. It might be an Ashkenazi inbreeding thing
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Bearson seething.
>>256696 Fags who say 'da joos' are the biggest retarded cattle on the planet.
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>>256701 >retarded cattle
N​IGGER cattle
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uh, based?
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BBW Roster?! Conservative God Fearing ØNLYFANS Girl?! Jake Rattlesnake! E-GIRLS! | Dating Talk #196 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf8Msl1Srb4
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>>256705 >>256707 >>256711 So looking like a full on schizo, probably also why he was so incompetent.
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>>256683 We mock men for receiving plastic surgeries and HRT, and make excuses for women when they receive the same treatments, when really all cosmetic operations that are not life-saving should be banned. Except in rare cases of burn victims or soldiers who've been disfigured. If you have a big Jewish schnoz you should be forced to live with it. "I looked like a rat and couldn't sneed" I don't care if you're more fappable now, you don't deserve to grift millions of dollars from LonelyFans. I also hate tattoos that every e-girl has nowadays. We should ban all tattoos except for military and gang members.
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>>256717 id smash that first girl with the fat tits and black hair until shes a puddle of blood
>>256721 This shit of focusing on other people and wanting to ban them from doing shit is the tranny mindset. Quit being a pathetic faggot and just do as you want without needing to control everyone around you
this board should be sent to hospice shit is dyin'
>>256705 Dude looks emaciated like a holocaust stereotype.
>>256726 >we You never made fun of trannies or the Bogdanoff bros or when a male celebrity becomes a fat ass? Why are you on a lolcow hate thread that's a spin-off of tranny farms? >>256739 We did have bans on degenerate crap, it wasn't always "do whatever you want", but libtards and liberturdians pushed for globohomo. Wanting freedom with none of the responsibility. You're not entitled to freedom unless you're willing to fight for it. Most people have no fight in them. I believe in basic rights but not entitlements. This Me Me Me narcissist shit is poisonous. It destroys cultures, collapses empires, since the beginning of human history. >>256738 This is the face of a dying civilization. A rat-faced looking weasle of a man who promotes "do what thou wilt" faggotry onto gullible idiots who have nothing to believe in since they turned their backs on mainstream religion. America is being fucked on both ends. The tranny leftist Democrats fuck it in the ass, while the grifting libertarian Republicans fuck the face. Western nations were predominantly conservative with few vices, now it's a freakshow with bearded ladies and tattooed women. Now maybe that's what you're into, but don't call other people fags when you've got your own fetishes. At least the goblin lover only makes porn using AI, he's not getting surgery to become a goblin.
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>>256744 >Why are you on a lolcow hate thread that's a spin-off of tranny farms? >>>/foxdickfarms/
>>256744 Get the fuck out with pseudo history. Find me one society that wasn't blatantly degenerate in history. Just one. I'll wait.
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Seems to me like vtubers would have an easier time if they stopped trying to classify themselves as "for kids" and stick to the fetish coomerbait areas where their fans are.
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Paid shill Ryan Dawson comes to the rescue of his new master Andrew Tate.
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Metocare claims to have been in the hospital for several days for pain, as to why he can't stream. Then an alog low-key bullies him about it.
>>256764 >Have you considered, you know, knocking it off with this dying shit Based, but Metokur sucks now anyway.
Talk about special pleading. So Jewsh doesn't mentally allow Spectre or convicted peedo Jason Close to be part of the KF community despite being contributing KiwiFarmers with a long posting history. Lmao. What kind of non-logic is this? <People I don't like are not KiwiFarmers when I don't want them to be. >>256765 Nah bro. Metocare's the GOAT. I think the world needs a 4th Boogie stream with ads interspersed to sell 4/5 star hats. Maybe a 5th one too.
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>>256766 >What kind of non-logic is this? >Jewsh wishes he could lobotomise an extension of his personality I can see it. Doesn't mean it's as easy as clicking a ban button though.
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Enough internet for today.
>>255616 That didn't happen though, Davis and Analvape groomed a girl who messaged Toad McKinley once. Lost all her chat logs and her account t on Snapchat and then when she got doxed she turned out to be that G​AMERGATE that vape said he wanted to give his "superior white hispanoc cock' to when he was outed as a pedo. Jewsh does ban people all the time and he gets called a faggot for it all the time too. He will censor threads for money like his kike tranny mods. He was best friends with pomp and have him free hosting only for pomp to get raided for child porn and be facing 30 years in jail. That along with the registered child molester who was involved in court requests for rekeita I would say nice try fox dick but that place is a den of pedophiiles and jewsh is a weirdo who just wants everyone to focus on the memes and not the pedo hosting the site. He bans anyone who mocks him or questions his lukewarm retard takes. Anyone who scoops him on cocks and anyone who says it came from here first. Fuck that G​AMERGATE
>>256769 >Wortski snapchat sexting. Yeah there was that Black girl Analvape was grooming on discord. But I'm talking about that White girl with the butterfly tattoo on her chest, that Wortski released revenge porn on. >Jewsh does ban people all the time and he gets called a faggot for it all the time too. I know and I agree. He will also move threads and delete boards when they get out of his control or he wants to squash momentum on a topic with conflicting interests like when he was getting money through Masterson's newproject2 or when Rekieta was providing him legal services and he was trying to stamp down on Rekeita alog kontent. Or when he wanted a passport extension from CRP he was pondering deleting CRP's thread and only didn't bc he was too late and CRP said he didn't care anymore. Jewsh will ban you but doesn't want to delete threads unless necessary as that kontent will go somewhere else and wants a monopoly and total power over it. He wants the free unpaid slave labor or writers and clippers providing him kontent. Moonpie basically uses the information aggregated on the Farms to blackmail people and hold it over their heads in order to manipulate them and get them to do what he wants. This aspect has to be illegal in some way. Whether you explicitly state "Do X or else Y," is irrelevant when you host a doxing, harassment, lowcow gossip site that is hosting user doxes and filled with psychopath alogs. You are holding power over someone and holding a metaphorical axe over their head. "Hey Rekieta, if you're not careful, I'll sic my psychopaths on you." He also does this trick from SomethingAwful forums, where a thread will get out of control so he sends in one or two goons to shit it up, then declares that the thread is unsalvageable and off-topic, so he deletes it. It's a slick way of deleting threads while having plausible deniability and not being blamed for it when you want a thread to go down. He deleted that Rekieta courthouse thread bc people were mocking the KiwiFarmer woman for having a flat ass and looking like a tranny. In this post, it's funny that he says Lowtax failed for delegating power to mini-tyrant mods that controlled their domains. Then he says he's better than that bc he uses mini-tyrant mods to enforce his will. While not understanding why this sucks too. He takes premise 1 for granted that his rule is inherently good. Then he will tell you on stream about how free speech is under attack by the evil trannies that want to remove the Farms from the internet. When the reality is that if he had total power, he would ban all his enemies and seize their domains like LizFongJones or Vordrak. He is a mirror reflection of the trannies he despises but he will larp for free speech as a cynical too to cry about censorship when he's under attack. It's all bullshit. He also thinks he's the only person on the planet capable of managing the foxdickfarms, which is a level of narcissism I didn't think was possible from a 5'6" ugly manlet fat loser.
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>>256774 please spoiler, this is some goddamn body horror.
>>256769 >That didn't happen though, Davis and Analvape groomed a girl who messaged As proven by pillar of the community super detective and hacker Coorey Burnhill, he was the one who "proved" that it was all a gay OP... Back when the Goont and Tardski were good friends and in top of their game while stream.me was still a thing. But misteriously after Coorey Burnhill exposed the gay OP, he was promoted by both the Goont and Tardski in that platform. Coorey would become Toad McKinley tard wrangler for a while; later he would bitch on stream that Tardski would frequently call him late at night bickers of random panic attacks. As for Analvape, Coorey Burnhill made sure to silence... I mean totally did not swat him and his family several times. Currenlt, our hero Coorey Burhill has a comfy discord life surrounded by what is left of the plate spics, mostly a bunch of obese losers who larp as bodybuilders. And his best friend is Rockso, a canadian monkey who believes to be Greek. Keep in mind Coorey Burnhill pretends to hate nigggers, mostly bickers one beat his ass as seen in that funny clip from years ago.
being reminded of rockso's dox made me chuckle he's black hahahaha
I had to clip this classic before it gets lost to time in the backlog.
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Sean Combs / Puff Daddy has been arrested. And his mansion has been raided.
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>>256785 based
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>>256787 would you rather coom in melonie braaps or 8at18?

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